When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015


"But the central scene in the film belongs to porn star Faye Rampton and involves an activity I had never previously heard of and have not heard of since. The practice of Bukkake, she tells us, is derived from an ancient Japanese custom for dealing with unfaithful wives, in which the errant spouse is taken to a field on the outskirts of the village and buried up to her neck in sand. With no means of escape or evasion she must then accept her punishment and humiliation, provided by the men of the village, who gather above her and ejaculate on to her head. In truth, I haven't been able to discover if this is an actual cultural activity practised by ancient societies or simply a convenient story cooked up by the makers of dodgy films to give their work a kind of anthropological veracity. Either way, the word Bukkake seems to have entered the language of pornography, and film-makers in the industiy are busily re-enacting it at a hotel near you. Seriously, next time you’re in the Travelodge tearing open your sachet of instant coffee and peeling back the foil lid on a thimbleful of long— life milk, consider for a moment what might be happening just a few feet away on the other side of the partition wall."

--- Gig: The Life and Times of a Rock-star Fantasist / Simon Armitage
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