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Wednesday, October 16, 2024


A classic:

SINGAPORE DIABETES IN REAL NUMBERS... - Abdillah Zamzuri | Facebook

Singapore's Media has been focused on Malays and Indian diet to combat diabetes but here's how the data looks like based on 2010 National Demographics and Diabetes Statistics.
In 2010, there were
- 2, 794, 000 Chinese
- 503, 900 Malays
- 348, 100 Indians
Of these,
- 9.7% Chinese had diabetes
- 16.6% Malays had diabetes and
- 17.2% Indians had diabetes
Percentage makes Malays and Indians look super unhealthy but here's the reality in numbers...
- 271, 018 Chinese suffered diabetes
- 83, 647 Malays suffered diabetes
- 59, 873 Indians suffered diabetes
Which means, living in Singapore, Chinese are 3 times more likely to suffer diabetes than Malays and 4 times more likely to suffer diabetes than Indians.
Can we then ascertain that Chinese meals and lifestyle are unhealthier compared to Malay and Indian meals and lifestyle because well, the numbers said so.
In percentages based on overall population, this is how it looks like:
- 10.99% Singaporeans suffer from diabetes of which the denominations are...
- 7.18% Singaporeans (Chinese) suffer from diabetes
- 2.22% Singaporeans (Malay) suffer from diabetes
- 1.59% Singaporeans (Indian) suffer from diabetes

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