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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Links - 19th October 2024 (2 - Harris-Walz)

Carmine Sabia on X - "If you believe the most unpopular vice president in the history of the United States became America's Sweetheart in two weeks, congrats. You are the mark the mainstream media was looking for."


Monica Crowley on X - "Kamala thought she’d hang w/ Oprah & other celebs, shoot the breeze & giggle her way through softballs. But she panicked & we got this trainwreck. Even Oprah was like WTF. She’s a total mess."

Tim Young on X - "The audience laughed at Kamala when she told Don Lemon that she thinks t*rrorists and people on death row should have the right to vote... This is why they avoided a primary... she's a joke."

Bad Hombre on X - "Tim Walz: “We can’t afford four more years of this.” Kamala is in office right now. She’s the “this”"

Eric Daugherty on X - "KAMALA: We have to guard that spirit. Let it always inspire us. Let it always be the source of our optimism - which is that spirit which is so uniquely American. And let that then inspire us by helping us to be inspired to help solve the problems."

Meme - johnny maga @_johnnymaga: "Tim Walz is now filming videos pretending that he's working on his truck to appeal to "regular white dudes."   He simply pulls out his air filter and puts it back in place without even changing it, then starts talking about Project 2025.   Pure theater."

Meme - Tim Walz: "How do you do, fellow blue collars?"

Kamala Harris' intentional lack of clarity on Israel raises red flags - "Amid her many flip-flops and reversals, nowhere are the vice president’s opinions more convoluted and confusing than on Israel. Harris insists Israel has a right to self-defense — but continually complains that the Jewish state is doing it wrong... The Harris team immediately put up its own ads, microtargeting the very same Michigan Zip codes as Future Coalition PAC, to play up her comments on the suffering in Gaza. “What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating,” a somber Harris says in one of the spots. “We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering, and I will not be silent.” Microtargeting of this kind — especially when trying to deliver vastly different messages to different groups — might have worked in the pre-Internet world. But now any micro message can be easily shared across social media so anyone can see it. It’s not that a presidential candidate can’t support Israel while also feeling sorry for the Gazans (at least those who aren’t Hamas operatives). But war is hell, and when a friendly democracy is battling for its very survival after a brutal terror attack, the correct response is to stand with our ally. Harris claims to do that — while sending a very different message to voters in heavily Arab Zip codes. Worse, she’s blaming Israel for the deaths of innocents as it fights an enemy that strategically hides behind its own civilians. The high casualty rate is the point for Hamas, to get tender-hearted Westerners to pressure Israel to back off. The strategy appears to have succeeded with the Democratic presidential nominee. The Harris campaign’s disingenuousness proves she’s no friend to Israel. As with most of Harris’ positions, we can’t quite know where she really stands. She opposed the border wall, she supports the border wall. She opposed fracking, she supports fracking. She wanted to defund the police, now she doesn’t. And so on. On top of that, in her rare interviews, she never bothers to explain her ever-shifting beliefs; we find out second- or third-hand. For instance, we learned from unnamed “campaign officials” in July that Harris no longer supports eliminating private health insurance, or a mandatory gun-buyback program. It would have been nice to hear about these fundamental policy changes from the candidate herself. For Israel, these drifts between positions can mean life or death — and the unknowns presented by a President Harris could be catastrophic... The trouble with using a whisper network to communicate a presidential candidate’s critical stances is that we don’t know what’s true. Sources might be right. Or they might be wrong. And the ambiguity is deliberate. Kamala Harris’ political ambition has her talking out of both sides of her mouth. Voters deserve to know what she really believes — on Israel, and on everything else, too."

Kamala Harris wants to move on from Kamala Harris? We couldn't agree more - "Kamala Harris wants to move on from the “failed policies” of … Kamala Harris and her current boss, Joe Biden? This was the bizarre line of attack the vice president used at a speech to the Economic Club of Pittsburgh: “We just need to move past the failed policies that we have proven don’t work.”... Harris somehow figures she can pretend she hasn’t been in power for the last four years (it helps that much of the media let her get away with it)... She’s plainly trying to slam Donald Trump for these failed policies — though on the evidence, he delivered vastly better results: a world-class economy and far less global conflict. In other words, Harris is ordering voters to vote for her opponent. That’s been a theme of her veep pick, Gov. Tim Walz, too: At a rally last Saturday, he railed, “We can’t afford four more years of this.”"

Harris' 'Opportunity Economy' a wrecking ball of fed control - "Former President Donald Trump this week denounced Kamala Harris as a “one-woman economic wrecking ball,” and that sure fits her plans to create an “Opportunity Economy.” Her vision to radically transform American life bizarrely presumes that politicians are benevolent, bureaucrats are competent, and there’s never any cost for government giveaways or debacles. In a Pittsburgh speech and an MSNBC interview Wednesday, Harris portrayed socialistic political control over the private sector as the key to economic progress. She promised to “engage in what Franklin Roosevelt called bold, persistent experimentation” — but didn’t mention that FDR practically copied Mussolini’s economic policies verbatim. Harris is calling for “equity,” which she defines as equal results: “Some people need more so we all end up in the same place.” How much more? It’s a secret. Which groups receive more? It’s a secret. The only certainty in her Opportunity Economy — a term absurdly capitalized as a branding effort throughout her slapped-together online platform — is that politicians will determine who gets what. Bureaucrats will be like football referees who continually move the goalposts and boundary lines. And anyone who complains about the rigged game will be castigated as an enemy of fairness or the woke hobgoblin of the week. To understand how Harris’ Opportunity Society would function, recall President Biden’s federal student debt scam. Biden announced a $500 billion student-loan-forgiveness scheme shortly before the 2022 congressional elections, hoping to buy votes for Democratic candidates, but the Supreme Court struck down the plan as an illegal abuse of power. Biden boasted he’d ignore the court’s ruling and issued one new loan forgiveness ploy after another, despite more judicial rebuffs. His debt schemes sought to compel plumbers and ditch diggers to pay off loans for the benefit of lawyers and doctors. The founders included a Bill of Rights in the Constitution because politicians are notorious for foul play. But traditional American protections for individuals will be decimated if they impede Kamala’s grandiose plans. “Due process” will simply be any process that government does to people. Harris’ Opportunity Economy will maximize grandstanding and minimize legality. For a prototype, look to the federal harassment of the Sheetz convenience-store chain. Sheetz, like many businesses, uses criminal background checks to hire staff for its 600-plus outlets. In April, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sued Sheetz for violating the rights of job applicants who failed such checks. The EEOC — which itself uses background checks in hiring — claims the common procedure violates civil-rights law, because black men’s imprisonment rate is nearly seven times higher than that of white men, restricting their chances of landing a Sheetz job. To assure all job seekers “end up in the same place,” the EEOC would effectively make it a federal crime for businesses to refuse to hire ex-convicts. But the agency offered no evidence that Sheetz had shown bias against any particular applicant, or violated any law passed by Congress — only that it had run afoul of the EEOC’s lawless enforcement guidance. Harris urges Americans to be “unburdened by what has been” — especially, it seems, the disastrous record of past federal boondoggles. She wants to give $25,000 grants to favored first-time home buyers, even though similar Bush-era handouts, along with a deluge of subprime mortgages and reckless home-loan policies, led to the 2008 housing crash that slashed in half the median net worth of black and Hispanic households: “Wrecking-ball benevolence,” as I’ve called it. The Harris Opportunity Economy rests upon faith in modern monetary theory, which presumes gushers of free government funding can solve every problem. It’s irrelevant that young Americans will be financially skewered to service the $35 trillion (and counting) federal debt, as long as voters fail to connect foolish federal policies to their personal financial struggles. Those who expect the Opportunity Economy to boost prosperity will be cruelly disappointed. But that won’t matter, because Harris’ policies will produce “equity” — based on secret, ever-changing White House definitions. If claims of equity don’t fly, “social justice” can provide a default victory lap. And if the policies fail to benefit any favored minority or newly discovered gender group, they’ll be surefire fixes for “climate change.” Harris portrays Uncle Sam as a cornucopia, but what about all the real-world opportunities that government destroyed in recent years? Scores of thousands of businesses were bankrupted by the COVID lockdowns that began in 2020. Tens of millions of children have never academically recovered from the school shutdowns championed by Democrats and extended by the Biden administration. Millions of American families remain ravaged by the inflation unleashed since 2021. Harris justifies sweeping new federal interventions to achieve “equity.” But in her Opportunity Economy, every American would be further subjugated to Washington. Endless vote-buying schemes will be an economic wrecking ball, unleashing perpetual political warfare guaranteed to make America poorer."

KanekoaTheGreat on X - "NEW: Joe Rogan and Chamath discuss how Biden, Harris, and the Democrats have allowed over 10 million people to enter the country illegally in the past 3.5 years to secure future Democrat voters.
ROGAN: "The flying people in and the utilization of an app to fly people in, that seems insane... This incentivized effort to move people into this country illegally will undoubtedly bring in people that you don't want here: gang members, cartel members, and terrorists. That's real, and we've documented that."
CHAMATH: "I think that Donald Trump has had a clearer view of this issue for much longer. I think that Kamala has had to shift her position to make herself more palatable to centrists."
ROGAN: "@elonmusk has talked about this. The real fear is that they're bringing these people in to give them a clear path to citizenship, which will allow them to vote, and then you've essentially bought their vote. They're giving them EBT cards. They're giving them housing. They're giving them things that they're not giving to veterans and poor people in this country... If you give them the opportunity to vote, they're going to vote for the party that got them to America."
The Biden-Harris administration took 94 executive actions in their first 100 days that decimated border security:
• Paused Deportations
• Suspended "Remain in Mexico"
• Stopped Border Wall Construction
Since these policy changes, over 10 million people have illegally entered the country, with millions more slipping past border patrol undetected."

Jack Poso 🇺🇸 on X - "BREAKING: Kamala just called for "PATHWAYS TO CITIZENSHIP" for the millions of illegals here in America She wants mass amnesty"

Trish Regan on X - "OMG. Seriously, America…We have officially hit rock bottom with the DNC putting this woman up for President. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone SO ill informed on economics in a position of power in my lifetime."
"and assistance to state and local governments around transit dollars, and looking holistically at the connection between that and housing, and looking holistically at the incentives we in the federal government can create for local and state governments to actually engage in planning in a holistic manner that includes prioritizing affordable housing for working people."
Gad Saad on X - "No human with the possible exception of @justintrudeau  has ever been able to create a meaningless concatenation of gibberish as well as @kamalaharris .  She should be studied by neuroscientists, cognitive psychologists, and linguists.  She converses using a form of empty sounds that appear to be words yet they NEVER communicate anything of substance.  In this sense, her lobotomy is a form of brilliance."

Scott Adams on X - "Is Harris a smart and capable candidate who is often inebriated in public or is she an idiot? Or is she an inebriated idiot? Don't tell me you haven't noticed."

Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "CNN reporter to a child in a classroom: “What’s the first word that pops into your head when you hear the name Kamala Harris?”"

Dustin Grage on X - "The single most astroturfed Presidential campaign in modern U.S. history. The stunning endorsement that “normally backs Trump?” They are referring to the Police Leaders for Community Safety, which was founded in March of THIS YEAR. It’s a fake group."

‘Leading’ Police Group Backing Harris Actually Run By Dem Political Operative - "Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign bragged on Monday that a “leading” law enforcement group had endorsed Harris, however, the organization is only a few months old and is run by a veteran Democratic political operative.  Police Leaders for Community Safety, which endorsed Harris on Sept. 23, only launched publicly on June 11, according to a press release from the group. A registration document filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) indicates that the organization is led by Gail Hoffman, a long-time Democratic staffer who worked on John Kerry’s 2004 presidential campaign as director of surrogates and in the Clinton administration in various high-level roles, according to a biography on her website.  Hoffman has never worked for a police agency, per her biography... The Fraternal Order of Police, the nation’s largest law enforcement interest group, took issue with framing Police Leaders for Community Safety as a “leading” organization...   The Fraternal Order of Police endorsed former President Donald Trump on Sept. 6, according to a press release. Police Leaders for Community Safety claimed to be “the only national police leadership organization that endorses candidates for political office” when announcing its support of Harris."... Police Leaders for Community Safety justified its nonpartisan bona fides in its statement to the DCNF, claiming that it is “comprised of Democrats, Republicans and independents” and that its endorsements are “based on issues of concern to law enforcement leaders, not on parties.”  All five of the people sitting on the organization’s board of directors, which includes Hoffman, are either Democrats or have a history of making liberal statements. Despite this, Police Leaders for Community Safety describes itself as a “nonpartisan national advocacy organization.”...   “Police Leaders for Community Safety is the only national police leadership organization that endorses candidates for political office, and this is the group’s first endorsement,” the group’s endorsement of Harris reads. “This and future endorsements will be based on candidates’ alignment on issues vital to law enforcement.”  Harris praised the defund the police movement multiple times in 2020."

Western Lensman on X - "Actress Julia Luis Dreyfuss: I don’t know anything about the issues, but I have strong opinions on who should be president, because feels, kindness and other stuff I struggle to articulate. The Hollywood lib political worldview explained in 30 seconds:"

Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives on X - "🔥🚨BREAKING NEWS: Recovered footage from a 2004 ABC segment shows Kamala Harris, actively working with the Santa Barbra police trying to destroy Michael Jackson’s life and send him to jail while Donald Trump defended Michael. Michael Jackson was another victim of Kamala Harris who was later vindicated on all charges and proven innocent. Click the YouTube video in the post under this one for the full video."

Wall Street Apes on X - "I can’t believe what I just heard  🚨 The Kamala Harris Administration is allowing illegal migrants to present WARRANTS FOR THEIR ARRESTS as documentation to board airplanes to enter America  US Senator Josh Hawley to TSA Director “People who have done absolutely nothing wrong are law-abiding citizens in every respect are subject to the most invasive screenings at these airports, yet you're allowing illegal aliens to present warrants for arrest and waving them on to airplanes. How does that make sense?”"

Eric Abbenante on X - "Bret Stephens asks Stephanie Ruhle why Kamala Harris has not done interviews and stated clearly what her policy positions are. Ruhle responds that 'We don't live in Nirvana':
Bret Stephens: "I'm an undecided voter. I'm not sure I want to vote for Kamala. My fear is that she doesn't really have a very good command of what she wants to do as president. It would be great for her to sit down with you, or George Stephanopoulos, or you Stephanie.  It's not too much to ask Kamala 'Are you for a Palestinian state, if Hamas is going to run that state?'"
Stephanie Ruhle: "If you don't like her answer, are you going to vote for Trump? Kamala Harris is not running for perfect, she is running against Trump. We have two choices. There are some things that you might not know her answer too. In 2024, we know exactly what Trump will do, who he is, and the kind of threat he is to democracy."
Bret Stephens: "The problem that a lot of people have with Kamala is that we don't know her answer to anything."
Ruhle: "But you know his answer to everything."
Stephens: "People also are expected to have some idea of what the program that you're supposed to vote for. I don't think it's a lot to ask for her to sit down for a real interview."
Ruhle: "When you move to Nirvana, I'll be your next door neighbor. We don't live there."
Stephanie Ruhle thinks it's 'utopian' to demand Kamala Harris go through the process that every other candidate for president has gone through, a public vetting process.  Turns out, Stephanie Ruhle and her ilk are the true 'threats to democracy'."

Meme - @Chicago1Ray: "The Amish are being harassed by the Govt in Pennsylvania, so their resolve is to get registered and vote for the candidate that is running to ensure their's and the American people's freedoms aren't stripped away THE AMISH ARE VOTING FOR TRUMP 100%"

Meme - Tulsi Gabbard: "Kamala says she believes in freedom, but I was put on a secret terror watch list after I publicly criticized her. No one will be safe from political retaliation under a Harris administration. I put my life on the line for this country. Now the government calls me a terror threat."

Dan Crenshaw on X - "This is a frightening philosophy. According to Harris, disaster aid should be based on race and gender, not how much water flooded your home. That’s insane."
Remarks by Vice President Harris During Fireside Chat with Priyanka Chopra Jonas | The White House - "it is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making... we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity; understanding that not everyone starts out at the same place.  And if we want people to be in an equal place, sometimes we have to take into account those disparities and do that work."

Charlie Kirk on X - "In newly unearthed video, Tim Walz BRAGS about overwhelming small-town America with migrants:  "We have more refugees per capita than any other state. That's not just morally a good thing, it's our economic and cultural future.   "This beautiful diversity we see out in Worthington when I’m there, you see 50 languages spoken in the school."  These useful idiots gloat as regular Americans suffer the destruction wrought by their ideology.   Cloward-Piven in action."

Meme - Seamus (FreedomToons) @seamus_coughlin: "Tim Walz only reminds liberals of a father figure because we've had 40 years of media that represents dads as goofy bumbling dorks  If he reminds you of your actual father, I can only offer you my condolences"
Peachy Keenan @KeenanPeachy: "America’s [ … ] Dad"

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "Maybe after 248 years it would have been a good idea to nominate a smart and capable girl that we could give a try.   (Actually this isn't really fair because whatever you thought of Hilary's character and politics, few doubted that she lacked intelligence or competence. Kamala Harris is completely different matter though.)"
Amy Siskind: "Amen."
"Maybe after 248 years IT'S TIME.TO GIVE THE GIRLS A TRY"
Ironically, when Trump was first running, left wingers kept bashing him for being the first potential President to have neither military nor public office experience.

Meme - BoosterGold: ATX Irish Gal @Notmyfau...: "Oprah is pure evil. Asking people to donate to Maui. Then donates $150,000,000.00 to Kamala Harris"
"Hawaiians are still living like shit because this & administration still refuses to do anything about it. I wouldn't be surprised if Trump wins Hawaii"

BLAIRE WHITE on X - "Hot take, but I don't think voting for the party that's been in power for 12 of the last 16 years is going to bring you the "change" you're looking for."

Meme - Ben Shapiro: "Kamala Harris IS the current administration"
Girl: "Where is that written?"
Ben Shapiro: "In the name Biden-Harris Administration"

Harris Supporters Trying To Figure Out How To Convert Joy Into Groceries | Babylon Bee

Brigitte Gabriel on X - "First, it was build back better. Now, it's I will fix it on day 1."

Woman Who Made Career Singing About Her Bad Choices Endorses Kamala | Babylon Bee - "Pop icon Taylor Swift, who has written a veritable library of songs about her being a poor judge of character, made the announcement last night. "I know I'm internationally renowned for regretting every major decision in my life, but this choice will turn out different, I just know it," said Swift. "She's the one!" A longtime Democrat, Swift's songwriting is known for chronicling how each man she thought would be the one turned out to be a total scumbag, but she was too blind to see it. More recently, her writing has evolved to explaining how she's mentally unstable and makes terrible, destructive decisions about other things in her life outside of romantic relationships."



Meme *Venn diagram*

Meme - July 2024 - NPCs: "The economy is great under Biden"
August 2024 - NPCs: "Kamala is going to fix the economy"

Stephen L. Miller on X - "3 jump cut edits from .42 to .47"
Tim Murtaugh on X - "This might be the worst television interview by a candidate in U.S. presidential history.
Bill Whitaker: “You’ve changed your positions so much that no one believes anything.”
Harris: “Well, I’m the vice president and I travel a lot.”"

Kamala Harris's 60 Minutes interview was Prince Andrew-like in its awfulness | The Spectator - "Somebody give Bill Whitaker a prize. In his 60 Minutes interview with Kamala Harris, which aired last night, the CBS correspondent did what no other journalist has successfully done since the Vice President was thrust to the top of the Democratic ticket: journalism. He asked Harris challenging questions about the matters voters care about most. He was civil, unaggressive, but professional enough to push her for clear answers. And Harris just couldn’t cope. Her performance was Prince Andrew-like in its awfulness. On immigration, for instance, Whitaker asked Harris why the Biden-Harris administration had only recently started tackling the issue, after almost four years and an unprecedented surge in illegal border crossings. Harris robotically blamed Congress and Donald Trump, ‘who wants to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem so he told his buddies in Congress “kill the bill, don’t let it move forward”.’    Whitaker was not deterred. ‘But there was an historic flood of undocumented immigrants coming across the border the first three years of your administration,’ he continued. ‘As a matter of fact, arrivals quadrupled from the last year of President Trump. Was it a mistake to loosen immigration policies as much you do did?’   That caused the Harris-bot to malfunction. ‘It’s a long standing problem,’ she warbled. ‘And solutions are at hand and from day one, literally, we have been offering solutions…’ ... That’s Harris’s overwhelming weakness as a political candidate. She can talk in soundbites and managerial slogans about ‘solutions not problems’ but on issues of substance she can’t actually offer any solutions, which is a problem...   Moving awkwardly on, Whitaker turned to the economy, and again Harris offered only platitudes. ‘My plan is about saying that when you invest in small businesses you invest in the middle class and you strengthen America’s economy,’ she said. ‘Small businesses are part of the backbone of America’s economy,” she restated. Quizzed on how America might fund her trillion-dollar spending plans, she said she would make the rich ‘pay their fair share.’ ‘We’re dealing with the real world here,’ said Whitaker. ‘How are you going to get this through Congress?’ Harris replied that she ‘cannot afford to be myopic…I am a public servant, I am also a capitalist’ – as if that clarified things...   Harris’s campaign recognises that a majority of Americans don’t feel they know or can trust Harris. That’s why she is now on what her team is calling a ‘media blitz’. But the clarity never comes. On MSNBC last week, she used the word ‘holistic’ three times to describe her housing policy. At the weekend, she did the ‘Call Her Daddy’ podcast with Alex Cooper, who asked how it feels to be attacked for being childless and why men get to decide what women do with their bodies. Harris was comfortable spluttering bromides in response. When confronted by a serious journalist asking serious questions, however, she melts.   In the hours before the 60 Minutes interview aired, the betting markets spiked in Donald Trump’s favour. Gamblers understand that the more voters see of Harris, the less they hear, and that’s an issue which is only going to worsen in the last three weeks of her campaign"

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