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Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Netflix Japanese Couple / Curator Meltdown / Mugshots

"*We need a traditional Japanese couple for our next series*
Netflix: Say no more *Black Samurai and Black woman in Kimono*"

Swann Marcus @SwannMarcus89: "The first black curator at the Guggenheim having an insane public meltdown that includes doxxing random twitter users because she got mad that a heterosexual white man showed his girlfriend Miami Vice is the type of content that keeps me on this website despite the rampant Nazism

The plot thickens. She is in fact the first black *guest* curator and the second black curator over all

I'm having a serious mental crisis. If I can't trust Chaédria LaBouvier then my entire life is a lie

fellas, am I a Nazi for making fun of Chaedria LeBouvier after she had a psychotic break because someone else enjoys Miami Vice"

ethan @evilcloneofyou: ""Being a nazi is great and keeps me on this website despite all the nazi stuff""

Related: Museum curator has an extended X freakout over a yt man liking Miami Vice : r/BlockedAndReported

@amuse @amuse: "After criminologists discovered that almost 80% of San Francisco mugshots featured black men, the city decided to stop publishing them publicly to reduce the stigma and embarrassment for criminals of color."
"SAN FRANCISCO STOPPED RELEASING MUGSHOTS TO COMBAT RACIAL BAIS. After criminologists found that nearly 80% of San Francisco mugshots were of black men, the city decided to stop publishing them publicly to reduce the stigma and embarrassment for criminals of color."

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