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Saturday, October 12, 2024

Links - 12th October 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Adam Pankratz: Things are so dire for the left, even B.C.'s NDP wants to scrap the carbon tax - "While some may crow about the desultory situation of American-style politics, B.C.’s election is unlikely to be much better as the NDP and Eby do their best to convince British Columbians that John Rustad is Donald Trump. It’s unlikely to work. One of the first salvos launched by the NDP was against B.C. Conservative campaign manager Angelo Isidorou. Several NDP affiliated accounts and then NDP ministers tweeted a photo of Isidorou flashing what they alleged was a white nationalist symbol. It was indeed unfortunate for them that Isidorou’s family were survivors of the Armenian genocide and he is unlikely to support white supremacist policies for deeply held personal reasons, as he noted in response on X. Isidorou is in fact exactly the type of person the NDP would normally exult: a member of an immigrant family, exposed to violence elsewhere, who came to Canada, found success and made it a better place. Ah, but Isidorou is conservative and so the victim narrative doesn’t apply to him and into the white supremacy bucket he must be tossed. The charge of racism levied at the B.C. Conservatives is an odd choice for Eby and the NDP in more ways than just its generally insulting nature. For it is not the Conservatives, but the NDP who ejected a woman of colour, Anjalina Appadurai , from their leadership race when they realized Eby might lose. It is also the NDP who banished cabinet minister Selina Robinson from the party when she called them out for not supporting the Jewish community in the wake of the October 7 attacks. The NDP and Eby should think twice before tossing allegations of racism or misogyny the B.C. Conservatives’ way. When not flinging the word “racist” around willy-nilly, the NDP have decided to just lie about Rustad’s positions. They have begun to spread the rumour that Rustad would decrease access to abortion and claim Rustad is putting abortion on the ballot “ just like it is in the United States .” This is not the case and Rustad responded as such immediately . In Canada, you know a party is in trouble if abortion comes out as a scare tactic. That the B.C. NDP is using it so early is indicative they know there is a problem in their message and campaign. Perhaps the only indication a party like the NDP knows they are in uniquely deep trouble is when they flip flop on core policies and adopt those of sworn enemies. Thursday, Eby did just that indicating he would axe the carbon tax if the federal government removed it as a requirement for provinces . This comes after calling Rustad a climate change denier and years of insistence the NDP would never abandon a carbon tax. The solution to NDP woes, however, is not to paint the mild-mannered Rustad as a Trumpian figure of chaos. A better tactic might be to address hospital closures on long weekends , drug overdose deaths and B.C.’s skyrocketing deficit , which will come in at $9 billion this year. That’s $4 billion higher than the previous record of $5 billion set during Covid. This is the result of a government that ditched John Horgan’s pragmatism for Eby’s activism. Voters are also unlikely to swap back to a party now painting itself as opposed to a carbon tax and will likely give Conservatives credit for its death. David Eby and the B.C. NDP were handed the reins to a solid majority by Horgan when he left office. They decided that activist government, extreme positions and going all in on identity politics was the path forward"

Renu Bakshi: Colour me confused. B.C.'s NDP government woke-washed us - "While I find the premise of race-based hiring cringeworthy – an opinion shared by many who prefer to succeed on merit and know how such policies backfire and cause harm – many supporters buy the NDP’s commitment to EDI. It's a farce... Today, the sunshine list shows EDI in the executive ranks of B.C.’s public sector remains a fiction. As the provincial election campaign rages, “racialized” New Democrats, like Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon and Richmond-Queensborough MLA Aman Singh, spin facts and squawk on social media that the Conservative Party of B.C. plays “ Trump-style politics “– meaning, too white. Um … can we discuss the NDP’s dirty family secret? The party’s own policies discriminate by reducing people to their skin color and gender – a divisive issue within their own group – and their entire ‘woke’ premise is a fallacy sold to the mob to win votes. The NDP’s record speaks for itself. The party adopted an equity mandate in 2011 requiring its retiring male MLAs be replaced by a female or someone belonging to other “equity seeking” groups. Yet in 2020, the party ignored an Indigenous woman’s nomination application in favour of supporting a white man in a northern riding. In 2021, the NDP disqualified a South-Asian woman from the leadership race, claiming that the candidate had engaged in “improper co-ordination with third-party environmental groups and fraudulent memberships.” This made way for Eby to be declared leader. However, some political experts have referred to the win as “tainted.” And, in 2022, a Jewish minister felt pushed to resign from cabinet following her political position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. All women. All belonging to diverse groups. All duped by the NDP. So, while the righteous left flogs identity politics, fuels race wars, and force-feeds EDI on everyone – mounting evidence proves they are disingenuous and hypocritical with their own agenda. Sunshine lists don’t lie."

Canada's progressive experiment has failed - "B.C. Premier David Eby announced that he would consider scrapping the provincial consumer carbon tax if Ottawa made it possible. This comes less than a year after he declared that British Columbia would be the last stand of Canada’s carbon taxes, come hell or high water, and follows his federal counterpart, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, signalling that he will oppose the current version of the tax. In 2019, many tut-tutting commentators were adamant that right-of-centre leaders needed to embrace the carbon tax to be electable. So much can change in five years. Last week, Eby even broached the possibility of introducing involuntary care for those suffering from mental health disorders, after a knife-wielding lunatic murdered a man and cut off another man’s hand in Vancouver. Disastrous criminal justice reforms, imposed on the people of Canada by the Liberal government in Ottawa, have resulted in some of the worst years of violent crime in this country in nearly two decades. And an open-door immigration policy has worsened an already critical housing situation that dashed the hopes of middle-class Canadians who want to own homes. Addictions policies overseen by progressive governments have resulted in some of the most harrowing tragedies imaginable. A 13-year-old girl in Abbotsford, B.C., became addicted to drugs while suffering from mental health issues. When her parents sought to keep her monitored and supervised while they looked into treatment options, they were told by a government agency that their teenage daughter was legally allowed to make her own decisions. Their daughter was also supplied with drug paraphernalia, as part of the B.C. government’s policy of “harm reduction.” The 13-year-old ended up dying in a homeless camp of a suspected drug overdose. Within hours of the news breaking, B.C. Conservative Leader John Rustad put out a statement promising to bring in involuntary care for those who need it. Eby will never go as far as what Rustad is proposing on addictions and mental health policy reforms, because harm reduction militants are the ones canvassing for his party and helping it on the ground in the provincial election... At the federal level, there appears to be growing acceptance that the fall of the Liberal government is all but inevitable. No less than five chiefs of staff left the party this month, as did the party’s national campaign director. Competent communications staff also seem to be in short supply. Earlier this week, Nova Scotia Liberal MP Jaime Battiste insisted that his fellow Atlantic Canadians were progressive, “kind of meat and potatoes, fisheries, EI kind of folks.” This is the kind of statement that only a Conservative plant or someone who deserves to lose their job would make. Battiste has since narrowed it down by attempting to explain away his remarks instead of simply apologizing and leaving it at that. Refusing to admit mistakes is a tendency shared by most progressives in Canada right now. At least the B.C. NDP are running even with the B.C. Conservatives in the polls, but federally, the Liberals have not been this unpopular since 2011 and nobody should be surprised as to the reasons why. Many of the problems Canada currently faces — including addictions, irresponsible mass-immigration and the carbon tax — are of the Liberals’ own making. Other issues like the housing crisis and inflation have gotten worse on their watch, and that too constitutes a failure. The B.C. NDP cannot run on their record in government. If they do, they can only boast of carbon taxes they are now backing away from, an affordability crisis they have not solved and an addictions policy regime that has led to teenagers dying in tent cities. While David Eby has shown a willingness to abandon some of the policies he once championed, the Liberals seem determined to double down on nearly everything in what may be their last year in office for a long time. What is obvious to all is that this era of progressivism has changed Canada, but not for the better. When Conservatives last came to power federally in 2006, it was because Canadians were sick of the sleaze after 13 years of Liberal governments and the Conservatives seemed like a moderate alternative. Now, more Canadians than ever appear primed to elect a Conservative government with a mandate to tear it all down and start anew — and who can blame them? In B.C., the NDP have desperately resorted to fear-mongering over non-existent issues like abortion, or comparing John Rustad to Donald Trump. One of their favourite slogans is that British Columbians won’t be going “backwards” from the NDP’s progressive regime. When someone grabs you by the arm and yanks you into a pile of feces or a bed of nails, it is only natural to leap backwards in revulsion or pain and choose a new direction."

Adam Zivo: Sorry B.C. NDP, but the Tories aren't white supremacists - "Canadian progressives have a tendency to lob specious accusations of racism whenever other political talking points have been exhausted, regardless if minority communities actually agree with them . This long-standing habit is now playing out again in B.C., where Premier David Eby and his NDP government are importing American-style culture wars to distract from their own policy failures. With an election just weeks away, the B.C. NDP and their allies are claiming that the B.C. Conservatives are white supremacists, which is simply partisan nonsense. Not only do both parties have an equally diverse roster of candidates, recent polling data suggests that non-white voters actually prefer the Conservatives over the current government. Two weeks ago, Government House Leader Ravi Kahlon shared a post on X insinuating that Angelo Isidorou, campaign manager for the B.C. Conservatives, is a white supremacist. The evidence behind this claim amounted to a 2017 photo of Isidorou, taken during his first year of university, wherein he wore a MAGA hat and made an “OK” hand gesture associated with the alt-right. Kahlon’s message was quickly amplified by Sarbjit Kaur, a panelist from CBC Power and Politics, who said that the B.C. Conservatives are, as a party, defined by white supremacy. Isodorou, who is biracial and half-Romani, publicly rebuked these accusations as “disgusting,” and wrote that his family consists of “immigrants who were all almost wiped out in the Greco-Armenian genocide” perpetrated by Turks in the 1910s. The Tyee, an influential left-wing publication based in B.C., followed up with a hit piece on Isidorou wherein it insinuated that he was racist because far-right influencer Lauren Southern was among the hundreds of people he had interacted with on X. None of the interactions shared by The Tyee contained any indication of racist views from Isidorou. Guilt by association was sufficient, apparently. In one case, the outlet even misrepresented a post written by Southern to give the impression that Isidorou is Islamophobic. The Tyee then published an article accusing B.C. Conservative Leader John Rustad of “stoking fear” towards Indigenous communities through “racist grievance politics.” His sin, it seems, was his milquetoast stance on land title rights and economic development. Rustad wants to ensure, among other things, that the province has final say on Crown land use —  as was the case less than 10 years ago, when he was minister of aboriginal relations and reconciliation under the previous B.C. Liberal government... Tim Thielmann, another B.C. Conservative candidate, noted on X that “our party is full of Brown, Black and Indigenous candidates” and that “if we were a ‘white nationalist’ party, it’d be the most counterproductive one in history.”... After reviewing each party’s election roster, I found that both the B.C. Conservatives and B.C. NDP appear to be running 26 candidates who can be considered racial minorities (this may be an undercount, though, as diversity is not always readily apparent by face or last name). That’s equal to 28 per cent of the total candidate pool, which means that both rosters are slightly less diverse than the province’s general population (according to the 2021 census, 34 per cent of British Columbians are non-white). I personally think that this diversity gap is narrow enough to dispel Eby’s narratives about conservative racism. Some might disagree, but they would then have to concede that, in this respect, the B.C. NDP is apparently festering with white supremacy as well... if only white voters counted, then the B.C. NDP would win the next election with a 1.6 point lead. But if this data is to be believed, then the main reason the B.C. Conservatives have a shot at forming government is because non-white voters support them by a huge margin (12.3 points in this poll). Who would have thought that non-white British Columbians could be such raging white supremacists? Perhaps they should ask Eby and his friends to educate them about the perils of racism. Or maybe —  just maybe — the B.C. NDP isn’t actually listening to the minority communities it so ardently claims to represent."
Clearly, minorities are too stupid to realise that they're white supremacists

Jamie Sarkonak: Liberal language police come for the 'able-bodied' - "Don’t say “person with special needs”; say “person who requires supports.” Don’t say “non-verbal”; say “person who does not use words or signs.” And absolutely do not say “normal” or “able-bodied”; say “person without a disability.” These are some of the new rules the public servants at Employment and Social Development Canada released in September to make English speakers less offensive when they talk about disabilities, or in there words “to support the federal public service and all Canadians to communicate accurately and confidently.” Only, many of these rules grasp at straws, smearing everyday, widely understood phrases as sinister... Inventing trouble where there isn’t any seems to be a consistent habit under this government, which has gone all-out on “inclusion.” The most extreme measures have been taken on the fronts of race and gender, but the politics of disability have been impacted just as well. See the language guide: its first version was created around 2017 , and it targeted primarily media, oddly trying to tell reporters what to say and how to say it. Its newest rendition targets the public service instead, with a list of blacklisted terms. Only, this government-approved language guide on disability isn’t exactly useful: much of it is too lengthy and euphemistic to be useful in actual human communication. I mean, come on, who actually says “person with a mental health disability” in their daily life? Maybe you’re depressed, maybe you have anxiety, maybe he’s schizophrenic, maybe she’s severely mentally ill — whatever it is, we shouldn’t need to expend 12 syllables getting the point across. Other terms ruled out by our dear government include “caretaker” (you’re to call them “support persons”), “wheelchair-bound” (they are now “people who use wheelchairs”), “hard of hearing” (they’re called “people with hearing loss”) and “dwarf” (they are “people of short stature”). More words, more syllables — all to say the same thing, sometimes with less specificity. We aren’t even supposed to communicate degrees of disability without sanitizing our words with bleach first. “Severely disabled” is thus a no-go now; instead, it’s “person with a high need for support” — a term that could just as easily refer to a newborn, a drug addict on the street, a mourning widow or a person going through cancer treatment. Not a very useful phrase. Our government even has the gall to nitpick new terms concerning autism: do not call them “high-functioning autistics,” but rather “autistic people with low support needs.” As if it wasn’t bad enough to shift the social rules for a group most disadvantaged by constantly-shifting social rules, the employment department added the following: “Note that Canadians on the autism spectrum have different opinions and preferences on language. Many autistic Canadians prefer identity-first language. Others prefer person-first language. Others prefer to use the terms ‘autism spectrum condition,’ or ‘on the autism spectrum.’ Also, some people have different preferences in terms of capitalization (‘Autism’ or ‘autism’). If you’re not sure, ask the person to tell you which terms they prefer.” In other words: the rule is that there are no rules. The opposite of useful — especially for the high-functioning/low-support-needing autistic government employees looking to the rules for genuine guidance... Cast the net for offensive language so wide that basic vocabulary is off the table renders the whole project useless, and sows the seeds for miscommunication and scandal later on. Indeed, that’s exactly what happened with the launch of this new language guide last week: observers were immediately offended at the guide’s suggestion that disabilities shouldn’t be mentioned in writing if disabilities aren’t relevant to said writing, resulting in the government issuing an apology for causing offence... It’s exactly what you’d expect from government communications geniuses steeped in far too much workplace inclusion training: a busybody project far too detached from regular Canadian parlance to be of any use. Yet another wondrous waste of state capacity at the hands of Employment Minister Randy Boissonnault. You’d think he could run a department with more efficiency, considering his recent, perhaps concurrent , private sector experience. I’m certainly not about to take linguistic direction from a handful of government workers who figure “caretaker” is an insult. If this is the best they can come up with, that’s yet another sign that downsizing is in order."
The euphemism treadmill moves on as usual

Top CDC Official: ‘We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States’ Who Refuse Vaccines : r/ScienceUncensored - " Footage has surfaced of a top Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) official saying that the elites should “get rid of of all the whites in the United States” and replace them with immigrants to reduce the number of people who refuse vaccines. Dr. Carol Baker made the alarming remarks during the “Achieving Childhood Vaccine Success in the U.S.” panel discussion sponsored by the National Meningitis Association in New York City on May 9, 2016:  “So I have the solution. Every study published in the last five years, when you look at vaccine refusers,” Baker told the panel. “I’m not talking about…hesitance, most of them we can talk into coming to terms. But refusers. We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States…Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants.”  Notably, Baker was appointed Chair of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization by Obama’s Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in 2009. The Houston doctor was also honored with the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s 2019 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal at a Washington D.C. ceremony sponsored “in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer.”  This scientist's proposal overcomes even the wildest suggestions of conspiracy theorists - and no one of panel booed her for it. Is it really that surprising a Bill Gates-connected CDC official openly suggested depopulating whites who don’t cooperate with their mandatory vaccine agenda?"
When you're open about your agenda

Beyonce's Dad Mathew Knowles Slams CMA Awards for 'Cowboy Carter' Snub - "“There’s more white people in America and unfortunately they don’t vote based on ability and achievements, it’s still sometimes a white and black thing,” Knowles told the publication. “In America, there’s no accountability for people not being accepting of other cultures.”"

Meme - "White people homeschooling: Insidious, racist, evil.
Black people homeschooling: Heroic resistance to White evil."
"It may seem harmless, but the insidious racism of the American religious right's obsession with homeschooling speaks volumes, writes @AntheaButler."
"For Black Parents Resisting White-Washed History, Homeschooling Is an Increasingly Popular Option"
This got quoted in some masters thesis as evidence of white supremacy. You're not allowed to notice or worse, point out, left wing hypocrisy and doublethink, or you're a bad person

Meme - Jeff O'Bailey @JeffOBailey: "There he is, that's the bigot who thinks it's racist to discriminate against white people! *Jubilee pointing something out to Cyclops, Wolverine and Beast*"

Meme - End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "Finally, an ad with white people in it. Oh wait, they all have herpes and their savior is a black woman doctor."
"From White Men Are Stupid In Commercials"

Meme - *Lord of the Rings*
"Orcs and humans don't get along
Orcs and dwarwes don't get along
Ores and elves don't get along
At some point we must ask ourselves: Why are all other races so orcophobic?"

Coddled affluent professional on X - "It’s really amazing how quickly American intellectual and cultural life became Sovietized.  They were extraordinarily successful in creating paranoia: implicit bias, micro aggressions, invisible racism, strange new definitions of what was acceptable language that emanated weekly from the internet, coerced public affirmations of bizarre untruths (eg. ‘trans women are women’), inexplicable hysterias that erupted instantaneously and then disappeared just as quickly.  Everyone just decided, ‘well better to just shut up.’ While this tendency made sense in terms of individual self interest at scale in society it represented a cowardice that was quickly exploited. That’s why it’s so important to do whatever you can to undermine and immiserate them. It’s obviously better if they can be publicly and directly disparaged, but even if the most you can do is to passively aggressively undermine them a little each day, that’s important too.  Make them feel neurotic, keep them on edge, sap their unearned self satisfaction, diminish their enthusiasms and achievements.  Remember, a lot of these people are brittle and insecure narcissists who know deep down they’re mediocre. Keep the pressure on until they’re frazzled and crippled by self doubt."

Meme - National Georgraphic 2016 Cover: "The New Europeans. How waves of immigrants are reshaping a continent"
Damn far right conspiracy theories!

Meme - Mark Taylor: "When people say something's "racist," they mean it's true. If they meant what you said was untrue, they would have said that."

Jamaican Owner of Vacation Rental Company Says No More Black American Guests - "The Jamaican owner of the Rustic Mountain Living rental company shocked social media by saying she wouldn’t allow any more short-term stays. The reason? She’s fed up with the alleged misbehavior of Black American guests.  In a TikTok video, “The Barefoot Mountain Lady,” said she doesn’t believe all Black Americans are ill-mannered, but most of the ones she hosted were entitled, unappreciative and generally disrespectful in her presence.  She said she only ever had two mannerly Black American guests.  The most eyebrow-raising statement was toward the end. The owner claimed Black Americans are spoiled and expect the same “free sh*t” in Jamaica they supposedly get at home."
Damn anti-blackness and internalised white supremacy! Clearly she's an Oreo

Meme - *Surprised Joey*
"This country is institutionally racist" *leftists looking down*
"The Left controls every major institution in the country: Big Tech, the Corporate Media, the Academy, administrative government, & Hollywood" *leftists looking up surprised*
Left wingers continue to pretend that the left doesn't control everything, and bash Elon Musk for saying you need to fight the establishment, claiming that he is part of it, when everyone from the EU down is going after him. One cope is that only commies are on the left, therefore the left is powerless because full-blown communism is nowhere to be seen

Meme - evan loves worf @esjesjesj: "This has never happened"
Cartoon: Black Woman: "I'm not oppre..."
Purple haired white woman with Communist, Democratic Party, Islam and another badge: "SHH. Yes you are. You just don't know it. You see, I went to an ivy league school."
(Brown Woman) Ambrosia @TucciVuitton: "Nah. This has definitely happened to me Evan"
evan loves worf @esjesjesj: "You said that you weren't oppressed?"
Ambrosia @TucciVuitton: "Yes."
evan loves worf @esjesjesj: "Wait do you not think systemic racism exists"
Ironic. Proving the point himself. But I've seen this left winger's shit takes quite a lot, so this is no surprise

Meme - Woman in Hijab holding sign: "NEVER TRUST ANYONE WHO SAYS "DON'T TELL YOUR PARENTS""
Hilariously (and tellingly), someone called this "right wing crap". It's telling that left wingers know what they're doing at some level and thus become uncomfortable when they're called out (many others in the thread thought this was talking about sexual assault). Rejoinder to her: "How is protecting kids considered Right wing ? Do you Lefties not protect your children ?"

Meme - "Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It's Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don't grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities." - Joseph Sobran

Hundreds of white farmers return to Zimbabwe in boost for agriculture - "It is too early to tell if the uptick in agriculture in a country once known as the breadbasket of Africa will haul up the rest of the economy."
iamyesyouareno on X - "Look at all that evil white colonialism. They begged him to come back because they would starve without him."
From 2023

Meme - "why do drag queens dress like this and not like women *flamboyant dress* *women in quiet pantsuits*
Because only one is appealing to CHILDREN"

"Anti-woke" 'Super Mario Bros Movie' Actually Includes a Drag Scene - "ironically, the film actually does include a scene that would be considered controversial and “woke,” especially given today’s climate with the queer community and various laws, gender affirming care being denied to transgender people, and drag shows being banned across the country. In one scene in the film, Kamek, who is Bowser’s right-hand man, is seen wearing drag. He’s essentially in a Princess Peach costume, with a full dress, wig, and make up. While the shot is brief, and is most likely a reference to one of the video game variations, it would still be considered drag within the confines of the recent proposed laws across the country, and definitely wouldn’t be considered “anti-woke.”"
Left wingers claim this shows how ignorant and hypocritical conservatives are, rather than recognising that the crossdressing in this and Mrs Doubtfire is qualitatively different from what they're trying to force on kids

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