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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Women and Bad Advice

Rain Hope

I always get kicked out of women groups on Facebook cause some of y’all don’t have common or uncommon sense.
Group member : Hey y’all I need advice. My boyfriend doesn’t wanna marry me. We been together for 17 years. I helped him find a job. We have a child and I give him $175.62 towards his crack habit every month. He’s a great father and I really love him .. I don’t understand why he doesn’t want to get married. Any tips?
Me : Why you dating a crackhead?
Admins : Ramona Williams is banned now. We don’t judge here. If y’all don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it.
Me on a back up page : what is it about a crackhead that makes you think he should be your husband?
Admins : aLl vErsIonS oF Ramona Williams hAs BeEn bAnnED.

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