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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Part of the Family / Women's Icks vs Men's Icks / Aristocratic Elegance

"I bet you when that mom fired me from my nanny job, she didn't think I'd still be part of the family in 9 months ... *pregnant woman*"

"Christiane F @isa2001m: Women describing the ick: he asked for a straw at McDonalds

Men describing the ick:
>finding out a girl has fucked one of their friends
>finding out she's had an abortion
>finding out she's fucked a nigger"

“Bad” Billy Pratt @KILLTOPARTY: "The aristocratic elegance of the small breasted woman *Sadie Sink*"
Loulou Gunner ❤️ @GunnerLoulou: "Can we do a post about men with small dicks?"

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