*Woman sitting on forest floor putting blood on man's forehead* hanahonua.earthcrafts: "Thing is, you can have your
giggle - I hope it's a good ole belly one, I truly do for
you! Meanwhile, I'll have a man who, should I ever push
out a human fruit, with all the bloody + other liquids
included, won't have a single eye look away from the
juices that I create; he won't run nor faint; he'd ask me
if we can save some for later? If we can bury some in
the yard? If I'm going to make a drink or bread from the
He'd be bummed to not have enough hands to hold mine, the fluids, his camera, his heart, that of his sister daughter Mother"
"*Kirsten Dunst* They took this and gave us Zendaya
Never forget"
Black woman in Confederate Flag bikini: "THIS MONKEY