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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Spiderwick Chronicles Raceswap / Left wing threats of violence

IGN: "Enter a secret, fantastical world with the Grace Family when The Spiderwick Chronicles debuts on The Roku Channel on April 19! #IGNFanFest"
MasteroftheTDS @MasteroftheT ...: "They race swapped the kids! They are Black now"
BirbBoi @BirbBoi15: "And it ain't even like an interpretation kinda thing. There were illustrations of the kids."

"How to talk to Stone Toss supporters.
Wrong *Talking to someone with a Nazi armband*
Correct *Someone with a Nazi armband lying in the street*"

The violent left shows its colours once again!

Comments: "It's once again worth mentioning that the people that are far-left enough to suggest that physical violence is appropriate to deal with certain speech are also the people that believe that going to the gym is 'far-right behavior'."

"OP is also a nazi. Violence against people I call nazis is always justified"

"Abuse your opponents
Reason is too hard

"People will call stonetoss racist, anti-Jewish, a Nazi, homophobic, and sexist… but they’ll never call him a liar
Funny how that is"

"Remember, if we were living in 1939 germany OP would denounce you to the Gestapo"

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