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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Moral disapproval and 'hate'

From "Philip Powell OP" on Facebook (from the screenshot I saw):

Person: I want to do "X."
Catholic Church: You are free to do it.
Person: But you think "X" is wrong.
Catholic Church: Yes.
Person: Because you want to control me?
Catholic Church: No. You are free to do what you want.
Person: But you think "X" is wrong.
Catholic Church: Yes. But only because I want your ultimate good.
Person: But I want to do "X."
Catholic Church: You are free to do it.
Person: But I want you to say that "X" is good.
Catholic Church: I cannot say that.
Person: Why do you hate me?

Clearly, if you tell an alcoholic that alcohol is bad for him, you hate him.

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