My childhood became a lie the day the Luke Skywalker died from being tired
How the fuck do Jedi die from being tired?
My childhood became a lie the day that Han Solo just died and I didn’t cry
I should have cried, I should have cried when Han died
You took a shiit on everything sacred when you
Killed these men, and with them any dream I ever had
And now Im stuck with nothing in my heart but pain,
Regrets it should have never been this way.
Kylo Ren’s a bitch
And why the fuck did Leia run past Chewie straight to fucking Rey?
I waited 30 fucking years
To watch a Jedi master slay not just drink blue fucking milk
Fuck you for killing everything I love
How the fuck do you even have a job?
You pissed all over something sacred now its time to pay
Your worse than Jar Jar worse than Hayden worse than anything