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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I was trying to locate the Mozart Tuba Mirum which Frigid Girl called "that fucked up version that you let me hear".

All was to no avail, till I remembered that I found it by searching for Florence Foster Jenkins (and not, as I thought, the Portsmouth Sinfonia).

So, from File audio - Brass Playing Mishaps (I'm not as 1337 as I used to be, so I didn't manage to convert the file - get the original for slightly less-bad quality):

"Ecco una serie di File audio "umoristici", rigorosamente anonimi, che circolano come allegati alle E-Mail o che si trovano su siti Internet.
Se avete un file che non è nella lista siete pregati di spedirmelo come allegato ad una E-Mail.

Tuba Mirum Blooper - Mozart
Mozart - Tuba mirum dal Requiem (Formato file: Real Audio)"

It's not as bad as I remember, but we take what we can get.
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