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Monday, January 08, 2007

Wo-hen's Fast Cars

"Since I have many vehicles to choose from, it is sometimes hard to decide which one to take on a date. This is a videoclip of some of my fast cars. I couldn't decide which car to bring, so I brought all three. My sexy friends drove the Civic and Integra as I drove the SLK.

Since I am spontaneous, my date was very excited when I showed up with all three cars. I could hear her heart pounding as I slickly got out of the SLK, walked up her, gently put my hands around her waist and asked her, "Which one would you like to ride in?" I swept her off her feet. I am every woman's knight in shining armor.

NOTE: This video was made before I started modifying my Civic and Integra."

I found the following on YouTube, labelled as "Asian Prince Dance - Lost footage of the Asian Prince dancing and singing", but it looks very dubious.

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