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Wednesday, June 25, 2003

What is whichbook.net?

whichbook.net gives readers an enjoyable and intuitive way to find books to match their mood.

Instead of starting from the overwhelming choice of books available, whichbook.net starts from the reader, and enables each individual to build the elements of that elusive 'good read' we are all looking for but don't quite know how to define.

The standard way of organising books for choice, on shelves in a library or a bookshop, or on the web, starts from the products available - the authors, titles, publishers or genres. Using innovative software from Applied Psychology Research Ltd, whichbook.net enables, for the first time, the choice of book to start from the individual reader and what he/she is looking for...

Instead of looking for a crime novel, you can look for a book that is unpredictable, very romantic and a little bit sad. Or a challenging book that's also funny with plenty of sex. whichbook.net will find titles which match your preferences. If you don't fancy any of the books offered, change your choices and try again - there are 20 million different individual permutations possible!
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