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Sunday, October 20, 2024

Links - 20th October 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "Non binary 7 month old
I work at an ECE and a 7 month boy just entered my class. His parents are both "non binary" and insist that he is as well. Today they sent spreadsheets via email on how to address their son, and seem to get upset if we accidentally refer to him as a "him" rather than a "they/them". His older sister (4 years) is also considered non binary. I understand their situation, but I feel like it is confusing to such small kids, What are your  thought? Am I being overly protective or unpolitically correct? I have no issues with people who label themselves as non binary, queer, LGBTQ+, etc. Just want to make sure I'm doing the correct thing, Any advice appreciated."
"Locked post. New comments cannot be posted."

Meme - "Super Mutant:
-Perpetuates by forcible conversion
-Physically grotesque
-Unnatural colored skin
-Obsessive compulsions
-Evolutionary dead-end
Trans Activist:
-Perpetuates by manipulative conversion
-Physically grotesque
-Unnatural colored hair
-Obsessive compulsions
-Evolutionary dead-end"

Jesse Singal on X - "I don't know what to say anymore, man. There are just no adults left at most of these supposed gatekeeping and quality-control institutions within journalism... This professional association of health journalists wants you to know that its "aim is to decrease gender dysphoria and increase gender euphoria, in whatever form it takes for an individual.""
Benjamin Ryan on X - "At the @AHCJ  health journalism conference in June, I went to one session on the Transgender Survey study, and I got to the mic and told the room how shocked I was that we were at a science journalism conference and were essentially being told to abandon scientific critical thinking on this issue. One of the authors of this piece about reporting on trans issues in the ACHJ publication howled out objections to my words from the audience. She insisted that gender-transition treatment for kids is life saving, despite the fact that no study has shown it is and the one study to assess whether it is didn’t find it was. The very next day she gave a presentation on how to scrutinize flawed and misleading science. Sue betrayed no sense of cognitive dissonance. I remain shocked that she is being given a platform from which to mislead journalists about this research field."

Research into trans medicine has been manipulated - "IN APRIL HILARY CASS, a British paediatrician, published her review of gender-identity services for children and young people, commissioned by NHS England. It cast doubt on the evidence base for youth gender medicine. This prompted the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), the leading professional organisation for the doctors and practitioners who provide services to trans people, to release a blistering rejoinder. WPATH said that its own guidelines were sturdier, in part because they were “based on far more systematic reviews”... Court documents recently released as part of the discovery process in a case involving youth gender medicine in Alabama reveal that WPATH’s claim was built on shaky foundations. The documents show that the organisation’s leaders interfered with the production of systematic reviews that it had commissioned from the Johns Hopkins University Evidence-Based Practice Centre (EPC) in 2018. From early on in the contract negotiations, WPATH expressed a desire to control the results of the Hopkins team’s work. In December 2017, for example, Donna Kelly, an executive director at WPATH, told Karen Robinson, the EPC’s director, that the WPATH board felt the EPC researchers “cannot publish their findings independently”. A couple of weeks later, Ms Kelly emphasised that, “the [WPATH] board wants it to be clear that the data cannot be used without WPATH approval”. Ms Robinson saw this as an attempt to exert undue influence over what was supposed to be an independent process. John Ioannidis of Stanford University, who co-authored guidelines for systematic reviews, says that if sponsors interfere or are allowed to veto results, this can lead to either biased summaries or suppression of unfavourable evidence... the WPATH executive committee wrote to Ms Robinson that WPATH had “many concerns” about these papers, and that it was implementing a new policy in which WPATH would have authority to influence the EPC team’s output—including the power to nip papers in the bud on the basis of their conclusions. Ms Robinson protested that the new policy did not reflect the contract she had signed and violated basic principles of unfettered scientific inquiry she had emphasised repeatedly in her dealings with WPATH. The Hopkins team published only one paper after WPATH implemented its new policy: a 2021 meta-analysis on the effects of hormone therapy on transgender people. Among the recently released court documents is a WPATH checklist confirming that an individual from WPATH was involved “in the design, drafting of the article and final approval of [that] article”. (The article itself explicitly claims the opposite.) Now, more than six years after signing the agreement, the EPC team does not appear to have published anything else, despite having provided WPATH with the material for six systematic reviews, according to the documents. No one at WPATH or Johns Hopkins has responded to multiple inquiries... an email in October 2020 from WPATH figures, including its incoming president at the time, Walter Bouman, to the working group on guidelines, made clear what sort of science WPATH did (and did not) want published. Research must be “thoroughly scrutinised and reviewed to ensure that publication does not negatively affect the provision of transgender health care in the broadest sense,” it stated. Mr Bouman and one other coauthor of that email have been named to a World Health Organisation advisory board tasked with developing best practices for transgender medicine. Another document recently unsealed shows that Rachel Levine, a trans woman who is assistant secretary for health, succeeded in pressing wpath to remove minimum ages for the treatment of children from its 2022 standards of care. Dr Levine’s office has not commented. Questions remain unanswered, but none of this helps WPATH’s claim to be an organisation that bases its recommendations on science."

Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Seattle — A trans person walks around exposing his genitals in the leftist Capitol Hill neighborhood, the same area that was occupied by far-left extremists for CHAZ in 2020"

Graham Linehan on X - "I spoke to a gender clinic veteran and he said "the young men who come in, they're desperate to get their hands on estrogen as quickly as possible."  "Why?" I asked.   "So they can grow breasts."  "Why do they want to grow breasts?"  He hesitated for a moment, then said "Because they want to play with them while masturbating""

Meme - Mojo from the X-Men cartoon holding picture of Jean Gray saying "Transwomen are women. Deal with it. You conservative freak": "See! She is literally me!"

Advocates say meeting with Alberta MLA who compared trans youth to feces went south
Colin Wright on X - "This is such an absurd video. We have a man in a cult subjecting a woman to a struggle session that requires her to deny objective reality to avoid hurting the man's feelings. But what's even more absurd is how mainstream this cult is on the Left."
It's telling that "transwomen are women" is a principle of faith you need to swear by. This is just like a cult
This doesn't stop left wingers continuing to hate on Danielle Smith, because they just need enemies to hate

Benjamin Ryan on X - "New Evidence Challenges Institutionalized Belief That Transgender Teens Become Transgender Adults, Undermining Core Defense of Medical Gender Transitions for Minors 🧵New from me for @NewYorkSun: A pair of analyses of insurance-claims data each found that the majority of youths diagnosed with gender-related distress saw that diagnosis vanish from their medical chart within six years."
New Evidence Challenges Justification for Child Gender Transitions | The New York Sun
Wilfred Reilly on X - "This is not new evidence, although the piece is quite good. We have known for literally decades that 65-91% of "trans kids" just grow up to be gay. What has happened in a few Western countries is that politicized fanatics have stopped science/medicine from following up on the obvious conclusions to draw from this."

New Hampshire School Bans Parents From Games Who Distribute Pink XX Armbands - "Some parents in New Hampshire have been slapped with "No Trespass" orders after they showed up to a girls' soccer game with pink armbands with "XX" on them to support their daughters who were up against an opposing team that featured a biological male on the roster.  According to the NH Journal, parents of girls soccer players from Bow High School — like most people with even the slightest grasp of basic human biology — were none too pleased about the prospect of their girls having to play a physical sport like soccer against a male.  So, they complained to the school's athletic director, but were told that there was nothing that could be done because of a federal judge's ruling that the term "girl" includes males who identify as female... "My daughter’s playing in the homecoming game this weekend, and I’m banned until the 23rd," parent Anthony Foote told NH Journal. "I can’t watch her play in homecoming — which is ridiculous."  Yeah, that is ridiculous. And so what was the problem? After all, Foote said that there was no other form of protest happening aside from the pink armbands. Videos of the Tuesday night match in question reportedly don't show much of anything, with the only disruption coming from people who were upset about the armband."
Weird. I thought the freedom to protest was very important. Turns out you're only allowed to protest if you're pushing the left wing agenda

Thread by @Rstorechildhood on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "🧵 Here is a tale of two boys who loved to dress up: Written by @thepeacepoet99  The boy on the left, named Styles, loved Spider-Man so much that he thought he was Spider-Man.  The boy on the right, named Jaron, loved princess dresses so much that he thought he was a girl.
Little Styles, was playing outside & wearing his beloved Spider-Man costume, when he was hit by a car in front of his home.  The seven year old believed that his Spider-Man suit made him become ‘Spider-Man’, & gave him the ‘superpower’ to jump out of the way of the car. The older sister of the little boy who thought he was Spider-Man, agrees that the boy’s ’Spider-Man’ powers allowed him to save himself from being hit by the car.  She credits his survival to his vivid imagination. She does not, however, think that he is *literally* Spider-Man
This little boy named Jaron, loved to play dress up. He loved sparkles & pink. He loved to dance & sing. He wanted his bowl cut placed into two ponytails.  Because he was a toddler, Jaron thought that this made him a girl. His parents panicked, & tried to turn him into one. Jaron was a happy toddler who enjoyed dressing up as a princess.  Jaron’s parents did not enjoy their son’s love of pink & sparkles. His mom could hardly speak through her own tears when describing her son’s love of pretty things.  So, she took him to the doctor. Instead of seeing the boy’s love of twirling in princess dresses, as a sign that he may grow up to be a fashion designer or a dancer-  This boy was conditioned by his parents, doctors & by one news crew after the next that he was really a ‘special girl born with a penis’
The little boy who dressed up as Spider-Man & even thought he *was* Spider-Man was not told that something was wrong with him.  On the contrary, his family celebrated affirmed his love of dress-up because they knew that the child had learned valuable life skills through play. The boy on the left believed that his ‘Spider-Man’ powers saved his life.  Adults didn’t tell him that his human body was wrong. There wasn’t an entire industry built to surgically alter him into embodying a fiction.  The same can’t be said for the boy on the right.
Instead of allowing Jaron to play dress-up and to learn valuable skills through imaginative play, his parents re-named him ‘Jazz’.  Jazz’s parents & doctors made millions by convincing the beautiful boy that he was born so wrong that only removing his genitals could ‘fix’ him.
Kids often play dress-up as the ‘other’ in order to understand the ‘self’.  When we celebrate imaginative play, our kids learn, grow & thrive.  When we pathologize normal play & stunt it by medicalizing a temporary fantasy into a permanently embodied reality- our kids suffer."

Meme - Paulie Walnuts @pwgm80: "Why would male predators draw attention by dressing as women to get close to women & children when they can look like this & fly under the radar for decades? It's not trans women you need to fear; it's men who exploit their power & positions of trust. #StopTransHate"
Thread by @Rob_ThaBuilder on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Seriously dude? You srsly can't understand WHY would predators adopt a trans identity in order to victimize women?  Transgenderism is a predators dream come true, providing them with unprecedented access to victims, social protections & powerful accomplices  A brief thread 🧵🧵🧵
You've got governments actively targeting women, shaming them & telling them to IGNORE the instinctive fear they feel in close quarters with strange men  Not long ago the #1 safety tip for women was "listen to your gut". Now, they're bigots if they do🤷🏼‍♂️ And then you've got signs like this one that are popping at universities, government buildings and other highly visible places in public society telling women they'd BETTER SHUT THEIR FVCKING MOUTHS if they feel uncomfortable when a man in a dress is in their single-sex spaces  So put it all together and you've got a situation where the predators are getting benefits from all sides: On the one hand, a trans identity gives predators unprecedented access to women's single sex spaces (that they simply wouldn't have if they weren't "trans") and then on the other hand, they've got unprecedented social/legal protection, with the government taking the role of accomplice, buying ads and pushing educational campaigns designed to silence and shame women for their innate protective instincts .  If you honestly can sit there with a straight face and play dumb and pretend you can't understand why predators would go to "all the trouble" of adopting a trans identity, you're either a fool or a liar (probably both). They do it because:
1) it gives them unprecedented access to women's private spaces that they would NEVER have if they didn't ID as trans
2) They have government and Big Business as accomplices, governments running grooming campaigns like the video above, shaming women into ignoring their protective instincts and
3) it gives them unprecedented social/legal protections if their victims try to cause trouble. All they need to do is cry "transphobia " and they can get away with anything.
If you can't see it at this point, it's because you don't WANT to see it, and that itself is highly suspect.  At this point, who else would defend this but other predators?"

Why Will Ferrell’s trans road trip movie misses the point - "“But I don’t know why trans people are meant to be threatening to me as a cis male,” Ferrell told The Indepdent. “I don’t know why Harper is threatening to me.” No one in their right mind sees Steele, or any transgender person, as a threat to a six foot 3 dude. Ferrell is not a woman and hasn’t had his space — locker rooms, prisons, rape centers and sports — invaded by biological men who are able to gain entry with only a few magic words: “I identify as a woman.” He hasn’t been told to shut up or be cancelled or suspended when he’s spoken up about having to compete against biological males in every level of sport from youth to collegiate to the Paralympics. He hasn’t, like Riley Gaines, been harrassed and even attacked simply because she advocated for fairness in women’s sports. He doesn’t have daughters so maybe he hasn’t had to worry about this blurring of biological truth. And yet, a high minded Ferrell conflates real substantive objections with ignorance and intolerance. Why can’t everyone just be as open minded as him?... Most people do not begrudge Steele happiness. We care if Steele’s happiness infringes on our rights as women. After all, the movie itself proves that generally people are kind. In the film, the pair visit an Oklahoma dive bar adorned with pro Trump flags and Steele arrives solo, striking up friendly chats with some locals... The stranger is, of course, welcoming and sweet. Both encounters prompt Steele to admit, “I’m not afraid of these people. I am afraid of hating myself.” One can’t help but like Steele, which is clearly Ferrell’s aim. He wants to protect his friend. But he is wrongfully casting aspersions. And while it’s a compelling, raw and at many times a funny documentary, there’s a great irony. Neither Steele nor Ferrell, who buys his friend diamond earrings, know the first thing about being a woman."
Left wingers keep claiming they're all about "empathy". But they can't emphathise with conservatives (we have a study showing that no less) or with those hurt by their agenda

Stephen L. Miller on X - "What so interesting about this is Ferrell's own film proves people aren't threatened by trans people.  His own film literally shows him taking his trans friend to country hick bars and dirt car hick races filled with Trump voters, and none of them care.   There's even a scene where he/she/they says they were scared to come out to places like this, and then it turns out they all just basically say "Hey do what you want to do."   It's the Borat syndrome. Borat went into a Christian Conservative's home, shat in a bag to try and outrage them, and they were still polite and caring toward him.  The Netflix film about Ferrall's trans friend proves the exact opposite point of the "trans genocide bigotry" they try to push. That was the takeaway from it."

Adrianne Curry on X - "Imagine, walking into a restaurant & everyone is being nice to you. Then, decide to announce your identity politics/political agenda to the entire place. For good measure, back handedly shame your fellow diners that they haven't done enough for YOU in their state. After this appalling act, pretend to be shocked no one likes you anymore and play the victim.  NARCISSISIM"
Will Ferrell regrets awkward Texas restaurant visit after co-star booed for trans rights toast - "They received what they described as an unexpected and uncomfortable response from diners at a Texas restaurant after Steele mentioned the state hadn't done enough for trans rights... "I didn't really have a grasp on how intense it was going to be and felt responsible for not properly vetting the situation we were putting ourselves in," Ferrell told The New York Times. "That felt like it was going to be this benign place where you eat a big steak in the amount of time, and then you walk in and it's a thousand people seated in this room and I was like, 'Oh, why are we here?'" Steele described the feeling of being "on display" in that moment.   "We gave a little toast, and I said something about passing a trans bill, and the room did a kind of reversal and a little bit of a boo and a woman shouted out, ‘We still love you.’ I hate the phrase," Steele said. "I could be misinterpreting this woman completely, but this is the feeling I had in the room: The ‘still’ is conditional. You still love me when I finally give up being trans and give my life over to Christ. They still love me even though I’m some kind of sinner or something. I felt that.""
The left shoves politics into everything, and if you don't support that you're a bad person

‘We are seeking to discriminate’: lesbian group wanting to exclude trans women compares itself to Melbourne gay bar - "A lawyer for a Victorian lesbian group that wants to exclude transgender and bisexual women from its public events has compared its request to a Melbourne gay bar that was granted the right to refuse heterosexual people. But a lawyer for the Australian Human Rights Commission said the Peel hotel’s exemption had been granted under Victorian state law to help gay men achieve equality, unlike the Lesbian Action Group’s application, which discriminates against transgender women. The Lesbian Action Group (LAG) has asked the administrative appeals tribunal to overturn the human rights commission’s October decision preventing it from excluding transgender and bisexual women from its public events... The LAG’s seven members claim they need to hold public events – as opposed to private events that are not subject to the same laws – for the advocacy and wellbeing of lesbian feminists... Under cross-examination, the LAG’s Carole Ann said it was a “statement of fact” that the group does “not believe humans can change sex”. She said young lesbian feminists told her there was nowhere for them to go. “They are so isolated, they have no one else to talk to and they don’t know where to find the support,” she said. “There’s nothing anti-trans about our application at all.”"
The most oppressed wins. This is why we have the Oppression Olympics
Of course, one solution is to stop discriminating against straight men. But left wingers hate them too much to do that

The BMA turns away from rejecting the Cass Report - "The British Medical Association (BMA) has reversed its decision to call for a pause in implementing the recommendations of the Cass Review, the New Statesman can reveal. It follows intense criticism of the doctors’ union after this publication exposed its discussions regarding the rejection of the findings of Dr Hilary Cass’s independent review into gender identity services for children and young people... a motion had been tabled by the BMA council – the executive body of the doctors’ union – which called for the BMA  to “lobby… to oppose the implementation of the recommendations made by the Cass Review”. It also described Cass’s recommendations as having been “driven by unexplained study protocol deviations, ambiguous eligibility criteria, and exclusion of trans-affirming evidence”. The motion had originally called for the BMA to “disavow” the Cass Review too, though this wording was changed to “publicly critique” when the vote took place the next day. Sources have confirmed since that 45 of the 69 voting members of the BMA’s council took part in those votes. Less than half of them – 21 – voted to oppose supporting the Cass Review (11 voted against; 13 abstained). By comparison, 29 members voted to critique it.   In a press release that followed, the BMA also criticised the government’s ban on new prescriptions of puberty blockers to those aged under 18 (for the purpose of treating gender-related distress). NHS England had already confirmed in March that puberty blockers would no longer be prescribed on the NHS for the treatment of gender-related distress, because of a lack of evidence over their safety and clinical effectiveness. Instead, they would only be prescribed as part of clinical research. The ban meant that others could not continue prescribing routinely as well, and was judged lawful by the High Court in July. The Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, has extended the ban until the end of November, and to cover Northern Ireland  An open letter condemning the BMA’s stance followed, gaining more than 1,500 signatures, around 1,000 of which were from BMA members. The BMA was the only major medical group in the UK to consider rejecting Cass. Supportive statements have been issued by the Royal College of GPs, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and the Association of Clinical Psychologists. Many BMA members were dismayed, some resigning their membership in protest. Signatories to the letter accused the union of failing to follow an evidence-based approach to medicine. The letter, shown first to the New Statesman, criticised the process behind the BMA’s decision as “opaque and secretive” and said the motion did “not reflect the views of the wider membership, whose opinion you did not seek”. After months of criticism and negative press coverage, it would seem the BMA has now listened"

Cookiegender | Gender Wiki | Fandom - "Cookiegender is a xenogender and foodgender in which one's gender feels like a cookie. This gender may be described as soft or crunchy, chocolatey and gooey, or crispy and semi-sweet. One's gender may also taste or smell like a cookie."

X Æ ₳-XII 🆒💀🅾️ blocked you after he on X - "When i open my first business, im only hiring trans women. Men's strength, Women's wages 🤑🤑🤑"

Meme - Hazel Appleyard @HazelAppleyard_: "The lack of parenting here is astounding. 13yo girl refuses to deal with her periods because she thinks she’s a boy. 🩸 all over the car seat as a result. Mother wants to put her on medication to suppress her periods instead of just telling her to grow up and stop 🩸 on everything.   Also, bonus points for title “when the boy menstruates”. Just no."
When the boy menstruates
 13 years old, has been having periods for about a year  He says he doesn't want to go to the bathroom when he's on his period. This has caused major issues, most recently requiring my partner to get her car seat cleaned professionally. It was expensive because of bodily fluids. I asked him if he would be interested in getting on a medication that will make it so that he doesn't have his period anymore, and he said he's not sure.  His intake with the gender clinic is in February. His dad said he doesn't have flexibility for our kid to be on a cancellation list.  I'm pulling my hair out here."

Meme - The Heretical Liberal 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈 @Rob_ThaBuilder: "Man who identifies as a woman has existential crisis when he realizes that actual women don't get sexually aroused from shaving their legs, applying makeup, or wearing "pretty girl clothing".  Walls come crashing down as he begins to consider the idea that its actually just been a fetish all along.   I mean, it sure would explain all the euphoria boners🤷🏼‍♂️ 🤔"
Help my whole world is crashing down on me : r/MtF - "Hi I am a 22 year old pre op trans girl and I have been on HRT for several years now. For almost a decade I have known and firmly believed I was born in the wrong body and took as many steps necessary to correct that situation, but since I read this stupid article a few weeks ago I cannot get it out of my mind and is making me doubt and question my entire identity. Turns out I was chatting through facebook with a guy I like and who I did not know was a total transphobe and after I told him I was trans he linked to an article about something called Autogynephilia and blew me off. I did not read it at first but after a couple of days I got curious and decided to give a try which I am really regretting now, the article blew my mind, it was like reading my own autobiography describing concepts and behavior I felt so intimately resembling my own that I was literally shaking by the time I finished it up. The reasoning behind the article is that I am not a woman born in man´s body but that I am a man who suffers from paraphilias instead, which I totally rejected at first but when I read sentence after sentence describing my own feelings and behaviors, like getting sexually aroused while wearing make up or shaving my legs, or using pretty women clothing, that started having an impact on me and getting me so nervous at first and then outright dysphoric later on. I do not know what to do, I am starting to feel I have thrown my life away chasing something that is not real, and I have questions, so many questions that I just repeat over and over in my mind, I am totally obsessed with this stuff now. Like, for instance, if I am a woman why do I get an erection while trying on some pretty clothes? Do women do that? Do they get excited while just trying cloths on? If I a woman born in a man´s body then why do I get excited and sexually aroused when either a man or woman lets me know I am passing as an actual woman? Do women actually do that? Do they get horny by being accepted as what they are, women? And why the hell do I also feel sexually aroused when it is a woman validating me as girl? Shouldn`t I just feel horny by looking at an attractive guy? And it goes on and on in my mind non stop, I am feeling desperate and I do not know what to do. Please if other girls in this forum have experienced something like this making them doubt themselves please share and help me out, I really need some guidance right now."

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