"I'm sorry you've
never seen a vagina since you
came out of one and that you
take your low sense of self
worth out on others because
you can't get laid because you're
such a low worth male no one
would ever want your big toe
This exposes an interesting complication in Facebook's rules, because while "Attacks through derogatory terms related to sexual activity (for example: whore, slut)" is forbidden, "Attacks through derogatory terms related to a lack of sexual activity" are only forbidden if self-reported.
"don't you have a cliff
to jump off of? You should get
to it."
Oddly, Facebook claims that "Everyone is protected from: Calls for self-injury or suicide of a specific person, or group of individuals."
"I think she is
Filipino. Born to be stupid ..."
Oddly, Facebook claims "national origin" is a "protected characteristic" and that "Content targeting a person or group of people on the basis of their protected characteristic(s) (in written or visual form): Mental characteristics are defined as those about: Intellectual capacity, including but not limited to: dumb, stupid, idiots." is not allowed.