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Thursday, December 28, 2023

The perfect breast / Dinner with a Cougar / Flatmates wanted

"87% of people worldwide agree that the "Beckoning Breast" with a youthful, natural shape and an upper to lower ratio of 45:55 is the most attractive.

The Beckoning Breast is unanimously endorsed as the most attractive irrespective of age, gender, culture or race, proving it's not about size, it's about shape.

87% of women in their 30's
90% of all men
94% of plastic surgeons
95% of South Americans
92% of North Americans
87% of both Asians and Caucasians
86% of Europeans
76% of Africans
75% of Black people
72% of Arabs
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Population Analysis of the Perfect Breasts: A Morphometric Analysis

UPL Upper Pole Line
NM Nipple Meridian
LPL Lower Pole Line
UPS Upper Pole Slope
LPC Lower Pole Curve"

"When a cougar invites you over for dinner *Indian statue with woman holding huge vagina open (Lajja Gauri, fertility goddess)*"

"Flatmate Wanted! *4 white girls in tube tops/spaghetti straps*
$188 /month · In stock"
I've no idea why iFunny found this objectionable. Maybe this is proof of "misogyny"

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