I got annoyed enough by the Taiwan Term-Malaysia Sotong Meme to look up all the terms:
台湾 - 马来西亚
章鱼 - Sotong
花枝 - Sotong
乌贼 - Cuttlefish
透抽 - Swordtip squid
小卷 - Pencil squid
目斗 - Cuttlefish
Taiwan - Malaysia
章鱼 (Octopus) - Sotong
花枝 (Golden Cuttlefish) - Sotong
乌贼 (Cuttlefish) - Sotong
透抽 (Swordtip squid) - Sotong
小卷 (Pencil squid) - Sotong
目斗 (Cuttlefish) - Sotong
Bonus: 鱿鱼 = Squid in Mandarin. No prizes for guessing the term in Malaysia.