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Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Why Asians get racially profiled

In subtle asian traits:

"Fun customs/biosecurity stories, go! Because it's never the nice white families who get 'randomly' selected for open bag screening πŸ€”

I'll go first: note that NZ has super strict biosecurity rules that don't allow you to bring in fresh fruit, vege, and most animal products including eggs.

So my Gran is coming to visit during mooncake season and of course she is bringing in mooncakes with egg yolks πŸ₯š - that's the best part! The biosecurity officer asks if her mooncakes have yolks, and she says NO. When they ask to cut into one to check, she provides one, they cut into it, no egg yolk and she's free to go - little knowing that she gave them the one she bought specially without yolk EXACTLY for that purpose! All the others have yolks. The friends she was travelling with ALL had yolk mooncakes that were confiscated, so everyone had to share hers.

As a side note, this is the same Gran who, in a later trip, pulls very illegal beef jerky out of a pocket of her handbag. She managed to sneak it in by totally forgetting it was there until she wanted a snack πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

What have been your experiences at the border?"

My comment:

When I flew into new Zealand I got racially profiled by the Filipino customs official who asked if I had any food to declare

When I said no he asked specifically if I had barbecued pork from Singapore

Now I know why that happened!

Don't worry, I'm not triggered but the next time some Asian complains about stereotypes and starts a long rant about racism, I'll relate your grandma's story to them
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