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Monday, January 26, 2015

False Dichotomies in Singaporean Politics

莫丽蜜 - Age-old PAP logic: If the people complain about X being...

"Age-old PAP logic: If the people complain about X being excessive/done excessively, they want none of X at all.

If the people complain about immigration policies, they want absolutely no immigration.

If the people complain about free speech being curtailed, they want absolutely no limits to free speech.

If the people complain about things being too expensive, they want everything to be free.

If the people complain about fare hikes, they want absolutely no hikes ever.

Based on such a stupid assumption, of course the people are being insensible and unreasonable while the PAP is always fair and moderate."

A: In economics, we will say this logic does not understand what is "thinking at the margin".

One more thing, "If people complain about conscription, they want no army at all".

B: PAP always complains about Singaporeans. They want absolutely no Singaporeans
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