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Tuesday, November 20, 2001

For some reason, I'm talking to people about the A03 look again. Maybe it is true (God forbid) that I have a "widely known fondness... for the female Geographers." Gah. Not that I know many of them anyway. Ugh, Screwed Up Girl's going to A03 next year. I'm ruined!

Michael is quite A03-ish, and I think he'd take that as a compliment. Anyway he's just an A03 person who doesn't take lit.

What is it with Geog that makes people morph into A03-ers? And no, it's not an Arts thing. I've seen A01C-E (lecture), and they can't compare to A03.

This must make me sound really voyeuristic. Houdini and Red Jacket don't get so much attention. Ah well.

Just so I don't have to retype it everytime I make A03 look references to people, some criteria for the "A03 look" (A03A-ers don't count):

- Female (though some males qualify too. Then again, outside A03A, there are like 5 A03 males and I know 3 of them)

- Long, dyed hair. Shoulder length or below preferably. Hair must be highlighted or worse, with a brownish or worse colour (BSB has purplish tinted hair, I suspect)

- Flesh Parade. It helps if you're a Flesh Parader.

- Hot Socks / Hot Shorts (the latter is for out of school wear, so it's just a speculation)

- Doing what gives BSB the name BSB. (Ask Jianwen)

- The look in the eyes and the stance and mien. Ditto.

Probably a few more, but this is the general idea. Tis hard to quantify. "The A03 Manifesto".

Someone says that in her time (1988-1989) A03 had a lot of sluttish girls.

My associate's comment: "you seem to have a distinct mortification for sexuality - a quality shared by quite a few serial killers... i was reading through your blog - and a recurrent theme in our conversations and in your epistlery - there's a not-so-subtle misogyny and resentment of female sexuality - the abhorrence of "flesh parades" and "hot pants", the general veneer of distaste for anything that heightens adolescent sexual attractivenes... the proliferation of calling people by these little soubriquets
it's vaguely schizo - you're disssociating yourself from these people, giving them conceptual labels.

might i add how psychopathic it is to pick up scrunchies and hairbands..."

How worrying :)

Friend, "as a matter of fact.. everyone seems to be intriguing to you.. why dun you focus on some j1 class instead.."

Another, "i wonder how u manage to come up with so much stuff like this.. i mean u haf list after list of weird ppl, and what not"

There's an S01 look also, but everyone knows about that :)

Oops, RJ teachers are reading this. Err. Falalala. Gobbledy-gock. Lorum ipsum. How does that one go. Heck.
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