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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Links - 23rd May 2021 (2)

Now more than ever, Blizzard needs to rethink WoW's race war
Comment (elsewhere): "Liberals: "We need to stop racism"
Liberals: "Orcs are racists, they represent black people"
Black people: "Dude, you think we look like fictional monsters?"
Liberals: "But they are you, don't you get it?!""

Satiria - Posts - "From each according to their privilege , to each according to their identity. #ConceptArt #SocialJustice #satiria"

The Yaboiposting - Posts - "*On Discord* Man: "I'm going to fuck you so much kitten"
Girl: "Y-Yes Daddy Please"
Disheveled Man: "You're not a girl"
Other Disheveled Man: "I'm a Twitter femboy WYM?""

CRIME HUNTER: Accused pedophile killer backed by slain man's daughter - "Mattieo Condoluci never lost his taste for molesting children.The 64-year-old pedophile had been jailed twice, most recently for raping a 13-year-old girl in Bellevue, Nebraska more than 10 years ago. But Condoluci won’t be hurting any more children.James Fairbanks reportedly saw to that on May 14 when he allegedly parked three bullets in Condoluci at his Omaha home... The author the letter describes noticing Condoluci watch children play in the street while pretending to wash his truck, then researching the convicted child molester and deciding he would never rape another child... Franklin’s lawyer told local media he’s never seen anything like the outpouring of support for his client.“Our citizens usually hate someone accused of first-degree murder. That’s what makes this an unusual case,” Steve Lefler reportedly said, adding he’s confident a jury of Franklin’s peers will set his client free."
Naturally I saw lots of people cheering the vigilante. Apparently it's a crime to look at children

Gente Con Techos de Lámina 79
Comment (from elewhere): "A girl recorded a man touching his pants in public and called him a degenerate, the whole town came after him. Later, in tears, he had to explain ON TV that he had a stroke, now he is dissabled and he was adjusting his diaper."
The anti "pedo" brigade must be happy he got harassed

Scientists Discover a Major Lasting Benefit of Growing Up Outside the City - "For kids, growing up without regular exposure to nature seems to have ripple effects that persist into adulthood, according to research published in International Journal of Environmental Health and Public Health... they found a strong correlation between low exposure to nature during childhood and higher levels of of nervousness and feelings of depression in adulthood... many studies have noted nature’s ability to reduce rumination, a risk factor for mental illness. Spending time in nature, Zijlema says, has been linked with increased self-esteem, quality of life, and physical activity as well as lower body mass index. In this sense, nature itself is beneficial.These findings fold into the “biophilia hypothesis” — the idea that humans intrinsically seek out connections with nature, including exposure to green spaces. An offshoot of this idea is that nature promotes certain developmental changes in the brain, particularly in children, that may not happen when we’re removed from it.Nieuwenhuijsen presented some evidence for this in a 2018 study showing that exposure to green space correlated with structural changes in the brain and greater working memory in 258 schoolchildren in Spain. “This is just kind of a hypothesis,” Nieuwenhuijsen explains. “I think the reason for it is, in general, our brains are still wired for when we were still living in the savannahs and jungles with a lot of nature around us. It’s only the last few hundred years that we have moved into cities. Our brains are not really adjusted to that. It creates a kind of stress, and in particular, there’s a lot of brain development happening at young ages.”... Air pollution has been linked with delays in cognitive development in kids as well as psychosis in adults... Most Americans live either in cities or suburbs. According to a 2018 report from the Pew Research Center, 55 percent of Americans lived in suburban counties and 31 percent lived in urban ones in 2016.Much as they might like to, most of these people can’t spend the majority of their days working from a log cabin in the mountains. But in order to protect themselves against potential mental health issues, says Zijlema, the more regular exposure to nature they can get, the better."
Strange, I thought evolutionary psychology was pseudoscience

Forum: Workforce composition in banks needs to be examined - "As a retired senior banker, I can say categorically that in the past two decades, many foreigners hired in Singapore's finance sector have been for upper-middle to senior management positions... Once hired, these foreign staff can easily and in a short time secure their permanent resident (PR) status in Singapore. Therefore, when analysing the actual makeup of local staff, it is misleading to combine the Singaporeans and PRs... It has been common market knowledge that certain big, long established foreign banks have been sidelining Singaporean talent in favour of foreign hires"

What it's like to be in a 'mixed-orientation' marriage - "As Mormons, he and Amanda believe that the “celestial marriage” between a man and woman — and a man and woman only — is key to heavenly salvation. So, the couple sought to make their unusual union work, despite their mismatched desire... Skyler said the term “demisexual,” or one who develops a sexual attraction after an emotional bond forms, may be a more fitting label for him. “I don’t know if we both fully understand how and why it works, but it definitely does,” he said of their sex life... Determined to make the conventional marriage work, the Sorensens called on a trusted counselor, with both personal and professional experience in mixed-orientation relationships (MOR), to help them prepare for their unusual arrangement — which it turns out isn’t so uncommon, said Dr. Ty Mansfield, a private practice marriage and family therapist in Provo and adjunct professor at BYU.Mansfield, who specializes in MORs, specifically among Mormons, said “anywhere from 40 to 60% [of my clients] are navigating sexual or gender-identity questions.”... MORs are, in fact, viable. About 80% of such respondents reported being generally satisfied with their status — almost double the rate of those who were single and celibate (42%) or single and not celibate (40%).Still, the survey found that the happiest couples were those attracted to members of the same sex who were in same-sex relationships. They reported a 95% satisfaction rate... [He] regrets that peers in the queer community aren’t more welcoming of his faith-based lifestyle, insisting that his choices are not a betrayal.“We just ask for the same grace and understanding that other people in the LGBT community are asking for, because we’re two consenting adults,” he said. “We made this decision together.”"
What you do in the bedroom is no one's business - unless it threatens the liberal agenda

Meme - "Assassins Creed Syndicate is not plus size and that is a problem"
can you imagine plus sized assassins?
fucking beached whales flopping across the rooftops
going into cardiac arrest after climbing a ladder"

Sea Serpents Are Really Whale Penises - " It's long been argued that when people report seeing sea serpents, they might actually be seeing floating logs, strange waves, or shadows on the water, and mistaking these things for sea serpents. Now Dr. Charles Paxton has come up with an interesting extension of this theory. He argues that people might also be misidentifying whale penises as sea serpents. He presents this theory in the current issue of the Archives of Natural History. As an example he uses the case of an eighteenth-century missionary named Hans Egede who reported a sighting of a sea serpent, and drew a picture of the creature. Paxton demonstrates that Egede's picture closely resembles what a whale's aroused penis rising from the water might look like"

Mindfulness and meditation can worsen depression and anxiety | New Scientist - "About one in 12 people who try meditation experience an unwanted negative effect, usually a worsening in depression or anxiety, or even the onset of these conditions for the first time, according to the first systematic review of the evidence... sometimes when people are trying to still their thoughts, the mind can “rebel”, she says. “It’s like a backlash to the attempt to control the mind, and this results in an episode of anxiety or depression”"

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