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Sunday, May 23, 2021

Covid Vaccines and Children

A: wow cc wants the docs [who expressed concerns about covid vaccines and children] to be punished Calvin Cheng - Posts | Facebook - "PUNISH THE TWELVE QUACKS"

Doctor A: I find that Calvin Cheng is becoming increasingly unhinged recently

Calvin Cheng - Posts | Facebook - "IRRESPONSIBLE DOCTORS’ OPEN LETTER"

he also spoke of GPs in a dismissive way, then tried to backtrack. But his logic is funny. If he thinks GPs shouldn't comment on health issues, then what about Calvin Cheng himself?

I mean his whole argument is that GPs don't know enough so they shouldn't comment
but he has been commenting a lot about covid himself, so...
he should attack the argument/message, not the person

A: he is a vaxhole
u no agree with me on vaccination means u must die
eye roll

we have more data from vaccine based on traditional tech
mRNA, not much data, mostly on paper
on paper it should be safer, but you don't know if you plane really flies until you fly it

Doctor B: disagree
mRNA exists in our cells already
its super safe
the point of contention is that the mRNA VACCINE is untested, ok that i agree

A: yep but we haven't done a full long term test of mRNA vaccines on humans
so unless there is a super pressing need to do so like non-trivial CF for kids, conservative approach is more sensible when it comes to vaccinating kids

Doctor B: already completed child trial in USA for Pfizer its safe
but i can understand why people will hesitate to vaccinate

A: short term trails

the concerns are on long term effects
which, we have zilch idea of what might be
kids have many potential years of life ahead

Doctor A: Every one of the ‘experts’ who debunked the GP letter conveniently sidestepped the fact that there is no long term data
On the vaccine I mean

Doctor B: that's a problem that no one can solve

A: personally? i think mRNA vaccines are safer
but the risk-benefit does not check out, given low kid mortality from covid and known factor alternatives

Doctor B: good point

Doctor A: One of the experts said that there’s no evidence that there will be long term side effects. Errr yeah, because mRNA vaccines haven’t been out that long. That’s the whole point of contention lol
That’s a really stupid answer from a supposed expert.

A: vaccines have been withdrawn after undesirable effects were reviewed in the long term studies
so it's hardly a frivolous concern
the doctor's open letter would be more convincing if they didn't try to do the hep b technobabble and just focused on the precautionary principle

Doctor B: some nuance would've been nice if they compromised and agreed that the vaccine is novel and zero long term data. instead they go all out

this doesn't change any minds, it just makes people more hard set in their ways
The experts never acknowledge our Concerns and Expectations, that's an auto fail

Doctor A: just because other vaccines didn’t show long term effects doesn’t mean we can assume the same for MRNA vaccine

Doctor B: agreed. he is conflating the general antivax crowd with the COvid antivax crowd

A: vaccines recall isn't rare
there's a reason we usually take 15 years to fully approve most vaccines
if what he say is true we can just scrap all long term trials, protocols and data collection

Doctor B: when i was in medical school, one professor insisted that open heart surgery was the gold standard for heart disease and not balloon + stent
when pointed out that open heart surgery had a 10% mortality rate, he replied "it has better success rate"

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