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Thursday, October 10, 2024

Fake Lizzo

I hadn't heard about Lizzo for a while, but it seems she's been losing weight, so I just saw another Lizzo meme, with the usual fake photo posted that's supposedly her:

Of course, I have previously reported that this "is the source of the fat "woman" in the pink leotard with "her" legs open where you can see the dark skin on the inner thighs that people keep claiming is Lizzo. It's Jen Capoyan from Kween Hudyaka 2022 (a Filipino show)"

As I anticipate more Fake Lizzo memes coming, I've decided to take screenshots of the YouTube video for easy reference. You can clearly see not just the title of the YouTube video but the words "Kween Hudyaka", which can be seen in most of the Fake Lizzo memes (IIRC).

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