When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, September 06, 2002

SJC girls? Saint J? Convent?

Anita Sarawak is... freaky. And why does everyone in Singapore think she's so great just because she's a lounge singer in Las Vegas? Doesn't take much for that. They speak of her like she's a world famous entertainer.

Released from camp for a few hours today, my observations again tell me that the lian look is, sadly, very prevalent.

Ooo what sort of relationships with Raffles Guys? I smell the whiff of scandal in the air.

Shu Qi *does* look very slutty. At least in the few pics of her I've seen.

Weird blogs in referral list: Go visit them. Various friends.

What's "Eleison heart & mixture"?

And wt, you mean inimitable not inimicable right?

I know Dark Sun because I picked up Shattered Lands for ~$20 in budget packaging in a single CD-ROM at Funan (IIRC). Wonderful game, that :)

The Associate is welcome to visit (when I'm not at weekend RT). Just call my mobile first. I believe he has my number. Failing which he can ask Andrew Tan for it.
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