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Friday, November 24, 2017

Frustration is not with our train system

Frustration is not with our train system

As someone who commutes daily by train, I would say Singaporeans like me are not frustrated with our public transport system per se.

We have a modern system that would make most people proud.

What we are really frustrated about is that the Transport Minister keeps blaming the design and the age of the train system for problems.

We can understand that our train networks are complex and ageing; but no more than most systems around the world (Learn right lessons from MRT incidents: PM Lee; Nov 20).

Bangkok Skytrain was built in a heavily built-up city, with its fair share of twists and turns. The Hong Kong and Taipei systems are as old as, or even older than, ours.

But, we do not hear complaints of design or age issues when there are problems.

Singaporeans' frustration is with the lack of accountability by the management of SMRT and the regulatory bodies in allowing the situation to deteriorate to its current sorry state.

Patrick Tan Siong Kuan (Dr)
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