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Saturday, March 08, 2025

Links - 8th March 2025 (1 - Trans Mania)

Meme - Alternative Lifestyles Personals Australia. Chiron DeMolis: "Hi all, hope your week is going well so far. I ama Masc presenting, Domme, Lesbian Transwoman, seeking a Fem presenting cis or Trans sub in Brisbane. PLEASE, no 'straight' cis men."
Phil VII: "So you're straight with extra steps?"
Chiron DeMolis: "What part of "lesbian" is confusing you?"
Phil VII: "your Dick"

Meme - TRANS WOMAN SUPPORT GROUP. Terrawyn Short: "So I have FF breast forms that I have slowly moved up to in the last 12 years, I talked to my doctor about it being the implant size when I do get approved for top surgery... Last week she told me no and today I got a letter from the surgeons office stating that the highest that I can do is DD. I've been crying for the last hour"
Totally not a fetish

Meme - "if so much pride, why all the suicide?"
Shrek: "Good question."

Hulking trans child molester repeatedly sexually assaulted female cellmate after being transferred to women’s prison: suit - "A former inmate at a Washington state women’s prison was repeatedly sexually assaulted by her hulking transgender cellmate — who was transferred to the prison after changing her gender identity, according to a shocking new lawsuit.  Mozzy Clark sued the state department of corrections in federal court last week for locking her in a cell with a 6-foot-4 convicted child molester who allegedly subjected her to months of stalking, threats of violence and sexual harassment and assault, according to the lawsuit.  The cellmate, Christopher Scott Williams, was convicted of sexually assaulting a young girl as a male, and was serving a separate sentence for domestic abuse... Clark claimed Williams, who slept over her in the top bunk, would threaten to rape her, leer at her in the shower, and constantly ask for sex — once with a homemade dildo he had brought into the cell, according to the lawsuit.   “In their cell, Ms. Clark was on the bottom bunk. Mr. Williams … would hover menacingly over Ms. Clark’s bunk with an erection while touching himself. He would also display his erection to Ms. Clark against her will, and gesture towards it, saying how much he wanted her,” the lawsuit alleged.  “One night, Ms. Clark woke up and saw inmate Williams sitting on the floor next to her bed with his arm under her blanket, rubbing her genitals,” the lawsuit adds. Clark said the guards did little to protect her when she complained. Eventually Williams was moved to a separate cell, but the inmate would seek her out, stare at her in the showers, and follow her into the bathroom — making perverted comments from the next stall, the documents alleged.  “He also started threatening her with violence if she complained about him again,” according to the suit, which is asking for restitution from the state for “extreme emotional distress, shame, intimidation, humiliation, indignation, embarrassment, and fear.”  Clark isn’t the only woman who claims to have suffered abuse at the hands of Williams.  In August, another inmate alleged lewd, intimidating behavior by Williams and other transgender inmates held in the Washington Corrections Center for Women... “A bunch of women, when they’re in the showers, these people are just standing there. They don’t have to stand on their tippy toes and they look over and see everything. People were so uncomfortable. You feel kind of like you’ve been violated”... At the time, the prison housed at least 11 transgender inmates"

Jackson teacher Vivian Geraghty settles pronoun lawsuit for $450,000 - "A former middle school teacher with Jackson Local Schools has settled her lawsuit against the district for $450,000 after saying she was forced to resign when she refused to address two students by names inconsistent with their gender assigned at birth.  At a special meeting Wednesday morning, the school board unanimously approved the agreement with Vivian Geraghty, who had taught English... the district agreed to pay $450,000 in damages and attorneys’ fees after violating her freedom of speech."

A naked admission that they're doing it (making characters trans) on purpose to piss people off

"THE Left *pregnant man*"

Meme - "When you wake up on day 365 of girlhood. And you're still a man *Dylan Mulvaney in Munch's The Scream*"

Meme - Sall Grover @salltweets: "This “medium to low risk” man can go into any female space & your daughter cannot object, hence why we do everything we can to make sure she can."
"Trans Axe Attacker to Walk Free, Deemed 'Medium to Low' Risk of Reoffending. A trans woman who attempted to kill convenience store shoppers with a 2kg axe has been released from prison after serving eight years. Save Evie Amati was convicted of attacking several people with an ax in Australia."

Civil service to end ‘climate of fear’ trans policy after whistleblower pushed out over gender-critical beliefs - "Civil servants will no longer be labelled “transphobic” for expressing gender-critical beliefs under new guidelines... Two Whitehall departments have pledged to revise their gender policies following the settlement of an employment tribunal case with Eleanor Frances, a former civil servant.  Ms Frances said she had “no choice but to resign” after facing workplace backlash for her gender-critical views and raised the alarm about a “politicised climate of fear” in Whitehall.  She claimed that an internal “Gender Identity and Intersex” policy was adopted, without proper consultation, following a workplace assessment by Stonewall, a gay rights organisation.  She said the policy’s use of politicised language and concepts – for example, defining “transphobia” as including the “denial/refusal to accept” someone’s gender identity – meant that civil servants were effectively compelled to recognise male people as women.   She brought a case in the employment tribunal against the Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) last year for victimisation, protected disclosure detriment, unfair constructive dismissal and discrimination on the grounds of philosophical belief.  The case has now been settled without liability. The departments agreed to pay Ms Frances £116,749, plus associated taxes.  As part of the settlement, the permanent secretaries of the two departments agreed a statement in which they promised to review “gender assignment” policies... Maya Forstater, the CEO of human rights charity Sex Matters, which campaigns for clarity about biological sex in law and life, said: “Eleanor Frances embodies the Civil Service ideals of integrity, honesty, objectivity and impartiality.  “But she was punished for these qualities rather than rewarded because of the Civil Service’s undemocratic adoption of extreme trans activist policies as if they were the law. “It is encouraging that DCMS and DSIT have settled with Eleanor rather than fighting her case. But if the Civil Service is to avoid wasting more public money on six-figure payouts, it needs to stop taking direction from extreme trans activist organisations.  “It’s way past time for the Cabinet Office and permanent secretaries to find their courage and tear up policies that require adherence to gender ideology.” Rosie Duffield, the Canterbury MP who was Labour’s most high profile gender-critical figure before she resigned from the party in September, said: “This is a significant victory and incredibly important to all those who have also faced discrimination and silencing at work due to their perfectly mainstream and personal beliefs.  “Many in the Civil Service and beyond have felt gagged for even questioning policies or practices that are announced across organisations following their expensive membership of outfits such as Stonewall. I hope organisations are beginning to wake up to their responsibilities to allow all employees the right to hold personal beliefs.”  As a civil servant at the two departments, Ms Frances raised concerns about the adoption of politicised language around gender identity and warned that a “self-identification” policy in government buildings effectively gave men access to female single-sex facilities. She also raised concerns about the role of Stonewall in the drafting of departmental gender identity policies."

Civil service to end ‘climate of fear’ trans policy : r/unitedkingdom - "Can’t people simply go to work without debating the merits of gender studies?  Feels like the government were asking for this by introducing guidelines that essentially labelled staff bigots if they didn’t subscribe to the beliefs underpinning them."

How the Stonewall gravy train came to an end - "The latest high profile dropout is the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCP), which was revealed last week by The Telegraph to have cut ties with Stonewall.  Its chief executive, Sonia Walter, and its president, Dr Lade Smith, wrote to the college’s members to tell them that it will not be renewing its Diversity Champions membership when it expires in December.   The letter states: “Stonewall helped us to become a more inclusive organisation. However, we are acutely aware that there is a risk in being affiliated with an organisation that may speak on matters relating to the professional practice of our members, but over which the college has no direct control.” Commentators say this statement is a clear recognition that there is a conflict between the tenets of psychiatry and Stonewall’s “ideological” position on transgender issues. More pertinently, the RCP’s explanation for exiting the programme goes to the very heart of why its popularity has nosedived. In recent years, the charity has engaged in an increasingly divisive crusade to push a disputed ideology that promoted “gender identity” over biological sex.  In turns, the Diversity Champions scheme became one of the most visible vehicles for this pivot towards trans activism – a fact that was reflected in the guidance given to member organisations... Malcolm Clark, who helped establish the LGB Alliance, a charity set up in 2019 to counter Stonewall’s trans activist focus, observes: “Like many things, the Diversity Champions programme began as a perfectly good idea that has now spun out of control.  “A vicious circle developed where you had Stonewall presenting themselves as self-appointed experts on the law, telling organisations everyone must be stating their pronouns, getting rid of the word “mother” and goodness knows what else.  “Stonewall also insisted that LGBT staff groups were set up internally to promote its position and these became stronger than any trade union despite no-one electing them.  “Management then felt they had no choice but to pay thousands of pounds to Stonewall and comply with all the demands or risk being accused of transphobia.  “The whole thing has become akin to some sort of protection racket.”... According to the charity’s annual accounts, in 2019 its income from “fees” – that were largely derived from the diversity membership schemes – reached a very healthy £3,269,447.  This figure represented an 18 per cent rise on its revenue from the year before.  Equally, the influence Stonewall was able to exert on public and private institutions across Britain through the programme was staggering.  Many diversity programme members began making fundamental changes to their workplace practices with very little staff consultation... An analysis by the campaign group Sex Matters has revealed that 21 government bodies have dropped the scheme to date, notably including the Cabinet Office, the Department for Education and the Crown Prosecution Service.  At the same time, almost 40 local authorities have dropped out along with 14 NHS and healthcare organisations.  The numbers of those who have left may in fact be higher, but in 2021 Stonewall blocked access to the membership list to be seen on its website – no doubt in response to the increasing controversy around the programme. On the corporate side, human resources commentator Tanya de Grunwald – who has been closely following Stonewall’s Workplace Equality Index top 100 employers list – has noted that dozens of businesses once regularly included for their LGBT-friendly credentials are missing.  Among those no longer included on the 2024 list are a string of FTSE 100 companies such as Unilever, Barclays, Amazon, BP and Credit Suisse... “I went to its workplace conference in March and what I noticed was that Stonewall looked like an organisation that was basically on its knees,” says de Grunwald, reflecting on the charity’s current financial health... Support for Stonewall crumbled further following the publication of the damning Cass Review, the landmark independent review into transgender care for children led by paediatric consultant Dr Hilary Cass."

Meme - "r/MtF
Sick and tired of entitled women claiming it's so easy for all women to have sex.
I was just reading this post
'I could walk into a bar , or go on any dating app, and have someone to date and have sex with, within a half hour. All women could.'
No, not all women. I've been trying for three straight years and here we still are! I'm not fucking unattractive. I've been on hormones for 6 years and I pass pretty damn well and I still can't. Fuck. Thank you for listening. Me and my lonely ass just needed to get that out. And yes, I unsubbed from FDS."

Security: "Stop right there!"
Security: "New security measures. You need approved access for the women's change room. We don't want some pervert in disguise going in to gawk at women's bodies! Now pull down your pants for gender inspection."
So according to TRA logic, doctors are just perverts in disguise
As usual, left wingers have awful logic - I haven't seen anyone calling for this kind of thing

Seth Moulton on X - "I firmly believe that there should be reasonable restrictions on transgender athletes in competitive sports. The problem with H.R. 28 is that it's too extreme. It fails to distinguish between children and adults and different levels of athletics, school-aged kids who simply want to play recreational sports and build camaraderie like everybody else could be targeted by the federal government.  Under this law, a 10-year-old girl who seems “too tall” or even just “too good” could be targeted by officials and forced to release medical information or have her private parts inspected, which is disturbing to say the least and a slippery slope for school policy and youth athletics."
Maya Forstater on X - "This is such nonsense. Your "private parts" are examined at birth. The information goes on your birth certificate."

Libs of TikTok on X - "Ohio teacher has a meltdown because Ohio passed the "Parents' Bill of Rights" which requires schools inform parents if their kid decides to change their gender, bans gender ideology indoctrination in K-3, and allows parents to opt their kids out of lessons with s*xual content.  Why would any teacher be mad about not being able to keep secrets from parents and parents having a say in their childrens' education?"
Left wingers think children belong to the left wing state, not their parents

Meme - Jennifer Sey @JenniferSey: "No one voted to "categorically ban" trans identified boys from sports. They can compete in the boys category. They are boys."
Rep. Pramila Jayapal @RepJayapal: "Today, I voted NO on categorically banning transgender girls from school sports.  How do you verify “reproductive biology?” By subjecting every high school girl to examinations? I don’t think so. This invasive legislation harms ALL girls."
Left wingers always have terrible comprehension skills

Meme - Friendly Atheist: "It’s always helpful when the trash takes itself out. My piece on why three well-known atheists just resigned from the Freedom From Religion Foundation—and why they won’t be missed."
"Three prominent atheists resigned from FFRF's Honorary Board. Good riddance. Jerry Coyne, Steven Pinker, and Richard Dawkins are big mad that FFRF removed an anti-trans arti..."
Christine Dior: "I only know RD but haven't got a clue who the other two are. They come across as people who want to be the authority of what sex and gender simply because they are biologists, which is ironic considering science is never always straight forward and don't have all the answers. Not even acknowledging that trans individuals exist is already being intellectually dishonest. Not trying to understand why or how they exist is unscientific and discourages the spirit of discovery or even discussion. We're not the ones shutting down the discussion, they are because they think they are right and can only be right. Having that biology qualification seemingly lends them that authority but it doesn't. Even the smartest people can be wrong because of their biases. It's disappointing that they have been Honorary Members for this long considering FFRF have group sessions specifically for LGBTQIA individuals for on long time! LGBTQIA individuals are the ones most harmed by religious institutions. FFRF needs to provide a statement on how they are going to improve and actually acknowledge where they went wrong."
Adam Jester: "I'm afraid FA (and some others) is becoming increasingly ideological and siloed. I'm yet to hear anything from any of these men that warrants a "good riddance". I've heard a few things I don't completely agree with, but when I hear them speak I understand their reasoning. "Criticism is not oppression, and being contradicted is not persecution.""
David Anthony: "The Friendly Atheist is entitled to disagree with these men. But calling them "trash" is not very friendly, to say the least."
Trevor Henderson: "Appearing on Joe Rogan's podcast in 3..2.."
How "friendly"
Trust the experts - when they push the left wing agenda
As usual, not agreeing to all of TRAs' super long list of demands means you're literally denying trans people exist, somehow
Left wingers hate Joe Rogan because they can't censor him and he refuses to censor on their behalf. They are threatened by a free exchange of ideas

Meme - Reddit Lies @reddit_lies: ""Fascism is when the men's bathroom doesn't have tampons" -Reddit, unironically"
"Mark Zuckerberg Orders Removal of Tampons From Men's Bathrooms at Meta Offices"
"So he's going all in with fascism?"
Good reminder on why you can't take left wingers seriously when they go on about "fascism"

i/o on X - "About 15 years ago there was a social contagion among teenage girls from upper-middle class liberal families in my hometown which produced walking wounded skeletons of anorexics who "cut" themselves. Ten years after that, the trans contagion hit. Same pattern, different result.
What caused these? Is there a connecting thread? Is it social media or maybe something else?
It's interesting that these pathologies are overwhelmingly found among white girls. It's basically a white girl problem."

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ✡️⚢ ❌❌ on X - "I’ve told this story before, but one of the most upsetting encounters I’ve had with genderism was the time I got permabanned from my city’s only lesbian bar for “transphobia.”   I was there with my partner, but that didn’t stop a “transwoman” from approaching us and making unwelcome and explicit sexual advances. I had to tell him four times that we weren’t interested before he’d leave our table, and when I got up to use the restroom, he followed me inside.   I told him again, very firmly, to leave me alone so I could use the bathroom, but he responded by telling me “you don’t mean that.” He followed up by grabbing my arm and trying to pull me into him, so I jammed my knee into his crotch with a not-insignificant amount of force and left him writhing on the bathroom floor while I went to complain to the manager about his behavior.   I got two sentences out before the lecture began. I’d referred to my assailant with male pronouns, and they wasted no time in jumping down my throat for doing so. When I mentioned that I’d had to defend myself physically, the assistant manager went straight to the women’s room to make sure the my assailant was okay.   After a few minutes they came out, the TIM hunched over and feigning near-hysteria. When I looked at him, he flinched away like I had attempted to strike him (from ten feet away), and I heard him say something about PTSD. He and the assistant talked for a few moments, then the assistant came back and whispered in the manager’s ear.   Two minutes later, my girlfriend and I were being escorted from the premises — not, they made clear, because I’d defended myself, but because I’d “made a bigoted assumption about a trans person’s genitals” when I chose to knee him in the balls.   I wish I could tell you that I was joking."
Women are not allowed to defend themselves from MTFs' sexual assaults, because that's transphobia

Glenna Goldis on X - "The gender EO defines gender ideology in a way that leaves LGB alone. So all those LGBT orgs that face loss of funding can keep going if they simply split from the T. Will they do it? Just spin off the T into another org so that the LGBs can maintain funding? No, they won't."

Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism And Restoring Biological Truth To The Federal Government – The White House - "(d)  “Female” means a person belonging, at conception, to the sex that produces the large reproductive cell...
Gender ideology is internally inconsistent, in that it diminishes sex as an identifiable or useful category but nevertheless maintains that it is possible for a person to be born in the wrong sexed body."
Once again demonstrating their awful comprehension skills and poor understanding of biology (aka their fantasy "Advanced Biology"), left wingers were interpreting this to mean either that you had to actively produce large gametes to be female, or that we are all female because supposedly everyone is born female

Tribunal rules decapitated baby doctor can return to work - "A medical tribunal has ruled that a Dundee doctor whose actions resulted in an unborn baby being decapitated during delivery is able to return to work.  Dr Vishnavy Laxman was a consultant gynaecologist at Ninewells Hospital in March 2014 when the tragedy occurred."
First-time mother of decapitated baby in botched birth speaks out - "Dr Vaishnavy Laxman, 43, attempted to carry out the delivery naturally at Dundee's Ninewells hospital and urged the patient to push whilst herself applying traction to the baby's legs.  It caused the infant's legs, arms and torso to become detached, leaving the head still in his mother's womb.  Two other doctors subsequently carried out a C-section on the woman to remove the infant's head.  The baby's head was "re-attached" to his body so his mother could hold him before she said goodbye.  It is believed the child was already dead before he was decapitated during the bungled 15 minute delivery."
David Mackereth: Christian doctor loses trans beliefs case - "A doctor who refused to use transgender pronouns as people's chosen sex as it went against his Christian faith has lost his tribunal.  Disability assessor Dr David Mackereth, from Dudley, West Midlands, claimed the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) breached his right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.  But a panel ruled his biblical view of what it is to be male and female was "incompatible with human dignity.""

James Esses on X - "🚨The @NSPCC is telling teachers that if a child in their class demands ‘they/them’ pronouns, that they must thank the child and then obey their demand. The organisation set up to safeguard children is now a safeguarding risk."

Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "In 2015, California social worker Aydin Olson-Kennedy helped raise money for this girl with Down Syndrome to get her breasts cut off.   Did she have cancer? No. This girl, named Sky, had been told she was really a boy.  She was already on testosterone and had been admitted to the ICU for blood clots in her arms and lungs.  Aydin is a trans-identified female who sees all the struggling kids in her Los Angeles Gender Center as a social worker, before they get sent to her partner Johanna Olson-Kennedy who starts them on puberty blockers and cross-sex-hormones, and sends them for surgery.  They will do this to anyone."

Libs of TikTok on X - "Meet Thu Nguyen, a “nonbinary” city councilor from Worcester, MA. She just announced she’s taking a month off from work because she was misgendered. I’m not kidding. This is real."
If there is a wage gap between queer and non-queer people, this must be due to discrimination

REDUXX on X - "🚨EXCLUSIVE🚨 A transgender pedophile in Australia has been convicted for the sexual abuse of his own 5-year-old daughter. Autumn Tulip Harper was given a lenient sentence after it was argued that he only committed the acts to be "validated as a woman.""
pagliacci the hated 🌝 on X - "to summarize: 🏳️‍⚧️ rapes his own 5-year-old daughter. sends pics of her to another pedo. gets arrested but is let go. claims he only did it because his ex was transphobic and he wanted to feel more like a woman. judge says "ok" and sentences him to 4 years instead of 25."

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