Meme - Josh or whatever. @FKASerioJosh: "Funny seeing how people defend Neil Gaiman when there are allegations of sexual abuse on the table but wish for death and worse on JKR, because she *checks notes* doesn't believe men can be women. What a fucking world."
ripx4nutmeg on X - "Three high profile people have been accused of sexual abuse in the last five days. All three were trans activists 😲"
*Neil Gaiman, Ivor Caplin, Amanda Palmer*
Meme - ""She is not innocent in this at all" - Internet calls out Amanda Palmer in wake of revelatory Neil Gaiman allegations"
Amanda Palmer: "So, fact-checking: 1) I believe trans women are women & that trans rights are human rights. I have always believed this. I am all for gender-affirming anything.
TRANSBIOME - a crowdfund for transgender health @ £4k of their goal already. new platform to me, too, nice to meet you @goteofunding. support & share!"
Meme - "STING OP. Ex-Labour minister arrested on suspicion of child sex offences released on bail. Sussex Police said Mr Caplin, also a former Brighton and Hove city councillor, was one of two men arrested on Saturday afternoon. A FORMER Labour minister arrested on suspicion of child sex offences has been released on bail. Ivor Caplin, MP for Hove from 1997 to 2005, was let out yesterday morning following a sting operation by online paedophile hunters."
Scene Magazine @SceneLGBTQ: ""We're standing stronger and louder than ever." Trans Pride Brighton & Hove to return on July 19"
Ivor Caplin: "This is good by Trans Pride. Well done to all"
Meme - "Neil Gaiman responds to accusations of sexual assault and rape. Numerous women have accused the writer of rape, sexual assault and sexual coercion"
Prof Jenina Ramirez @DrlaninaRamirez: "It's been an interesting day of fielding the anti-trans today. The insults are coming thick and fast. It's all rather scary when you put your head above the parapet but I maintain I will always be a trans ally. Inclusivity and tolerance have to prevail if we want a better future."
Neil Gaiman @neilhimself: "You are doing the right thing."
Miguel @MFE1979: "No, she is not. And neither are you. You are spreading hate and leaving women defenseless. You are in the wrong side if history on this subject. Sorry"
Neil Gaiman @neilhimselt: "No, I'm on the side of kindness and inclusivity. And that includes X in kindness and inclusivity to trans men and trans women. And history will get to decide, not me, not you."
Shared post - Video of teen with congenital disorder getting trans surgery goes viral - "A video of a young woman with a congenital disorder showing off fresh double mastectomy wounds has gone viral. The posts have no context and are being used for engagement farming. But who is the woman? Is she a cancer patient? Independent journalist Sarah Fields was the first to report that the woman used in the trans-activist content is Mara Jean LeRoy, a Minneapolis-based 19-year-old now known as Micah "Mike" LeRoy. I investigated further. The teen, who has cerebral palsy, has an extremely woke, anti-Trump leftist activist mother and father. Mara is also surrounded by others who record videos and photos of her medical and surgical transition for social media. Leftist Minnesota state rep. Alicia Kozlowski, who identifies as "they/them," had met with Mara and her mother, DEI advocate Katherine Jean LeRoy, in a May 2023 post celebrating the eradication of sex-based rights in her state. Mara was medically transitioned with cross-sex hormones when she was still in high school. She suffers from epilepsy and also has had at least one stroke, according to a fundraiser by her parents. Accounts attributed to Mara online are focused entirely on trans and pride activism. Her mother has a long history of posts supporting woke causes and expressing a hatred of Donald Trump. Mara's paid carer is her father, Paul Andrew LeRoy. He uses both masculine and "nonbinary" pronouns to describe his daughter. Defenders of Mara's videos say that someone who is non-verbal can consent in other ways to medical interventions for gender affirmation. Mara uses a text-to-voice device to communicate with others. It is not known if other people manage her social media accounts."
Meme - Sall Grover @salltweets: "It is quite amazing that 206 people actually voted against protecting women & girls sport. Like, literally the only reason to vote against protecting women & girls sport is because you care more about the men & boys it needs protection from."
HR 28
The left wing party line about voting for Trump meaning voting against women's rights (especially when Harris had no way to nullify the overturn of Roe v Wade) is, as usual, left wing projection
Meme - latsot @latsot: "Your brain on gender identity ideology, Ladies and gentleman, for clarity the topic is *rape by deception* and what Danna is saying here is that trans people are demanding rape by deception as a human right. But not only that. Dana is also saying trans people demanding to commit rape by deception with social and legal impunity is the line in the sand for trans people, the symbol behind which their imagined civil rights movement will galvanise and spread throughout the nations! In other words, for Danna, the whole of trans rights is about rape by deception."
Danna Pond @DannaPond: "Bro this is a back of the bus moment and trans people are holding their seats. They don't fucking owe you their medical history before sex and you're on the wrong side of history here. Stop segregating trans people and making weird laws to exclude them, other them, and out them."
TBF, if you disagree with any single TRA demand, that is literally genocide and saying that trans people don't exist
Meme - Sassafrass84 @Sassafrass_84: "As a woman who struggles with PCOS and had a miscarriage this is an ACTUAL slap to the face. This is offensive to women. Period."
"It's heartbreaking that, as a transgender woman living with PCOS and endometriosis, I cannot get pregnant. I feel like no I man will ever truly love me or want to build a family"
Number of children with gender dysphoria rises 50-fold in a decade - "The number of children in England diagnosed with gender dysphoria has risen 50-fold over the past decade, research shows. Analysis of NHS GP records suggests that more than 10,000 under-18s identified as transgender or struggled with gender distress in 2021, up from about 200 in 2011... From 2015, the number of girls diagnosed with gender dysphoria began to increase much more rapidly than boys. By 2021, twice as many girls had been told they had the condition than boys. The research, published in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood, did not examine the causes of the increase. However, the authors said possible explanations include “social factors”, such as greater use of social media, as well as worsening mental health in children, particularly girls... Cass’s report highlighted how changing “cultural norms”, peer pressure and the influence of social media are likely to have contributed to the rise in gender dysphoria. Her report said distressed children must be seen as a “whole person and not just through the lens of their gender identity” and no longer hurried to medical intervention. A team at the University of York were involved in the Cass review, reviewing data from 113,000 children in the biggest rethink of treatment for children struggling with their gender, examining 237 papers from 18 countries."
Definitely not a social contagion. Society was just repressing them. Older generations' internalised transphobia is just too strong for them to admit they're really trans
Seth Dillon on X - "While we're counting wins, you don't want to miss this one. Dr. Haim is the man who blew the whistle on Texas Children's when he discovered they were performing illegal gender transitions on minors. The Biden DOJ tried to put him in prison, but his case has just been dismissed."
Andy Ngo on X - "Chase (Kate) Strangio, the ACLU trans nutter who argued to SCOTUS that transitioning children is a constitutional right, went on a leftist show to slam Trump's E.O. against gender extremism. She deploys the term "non-transgender women" to refer to women."
Jonatan Pallesen on X - "NYT: 15% of federal prisoners in female prisons are "transgender". It should be exceedingly obvious to anyone that these people are simply men claiming to be women in order to be housed in a women's prison. You obviously can't just let violent criminals say that they are women, and then they will be housed in a women's prison instead. Prisons are divided by sex for a reason! The NYT for some reason pretends they can't see these obvious facts, and instead speculate that the reason is about 'economic hardship' etc. But just because the NYT is willfully ignorant doesn't mean the rest of you have to be. This is a farce. It is so ridiculous that it would quite amusing, if it weren't for the real harm it causes to female prisoners."
Meme - "Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender *sad James P. Sullivan (Sulley) from Monsters Inc*
Lesbian Gay Bisexual That's it. *happy James P. Sullivan (Sulley) from Monsters Inc*"
Zach W. Lambert on X - "Intersex people, by definition, fall outside of the male/female binary. You've got to read a book or at least Google something before you tweet next time."
Zachary Elliott on X - "People with “intersex” disorders, which are not actually in between sexes, have sex-specific conditions. Some only affect males. Others only affect females. Knowing their sex is critical for medical treatment. For example, XX Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia can result in overproduction of androgens in a female fetus, resulting in external genitalia that appears ambiguous, even though she has ovaries and a full Mullerian (female) genital system. If we view this ambiguous genitalia as a healthy variation, and do not treat their hormonal issues medically, it can result in the death of the baby. This is because CAH can cause severe salt-wasting due to the adrenal glands not functioning properly, causing severe dehydration and organ failure. The “ambiguous” genitalia is a byproduct or marker for this adrenal problem. Knowing her sex is critical to treat her properly, to know what healthy hormone levels she needs and what is going on with her body. There are many other examples of sex-specific disorders of sex development that may result in ambiguity but cause sex-specific issues that we can’t see just through external observation. Understanding their sex is the first step in treatment so that they can live long and healthy lives."
Meme - "When you're trans and the club says $6 for women $8 for men but you gotta pay $14 since you both *crying kid*"
"Fuck you, you transphobic piece of trash"
"Guess you pay 14$"
Transgender inmates panic as Donald Trump's executive order sends them packing to men's prisons
Helen Joyce on X - ""Incredibly dangerous", hmm? Not for the women prisoners, who won't have male criminals in with them any more. Another of those framings that sees men as the only true humans, and women as emotional support animals"
Bev Jackson on X - "Suddenly there are “safety concerns”. The hundreds of women prisoners who have been reporting attacks and intimidation for years somehow failed to spark “safety concerns”. Funny, that."
Steve McGuire on X - "New NYT poll:
Society has gone too far or far enough accommodating trans people: Total: 77% GOP: 93% Dem: 62%
Trans women should NOT be allowed in women’s sports: Total: 79% GOP: 94% Dem: 67%
Minors should NOT be able to get puberty blockers: Total: 71% GOP: 90% Dem: 54%"
Jonathan Kay on X - "When the Cass Review came out, the excuse that Canadian paediatricians gave for ignoring it was that it wasn’t Canadian. Now we have a Canadian study reporting more or less the same thing. Taking bets on what excuse they’ll use to ignore this one.
I’m looking forward to the CBC report …. Here, I will get them started: “according to Sparky BopBop-Androgèhn, a non-binary teen influencer who runs the Queer Momentum Blue Mastodon account, the study endangers the lives of genderwanged children across the country…”"
'Considerable uncertainty' remains about giving kids puberty blockers - "The evidence surrounding the use of puberty blockers and cross sex hormones in children and teens identifying as transgender is of such low certainty it’s impossible to conclude whether the drugs help or harm, Canadian researchers are reporting. Doctors should “clearly communicate” the major uncertainties that remain with children and parents and check “whose values they are prioritizing” when prescribing puberty blockers and masculinizing or feminizing hormones to youth, they write. Article content Their findings echo those of a major British review, commissioned by the National Health Services of England, that found evidence for the safety and efficacy of puberty blockers for children with gender dysphoria is remarkably weak and “built on shaky foundations.”... The Cass Review hasn’t altered the gender-affirming approach to care in Canada. The Canadian Paediatric Society has criticized what it has called “significant limitations, biases and inaccuracies” within the review, which capped off a four-year inquiry. In a letter published in its flagship journal, the society said that “the model of gender-affirming care in Canada differs in many ways from the approach that had been in place in the U.K.” However, one federally funded study that followed 174 children who were under 16 when they were referred to one of 10 gender identity clinics in Canada found 74 per cent were put on puberty blockers. Nearly two-thirds went on to masculinizing or feminizing hormones... The use of medical interventions in children identifying as transgender or non-binary remains controversial. “There’s not enough reliable information,” said Chan Kulatunga-Moruzi, one of the authors of the two new reviews. “We really don’t have enough evidence to say that these procedures are beneficial. Few studies have looked at physical harm, so we have really no evidence of harm as well. There’s not a lot that we can say with certainty, based on the evidence.”... Originally considered fully reversible, concerns are emerging about potential long-term or irreversible effects, the Canadian team wrote this week in the journal, Archives of Disease in Childhood. Questions have been raised about the effects on fertility or what impact, if any, they might have on brain development. The Canadian team combed the available evidence, pooling the results of research on puberty blockers and gender affirming hormones for children and youth up to age 26. They graded the evidence using a scoring system co-developed by Dr. Gordon Guyatt, a celebrated McMaster University scientist who coined the phrase evidence-based medicine. Article content After screening 6,736 titles and abstracts involving puberty blockers, only 10 studies were included in their review. While children who received puberty blockers compared to those who don’t score higher on “global function” — quality of life, and general physical and psychological wellbeing — the evidence was of “very low certainty.” Very low, meaning researchers have “very little confidence in the effect estimate” and that the true effect “is likely to be substantially different from the estimate of effect.” The studies also provided low certainty of evidence on the impact of puberty blockers on depression. While they may decrease depression in “male-to-female participants,” they didn’t decrease depression scores in the female-to-male group. “We are very uncertain about the causal effect of the (drugs) on depression,” the researchers wrote. “Most studies provided very low certainty of evidence about the outcomes of interest thus, we cannot exclude the possibility of benefit or harm,” they said. The second review to assess the impact of hormone therapy (testosterone for females, estrogen for males) included 24 studies. That review also provided “very low confirmatory evidence of any substantive change” in gender dysphoria, depression or overall health, according to a release from the publishing group, BMJ Group. Article content Many studies suffered from missing data, small sample sizes or lacked a comparison group. The researchers said they didn’t find data for outcomes of death by suicide. “Since the current best evidence, including our systematic review and meta-analysis, is predominantly very low quality, clinicians must clearly communicate this evidence to patients and caregivers,” they wrote. “Treatment decisions should consider the lack of moderate- and high-quality evidence, uncertainty about the effects of puberty blockers and patient’s values and preferences,” they added. Guideline developers and policy makers should be transparent “about which and whose values they are prioritizing when making recommendations and policy decisions,” they said."
Of course, US pro-trans studies must be accepted
Alex Berenson on X - "15% of all women in federal prison - 1500 inmates - are transgender?!? That jaw-dropping stat was buried in an NYT story yesterday. Either a lot of dudes are gaming the system or transies commit a LOT of crime. Or both."
The cope is that this is due to transphobia, stigma and discrimination
Insurrection Barbie on X - "For the people freaking out about the fact that we are only acknowledging two genders in the United States of America… can you please list the genders that we have omitted?"
Meme - Playteaux @Playteaux1: "Hollywood wonders why we don’t see movies in the theaters anymore. Because Emilia Perez is nominated for more Oscars than any other movie in history. That’s why."
"Oscar Nominations
Shawshank Redemption: 7
Life is Beautiful: 7
Citizen Kane: 9
The Godfather: 11
Godfather Part Il: 11
LotR: Return of the King: 11
Schindler's List: 12
Emilia Perez: 13"
Meme - "it it normal for your vagina to get hard when experiencing arousal?
im a good bit over a year out from my surgery at this point (im still struggling with some complications, theres a spot near the opening of my vaginal canal that always seems to tear when i dilate, even when i take things really slowly and will never fully heal) but this has been kind driving me crazy. i notice that my labia stiffens up especially around the urethra when im aroused to the point where it would be quite noticeable (nothing looks wrong or weird visually, everything just gets hard) and i was wondering if this was normal? i mentioned both of these things to my surgeon (for the dilation issue, she just told me to keep applying this medical honey at every appointment, and it helped a bit at first but didnt do much in the long term) and she said there wasnt anything she could do, as removing any more erectile tissue would leave me incontinent. if its something i can get fixed or reassured about i would like to, it makes me very anxious and insecure and makes me fear potential uncomfortable moments with sexual partners"
Meme - "How it feels after successful gender affirming surgery *Proud Magneto with chest bandages*
An hour later when the infection starts *Bent over Magneto with chest bandages*"
Dylan Mulvaney leaves the US ‘to feel safe’ amid Bud Light backlash - "Transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney has revealed she is currently in Peru after leaving the US because she no longer “feels safe” amid the transphobic backlash over her partnership with Bud Light."
Peru classifies transgender identities as 'mental health problems' in new law
Meme - "Actor Elliot Page holds back tears revealing heartbreaking advice he would give his 'younger self'..."
WilliamErik Moore: "Man up Elliot & stop acting like a dramatic woman"
Meme - Bonnie (#1 girlfriend fan) "there are more trans & intersex people than there are people with red hair. just plug in any argument about trans people and replace trans with ginger and see how silly it sounds."
Cream for your coffee: "Ginger's require lifelong hormone treatment to maintain their mental delusion. How'd I do?"
Meme - "Not only are trans women real women, they're the realest women. They put in the work. Pull themselves up by the boobstraps. Cis girls are just born into it. Nepo ladies"
Transwomen hate real women so much
Colin Wright on X - "It's easy to forget how bad things got on trans issues. I'm still banned from PayPal and Etsy for stating, as a biologist, that sex is real, immutable, binary, and based on gametes—the same basic biological truths outlined in Trump's recent executive order."
Trainee firefighter who failed exam 'became a woman because the pass mark was lower' - and was successful - "A trainee firefighter has been accused of jumping the queue to qualify after they failed to pass the physical exam as a man and then said they were changing gender to 'take advantage of lower pass marks' required by female candidates. The candidate, known as David, initially failed to pass the exam as a man by not achieving a high enough score. But shortly after receiving the news, it has been claimed the firefighter then announced they were changing gender. According to the rules in Spain, a woman can qualify by achieving a lower score in the physical tests because of the strength differences between sexes. It comes as Spain introduced its Trans Law last year, which allows anyone to legally change gender without medical evaluation or justification on psychological grounds. The Times reported another candidate, Raul Asenjo, initially qualified to become a firefighter. However, when David moved from 201st place to 101st in the ranking of candidates, Mr Asenjo was bumped down and no longer made the cut."
The Detransition Rate Is Unknown - "The percentage of people who discontinue, detransition, and/or regret is not known, outside of some very narrowly defined study populations (Dhejne et al., 2014). Although this fact is known to some (Irwig, 2022; Levine et al., 2022), low regret or detransition percentages are frequently quoted. Examples from the medical research literature include: “rare case of detransition,” “only 0.6% of transgender women and 0.3% of transgender men who underwent gonadectomy experienced regret” (Rosenthal, 2021, p. 586), “Post-GAC regret is rare, occurring in approximately 0.3% of individuals” (McNamara et al., 2022, p. 252), and in medical publications: “Gallagher said she follows the WPATH standards, which require mental health evaluations, and as a result, ‘the risk of regret is incredibly low’” (Ault, 2022). These claims also make their way into the press: “the rate of regret is very low,” “the very small group of people who detransition” (Bazelon, 2022), “regret rates between 0.3 and 0.6 percent” (Turban, 2022), “very rare” (Connell-Bryan et al., 2022), and official statements (USPATH Board & WPATH Executive Committee, 2022): “Transition reversal […] is rare.” Knowledge of accurate rates are essential for evaluating how well the protocols for commencing medical intervention identify those who are unlikely to benefit, as well as for those considering medical intervention to weigh as risk: regret is an adverse outcome, as is detransition for some (e.g., D’Angelo, 2018; Vandenbussche, 2022). The extremely low rates are based on studies with flaws which compromise the reliability of their reported rates, or refer to a population with very different characteristics from the large numbers of young people contemplating or undergoing medical intervention today. Specifically, outcomes should not be measured too early (Abramowitz, 1986; De Cuypere et al., 2006), loss to follow-up should be small (D’Angelo, 2018; Gijs & Brewaeys, 2007; Horváth, 2018; Sutcliffe et al., 2009), and measures and definitions (Gijs & Brewaeys, 2007; Sutcliffe et al., 2009) of regret or detransition should be appropriate. In addition, the reported rates should correspond to a sample which is not biased or otherwise non-representative or irrelevant for the case of interest (D’Angelo et al., 2021; Gijs & Brewaeys, 2007). These are common and longstanding concerns for studies of medical intervention for gender dysphoria (Abramowitz, 1986; Carroll, 1999). For gender surgery in particular, Carroll (1999) identified 12 outcome study limitations over 20 years ago, most of which fall within the four requirements above (the lack of control groups and randomized treatment groups which he flags might be argued to limit the utility of these rates for determining appropriate treatment, rather than limiting the measurement of the rates themselves)."
Weird. We keep being told the trans regret rate is under 1% based on that trans survey that targeted trans people
stepfanie tyler on X - "it’s crazy to be a woman and to be told by supposedly straight men that ‘trans’ issues don’t affect me last summer i was shopping for panties at Target when two 6-foot-something dudes in daisy dukes came into the section, giggling and holding up thongs to each other—in high-pitched, exaggerated voices, they said things like, “yasss girl, you would slay in these” it was invasive, absurd and impossible to ignore—i left my cart right there and walked out why does this matter? bc women are expected to share every space we’ve fought for—bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms—with men who identify as women, no questions asked these are not “harmless” individuals. statistically speaking, men (including trans-identified men) commit the overwhelming majority of violent crimes—in fact, recent data shows that male criminals identifying as women are still committing crimes at rates comparable to other men—because they are men when women say we’re uncomfortable, we’re ignored—when we set boundaries, we’re labeled ‘transphobic’ but let’s be clear: it’s not phobic to be wary of mentally unstable individuals being encouraged to indulge in their delusions and sick twisted fetishes rather than to seek help women deserve spaces where we can feel safe and respected—where our instincts aren’t gaslit, and we’re not forced to pretend reality doesn’t exist if being honest about that makes me ‘phobic’ so be it—i will not sacrifice my safety or dignity for someone else’s feelings this is one of MANY reasons i voted for Trump in November—and i cannot express enough gratitude to him for signing that EO on day 1, exactly like he'd promised"