"White people can experience racism.
You can choose one option
There are only two genders.
You can choose one option
Fat people should be shamed for their weight.
You can choose one option
Group rules from the admins
1. DISCLAIMER: This group isn't 100% wholesome.
Here is the disclaimer in full, check the announcements tab if this link is not working: https://www.facebook.com/groups/485374985302534/permalink/1116214405551919/
2. Be wholesome to one another.
No racism, body-shaming, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, islamophobia, ace/aro exclusionism, anti-semitism, colorism, or general rude behaviour / bullying (etc).
3. Absolutely NO misreading the following topics:
Transphobia, homophobia, racism, ableism, bigotry of all kinds, hate speech, fascism, suicide, r*pe, sexual assault & paedophilia.
4. This group enforces Content Warnings (CW: ___)
When submitting posts regarding topics some people may find upsetting, your post will only be approved if it adheres to Rule 3 and has an adequate content warning.
5. No pointless, semantic arguing.
Please do not spam the comments with "this is already wholesome". We welcome discussion, but please remember that sharing a post here doesn't necessarily imply the original content wasn't wholesome.
6. No links to external websites/videos.
Only image/text/Facebook video content please. This is because it takes too long to moderate content shared from external websites."