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Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Links - 8th February 2023 (1 - General Wokeness)

Stanford University's list of 'harmful language' it wants to eliminate includes the word 'AMERICAN' - "Stanford University has published an index of 'harmful language' that it wants to eliminate because the terms are 'ableist, ageist or racist' — including the word American — as it calls for US citizen to be used instead. The University revealed the plan in May, and wants to remove the words from its IT systems and websites, with grandfather, brave and master are also on the list. The Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative will also aim to educate people about the impact that 'racist, violent and biased' words have. It has listed 10 sections where 'harmful' language can occur under the headings: ableist, ageism, colonialism, culturally appropriative, gender-based, imprecise language, institutionalized racism, person-first, violent and additional considerations... Other suggestions include changing 'immigrant' to 'a person who has immigrated' and 'prisoner' to 'a person who is/was incarcerated' in order to not define someone by a singular characteristic.
"Kill two birds with one stone" supposedly promotes animal cruelty. "Walk in" 'trivializes' disabled people. You can't "grandfather" something because the ""grandfather clause" denied black people the vote". "Abort" is bad because it links to abortion. You need to use "child who has been trafficked" for "child prostitute", though they mean different things. Even "trigger warning" can't be used, because it may be triggering. Clown world truly.

Woke critic accuses new Avatar movie of cultural appropriation - even though Na'vi are aliens - "A freelance film critic has been mercilessly mocked for accusing Avatar: The Way of Water of 'cultural appropriation', claiming director James Cameron only cast white actors to 'cos play' as aliens 'of color' in the blockbuster hit. Freelance film critic Kathia Woods, who has contributed to Buzzfeed News and The Philadelphia Tribune, made the comments on Twitter. 'At some point we gotta talk about the cultural appropriation of Avatar and white actors are cos playing as poc. It's just a mess and so not necessary & no amount of visual effects/CGI is gonna erase that. Bad lace fronts/dry synthetic braids. Jesus fix it,' she said... 'Only nine-foot tall blue aliens can play nine-foot tall blue aliens in movies, apparently!' joked radio host Dan O'Donnell. Woods failed to take note of the fact that not only are the Na'vi creatures depicted in the film described as 'indigenous blue humanoids' living on the planet Pandora, some are indeed played by black actors in the film."

Dr. BlackDeer on Twitter - "Don't wanna watch the colonial glorifying blue people movie? Check out these sci-fi films by actual Indigenous people telling our own stories instead. 🧵"
Humans are portrayed as evil. Nothing will ever be enough for the woke

Librarianshipwreck on Twitter - "Studying history will sometimes make you uncomfortable. Studying history will sometimes make you feel deeply upset. Studying history will sometimes make you feel extremely angry. If studying history always makes you feel proud and happy, you probably aren’t studying history."
Studying history will sometimes delight you. Studying history will sometimes please you. Studying history will sometimes make you proud. If studying history always makes you feel upset and furious, you probably aren't studying history.

Limited Run Games fires community manager over their Twitter account - "Games distributor Limited Run Games has fired their community manager, seemingly over public outcry for who they follow on Twitter. “LRG respects all personal opinions, however we remain committed to supporting an inclusive culture,” the company said. “Upon investigating a situation, an employee was terminated. Our goal as a company is to continue to foster a positive and safe environment for everyone.” One of the users the ex-employee Kara Lynne followed, Ian Miles Cheong, claims it was due to her following both him and the other notable account LibsofTikTok. Both accounts are kind of notorious online for stirring the pot yes, but a fire-able offense to follow them?... There are other claims that Lynne was fired for publicly expressing her excitement to play the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy, which some users now consider “transphobic” due to Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling taking a hard stance in favor of biological women. Limited Run Games removing their community manager is a mistake and will only embolden these types of people. They see the blood in the water and will never stop, and will never be satisfied enough to leave you alone. The same kind of outrage campaign on social media from the same people that led to Kara Lynne being fired also led to Night in the Woods developer Alec Holowka seemingly killing himself. Limited Run Games is ironically selling his game right now, years after his death. Another recent outrage campaign was directed at this year’s MAGFest where organizers posted “Kotaku’s Journalistic Integrity” on a floor sign, noting it’s in “404”, a joke that their journalistic integrity is missing. Limited Run Games contributor Frank Cifaldi and others kept screaming about GamerGate, for some reason. The sign has since been removed."

Hedgewitch Garden — Erik Jensen Pumpkin spice hate season is coming... - "Erik Jensen Pumpkin spice hate season is coming again, so here’s a reminder from a historian: what we call “pumpkin spice” is just the classic English and Anglo-American “sweet” spice mix: cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, and mace. It’s been used in traditional desserts, from apple pie to plum pudding, for centuries. When did people start having a problem with it? Not when women were in the kitchen putting it in their pies but when women decided they liked it in the coffee they grabbed on the way to school or work. So when you see people snickering at the pumpkin spice products this fall, remember what they’re mocking: women choosing something for their own pleasure rather than devoting themselves to pleasing others"
Weird how he doesn't know that the hate started when it started being put in everything

‘No one even knows what diversity means’ - "What I have misgivings about is not the civil-rights movement but the Civil Rights Act. It’s not a question of morality, but one of power. The Civil Rights Act caused an enormous increase in federal-government power, intended to overturn ongoing institutional racism in the American South. It was a much more complicated enterprise than the people who supported it let on at the time. The problem was that all the rules enforcing segregation had been set up by democratic institutions. It was very difficult to attack them without giving the government tools that would allow it to attack local democracy. And that’s what happened. The size and power of the government is definitely an issue in the US. But I would also point toward the problems in the way the government works. The Civil Rights Act empowered the judiciary by creating a lot of new crimes, and it produced very large bureaucracies that could investigate and prosecute not just local authorities, but also private companies, for racism. In doing that, it intentionally muddled the boundary between public and private. This is a huge issue. For instance, President Lyndon Johnson issued an executive order which gave preference to companies that had affirmative-action programmes when distributing government contracts. Since an unusually large number of businesses and pretty much all universities were, by this point, entangled with the federal government, this meant the government had an influence on everything... no American layman really knows what diversity is. Is it okay if all the ethnic-minority people in a workplace are from one ethnic background? Do women count as a minority? These things are really unclear to people. If you run a business, you are constantly left looking to the government to direct you as to what you are allowed to do. And if you get it wrong, you’re not just wrong. You’re actually a wicked racist and a sociopath."

When Does Tanning Become Racially Insensitive? - "Gigi Hadid came under fire for her Vogue Italia cover, in which she appeared darker than she actually is. The politics of the specific cover are complicated. Gigi Hadid, whose father is Palestinian, is a woman of color, but one who benefits from passing as white in an industry that has always valorized thin, blonde bodies. Vogue Italia Editor-at-Large Patti Wilson, who's a Black woman, was behind the cover, so shaming her direction on the shoot feels out of place and misguided. In the midst of backlash, she defended herself on Instagram: "Gigi was meant to look bronze, tan, and gorgeous," she wrote. "Nothing more than that." Hadid apologized for being insensitive while also pointing out that she didn't have any creative control on the shoot's post-production... It's no wonder given the way Brown and Black people are excluded from media representation, seen as less beautiful, and generally shamed for existing, that they feel pressure to lighten their skin... I'm sure the well-meaning white reader is wondering what they are supposed to do. Not go into the sun this summer? Wear SPF 90 at all times? Sadly, the answer is not so obvious or so easy. It requires acknowledging that Brown and Black people have experiences white people can never understand, no matter how tan or racially-conscious or accepting they are. It means seeing Brown and Black bodies as more than sources of inspiration that can be disregarded when a fashion shoot is over. It means seeing people of color as beautiful at their most ordinary, in the ways they see themselves."
From 2018, too
Weird how women have been lightening their skins long before the mass media every existed, or even pre-European contact
If a white person tries to be fair, this will also be racist because he's valuing white skin

Meme - Nicolette Kelley: "ACAB includes queer people who think they're edgy for buying lots of Chick-fil-A and Harry Potter merch"
Everyone's a "cop"

Hypocritical woke activists are destroying freedom of speech - "What a weird way to fight what you call “hatred” – to run at your opponents chanting “scum”. But then that is Left-wing students for you. They will claim to be on the side of love and peace while committing the very sin of which they have supposedly committed their lives to fight against. Nadhim Zahawi, the Education Secretary, is the latest victim of the hypocrisy which stands at the centre of so much student activism. Departing Warwick University after speaking to Conservative students, he was descended upon by a crowd of activists who accused him of being a “transphobe” and called him “Tory scum”. What had he done to deserve it? Apart from being a Tory, which of course is enough to bring many a Left-wing student into a quiver of rage, Zahawi had defined a woman as an “adult human female”. That might appear to be an uncontentious statement of fact to much of the country, but not in the weird world of radical trans activism where saying such a thing apparently means that you are trying to express hatred for people who wish to change their gender... There remains among many Left-wing groups a Leninist culture where the end justifies the means: so long as we are all fighting for an “enlightened” goal then we can excuse all horrible behaviour along the way. What would be considered “hatred” by the Right is mere “activism” when committed by the Left. Attempts to punish or identify individuals who have committed acts of violence and vandalism are expected when those individuals are on the Right, but considered a “chilling” attack on the freedom to protest when those individuals are on the Left. Somehow, even police and other law-enforcement authorities seem to get drawn down this line of thinking – just look how the Prevent programme has come to focus on far-Right extremists and away from Islamist ones, or how anti-vaccine protests seemed to be suppressed with far greater enthusiasm than Insulate Britain ones."

Australian researcher warns children's book The Very Hungry Caterpillar is 'detrimental' for kids - "Classic children's book The Very Hungry Caterpillar may be 'detrimental' for kids to read, according to a new study by a senior childhood researcher. Dr Helen Adam from Edith Cowan University's School of Education has flagged a series of classic children's books that she believes 'perpetuate outdated stereotypes' and are not diverse enough. Some of the books Dr Adam highlights from her research include older classics such as The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Harry the Dirty Dog and Hairy Maclary."
I remember when it was Christians calling everything from Yoga to Harry Potter to Pokemon satanic

Gender Stereotypes In Hulu’s Baby And Toddler Programming May Have Lasting Effects For Kids
Liberals are going to use this to justify censorship based on allegations of "harm". As if "stereotypes" were inherently harmful. Media without "stereotypes" will be both stilted and bizarre (e.g. showing retail staff as earning the same as doctors)

The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise in the U.S. | Time - "It was super interesting reading the reflections of fitness enthusiasts in the early 20th century. They said we should get rid of corsets, corsets are an assault on women’s form, and that women should be lifting weights and gaining strength. At first, you feel like this is so progressive. Then you keep reading, and they’re saying white women should start building up their strength because we need more white babies. They’re writing during an incredible amount of immigration, soon after enslaved people have been emancipated. This is totally part of a white supremacy project"
Encouraging white people to have more babies is "white supremacy". Of course, if you said minorities shouldn't have more babies, that'd be "genocide"

Popular YouTuber Patrick Shyu mocked for declaring ‘Merry Christmas!’ 'highly offensive' to ‘depressed’ people - "On Christmas day, Patrick Shyu, a YouTuber with nearly 1.5 million subscribers and former tech lead for Google and Meta, provided one of the Christmas season's most spot-on Ebeneezer Scrooge impressions. Trying to rain on the parades of billions celebrating the holiday, Shyu tweeted, "I find ‘Merry Christmas' highly offensive," and explained that there are mentally ill and depressed people who feel pressured to be jolly because of the holiday greeting. He explained, “The holidays cause stress, depression, and mental health issues for 25-40% of people. It’s like a ‘merriness contest’ on social media to force happiness, and a Western subversion of every other culture.” Shyu also asked, “What’s a non-offensive greeting?”... Education consultant and Substack author Deb Fillman blasted Shyu, tweeting, “I find people who make everyone else responsible for their emotions, ‘highly offensive.’” Investor and entrepreneur Albert Renshaw demonstrated how ridiculous Shyu’s complaining was, writing, “I find ‘hope you’re having a good week’ highly offensive. I’m not having a good week, how dare you be nice to me!”"
Good luck saying wishes for a good Kwanzaa or Hanukkah are offensive
We're still going to be told that there's no War on Christmas

Meme - "They even incarcerating black products
*6 unlocked beard dyes, 1 locked beard dye for black men*"
Greedy companies are even more evil than they are greedy, which is why they waste money discriminating against black people

Meme - "Blue is an awesome game, I wish they made a movie out of it!"
"Coming soon: Blue The Movie *imagines Blue*"
"Big Screen Pictures Presents... BLUE *Red*"
"Toxic manbaby fans review bomb "BLUE". White males, probably nazi virgins dare to dislike product."
If you don't shut up and consume, you're a bad person

Prattle, a Shakespeare Version of Wordle, Won't Let You Guess 'Slave' - "Prattle is an online game in the same vein as Wordle, the extremely popular word-guessing puzzle that debuted in October 2021 and was acquired by The New York Times in 2022. Whereas Wordle requires players to guess a five-letter word in the English dictionary, Prattle restricts the possible solutions to words appearing in the published works of William Shakespeare... Prattle doesn't use every word in the Shakespeare-verse, however. Trying to guess the word slave, for instance, results in the following warning: "Shakespeare did use this word, but we decided not to. Please guess a new word to keep playing." Roy Thomas, former editor in chief of Marvel Comics and a fan of Prattle, lamented this "mind-boggling bit of virtue-signaling." "This is the worst kind of pandering, the more so by a company supposedly devoted to major English-language literature"... Slavery is a terrible crime—a shameful evil that engulfed millions of innocent people throughout history. As a state of being, slave is deeply offensive. But is the word itself so offensive as to be utterly unsayable when used figuratively, or even when describing an actual, historical reality? In the modern U.S., it is sometimes considered good etiquette to say enslaved persons rather than slaves, the former sounding more respectful. Historical tours of Mount Vernon, for instance, make reference to the enslaved persons in George Washington's household. But it's quite another matter to pretend that actual works of literature do not use the (arguably) outdated term; it certainly doesn't make slavery any less bad to pretend the word slave never existed. Unfortunately, efforts to cleanse the English language of all potentially problematic verbiage seem to accelerate with each passing year. Stanford University's I.T. department recently penned a list of offensive terms and phrases that included "stupid" and "crazy." The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services sent a memo to employees last week asking them to phase out any use of the term field work because of its "implication for descendants of enslaved Black and Brown individuals." But field work is not a term reserved for the experiences of enslaved persons of color. Free people work in fields, too. As for Prattle, Thomas says that he's unlikely to continue playing it unless it revisits the policy. "This anti-free speech, anti-intellectual, anti-common-sense action deserves all the scorn it can get""
"Field" is also supposed to have some implications for immigrant workers

New York City hate crime suspect arrested - "Jahnaiya Williams, 19, was arrested in Coney Island and charged with assault in the second and third degree as a hate crime, assault in the second and third degree, menacing in the third degree as a hate crime, aggravated harassment in the second degree, and menacing... the three suspects sat near the rear of the bus and approached the victim. "The defendant allegedly looked directly at victim saying, 'I hate white people.' She also stated that she hates white people’s skin. Williams allegedly threatened the victim, "I am going to kill you." As the bus drove past the St. John’s Cemetery, Williams purportedly told the victim, "This is where I’m going to bury you."... LeCroix said one of the females threatened her, "You're going to get what you deserve! All white people are going to get what they deserve." The victim claimed, "Before they hit me, the girl with the green hair said, 'You probably like Trump! Don’t you?'" LeCroix replied, "I love him." Williams and one of the minors spit on the woman. Williams then repeatedly smashed LeCroix in the head with a shopping bag that contained a jar"
Grievance mongering has consequences

Scarlett Johansson says actors should stick to acting and stop making political statements - "Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson rejected the public compulsion to seek political statements from celebrities and said that actors should stick to acting instead. Johansson made the comments during an interview with "The Gentlewoman," a British magazine. "I don't think actors have obligations to have a public role in society," said the star of the popular Avengers superhero movie franchise. "Some people want to, but the idea that you're obligated to because you're in the public eye is unfair. You didn't choose to be a politician, you're an actor," she explained... "Your job is to reflect our experience to ourselves; your job is to be a mirror for an audience, to be able to have an empathetic experience through art. That is what your job is"... "Whatever my political views are, all that stuff, I feel most successful when people can sit in a theatre or at home and disappear into a story or a performance and see pieces of themselves, or are able to connect with themselves through this experience of watching this performance or story or interaction between actors or whatever it is," she added. "And they're affected by it and they're thinking about it, and they feel something. You know? They have an emotional reaction to it – good, bad, uncomfortable, validating, whatever," Johansson explained. "That's my job," she said. "The other stuff is not my job.""

Facebook - "This package has been sitting outside my house for days now. Why? Because we are black. And yes, I’ll explain. UPS mistakenly delivered this package to the wrong house. The address on the package is for a house just a block over, so we are waiting for UPS to pick up the package and deliver it to the right house. “But Sean, why wouldn’t you be a decent person and just take the package to your neighbor? Or better yet, you have teenage sons. Send one of them. That’s the perk of having teenagers — free menial labor.” The answer is because we’re black. And it’s extremely unsafe to send our boys to the home of any family that we don’t know in this predominantly white neighborhood. Why? Because there is a realistic chance that one of my neighbors will see my boy as a threat and call the police or even pull a gun on him."
Imagine being this hysterical

Meme - "hear me out: all-female remake of lord of the rings"
"hear me out: all-female racially diverse remake of lord of the rings"
"hear me out: make an original fucking movie"

For AOC and Squad, 'racism' and 'white supremacy' are fallbacks - " Queen Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her “Squad” colleagues in the House of Representatives have a history of branding opponents and policies they disagree with as racist or white supremacist... the congresswoman said the decision to ban athlete Sha’Carri Richardson from the Olympics over past marijuana usage was rooted in “systemic racism.” She has accused President Biden’s bipartisan infrastructure deal of propping up “structural racism.”... Freshman NYC Rep. Jamaal Bowman — who ousted the consensus-oriented moderate Eliot Engel — also freely drops race bombs. “The filibuster is a pillar upholding white supremacy. It’s time to end it. The electoral college is a pillar upholding white supremacy. It’s time to abolish it. Student loan debt is a pillar upholding white supremacy. It’s time to cancel all of it”... “Standardized testing is a pillar of systemic racism,” he added in March. Bail is also racist, according to Bowman. Cori Bush, a newly elected Democrat from Missouri who is closely aligned to The Squad, has joined the racial card game as well. “The death penalty, Private prisons, ICE … All of these uphold and protect white supremacy and need to be abolished,” she said in March. Qualified immunity for cops? That’s a tool of “white supremacy” too... Even longtime Democratic talking points have been racialized. Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib has said “corporate greed” is part of white supremacy. Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar has said it’s a cause of gun violence. “The racism label has just become a way to not engage with anyone’s arguments. You don’t have to engage with an argument if you label it as racist,” said Matt Walsh"
"White supremacy" is anything blocking the liberal agenda

Meme - "radical in the streets, colonized in the sheets *Ilhan Omar, Kamala Harris and AOC with white men*"

LeBron: ‘Now We Need To Worry About Getting Shot Every Time We Try To Kill Someone?’ - "As Americans desperately wait for the results of Joe Biden’s colonoscopy, citizens everywhere turn to famed basketball dribbler, and distinguished high school graduate, LeBron James for comment on the Rittenhouse verdict. Following an exhausting Lakers practice (Where they instilled their new defense strategy called “hands up, don’t shoot”), James issued some profound commentary on the not guilty verdict. “Society is becoming so unfair, man,” James said doing a thousand-yard-stare. “After hearing the verdict, it just needs to be said; do we now have to worry about getting shot every time we try to kill someone?” As usual, the flock of ESPN reporters surrounding James was astonished at his brilliance. Some even began kneeling to worship the thought leader lest they be fired. “But seriously, what do I tell my three-year-old nephew when he’s old enough to riot next year?” LeBron continued. “Is he going to have to look over his shoulder when his BLM crew needs to mow down a bunch of business owners? It’s like, mind your own business!”
Update: After James alleged that Kyle Rittenhouse’s tears were nothing more than a masterful acting job, Warner Bros. decided to boot LeBron from Space Jam 3 and hire Kyle instead."

University of Toronto amends BDS motion, makes exception for pro-Israel kosher caterers - "The school’s Scarborough Campus Students’ Union (SCSU) passed a resolution at its annual general meeting on Nov. 24 that forbids the school from “engaging with organizations, services or participating in events that further normalize Israeli apartheid.” It also targeted kosher-food options at the university, noting that “efforts should be made to source kosher food from organizations that do not normalize Israeli apartheid.” The resolution was widely condemned by Canadian Jewish organizations and university officials. SCSU issued an apology on Monday"
Discrimination against Jews is good; non-kosher caterers didn't need to have a certain politics on Israel (even if you thought that was unproblematic)

Christian School Reports Chaplain to Anti-terror Organisation after LGBT Sermon - "A Christian school in Long Eaton, Derbyshire, reported its chaplain to the government’s ‘Prevent’ anti-radicalisation watchdog after he suggested that students should “make up their own minds” on LGBT ideologies.  As reported by the Nottingham Post, Reverend Dr Bernard Randall, who had been working at Trent College in Long Eaton, was approached by a group of students who expressed their dismay with the school’s new LGBT teachings. Dr Randall subsequently held a sermon where he exhibited the Anglican Church’s biblical teachings on marriage and human nature and asserted that “children at the school were not compelled to ‘accept an ideology they disagree with’.”  In the wake of the sermon, Dr Randall was dismissed from his position and reported to the Government’s anti-terror watchdog"
It's dangerous to let kids make up their own minds

'I Never Thought Giving a Sermon on Respect Would Lead to Me Being Accused of Being a Terrorist' - "The school chaplain who was reported to an anti-terrorism unit for telling students they were allowed to disagree with LGBT ideology is taking legal action against his former employer. Rev Dr Bernard Randall was reported to the authorities in June 2019 by Trent College near Nottingham and accused of preaching a sermon to students that was inflammatory, divisive, and harmful to LGBT pupils. He was subsequently suspended pending the investigation. In the message, Dr Randall urged students to “treat each other with respect,” adding: “You should no more be told you have to accept LGBT ideology than you should be told you must be in favour of Brexit or must be Muslim.”"
Disagreeing with LGBT ideology means you are a terrorist

You are a danger to children, CoE tells chaplain who said pupils could disagree with woke dogma - "Astonishingly, the officer then goes on to suggest that the Church itself may be a safeguarding risk, writing: ‘Due to some church scripture supporting Rev’d Randall’s views the church itself may also be a risk-factor, to be used to justify Rev’d Randall’s opinions.’

Meme - "Friend shared on insta Non-bahasa speaking Singaporeans PLEASE. It's Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri / Idul Fitri / Eid al Fitr. Stop sending newsletters with 'Selamat Hari Raya'. This is not Twitter, there isn't a character limit, no excuse to be sloppy. The muslims cannot scold you because they are fasting and are mandated to forgive this Holy Month. Kthxbye"
"My question is what about Hari Raya Puasa? Some Malays just say Hari Raya too right? Confused"
""matriye"" [Ed: Malay slang for "Selamat Hari Raya"]
"Malaysians also have been saying this for years. No one ever got offended before. What gives bruh.."
"the fact that we malays just say "semaya" now BHHAHAHAHHAH"
"What's wrong with your friend'? What's wrong with saying "Selamat Hari Raya?". Why is or being so nitpicky about proper ways to say the greeting. It's like getting offended when someone says "Merry Xmas!""
"Euwww what a close minded!! Its already 2021!! C'mon"
"There's a whole damn song that just says Selamat Hari Raya. It's the default song most people think of for the holiday. Ya'll gonna start with some eid Mubarak nonsense next"
"Usually we just type "SHR""
"This is never an issue though. hari raya means day' in malay, it's the rough translation of the word 'Eid'. There's no other meaning for that word. In indo they have a similar word "lebaran". Just use the word lol - msian malay"

WATCH: US Army launches super woke recruitment ad - "The latest recruitment ad from the US Army features a girl raised by 2 moms, civil rights protests, a lesbian wedding and women "shattering stereotypes." It has the feeling of checking off boxes, trying to appeal to every facet of intersectionalism, and not actually designed to appeal to those who might be willing to fight and die for their country. Following the lead of the CIA, the US Army released an ad that seeks to appeal to a new, woke generation... This new trend has been coined by some as "woke-washing." The ad by the CIA that sparked the term encourages every "single person, whatever their gender, gender identity, race, disability, or sexual orientation, can bring their entire self to work every day." The CIA ad features a gay agency librarian who finds comfort in LGBT symbolism, aka a rainbow, displayed on CIA lanyards. Internet trolls quickly jumped on both ads, creating memes that depict children in the Middle East eagerly anticipating the day that drone strikes will be performed by women. Others depicted bombers dropping payloads now sporting rainbow flags and the Black Lives Matter logo."

There will be no anti-woke rebellion - "One of the strangest progressive slogans of recent years is the one that goes “we are the granddaughters of the witches you weren’t able to burn”. It’s plainly untrue — in most cases the people repeating it are the granddaughters of the people who lit the fire and cheered as the witches screamed. Having unpopular opinions is stressful. Just as being a member of an ethnic minority in a neighbourhood raises the risk of mental illness, so does being a political minority... Today progressivism also controls society’s taboos, which is why it’s extremely hard to argue against its beliefs and its policy ideas; people who do so fear losing their jobs and at best are just sidelined... Progressivism already suffers from what Swedish academic Carl Ritter called “hegemonic degeneration”, that when a belief becomes established, made flabby by institutional protection, then the genuinely interesting and intellectually curious will look for something else. The most intelligent people coming out of university now often seem to be, if not conservative, then at least critical of the new faith (not necessarily from the Right). But it also seems to me, at least, that many of the most intelligent critics appear to be somewhere on the autistic spectrum, which makes them far more interested in truth than social acceptability. Perhaps it is with the neuro-diverse that our future hopes rests."
If diversity is harmful to "minorities" and liberals are hyper-aware of "harm" to "minorities", then they should not promote diversity

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