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Sunday, June 03, 2007

"Devotees of grammatical studies have not been distinguished for any very remarkable felicities of expression." - Amos Bronson Alcott


Found through a Google ad:

Physics.com.sg - First Class in Physics Tuition (Singapore)

"Mediocrity is indeed not an option, especially under the new M.O.E. examination style that emphasizes creative thinking abilities.

Welcome to Physics.com.sg - First Class in Physics Tuition®.

This website belongs to Phang Yu Hon - Physics tuition teacher with 16 years' experience in private tuition...

You are welcomed to print out the following Tuition Teacher Comparison Sheet for reference.

Tuition Teacher Comparison Sheet

 Mr. PhangOther Tuition Teacher
What Academic Prizes or Awards has the tuition teacher won?Innovation Award for Honours Project Thesis (2nd Prize from NUS Faculty of Engineering)

Technology Award for Inter-Varsity Science Project Competition (3rd Prize from Singapore Science Centre)

_____________ Award

Which Class of Honours did the tuition teacher get in the University?

Award-Winning First Class Honours from NUS

Award-Winning First Class?
Normal First Class Honours?
Second Class Upper?
Second Class Lower?
Third Class?
Pass With Merit?
General Pass Degree?
Which Secondary School did the tuition teacher study at?Raffles Institution_________ Secondary School

Which Junior College did the tuition teacher study at?

Raffles Junior College________ Junior College
What Grade did the tuition teacher get for his "O" Level Physics?A1A1, A2, B3, B4, C5, C6, D7, E8, F9?

What Grade did the tuition teacher get for his "A" Level Physics?

AA, B, C, D, E, AO, F?
What Grade did the tuition teacher get for his University Physics? A A, B, C, D, E, F?
What publications has the tuition teacher authored? 'A' Level Physics Special Paper Worked Solutions

'A' Level H1 / H2 Physics Worked Solutions

Is tuition teacher able to guide students all the way from secondary school to junior college, including top students taking Special Paper? Yes.  All the way.
Including Integrated Programme (Through-Train) students H1/H2/H3.
Yes. All the way?
Only up to normal 'A' levels?
Only up to 'O' levels?
How many years' tutoring experience does the tuition teacher have?

16 years
(Since 1991)

_______ years

The above certificates, awards and grades can be verified with original copies, as well as the NUS University's Honours Roll (Archived copies available at the NUS Central Library and Hon Sui Sen Memorial Library under NUS Convocation List (LG399 NUS.CO 1991).

Scanned copies of Mr. Phang's academic certificates can be viewed  by clicking the "Certificates" button on the left panel."

One of the questions that comes to mind is: why take Physics tuition from an Engineering graduate instead of a Physics graduate?

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