When you can't live without bananas

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Sunday, August 24, 2003

Estimated expenditure for today:

- $28 on sakae sushi (for each of 5 people)
- $8.50 on watching The Medallion
- $2.20 for a Regular (not large!) Drink during the a/m
- ~$10.60 on Pacific Coffee Company Mango blended ice + toasted focaccia cajun chicken sandwich
- $20.95 on a Trevor Pinnock CD
- ~$26 on the last 2 books of the Alexander the Great trilogy (finally!)

There was a poster in San bookshop advertising this book by Russel Chang (who else?!) published by Angsana Books called "Ran$om". The blurb says it's about what happens when terrorists threaten Singapore's water supply and a secret agent is called back into service by the Prime Minister. It sounds so bad, it's good!
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