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Friday, July 05, 2024

Links - 5th July 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Meme - Expose Racism: "We need to #BoycottRoyalMail until after July to let them know we are appalled with them delivering Reform hate mail"
Alexander Mark: "Expose racism? Bunch of labour voters I assume. The only British political party to be investigated for racism and found guilty."
The left want you to be denied public services if you dare to engage in Wrongthink

Meme - GameCharactersAI @ @GameCharacterAl: "Quick and dirty! But that flatness bothered me enough. #FalloutOnPrime #Fallout"
sunny @selenitacs: "i hate men, i hate men, I HATE MEN"
H.P. Greencraft @SaintGreenPact "A woman edited it."
You can always blame "the male gaze", i.e. men, anyway

University of Oxford museum withheld African mask that 'must not be seen by women' - "A University of Oxford museum would not show pictures of an African mask because the culture which created it forbids women from seeing it.  The decision by the Pitt Rivers Museum is part of new policies in the interest of “cultural safety”.  The museum has also withheld online photos of the mask made by the Igbo people in Nigeria, which would originally have been used in a male-only ritual.  Masks are a central part of Igbo culture, and some masquerade rituals carried out by men wearing the ceremonial objects are entirely male-only and carried out in secret away from female spectators.  The new policy, a first for a major British collection, comes as part of a “decolonisation process” at the Pitt Rivers Museum, which is aiming to address a collection “closely tied to British Imperial expansion”. An online trigger warning on the museum’s collection database states that the Igbo mask “may be culturally sensitive” and “not normally be used in certain public or community contexts”.  The wooden mask has been given the label “must not be seen by women”, is not on display, and has no photographs available to view online.  A note on the museum website explains that, while photographs exist, curators “are unable to show the media publicly”... A set of policies drafted in 2024 state that trigger warnings must be added to the museum database for objects which could be “culturally sensitive”, and particularly sensitive items should be hidden from view.  Other items traditionally intended for men, including a mask from Papua New Guinea, have remained on display, but are marked “sensitive” and their photos are not shown on the museum website... Other museums have hidden a specific set of artefacts for religious reasons.  A number of tablets sacred to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church are held in the British Museum, and other collections. But, as the objects are traditionally only viewed by priests, curators keep the artefacts out of sight and they are never studied... Other objects could become restricted on the basis of gender in future, but the museum said: “These restrictions only refer to a tiny number of objects where we have received specific requests from communities. There is a lot more work to be done and we are keen to work with communities on the care of these objects.”  Ruth Millington, an art critic and author, whose book Muse tackles the female subject, has raised concerns about the push for synergy creating a dangerous precedent.  She said: “To deny all women, of all cultures, sight of something because that is a taboo in one particular culture seems an extreme stance, particularly given that this country is a modern, liberal and enlightened society.  “Surely women should be given the right to decide, after reading about any cultural sensitivities, if they wish to look upon the artefact or not. When it comes to art, we should all have equal rights, regardless of sex, to view what we would like to.  “Does this position also imply that only male curators in the museum can handle, care for and interpret this object? This stance seems to imply that no woman has ever seen the mask, which I think is highly unlikely.  “As a feminist art historian, I now want to see it all the more.”"
The progressive stack means that racism is worse than sexism

Islamist extremism 'not being effectively tackled by Government' - "Islamist extremism is not being effectively tackled by the Government, the independent reviewer of Prevent has said, as he warned it was fuelling a “dangerous” surge in anti-Semitism.  In an exclusive interview with The Telegraph, William Shawcross said the Government had failed to fully implement his proposals to overhaul Prevent, its counter terror programme, which meant the public faced an increased threat from extremists and terrorists.  He said the failure to take tougher action stemmed from a continuing bias within Prevent towards tackling the rise in Right-wing terrorism rather than the main threat of Islamist terrorism.  Mr Shawcross said he warned ministers a year ago about the need to tackle the “pernicious” threat from the Hamas support network in the UK which had now become “more dangerous” following the terror group’s attack on Israel on October 7... Mr Shawcross, whose report was published a year ago, said he believes the bias towards Right-wing terrorism is partly driven by Prevent staff’s fears of being labelled racist or Islamophobic. He cited MI5 data that 75 per cent of its caseload was focused on Islamist threats, yet the latest figures for referrals to the Prevent programme showed just 11 per cent related to Islamist terrorism... “I have Jewish friends whose children are at universities around the country who are frightened for the first time in their lives. It is an appalling situation. I never thought that we would see on the streets of Britain, British citizens shouting death to the Jews. It’s absolutely appalling,” he said.  He urged the Government to enshrine the new approach to Prevent in the counter terrorism act of 2015, as he recommended. “This is because Prevent over-focuses on personal and social vulnerabilities at the expense of ideology as a motivation of terrorism. This hasn’t been amended in law. It must happen to ensure we are doing everything we can to protect the public,” he said."

Meme - "MAGA IS A CULT! VOTE JOE TO BE NORMAL, LIKE US! *Supporters of Ireland at Eurovision*"
Oli London on X - "Irelands Eurovision entry holds a TRANS flag, instead of holding the Irish flag. Non-binary singer Bambie Thug, who uses They/Them/Fae and identifies as a ‘witch’ is set to perform a song promoting witchcraft and satanic sacrifice in the upcoming semi-final. 📸 @JohnJamesNI" *Trans flag demon, other demon holding trans flag, other odd people holding Irish flags*

Meme - "America's state is not authoritarian it's a militant democracy, yet it has created a cultural totalitarianism. Every single aspect of your lived experience is infected with the regime's ideology. Everything has to be gay, brown and lame
Great Value. Celebration. Pride
Twink Flavored Fudge Packed Ice Cream with Com and Peanut Bits
Keep Away From Children *Pride Flag*"

Alexander on X - "Individuals who are more likely to hold “blank slate” beliefs about human psychology seem to become quite biodeterministic on this question.  71% of liberals but only 33% of conservatives believe people are “born gay.”  Exploring the “nature vs nurture” of this question, I want to point out that scientists use the exact same methods that are used for exploring the “nature vs nurture” of sex differences in personality more broadly.  We can look at things like twin studies (that show about 25% heritability).  We can look at GWAS. This has found a few thousand associated genetic variants - kind of like what you see with the genes that contribute to intelligence or other personality traits - with smaller variance explained than in twin studies (the missing heritability question).  We can also look at the organizational effects of hormones in the prenatal environment (e.g. how does exposure to androgens shape the brain of a developing fetus to produce sex differences, personality traits, sexual orientation, etc.). This can be tricky to study, but it’s up there as one of the big potential biological causes.  Or it’s learned - your sexual orientation, or your gender itself - was produced by early experiences in child development.  The current perspective is (like everything in the psychology of personality) that both nature and nurture contribute to the development of sexual orientation in individuals.  But in our folk psychology, the same people who would like to believe that all sex differences in personality and behavior are caused by social role learning also seem inclined to believe that sexual orientation is produced by a “gay gene.”  Somehow biology can produce this one very sex-typical behavior (with all sorts of variations of it on a spectrum), but beyond the “gay gene” that’s all genes can do apparently - everything else is learned!"
Zkauba on X - "I think we've established by now that "bio-determinism" is a caricature ascribed to evolutionary psychologists that none of them actually believe in, as evolutionary psychology is fully interactionist in its outlook."

Protesters try to topple Queen Victoria statue near pro-Palestinian encampment in Montreal : r/montreal - "You'd be surprised how many jaded profs in the social 'sciences' know that what they are doing is total bullshit but 'too late now'. Do you really think all profs listing pronouns, making land awknowledgments, and writting DEI statements really believe that bullshit? You sould hear them behind closed doors. MANY are doing this shit out of fear of reprisal for not being a good enough 'ally'. It's compelled speach. Luckily, good schools like MIT are ending that garbage."

AJAC on X - "When I was in high school, there were 2-3 kids who were gay. They were quietly open about it, no one cared   Gay marriage was talked about in the late 2000s  I always found it odd. It wasn’t illegal to be gay, why did gays want to get married?   Tax purposes?  It didn’t seem like a big deal though   then I went to college in San Francisco   Whereas before I’d been neutral to favorable to “gay rights”   Living in SF had the opposite effect  I learned that gay male community had explosive STDs, insane number of sex partners   Freshmen year I went to Pride, Folsom street fair   It was straight up Sodom and Gomorra  Every kind of sexual debasement was on open display   To say I was grossed out was an understatement   I met lots of lesbians. At least half of them had stories of being sexually abused by men   I’ve always been studious, I looked into research on homosexuality  Child sex abuse was rampant. At least half of homsexual men in some studies reported abuse as children   All that research got buried over the years   I researched the origins of gender dysphoria,   Dr John Money was a pedophile who sexually abused two boys by trying to turn them into girls. Both committed suicide later  That’s the father of the term gender   I realized over time that the entire moral paradigm of the LGBT movement was predicated on sexual deviancy   After college i moved to Hollywood, I trained people who worked in the entertainment industry  The gay mafia is real. It was open secret what directors and actors were gay. It was open secret what actors were abusive freaks and would have teenage boys at their house for pool parties   You have to realize, these people’s ethical filter for the world, their highest good   It is sexual hedonism. That is it.   The religious warnings in every major religion against this, they are accurate.  Regardless, Ive never hated gay people.   There probably is some errant genetics at play for why some people are gay.   That’s okay.   But LGBTQ+<£^^{{>?  It is total Perversion of Normality   There comes a time to draw line and say “Enough”   That time is now."

Libs of TikTok on X - "People walk around n*k*d with their junk hanging out at Toronto’s “family friendly” all ages pride event."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Isn't this just felony illegal, all gay/straight stuff aside?"

The Post Millennial on X - "A group of nudists walks through the scene as the pro-Palestinian protestors who blocked the Toronto Pride Parade start listing their demands. Footage by @BethBaisch"
Jonathan Kay on X - "Toronto Pride: Come for the antisemitism Stay for the obese men showing everyone their junk"

Savanah Hernandez on X - "San Francisco pride has been the most disturbing experience of my life. Fully erect nudists exposing themselves in front of children, adults peeing on each other in public while others masturbate to it. I feel physically ill after witnessing this public event."
Libs of TikTok on X - "Police confirm that full n*dity in San Francisco is allowed and legal in front of kids at pride events because it’s not “for s*xual gratification” .@TaylerUSA"

Gad Saad on X - "Typical emails that professors receive now from universities:
1) Congratulations to individual X on being the first transgender racialized person to pass the CFA exam;
2) Congratulations to graduates of race Y on having finished your degrees. Unlike other races, you deserve special mention;
3) Congratulations to PhD candidate Z for having developed a Queer framework for combatting the systemic racism of climate change;
4) Congratulations to Assistant Professor A for having their groundbreaking paper on the dismantling of whiteness in topological algebra;
5) Are you a nonbinary person of color? Please apply to our internal research grants to promote your unique epistemology because nonbinary people do science differently;
6) Are you an undergraduate looking to dismantle the patriarchy in the neurosciences? Apply for our feminist neurosciences summer internship. Let's eradicate sexist views of brain synapses;
7)Are you looking for ways to indigenize and decolonize your teaching? We are holding six seminars to remove whiteness and heteronormativity from the classroom. Join us but only if you are a racialized minority.
[This is not hyperbole. It captures the reality.]"

@DRJessieNYC 🇵🇸 on X - "Post something to show you're one of the #NiceWhiteLadies putting their shoulder into upholding oppressive systems."
Brianna Wu on X - "Am I the only progressive that rolls her eyes when someone points out your race for no reason as an insult? We’ve tried this culture of battling to have the most oppression for the most clout for 10 years, and it doesn’t lead to better public policy. It mostly makes the people doing it seem like assholes."

At this point our only option to get rid of the immigration crisis is to vote purple. : r/CanadaHousing2 - "You might notice one of the sub rules is "no false claims of racism"  You said there is proof that Maxime Bernier The Leader of the PPC is a racist, so the burden to provide proof is upon you making the claim."
"Your heavy far right bias is showing."
Asking for evidence is proof of a "heavy far right bias"

Hamilton police still using force disproportionately on Black people: report | CBC News : r/Hamilton - "Some extra content that a non-sensationalized journalist wouldve put in their article (from the data the police published):  Of the 76 black subjects in the use of force report, 31 (41%) had a firearm.  Of the 40 middle eastern subjects in the use of force report, 19 (48%) had a firearm.  Of the 17 indigenous subjects in the use of force report, 8 (47%) had a firearm.  Of the 287 white subjects I the use of force report, 88 (31%) had a firearm.  Of the 450 subjects in the use of force report, 157 (35%) had a firearm. There is a disporpotionality of bipoc community members carrying firearms during a use of force interactions."
Hamilton police still using force disproportionately on Black people: report | CBC News : r/Hamilton - "Selective published stats AND selectively asked the same 3 activists used in every article cbc hamilton has written."

Democratic Nominee for Fort Bend Commissioner Arrested on Charges of Faking Racist Posts Attacking Himself - "Taral Patel, a Democratic candidate for Fort Bend county commissioner, was arrested last week on charges of creating at least one fake social media account he used to post racist content attacking himself and the South Asian, Indian American community, allegedly to bolster his campaign and discredit his opponent... Patel created a Facebook profile under the name “Antonio Scalywag,” which he used to make multiple offensive posts “with the intent to harm, defraud, intimidate or threaten.”  For Scalywag’s profile picture, Patel used a photo of a “white male and female…with two children,” which investigators determined to be of Fort Bend County resident Patrick Ernst along with his wife and two minor children. Posts from the Scalywag account included support for former President Donald Trump and other Republicans, but others were critical of Fort Bend County Commissioner Andy Meyers (R-Pct. 3). After Patel announced plans to run as a Democrat for the commissioner’s seat, “Antonio Scalywag” shifted to making positive comments about Meyers but with a racist tinge.  In September 2023, the account sent out a press release with images of social media posts that called Patel a “dirty Pakistani” and other incendiary terms, and accused him of worshiping “Monkey and Elephant.” Although not all the posts appear to have been from “Antonio Scalywag,”  investigators were able to tie several to the account... Meyers told The Texan that he had become concerned after seeing Patel’s press release and contacted Fort Bend County District Attorney Biran Middleton’s staff to investigate the matter last fall... Meyers said Fort Bend County is often listed  as the most diverse county in the United States that includes a nearly even split of anglo, African-American, Hispanic, and Asian residents.   “This situation that Patel is accused of creating is not healthy for Fort Bend County residents,” said Meyers."

FIRST READING: U.S. probes provide clues to where Canada's anti-Israel money is coming from - "[Elenore] Sturko is a gay ex-RCMP officer who used to be one of B.C. United’s main spokespeople on gay rights. This is bad news for B.C. United’s apparent strategy of trying to brand their B.C. Conservative rivals as gay-hating “lake of fire” ideologues. One B.C. United spokesman reacted to the news by saying that Sturko was abandoning “her values and priorities”"

If Kemi Badenoch hates identity politics, why is she using it? - "‘A rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only Black woman in government.’ That was Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch’s response this week to actor David Tennant after he – albeit clumsily – expressed support for the transgender community... The fact is, the right engages in identity politics just as much as the left"
"The right has used identity politics too. Therefore they use it as much as the left". Such stunning logic

Christopher Dummitt: Canadian Encyclopedia succumbs to the wokification of history - "Over the last several years, what was once a bastion of national fairness has abandoned its raison d’être to become, in too many cases, a one-sided resource of wokery... you’ll find the encyclopedia repeating the activist line and either minimizing or eliminating counter-evidence. Take Egerton Ryerson, for example, the founder of Canada’s public school system and a man who the activists tell us helped create the Indian residential school system. The encyclopedia’s entry on Ryerson claims that he “influenced the development of Canada’s devastating residential school system.” It explains the various campaigns to dishonour him, including removing his name from Ryerson University. But it fails to mention conflicting information. It neglects to tell you that Ryerson wanted voluntary schooling, run by Indigenous teachers and situated in Aboriginal communities. That is, he was talking about a system of education entirely unlike what came under the church-run and government-funded residential system. To not mention this is an astounding omission. And the Ryerson entry isn’t the only one in which the encyclopedia’s editors have decided to get rid of pesky evidence that runs counter to the activist line. Just look at the entry for “The White Paper, 1969.” This was a plan proposed by the government of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau to eliminate Indian status. To say that the topic is controversial would be an understatement. A whole slew of Indigenous leaders rejected the white paper, seeing it as just another version of assimilation. And yet, proponents of the white paper were motivated by a desire to end racial discrimination and to improve the status of Indigenous people. They wrote in the same language as Martin Luther King Jr. One can criticize the Trudeau government’s white paper for a lot of things (certainly for how its authors ignored what Indigenous leaders had been telling them), but to completely overlook the motivations of the policy is another dumbfounding omission. And yet this is exactly what the Canadian Encyclopedia entry does. It’s no different when you turn to other hot-button topics like the so-called Sixties Scoop. This is the name activists now give to the process whereby large numbers of Indigenous kids from troubled homes were apprehended by child welfare services and put up for adoption. Here again, the Canadian Encyclopedia presents an entirely one-sided story. It seems as if government agencies came into Indigenous homes and forcibly took kids for absolutely no reason. Again, one can certainly criticize the policies of the era for being culturally insensitive. But to fail to explain that the children were being removed from homes because of serious problems of alcoholism and abuse is to leave the reader entirely ignorant of fundamentally important information. And yet, that is what the encyclopedia does. Its current editors seem much more interested in towing the activist line than in doing what an encyclopedia is supposed to do: fairly and accurately summarize what we know about a topic. Even more unbalanced are the teaching materials that the encyclopedia wants teachers to use in schools, including one on “The Justice System in Canada.” This resource reads more like a social-justice primer than an educational tool. Almost every element focuses on human rights, racial and gender discrimination, and Indigenous issues. It starts off with references to slavery in New France, and yet somehow the existence of slavery amongst Indigenous peoples isn’t brought up. Remember, this is supposed to be a resource to teach about the whole justice system in this country. Reading the guide, you’d be inclined to think that no Canadian has ever committed murder, let alone a slew of other crimes. The resource overlooks almost every issue of the justice system that isn’t related to identity politics."

Lime Scooters Will Now Shut Down If Driven Over Pride Flag Crosswalk In Spokane, WA - "Lime, a popular electric scooter and bike rental service, has announced it will be implementing a “no-go zone” around a crosswalk painted with a large Pride flag mural in Spokane, Washington. The crosswalk has become the center of much discussion after the arrest of multiple teens for making skid marks on the painted pavement... Many users on X (formerly Twitter) posted in support of the teens arrested, while others questioned why a mural had been painted at a busy intersection if it was never intended to be scuffed by tire marks... Lime has now implemented a “no-go zone” over the crosswalk, meaning scooters driven over the mural will be remotely shut down. According to the company’s website, entering a “no-go zone” will cause a Lime vehicle to “gradually come to a stop,” forcing a rider to walk their scooter until it is outside the zone."
Left wingers still deny the power the left has, because they always demand more

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