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Saturday, September 07, 2024

Links - 7th September 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Tribunal member formally rebuked after recusal for 'perception of bias' during Christian teacher case - "A member of an employment tribunal who made anti-Christian comments and described Tories as ‘tumours’ has been formally rebuked after being dramatically recused from a Christian teacher case.  A ruling from the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office this week, supported by the senior president of the tribunals and the Lord Chancellor, said that Mr Jed Purkis’ comments amounted to misconduct... the comments made by Mr Purkis, who describes himself as lifelong socialist and trade unionist, were unearthed.  On his social media accounts, which at the time of the hearing were accessible globally but have now been made private, he described Conservatives as ‘tumours’ and said his social media timelines were ‘clogged up with right wing nutjobs.’  In response to a comment that only atheists should be in public office, Mr Purkis said: ‘Damn right, you won’t catch us killing in the name of our non-god.’  In response to social media comments from a user that they find ‘Christians worse than woke’, Mr Purkis had said: ‘If they are so f***ing super how comes there is so much s**t going on in the world’, and added, ‘I need no higher power to tell me the right way to treat people and behave.’   Posting in response to Professor Mark Barber OBE saying the ‘woke bullying’ of former Conservative MP, Lee Anderson, by the ‘Marxist BBC must stop’, Mr Purkis said: “If you lead with your chin expect to get hit.’  Mr Purkis had also ‘liked’ posts which suggested: ‘There is no opposite of “woke”, because there is no definition of “woke”. It’s just a fresh dollop of ethereal stupidity, invented to provide a new bogeyman for the bewildered…now the equally ethereal Brexit has turned into something tangible…and that tangible thing is s**t.’  Mr Purkis also liked a post picturing Suella Braverman which said: “nowhere on God’s green earth would you find a politician as evil, stupid and repulsive as this f*****g ghoul.”  Furthermore, Mr Purkis had ‘liked’ posts questioning the existence of cancel culture which ‘alt right cranks keep bleating about’."

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "The ethnic studies director for Seattle Public Schools created a fake identity as an oppressed Latinx, married a convicted child molester, and pressured her child to become transgender. She helped design identity-based curricula for 54,000 kids."
i/o on X - "So much information packed into 280 characters. Not a wasted word. A distillation of the depravity and destructiveness of wokeness."

wanye on X - "The Atlantic says that race is a social construct, which is weird in that you can spit in a tube, mail it to a stranger, and then they can from that deduce which social construct you are with a high degree of accuracy"

Richard Hanania on X - "Ezra Klein on Barack versus Michelle Obama. Barack is the optimistic vision of America where you can talk to your neighbors and we may all come together. Michelle is the “harder edge version” of Obamaism, which finds racism everywhere and is much more negative on the country."
Transcript: Ezra Klein on Barack Obama and Michelle Obama’s Convention Speeches - The New York Times

Meme - Elon Musk @elonmusk: "Nerfing of the gun emoji matches rise of the woke mind virus, as a core tenet is equating fake harm with real harm"
"Apple Google Microsoft Samsung Facebook X"

Kristan Hawkins on X - "Woke = "Willingly Overlooking Known Evil""

What is abrosexual? It took 30 years for this writer to realise - "For those of you who don’t know what abrosexuality is, in layperson’s terms, it simply means when someone’s sexual identity fluctuates and changes."
Weird. We keep being told that sexual orientation is fixed and you're a bigot if you think it can change
“Let me invent a new word for something so that someone will pay attention to me for 15 seconds.”

Meme - "Freedom of speech *globe*
People who still use the words gay and retarded *man holding up globe*"

Eric S. Raymond on X - "American Jews perplex the hell out of me. I like their food, I like their humor, I like their culture in general, and most of all I like their IQ distribution. If you're a gentile but you select your friends for being bright, it is statistically inevitable that a lot of them are going to be Jewish.  (Full disclosure: genetic assays on my family suggest that we have a few percent of Ashkenazic markers. But my family has never thought of itself as Jewish and I don't self-identify that way.)  The recent wave of virulent public anti-Semitism would greatly disturb me even if I didn't, in general, like Jews as individuals. Because I consider the Jews the canary in the civilizational coal mine - any society that treats them increasingly badly is probably in the process of flushing itself down the toilet of history and will certainly become a hostile environment for brainy gentile me before very long.  But I said that American Jews perplex me, and here's why. They seem to be incapable, for all their above-average intelligence, of grasping how large a hand they themselves had in creating the monster that is now stalking them.  There's this concept of tikkun olam in Judaism, repairing the world as a religious duty. It's expressed in both religious and secularized Jews as a persistent attraction to social-reform causes. Jews want to fix what's broken about society - which, in the abstract, is quite admirable. But...  They keep buying into Marxism, either directly or as critical theory and "social justice". Jews disproportionally give their money and their leadership abilities to collectivist ideologies which will inevitably turn on them - because to a would-be totalitarian, the thinker and the Jew and the cosmopolitan are always a disruptive threat.   I've been watching this colossal, self-destructive error play out all my life. It doesn't take much study of history to see that Jews, especially secularized Jews, have been repeating this mistake almost en masse since the mid-19th century if not earlier.  Why? Why? You guys are smart enough to dominate the Nobel prizes and yet you keep failing to see the bloody obvious. For your individual and tribal self-preservation, you ought to be the staunchest anti-Communists and anti-socialists anywhere. Collectivism isn't good for anybody, but it's especially deadly to Jews.  Instead, when Stalinists stuffed you in boxcars you failed to connect the dots so comprehensively that the red-diaper Communist families in the U.S. are still predominantly Jewish generations later.  Nazis murdered six million of you and you still don't get that racial identity politics is poison? How can you be so blind?  Today, it's the hard left in the US, again, organizing "anti-Zionist" demonstrations that are working themselves up to become pogroms, and judging by your voting and donation patterns you *still* don't get it.  Can anybody honestly tell me that American Jews are waking up? I'd like to think so, because we need you on the side of liberty and individualism. History doesn't make me optimistic, though, and that colossal blind spot continues to puzzle me exceedingly."

Toronto Star says "Down with the air Show". Yeah? Who gave you the right to speak for all of us you claim to? : r/toRANTo - " Every summer without fail, one of the Star, Globe or any other failing left-leaning media outlet will invariably roll out an opinion piece like the one above bashing the Toronto Air Show.  Now, it's a free country but what irks me is that every single one of them will use the angle of "THINK OF THE TRAUMA THIS BRINGS TO REFUGEES! HOW DARE THEY CELEBRATE AUTHORITARIAN FORCES LIKE THE MILITARY IN A CITY FULL OF POC'S"!  Well, from their bios I can see that these writers grew up with a safe and conflict-free existence in Canada, so have never been through what a refugee has. And while this particular author is a POC, most of the people ranting about this in previous Star/Globe/CBC articles are White people claiming to speak for others.  You know who is conspicuously not ranting, however? Refugees and POC. I am a person of color and I was born outside of Canada. I - and most of my friends who are similarly 'newcomers' - love the air show. I vividly remember the first summer I spent in Toronto and how excited I was to find out that there was an air show in the city! For free! Unlike a lot of similar events elsewhere I Canada, the US and Europe, this event is free and within city limits . Did any of these privileged writers ever stop to think (or ask) a newcomer with limited resources how grateful they are for a free event that they don't need a car to access? In one of the most expensive cities in the world no less; and your solution is to take it away for....what?   In the 2022 air show, I was sitting in Ontario place watching the show next to a very visibly Muslim family, 3 kids and a father. As the USAF F-35 lit off a bunch of flares and went roaring into a steep climb, the 3 kids ranging from (I think) 11 to 16 years of age were positively going nuts with happiness shouting things like "THIS is the most awesome thing EVER". I stuck up a conversation with the dad, and it turns out that he was an engineer from Iraq who came to Canada as a refugee from the Saddam regime. I asked him what he thought about the air show, and he was positively beaming when he told me that this was family tradition he had with his boys, and he couldn't be happier that the air show had inspired the oldest kids to study science because they wanted to become an aeronautical engineer and a pilot respectively.  You know who else I saw there? Kids. Hundreds of kids of every age, gender and ethnicity who were cheering and whooping as they saw the Snowbirds perform feats of airmanship against the sound of "screaming jet engines". Philip Morgan, just because you would want to confine your (probably non-existent) kids to the solitude of your elitist echo chamber doesn't mean the rest of us want to do the same. Babies might get bothered, but they grow up in within a couple of years to be kids. Kids who - being kids - just absolutely love the noise and spectacle of jet planes streaking in the sky.  And as for the rant about military recruitment, have you seen the world we live in? So as you rant and huff and puff in your million dollar waterfront homes about a show put on by the same military that gives you the freedom to do said ranting, we have one favour to ask you. DO NOT CLAIM TO SPEAK FOR US THE REFUGEES, US THE NEWCOMERS AND US THE PEOPLE OF COLOR. And here's a suggestion if it bothers you that much - it's only one weekend a year; maybe you could use your privilege and go to your parents place up in the suburbs, or to the cottage that most of you have access to. Let us and the thousands of others like us enjoy this slice of Canadiana in our new homes"
It’s time to mothball the Toronto International Air Show
Left wingers just hate Western militaries

Toronto Star says "Down with the air Show". Yeah? Who gave you the right to speak for all of us you claim to? : r/toRANTo - "I'm an immigrant and I think the whole think of the refugees angle is dumb. You cannot change a country for refugees. They were given a chance to live in one of the greatest countries in the world and I'm sorry their home turned out to be so bad they had to flee. But you got to assimilate to where you are. If you don't you go against the grain which doesn't help you or the community around you. I know many folks are against this but assimilation is key if you want to be a part of your environment. I still carry my cultural upbringing with me but my environment is different from my culture and they need to exist in a manner that respects both sides.  Gotta stop pandering to folks who make zero effort to integrate into their new environment. Maybe some people just need to go somewhere else that is more familiar to where they are from. I don't mean this in a racist or prejudicial way, but you can't expect everyone to conform to your needs we all live in a society."
Toronto Star says "Down with the air Show". Yeah? Who gave you the right to speak for all of us you claim to? : r/toRANTo - "This Op-ed reads as classic NIMBY-ism cloaked in faux empathy for refugee or asylum seekers, pets and pet owners, children and parents, etc. The author gives off strong curmudgeon vibes who wants to live in a major urban city and is perturbed by any noise level above pin-drop silence. Yet, he is too cowardly to say that he dislikes the air show and so he hides behind the fictional and baseless opinions he fabricates for minority, marginalized, and vulnerable demographics as a way to solicit support for his stance.  I do believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but the author is ridiculous to believe that he is entitled to generating everyone's opinions."

Edward Dutton on X - "In Finland, there is a clear linear pattern: the more Woke the political party, the more mentally unstable its voters are."
Do conservatives really have an advantage in mental health? An examination of measurement invariance - "Many studies have found that conservatives show an advantage in mental health and happiness and various causes of this have been debated (e.g., religiousness, ideology, or genetics). However, not much attention has been given to examining whether this advantage is psychometrically real, or whether it is due to test bias. We analyzed data from two large Finnish surveys of adults (Ns = 848 and 4,978) from Lahtinen (2024), that measured general anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as a new wokeness scale. Using differential item functioning tests, we found no evidence for measurement bias in these scales. The correlation between index scores of wokeness and mental health (internalizing) was −0.36, which increased to −0.41 when measurement error was removed. The association between wokeness and anxiety (r = −0.33, adjusted r = 0.37) was stronger than wokeness and depression (r = 0.20, adjusted r = 0.22)."

kuya (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️ on X - "insanely annoyed hot take: i do *not* trust the vast majority of chinese singaporeans complaining about how bad it was to be in america/UK and how unsafe and dangerous it is, *for them*"
Edward C. Yong ن on X - "the only racist violence i experienced in a decade in London was from a black teenager."

Thread by @aaronsibarium on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "NEW: Robin DiAngelo tells her "fellow white people" that they should "always cite and give credit to the work of BIPOC people who have informed your thinking."  But she appears to have plagiarized numerous scholars—including two minorities—in her doctoral dissertation.🧵
"When you use a phrase or idea you got from a BIPOC person," DiAngelo says, "credit them."  But according to a complaint filed last week with the University of Washington, where DiAngelo received her Ph.D. in multicultural education, she hasn't always taken her own advice. The 2004 dissertation, "Whiteness in Racial Dialogue: A Discourse Analysis," lifts two paragraphs from an Asian-American professor, Northeastern University's Thomas Nakayama, without proper attribution, omitting quotation marks and in-text citations. DiAngelo also lifts material from Stacey Lee, an Asian-American professor of education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in which Lee summarizes the work of a third scholar, David Theo Goldberg. The passage creates the impression that DiAngelo is providing her own summary of Goldberg rather than using Lee's language—a misleading move that Peter Wood, the president of the National Association of Scholars, likened to "forgery." "It is never appropriate to use the secondary source without acknowledging it, and even worse to present it as one's own words," said Wood, a former Boston University provost who led several research misconduct probes. "That's plagiarism." The complaint describes dozens of cases in which DiAngelo, who rakes in almost $1 million a year in speaking fees, passed off the work of others as her own.
It calls into question the key credential on which DiAngelo built her career, which has relied on the notion that her therapeutic workshops—which can cost up to $40,000 and insist that all white people are racist—are backed by scholarly expertise. "No one who respected the basic expectations of scholarship would do this," said Steve McGuire, a member of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni and former professor of political theory at Villanova University. "The amount of copying of verbatim language without quotation marks or clear and consistent citations in these examples is appalling." The doctorate has become a centerpiece of DiAngelo's marketing. Her website, "Robin DiAngelo, PhD," refers to her as "Dr. DiAngelo," notes that she is a professor at the UWashington, and states that she coined the term "white fragility" in an "academic article" in 2011. The first use of that phrase actually came in her dissertation, where she formulated the concept that would define her career.  "White fragility," she wrote, "is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves." The complaint suggests that the paper responsible for these ideas violated bedrock scholarly norms. DiAngelo, for example, copies a page of material from Kristin Gates Cloyes—her classmate in the university's Ph.D. program—and frames it as original language. She lifts another page from Debian Marty, an emerita professor of communication at California State University, Monterey Bay, keeping the structure of the passage the same while swapping out synonyms and details.
defines this sort of splicing as "mosaic plagiarism," in which a source's phrases are interspersed, uncredited, with one's own. "Plagiarism need not be intentional," the University of Washington states, "and 'I didn't know' is not a defense."
Once an obscure professor at Westfield State University, DiAngelo emerged in 2020 as the high priestess of progressive racialism. Her most famous book, White Fragility, published in 2018, flew off the shelves following George Floyd's death, beating out How to Be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi—a black man—on USA Today's best-seller list. DiAngelo has become a staple of teacher trainings, corporate affinity groups, fundraisers, and "antiracist" book clubs. She even addressed 184 members of Congress, including then-House speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), about what it "mean[s] to be white," telling the Democratic caucus in 2020 that its members would continue to "hurt" black people until they reckoned with the question. The talk was one of the myriad of speaking engagements that launched DiAngelo into the top 1 percent of American earners and helped her afford three houses worth $1.6 million. At one of those houses, a cabin in rural Washington State, DiAngelo has been photographed relaxing with a group of friends who, by all outward appearances, are exclusively white.
Last week's complaint is part of a wave of plagiarism allegations unleashed by the resignation of former Harvard University president Claudine Gay, who stepped down in January after half of her published works were found to contain plagiarized material. Subsequent complaints targeted diversity officials at Harvard, Columbia, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The allegations ranged from mild sloppiness to copying huge chunks of text without attribution. DiAngelo falls on the severer half of that continuum, lifting longer chunks of text than some officials, including Gay, and displaying telltale signs of deliberate plagiarism. Though she cites all of her sources in her bibliography, DiAngelo omits quotation marks, footnotes, and other forms of attribution that would mark off her words from those of her sources. And while a verbatim quote could have been copied accidentally, she often tweaks her sources' prose—suggesting she is aware of what she is doing and intentionally misleading readers. In a sentence taken from Queen's University's Cynthia Levine-Rasky, for example, DiAngelo changes just one word.
"It could be one of those signatures of the habitual plagiarist in which a minor change is meant either to throw people off or to justify the pretense of taking someone else's words for oneself," Wood said. "It shows that DiAngelo was fully conscious of what she was doing." A similar case involves two sentences from Bronwyn Davies, a professorial fellow at the University of Melbourne, and Rom Harré, a deceased philosopher and psychologist. DiAngelo copies the sentences almost verbatim, tweaking a word here or there to avoid an exact reproduction. "It does look like plagiarism," Davies told the Washington Free Beacon. Other scholars named in the complaint did not respond to requests for comment.
Tldr: The most famous white diversity consultant in the country plagiarized numerous scholars, including two minorities, over the course of her doctoral thesis.  Sounds like she has a bad case of white fragility!"
Clearly, this is just motivated by racism, and a white person would never be subject to such scrutiny. "Plagiarist" is the new n-word

Meme - Nathan Cofnas @nathancofnas: "Researchers at Harvard Medical School found race differences in brain structure  The only possible conclusion: "These findings offer another chilling reminder of the public health impact of structural racism.""
"Our research provides substantial evidence of the effects structural racism can have on a child's developing brain. These small differences may be meaningful for their mental health and well-being through adulthood. "The dataset in our study included children younger than 10 years old - children who have no choice in where they are born, who their parents are, and how much adversity they are exposed to. These findings offer another chilling reminder of the public health impact of structural racism and how crucial it is to address these disparities in a meaningful way,' said Harnett."

Colleagues who asked black worker about her hair were not being racist - "Ablack sales worker who sued for discrimination after colleagues asked about her hair, name and the food she was eating was told by an employment judge that they were not being racist and only showing a 'genuine interest' in her. Gifty Robinson launched legal action over a series of 'humiliating' incidents at Smile Publications, the publishing firm where she worked in Essex. The former sales caller claimed examples of discrimination included when her boss asked whether Gifty was her real name, whether she ate food with a fork or her fingers, and whether she wore a wig. Judge Paul Housego criticised Ms Robinson for being so 'acutely sensitised' that there was 'almost literally nothing' white colleagues could say to her without them being accused of racism. He dismissed her claims and ruled that colleagues were displaying a 'genuine interest' in her culture, within the context of a 'warm working relationship'... Ms Robinson started work at Smile Publications in Braintree, Essex, as a telephone sales worker on October 3, 2022 but she was sacked just a month later because her sales technique was 'not good enough'... her boss Jane Watkins said 'It's too dark in here' which Ms Robinson alleged 'was a reference to her skin colour'. Ms Robinson's account was that this comment was made more than once as she walked into the room. She said the others 'giggled or hid their heads' which would mean it must have been 'a comment poking fun at her'. But Ms Watkins said they had only recently moved into a new office so she was just commenting on how the room was 'gloomy' as autumn was approaching. Ms Robinson also alleged it was racist for Ms Watkins to ask whether Gifty was her real name or a nickname. Again, this was disputed by Judge Housego who said: 'There is simply nothing racist about this - it is an unusual name... The sales worker said Ms Watkins and an unnamed colleague had asked her whether she eats with a fork or her hand in relation to a portion of jollof - a popular rice dish from West Africa - she had brought in. It was heard Ms Robinson was eating the jollof with cutlery, while also using her fingers, so the allegation was a 'distortion' of what happened. 'This was no more than [Ms Robinson] bringing in an unusual (for her colleagues) appetising Ghanaian dish and them asking about it,' the judge said. Ms Robinson described to the tribunal an incident in November when Ms Watkins allegedly asked her 'Is that your own hair or a wig?'. It was heard the staff had 'no idea' that Ms Robinson habitually wore a wig until the subject of the Christmas party came up. The sales worker said she was planning on wearing a different wig to the festivities and claimed her colleagues made the comment and touched her hair. Notably, the wig matters were denied completely by Ms Watkins... Judge Housego said: '[Ms Robinson's] view is that there is almost literally nothing that a white person can ask a black person about themselves without it being racist.' They said Ms Robinson asked the panel to google '50 things you cannot say to a black person' yet said to Smile Limited's counsel 'You need to get some black friends, honey' which was both 'stereotypical and inappropriate'. The panel remarked: 'What occurred in the workplace was no more than genuine interest in someone else's life and culture, in the context of a warm working relationship.'"
It is dangerous to talk to "minorities" or show interest in them

EDITORIAL: Let’s shut the door on hatred - "At a time of heightened tensions in the Middle East and with anti-Semitism rampant in major cities, you’d think the federal government would be extra vigilant about who’s allowed into this country. If their plan is to peddle hatred, it would be a good idea to stop them at the border and tell them they’re not wanted here. Sadly, that didn’t happen with Assam Al-Hakeem, a Saudi Arabian-based Imam accused of fomenting anti-Jewish hatred. As Toronto Sun columnist Brian Lilley has documented, Al-Hakeem broadcasts around the world to mostly English-speaking audiences. He sees Jews as enemies and conspirators plotting against Islam. His messages are not just anti-Semitic. They’re considered by some to be misogynistic and anti-gay. In one video, Al-Hakeem describes how, when Islam comes to your country, you have two options — submit or pay a tax for not being Muslim. If you don’t accept either of those outcomes, then Islamists will fight you, he says. He also preaches that Muslims should not take up the citizenship of Kafir countries. (Kafir is generally translated as an infidel or someone who’s a non-believer in Islam). Al-Hakeem names Canada as Kafir and says Muslims should not follow the laws of a Kafir country. He’s already visited Calgary, Milton, Mississauga, London, Montreal and Vancouver. We don’t need irresponsible views in this country right now... The federal government has been quick to ban fundamentalist Christians with extreme views. It’s time for some soul-searching on the part of our politicians and Immigration department. They must weed out those who would spew hatred and make sure they get the message that they’re not welcome here."
It's only hate if it threatens the left wing agenda

Sweden prosecutes Quran burners with hate crime - "Two men have been accused of committing "offenses of agitation against an ethnic or national group" for burning Qurans in front of mosques and other public places."
When the left supports blasphemy laws. It's only theocracy if it's Christian

Leonarda Jonie on X - "The propaganda destroying the West is aimed at and works only on White people:
Are Mexicans having less children bc they’re worried about climate change?  Are Indians handicapping their GDP bc of “the environment”? Are Muslims concerned with women’s rights?  Who else is letting in refugees bc they don’t want to be called racist?
Enough is enough. White people we need to stop being such cucks that rather than be called a “bad word” we let our whole society crumble, our children be murdered, and our people go extinct."

The Tax Poem

Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes is the rule.
Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.
Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads he must pass.
Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.
Tax his bills, tax his gas,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know
That after taxes, he has no dough.
If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he’s good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.
Put these words upon his tomb,
“Taxes drove me to my doom!”
And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.

Links - 7th September 2024 (1 - Trump [including Assassination Attempt])

Meme - "He's only wearing that Bandage for Attention!" *assorted loudly dressed and hair dyed left wingers, drag queens and feminists*

Meme - Alexandria *trans flag* @BanjoFrogAlex: "i'm so fucking angry how do you miss like that bro that's a chance of a lifetime"
Alex After Dark @BanjoFrogNSFW: "Getting strong to protect myself? Fuck no, I'm getting stronger so can hit women harder and see the fear in their eyes as they realize how badly they've fucked up by allowing me full control of their bodies"

Meme - Soyjak with Pink Hair and Trans Flag: "Now aim straight!!"
Soyjak with Pride Flag: "What is straight?"

Meme - "Female Secret Service Agent" *hiding in fear*
"The person she was hired to protect" *standing bravely in front of Female Secret Service Agent tanking damage*

Meme - "The Wage Gap" *distance between female secret service agent ducking for cover and male secret service agents covering Trump*

Meme - Black and White Trump flashing middle finger: "YOU MISSED BITCHES"



Meme - The Other 98%: "I've got 99 problems but wearing a maxi pad on my ear for attention ain't one"
Dorian Dankerson: "Also The Other 98%: *6 people wearing face shields or face shields and masks*"

Mark Zuckerberg Calls Donald Trump 'Badass' Without Endorsing for President - Bloomberg - "Mark Zuckerberg said that former President Donald Trump’s immediate reaction after being shot was “badass” and inspiring, and helps explain his appeal to voters... Zuckerberg, 40, declined to endorse Trump or his presumed opponent, President Joe Biden, adding that he’s “not planning” to be involved in the election in any way. Still, his comments add to a growing chorus of Silicon Valley leaders, including Tesla Inc. billionaire Elon Musk and venture capitalists Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, who are warming to the former president, some pledging donations to his campaign. Zuckerberg made the comments during a wide-ranging discussion about the future of AI, social media and more for The Circuit with Emily Chang. Zuckerberg said Meta is making changes that he hopes will mean Facebook is not as much of a flashpoint in elections going forward. “The main thing that I hear from people is that they actually want to see less political content on our services because they come to our services to connect with people.” Meta is already recommending less political content to its users, he added. “I think you’re going to see our services play less of a role in this election than they have in the past.”... When asked if he thought TikTok should be banned, Zuckerberg demurred. “That’s above my pay grade,” he said."

Clint Russell on X - "So here's how it works: The media spends years refusing to cover Trump's speaking events. They cut away mid-speech and describe it as "protecting their viewers from misinformation." Then, suddenly, there is a Trump event that gets covered by the major news outlets. Coincidentally, he it shot at 8 times and miraculously survives. Worse, he responds to the attack in legendary fashion and pumps his fist as blood streams down his face. Probably the most incredible political photo in modern American history gets taken. Does the media run it 24/7 for months like they would've had an attack on Biden or Obama occurred? No. They bury it. Is there a years long "national dialogue about political violence and the dangers of the radical left"? No. Zero.  In 14 days, the story is wiped from the headlines. Google suppresses all searches. Newspapers don't run the photo, stating openly that it makes him look too heroic. In just two weeks, it is like it never happened.  So what can we conclude? Well, for one, the entire corporate media sphere works directly for the federal government and by "federal government" I mean the democrats or the establishment or the intel community. Take your pick. But you already knew that.  The conclusion, or oddity, that I can't get past: You had a media blackout on Trump ever since J6. You've basically gone back to the blackout protocol over the past two weeks.  So...why, how etc.  Did you, the corporate news, decide to cover this one particular Trump event where he just so happened to come one inch from death?  Inquiring minds would like to know"

Texts show Thomas Matthew Crooks was on authorities' radar 90 minutes before shooting: report - "Would-be Donald Trump assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks landed on authorities’ radar more than 90 minutes before he opened fire at the former president’s Pennsylvania campaign rally — roughly a half-hour more than what officials previously claimed — according to newly released text messages... Crooks, 20, was aware of the law enforcement presence as he prepared his assassination attempt on the GOP nominee...   One of the counter-snipers took photos of him and shared them in a group chat around 5:38 p.m.  An officer also wrote in a text that they should tell the Secret Service about the suspicious person as the range finder he had on him alarmed authorities...   The photos were shared with the Secret Service through a series of steps at the command center"

Facebook admits 'mistake' in censoring iconic Trump assassination attempt photo: 'This was an error' - "Facebook wrongly called the popular image of Donald Trump pumping his fist in the air after an assassination attempt against him an "altered photo," a spokesperson admitted"

Google omitting Trump assassination from Autocomplete feature - "A key Google feature is failing to show results for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump — drawing claims from the former president’s son that Big Tech companies are trying to influence the election... Google users were surprised to discover that the search engine’s “Autocomplete” was apparently omitting suggested results related to the assassination attempt against Donald Trump... There’s no mention of Trump even when the entire search term “the assassination attempt of” is typed into the Google homepage search bar...   Even the keywords “Trump assassination attempt” yielded no additional terms from Google. The Post was able to recreate the alleged anomaly and found Autocomplete did not suggest searches related to the assassination attempt against former President Trump even when inputted in full."
Senator Marshall Leads Investigation into Google’s Censorship of President Trump Assassination Search Results

Libs of TikTok on X - "Meet Deb Fielder, a Field Representative at the @CommerceGov. She's upset that the sh**ter missed and she isn't apologetic for feeling that way. This person is a government employee. Our taxes pay her salary. What does @CommerceGov have to say about this?"

Meme - You fell left (Hammer and Sickle on Pride flag background): "8 and missed all..."
"*Anime girl with body pillow on bed punching hole in wall*
Me finding out the shooter just grazed him:"
Vinny Morris: "The love filled tolerant types are so good at violence and wishing death on people"
Clearly, we need to crack down on the "far right", since they celebrate violence

jeff4_democracy on X - "Funny watching the "back the blue" folks try to support a criminal against a prosecutor. Seems counterintuitive"
"Back the blue" is about not killing police officers. Besides which, supporting the police doesn't mean you oppose politically-motivated convictions which will be overturned on appeal


Meme - "Tell me the truth...I'm...I'm ready to hear it."
"project 2025 is just Qanon for lefties"

Project 2025 is from Heritage Foundation, not Trump | Fact check - "Our rating: False.  Project 2025 is a political playbook created by the Heritage Foundation and dozens of other conservative groups, not Trump, who said he disagrees with elements of the effort. There are, however, numerous people involved in Project 2025 who worked in Trump's first administration."

Meme - "Project 2025 will limit pizza toppings to only cheese and pepperoni. Page 815. Look it up."

Project 2025 winding down policy work after Trump criticism

Project 2025 leader steps down amid criticism from Trump - "The leader of the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 has stepped down amid unrelenting criticism of the program from former President Trump and Democrats' continued efforts to link Trump's campaign to the project... Kevin Roberts, president of Heritage, issued a statement Monday confirming that the project's leader, Paul Dans, would be stepping down... The Trump campaign responded to the news, saying, "Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed."  "President Trump’s campaign has been very clear for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way," the campaign said. "Reports of Project 2025’s demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign – it will not end well for you.""
Of course, third party lobby groups pushing a left wing agenda have nothing to do with the left and if you suggest they do, you are spreading dangerous misinformation and need to be banned

Meme - *Red hand reaching out to upset NPC*
*Replaces 34 felonies chip with PROJECT 2025 chip*
*upset NPC*

John Cleese on X - "I saw Tim Walz being interviewed by Jake Tapper last night and Walz, speaking of Trump, said " Have you ever seen the guy laugh ? " There's some deep truth here And he's never had a pet, either Weird..."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Anyone interested in "seeing Trump laugh" should check out the 2012 Comedy Central Roast of Donald Trump. It's 3.5 hours of him cracking up and shooting jokes back and forth with A-list celebrities. Snoop gives him a pimp cup.  The idea that Trump is a crazed, unpopular racist loon Who Never Smiles dates only and exactly to the moment he started running for President."
Redhead Ranting on X - "Have you heard Walz laugh? You can see clips of him laughing while Minneapolis burned during his George Floyd Riots."

Meme - "JD Vance is weird? like laying in a hospital bed after you purchased 2 children?" *Pete Buttigieg and husband Chasten Buttigieg in bed with 2 babies*

Meme - "JD Vance is Weird"
*Kamala Harris's Stepdaughter Ella Emhoff kneeling, with weird knitted vest, knitted hat, cow tattoo etc*
*Kneeling Democrats in Kente cloth*
*Dylan Mulvaney Joe Biden interview, Sam Brinton, Rose Montoya flashing breasts, Ben Cardin sex tape in Senate, Jonathan Van Ness in the White House in a dress, Tyler Cherry in loud garb, Rachel Levine and some black woman*
*Rose Montoya with Joe Biden, and showing its breasts at the white house*
*Sam Brinton and Rachel Levine*
*Man in dress and human pups*

Meme - "Liberals: "If we could just jail Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the Electoral College, stack the Supreme Court, ban voter ID, and censor free speech we could save democracy.""

memetic_sisyphus on X - "They called McCain a fascist, they called Romney a sexist for wanting to hire women in his administration, they called Pence a sexist because he wouldn’t have dinner alone with a woman who wasn’t his wife, they called Trump every name they could, now they’re calling Vance weird."

Thread by @Musa_alGharbi on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Back in @GuardianUS for a piece looking at the racial dynamics of #Election2024.  tldr: polls show Trump poised to take home roughly 20 percent of the black vote. That probably won't happen.  But @TheDemocrats *will* likely see continued losses with black voters. Which may be offset with gains among whites. 🧵
Let's start by disabusing readers of one storyline about why the @GOP is unlikely to receive the black vote share that current polling suggests: Kamala's race.  In truth, black voters have been really tepid on Harris. This was clear in the 2020 primaries, in the 2020 general election, and in contemporary polling. Black voters have not shifted towards Democrats any more than any other block has since Biden dropped out. They might've shifted a bit *less.* This is a bit of a tangent (not covered in the article), but here, I think people learned the wrong lessons from the election of @BarackObama.  Yes, he won a higher share of the black vote than typical (), but not because AAs were going to vote based on race. It was because his campaign inspired lots of irregular voters to the polls. And at the time, irregular voters favored Democrats, and irregular voters have always been disproportionately black, so mobilizing irregular voters led to a higher black vote share.
Black voters turned out, not because of Obama's race, but because his "hope and change" policies on economic fairness, turning the page on Bush's foreign policy misadventures, etc.  Compared to other sectors of the Democratic base, black voters, and irregular voters, are especially *unlikely* to be motivated by identitarian appeals. It tends to turn them off. This is an even *bigger* tangent that's tough to really get into on Twitter, but, to the extent that black voters *are* motivated by identitarian stuff, they don't necessarily view Harris or Obama as representing themselves.
Most of the commentariat just presents these candidates as "black" and assumes most black voters feel the same. In truth, mixed race, fair-skinned, and blacks of recent immigrant background are NOT widely viewed by most blacks as being uncomplicatedly "black." Of being "like them." Or representing their values and interests.  This is something glossed over by academics and journalists because most "black" people in these spaces are like Kamala Harris, Barack Obama and myself: mixed race, fair skinned and/or of recent immigrant background. And most of us think of ourselves as uncomplicatedly "black," see people like Harris and Obama the same way, and assume/ hope/ assert that most other black people in the U.S. feel the same. We like to suppress this difference. But it's noticed and it's important. Twitter isn't really the right place for this discussion, but it's something I go into at great length in my book:  And it's relevant to bear in mind for folks who want to tell simplistic stories of black people supporting candidates on the basis of presumed racial affinity. Especially when polling data suggests that there is *not,* in fact, extraordinary excitement around Harris among black voters. There never was, in her entire time on the national political scene up to now.
Back on track: So, if Kamala's race is unlikely to excite, galvinize or mobilize huge numbers of black voters, then why is it that I'm asserting Trump will likely underperform polling with this demographic?   Because even if polls accurately capture overall black sentiment, they may not reflect the attitudes of the black Americans most likely to show up to the polls. To illustrate the difference between public sentiment and "who shows up," consider the typical fate of third party candidates.  Similar dynamics hold for black constituents who are, much like third-party supporters, especially likely to be irregular voters:
In recent years, irregular voters across ethnic, religious and other cultural lines, have shifted towards Republicans. This is a major change from previous years. And it means that, in elections with high turnout, Republicans are likely to enjoy higher margins with black and Hispanic constituents (who vote less regularly) than in races where turnout is lower:  In general, however, insofar as polls accurately capture the sentiment of black voters as a whole, they may not reflect the preferences of the African Americans who show up at the ballot box (who are more likely to be older, highly-educated, relatively affluent, urban/suburban, and more reliably Democratic) Critically, although Democrats are likely to see continued attrition with black voters, these losses seem likely to be made up by gains with *whites.*  White voters have been consistently been souring on the Republican Party, starting in 2016 and continuing through the present:
In the same way that Democrats keep alienating non-white voters by serving them symbolic identitarian bullshit over addressing their practical concerns and priorities, the GOP has been consistently losing white voters under Trump. Because he seems to buy into the mainstream media/ academic accounts of why people support him (they're racists/ xenophobes, etc.) -- and those narratives are actually incorrect.  So he keeps serving up to white voters more of what he thinks they want, and they continue to recoil in horror and shift towards the Democrats. The big question of this cycle is whether Trump and @JDVance will continue to alienate white voters at an equal or greater clip as Democrats are driving away voters of color:  The answer to this question will likely determine control of the White House in 2024 (just as it did in 2016 and 2020, and the last two midterm cycles)."

Meme - MeeksAZ 🇺🇸 @MeeksAZ: "MSM fact-checkers have debunked the Left-wing social media disinformation campaign about Trump and Epstein!  “While Trump has been mentioned in previous Epstein-related documents, he has not been accused of wrongdoing.”"
Washington Post: "Trump and Jeffrey Epstein: No links shown in latest documents"
Reuters: "Fact Check: False posts say AP reported on Trump 'child molestation charges'"

No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People' | Snopes.com
When even Snopes debunks this favourite fake news of the left

Meme - "Republicans are weird".
*NPCs comforting NPC*
*MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, The Washington Post*

Meme - "LIBERAL WOMEN WHEN THEY SEE DONALD TRUMP *pink haired person with erection*
This is a response to the similar meme claiming that conservative men get erections when they see transwomen, because autoerotic gynephilia requires affirmation

Meme - End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "Same plan. Spot the difference.
CBS News @CBSNews: "Former President Donald Trump's vow to stop taxing tips would cost the federal government up to $250 billion over 10 years, according to a nonpartisan watchdog group."
CBS News @CBSNews: "Vice President Kamala Harris is rolling out a new policy position, saying she'll fight to end taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers."

Poilievre’s defence spending boost will hurt Canadians - "So let me get this straight. Pierre Poilievre is going to make life more affordable for Canadians. Yet he’s going to ramp up our military spending wildly, as demanded by Donald Trump.  Trump isn’t even yet the Republican nominee (and still faces 91 criminal charges) but already our putative future prime minister is bending to his will.  Last week, Poilievre indicated support for boosting Canada’s military spending to 2 per cent of GDP, right after Trump told a rally he’d encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to any NATO country that doesn’t meet NATO’s 2 per cent target.  Of course, bowing and scraping to the MAGA boss-man isn’t the image Poilievre wants to project to Canadians. He wants us to see him as a scrappy tough guy who fights to make our lives more affordable... Axing the tax certainly appeals to Big Oil boosters who want to keep us hooked on fossil fuels, but it won’t help with affordability. Meanwhile, raising our military spending to 2 per cent of GDP — from its current level of 1.39 per cent — would cost us an extra $25 billion a year, according to Canada’s Parliamentary Budget Office. That would please Trump (at least for a moment). But such a massive spending hike would inevitably result in spending cuts to things we really need — like health care, transit, housing — making our lives worse and less affordable.  Trump’s resurgence in the U.S. has revived grumbling from right-wing commentators here that our military spending is too low. But it isn’t. If anything, it’s too high... Roche, a former Progressive Conservative parliamentarian from Alberta, insists Canada should instead put an extra $2 billion into the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.  Commentators portray Canada as a small military spender because, like Trump, they measure military spending as a percentage of GDP, rather than in actual dollars."
From February, 5 months before Trudeau committed to the same. The level of ignorance needed to pretend that the 2% NATO target is an invention of Trump (so much for teaching accurate history). But of course she also pretends the carbon tax leaves most people better off (when it's been repeatedly proven to be the opposite) and ignores the facts about the crumbling military

Donald Trump's Gains With Black Voters Have Been Wiped Out
Voting based on race is only racist if you're white

Report: DNC Speakers Mention 'Trump' 130 More Times than 'Crime,' 'Inflation,' and 'Border' Combined - "Speakers at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on Monday in Chicago, Illinois, reportedly mentioned the word “Trump” 130 more times than three of the top 2024 issues combined: “crime,” “inflation,” and “border.”  The Harris campaign avoids the issues because it is caught in a so-called “catch-22.”  Speaking about policies to fix crime, inflation, and border security would undermine the Biden-Harris administration’s claim of having solved those issues. However, Democrats must tout the administration’s policy successes to validate presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris’s record and candidacy.   Focusing on “Trump” instead of the issues is a convenient strategy to avoid that paradoxical situation.  The “Trump” centric approach also suggested a double standard among media elites. Nearly all the mentions of “Trump” during Monday’s programming were personal insults to the president, which were cast as either fair or accurate. When former President Donald Trump attacks Democrats, he is nearly always accused of being nasty or mean... Polling shows that inflation, border security, and crime are key issues plaguing the nation under the Biden-Harris administration. Under its watch, inflation soared about 20 percent across the board, and millions of people invaded the southern border while illegal migrants were accused of committing heinous crimes.  Sixty-three percent of voters said crime is a major factor in who they will vote for in the presidential election, a recent CBS News poll found. Nearly two-thirds of Americans said soaring costs and migration are the most important issues they face, an August YouGov poll found."

Greg Price on X - "Reporter: Nearly a million jobs "created" since Kamala took office do not exist.
Raimondo: “I don’t believe it because I’ve never heard Trump say anything truthful.”
Reporter: "It is from the Bureau of Labor."
Raimondo: "I'm not familiar with that.""
If Donald Trump says the earth is round, that means it's flat
What a great secretary of commerce she is

Friday, September 06, 2024

Links - 6th September 2024 (2 - Harris-Walz)

Strong, Capable Woman Asks Man To Come With Her To Job Interview In Case They Ask Any Hard Questions | Babylon Bee

Woman Who Got Soldiers Killed Condemns Man Who Comforted Their Families | Babylon Bee - "According to sources, Trump has been accused of accepting invitations from multiple Gold Star families to a solemn ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, where he honored their fallen sons and daughters. "It's terrible," said MSNBC's Joe Scarbarough, watching as Trump laid a wreath onto a tomb. "This just shows what depths Trump will go to, even leaving the campaign trail to attend a memorial service. Is there no low this man will not stoop to?""

Bad Hombre on X - "Trump’s last four interviews:
-57 minutes (Dr. Phil)
-57 minutes (Theo Von)
-2 hours and 3 minutes (Elon Musk)
-1 hour and 11 minutes (Shawn Ryan)
Kamala’s first interview in 40 days as the Democrat nominee: 18 minutes, edited, no transcript, and with a chaperone."

Thread by @buttonslives on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Young people are open about voting based on “vibes.” They are not informed on, nor are interested, in policy. It’s a popularity contest. It’s about proximity to their favorite celebrities and the “good feels” they get believing they’re voting for social progress."
Top comments on the above viral TikTok post:  “The dnc was like a class that got a pizza party in school while the rnc took a test”  “the RNC honestly could’ve been an email”  “the rnc looks like bingo night in a retirement home”
Christina Buttons on X - "Vibes are important to voters who are not politically engaged. Republicans should figure out their vibe and sell it like the Democrats do. "Conservatism is the new punk" is a cool vibe. Progressive ideologues have captured our institutions; they now represent the establishment."

Reporter Who Asked Kamala A Question Charged With Hate Crime | Babylon Bee - "The incident occurred during a brief campaign stop in which Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, visited a local deli that had been evacuated and repopulated with fake employees and campaign staff posing as customers. A stunned silence spread throughout the shop after a reporter from the press pool traveling with the Harris campaign asked her a question."Madam Vice President, can you tell us about your foreign policy?" the reporter asked with clearly vicious and evil intent. Before he was able to obtain an answer or follow up with an explanation for his heinous actions, Secret Service agents and local law enforcement officers swarmed him, wrestled him to the ground, and placed him under arrest. Thankfully, Vice President Harris was reportedly unharmed by the question."

Meme - Kamala Harris: "As I said, Trump's border wall is a complete waste of taxpayer money and won't make us any safer."
"If she's elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border - a project she once opposed and called "un-American" during the Trump administration."

Meme - Alex Jones: "That's right folks 2 out of 3 Americans died from Covid."
Cillian @CilComLFC: "Kamala Harris: "220 million Americans have died from COVID." Is she really the most intelligent candidate the Democratic Party could find?"

Meme - "Kamala's stepdaughter looks like someone the Secret Service would let onto a roof at a Trump rally....."

Meme - Financelot @FinanceLancelot: "Apparently Kamala was told not to speak during this event because she was too intoxicated, but she did anyways.
Apparently Kamala's aids are having trouble keeping her sober which is why she's only doing the scheduled rallies. Every time she gets off the plane she's app..."
Marcus Dellinger @MDellin...: "The drinks help to unburden the burdens of what has been done"
Ryan Rakich @ryanrakich: "Even Biden was scratching his head like; wtf is she rambling!?"
Chewy @HerbalHooligan: "When Biden looks confused and taken aback by someone elses stupid words you know it must be bad"
"Sky News March 08, 2024: US Vice President Kamala Harris has been mocked online for appearing to be "obviously drunk" while speaking to Wisconsin Democratic campaign teams ahead of the 2024 election. In her address on Wednesday, Harris highlighted the "duality" of democracy,"
Thor Torrens @ThorTorrens: "There's zero chance we will be hearing this woman speak for the next four years. Zero"

Meme - "No one can challenge comrade Kamala"
Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze: "Jill Stein has received more primary votes than Kamala Harris ."
The Washington Times @WashTimes: "Democrats file complaint to block Green Party from presidential ballot in Wisconsin"

Greg Price on X - "Walz: "I had 24 kids in my high school class and none of them went to Yale."
Another weird moment where Democrats attack JD Vance for becoming successful."
wanye on X - "There were like 50 kids in my high school class and none of them went to an Ivy. This is indeed quite typical, but it highlights that Vance has been uniquely successful, which seems like a weird thing for his opponents to insist."
Left wingers hate success after all

Richard Hanania on X - "Under Tim Walz, Minnesota has adopted an ethnic studies curriculum for all students, written by anti-Israeli activists. Kids are taught about “racial capitalism” and how minorities suffer under “European beauty standards.” This is what’s behind the normal guy facade."

Meme - POLITICO @politico: "'Our corrupt leadership': Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally"
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "The headline states "JD Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden." Harris is currently President Biden's Vice President."
The cope is that the Vice President is powerless, so she has no responsibility for anything bad linked to Biden, but she can still take credit for everything good linked to him

Meme - Elon Musk: "Please note that this is an actual statement from Kamala"
"An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal."

Meme - Megan McArdle @asymmetricinfo: ""Sometimes, you just have to ignore the "Danger: Bridge Washed Out Ahead" signs."  Ignoring warnings might irritate safety nerds, but it makes sense to everyone in this car, and will continue to do so right up to the point where we plunge into the river and drown."
"Sometimes You Just Have to Ignore the Economists  Kamala Harris’s proposed price-gouging ban might irritate academics, but it makes sense to everyone else. By Zephyr Teachout"
Trust the experts - when they push the left wing agenda
The writer pretends that Harris's plan would follow state bans on price gouging in emergencies, but that is plainly misinformation. I like how Harris defenders are complaining that critics are distorting things, but Harris gets to be as vague as she likes

James Line on X - "Kamala Harris talks about her dream of someday opening a little restaurant"
Stephen L. Miller on X - "This is why she's never had a private sector job."
Mark Starrett 🇺🇸 on X - "She’s describing a restaurant in socialism. Few choices and shortages."
Spiffy_Wanderer on X - "It's funny that her dream involves a restaurant where she runs out of food, lol. Her plan for the country as well!"

Democrats Beg Kamala Harris Not to Release Policy Agenda Before Election - "Harris, who has not held an unscripted press conference for 26 days since joining the race, is facing calls to not only remain hidden from the press but to keep her proposed policies a secret as she prepares to deliver economic proposals in North Carolina... Harris, however, already published several policies, such as socialist-style price controls, subsidies for homeowners, and two policies that copy the Trump-Vance ticket: a child tax credit and no tax on tips.  “She doesn’t need to negotiate against herself. We’ve got the biggest possible tent right now,” Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (D-NH), told Politico. “I don’t think there’s a real strong reason for her to try to weed out any points of view right now.”   Harris’s honeymoon phase of the campaign energized some Democrats, while others raised concerns against doing anything that could end the phase... Harris campaign advisers worry about publicly releasing “thorny details” of their economic plan because the specifics might backfire on the campaign, several people familiar with the discussions told the Wall Street Journal.  “Instead, they expect small shifts in emphasis that highlight her résumé and priorities” to hide the details of her agenda “amid concerns from some Democrats that releasing a lengthy plan could open the vice president up to criticism from Republicans and members of her party,” the Journal reported.   “Kamala needs to stop insulting the intelligence of voters and speak for herself to explain why she is running from every liberal policy she has ever supported,” the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, said in a statement, ripping Harris. “The mainstream media needs to stop being complicit in her lies and demand answers.”  The media have not interviewed Harris on television since June 24, 2024. The last time the press reportedly questioned her at a solo news conference was eight months ago — on December 2, 2023.   One reason Harris could be running a “basement” media strategy is to navigate policy debates within her own party. Anonymous campaign aides reportedly flipped-flopped on five of her radical-left policies, such as socialized medicine and fracking.   “There’s already uncertainty with just what does she believe, what she would do,” Jeff Nobers, executive director of Pittsburgh Works Together, told the Washington Post about Harris’s promise to ban fracking. “And if she doesn’t support a ban on fracking, what is her energy policy plan?”"

Democrats defend Kamala Harris for not diving into policy - "Democrats are defending Vice President Harris for not diving too far into policy during her condensed campaign, arguing the short timeline lends itself to a focus on broad themes.  The Democratic National Convention focused on topics from freedom to patriotism, was heavy on biography and history, and emphasized building on the momentum behind Harris’s campaign.  But Harris has faced criticism for how light it was on policy specifics... Republicans have heaped criticism on Harris since the DNC ended for avoiding questions about how her policy stances have shifted since her 2020 presidential campaign.  Among those changes are on Medicare-for-all and fracking, two issues Republicans are using to bludgeon her campaign."

EXCLUSIVE MRC POLL: Most Dem Voters Don’t Know About Harris’s Radicalism - "A significant new Media Research Center poll finds that large majorities of registered Democrats and Independents who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 — exactly those who would be expected to support Vice President Kamala Harris in this year’s contest — are mostly in the dark about many of the controversial and radical positions Harris has taken.     When asked about ten different aspects of Harris’s public record — on issues as varied as her sponsorship of the Green New Deal, abolishing ICE, and eliminating private health insurance — between 71% and 86% of these Democrats and Independents said they either had not heard of Harris’s position or were unsure. When these voters were asked about where they got most of their news about political elections and candidates, by far the top answers were broadcast television (ABC, CBS and NBC) or cable news (such as CNN and MSNBC). This suggests that the knowledge gaps found by our poll reveal a failure of these outlets to report on radical positions once (and perhaps currently) supported by the now-Democratic nominee for President.   In fact, a detailed Media Research Center examination of ABC, CBS and NBC evening news coverage in the three weeks since Harris became the leading Democratic candidate (July 21 to August 10) shows eight of these ten issues received ZERO attention from these newscasts, while two others received only minor coverage...
Harris supported cutting funding for the police
Harris co-sponsored the Green New Deal
Harris supported the elimination of private health insurance
Harris supported reparations payments to atone for slavery
As “Border Czar,” Harris never visited a conflict zone on the border
Harris said it should not be considered a crime to enter the U.S. illegally
Harris supported abolishing ICE
Harris promoted a fund to bail out violent protesters during 2020 riots
Harris would consider allowing death row inmates to vote
Harris was named the most liberal U.S. Senator in 2019...
If our poll had been conducted even as recently as June, voters’ lack of knowledge about Harris might be understandable. But this poll was conducted in August, when the Vice President was receiving the most intense news coverage of her political career. Our study found heavy coverage of Harris on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts during this period: 184 minutes in just 21 days, eclipsing even that of Donald Trump.   Yet our survey of Democratic voters and pro-Biden Independents, who say their top source for news about the campaign are these same networks, shows the damage caused by today’s one-sided news coverage. These voters should be at least familiar with these key points about Harris’s past, even if they don’t agree with conservatives about their significance.   The fact that huge majorities don’t even know about these issues is damning evidence of the media’s selective and partisan approach to covering the 2024 presidential campaign."
She's never won a primary after all

Wall Street Silver on X - "Asking Democrats at convention: “ What is your favorite Kamala policy?” The answers are priceless 😂😂😂 🔊"

BLAIRE WHITE on X - "I asked voters, “Trump or Kamala?" and it was shocking. 🔵 Kamala voters were mostly white, older, and had no idea why they’re voting for her. 🔴 Trump voters were mostly minorities with detailed explanations. What do you think this means? FULL VIDEO:"

Bill D'Agostino on X - "Journalists were calling Kamala the border czar until like five minutes ago. Don't let the media gaslight you."

Corporate Media Goes Into Overdrive To Memory-Hole Kamala’s Border Record - "Axios is not the only outlet attempting to shift the narrative. The Associated Press (AP), CBS, Time Magazine and other outlets all produced pushback pieces rejecting the claim that Harris was called the “border czar” by labeling it a Republican talking point. But the AP, for their part, did outline Harris’ responsibilities in a 2021 article, describing the role as “to lead response to border challenges.” Other outlets challenging the label published similar stories at the time.  It’s unclear if the synchronized timing of the media’s leap to her defense is organic, or a coordinated effort between the Harris campaign and sympathetic newsrooms... Former President Trump slammed her inaction on the job Biden tasked her with during a Tuesday call with reporters. “She visited the border a single time, far away from the epicenter of the invasion. You don’t even call it a visit,” he said, according to the New York Post. “She went to a place that has no problem, and was there for a very short period of time. So essentially, she never visited the border as we know it,” Trump reportedly added. Harris did visit the border in El Paso, Texas in June 2021. However, border patrol agents criticized the Veep for what they described as a “show” visit. “They rented out a ton of hotels and we spent hours moving out bodies. The kids that remained, we had to braid their hair,” a border patrol agent told the New York Post’s Jennie Taer. He also reportedly claimed agents “made jokes about how the building was more secure than the whole border was.” “She had zero interest in really seeing anything. It was rushed,” a former official present during Harris’ trip told the outlet."

Meme - Jason Beale @jabeale: "Bookmark to reference each time the Dems and corporate media attempt to erase the uncomfortable truth of Biden appointing Kamala Harris as Border Czar. They're going to try really, really hard to pretend none of this ever happened:"
"Biden taps VP Harris to lead response to border challenges"
"Biden tasks Harris with 'stemming the migration' on ..."
"Biden makes Harris the point person on immigration issues"
"Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis"
"Kamala Harris was tapped to fix the immigration crisis."

Meme - Peter St Onge, Ph.D. @profstonge: "31,800 references to Kamala as "Border Czar" over the course of 3 years 🫡"
"Border Czar Kamala Harris Accuses Abbott of 'Dereliction of Duty' for Busing Migrants Out of Texas"
"Kamala Harris increasingly absent from immigration debate amid Title 42 drama"
"Border Czar Kamala Harris Heads to the Border-To Push Green Energy"

Meme - Buzz Patterson @BuzzPatterson: "The media is denying she was ever the border czar. Share this wide and far."
Vice President Kamala Harris @VP: ".@POTUS lead our diplomatic work with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. To address the situation at the southern border, we have to address the root causes of migration. It won't be easy work- but it's necessary."

MAZE on X - "April 26, 2024. CNN roundtable discusses how Kamala Harris may actually be dragging Biden down in his bid for re-election.😂 They discussed the fact that people don't like her, including swing voters, and that her voice is annoying.🤣"

Opinion | Kamala Harris could help her party and the country by stepping aside - The Washington Post
From March

Bad Hombre on X - "Less than 300 people are in attendance to see Kamala and Gov. Shapiro. The capacity of the Wissahickon H.S. auditorium is 3,500 people. Massive black curtains were put up to make the venue look smaller. The enthusiasm was short-lived."
James Lindsay, anti-Communist on X- "I told you the Zoom events are fake. They're likely "fake" in two ways:
1) The usual way: padded numbers with fake accounts, almost certainly, though I don't know what percentage would be fakes;
2) They're national or even international rallies on Zoom, creating the illusion of huge support because a local rally can't pull from a population of 100s of millions.
We see at least (2) on display here."

Kyle Becker on X - "JUST IN: A former student of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz exposes how much he secretly worships the Communist Chinese.  “It was almost a daily revelation of how much he adores the communist regime."  The student told @AlphaNewsMN  that Walz is actually a communist who loves the CCP.
“There was no doubt he was a true believer,” a student named Shad said. “I’ve been trying to tell people this for 30 years. Nobody wanted to listen."  “At night, we’d go out, we’d walk the street fairs. We’d be buying souvenirs and Tim was always buying the little red book. He said he gave them as gifts … I saw him buy at least a dozen on the trip,” he said.  The Little Red Book was a famous propaganda pamphlet written by mass murdering Chinese Communist Mao Tse-Tung.  “It would be like in Germany and buying copies of Mein Kampf,” the student told Alpha News.  “If there was any doubt about what I’m saying just look at the policies enacted by his administration like the country’s worst abortion law, anti-free speech, the riots,” Shad pointed out. “He’s a Maoist to the core and should not be underestimated.”  “People need to have their eyes wide open,” Shad said. “The snitch hotline in Minnesota is straight out of CCP. Tim Walz is a very bright guy. None of this [is] by accident.”"
Man who says he accompanied Walz on trip to China calls VP candidate 'Maoist to the core' - "Shad drew attention to the similarities between the messaging of Walz and Kamala Harris—including phrases like “the politics of joy” and “unburdened by what has been”—and the propaganda materials used by Mao"

Debbie ZP ✝️🗣🇺🇸 on X - "JD Vance is the guy who mows your lawn when you’re sick. Tim Waltz is the guy who reports your overgrown lawn to the HOA"

Meme - Dustin Grage @GrageDustin: "Since Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is officially being reported as a favorite to become the VP pick for Kamala Harris. Here he is pictured from his DUI arrest where he was going 96 in a 55. He then lied to police about being deaf in an attempt to avoid his arrest."

Meme - Hodgetwins @hodgetwins: "Vote for Kamala if you want black men in prison"
Trump: "If you don't vote for me, you won't have Israel for very long"
White Dudes for Harris: *looking at Kamala Harris*

Meme - Tim Walz: "In Minnesota we respect our neighbors and their personal choices that they make."
2020: "Governor Walz, I'm calling your hotline to report my neighbors choosing to be outside"

Charlie Kirk on X - "Tim Walz was so addicted to the Sega Dreamcast that his wife had to unplug it and hide it away. This is reported as a fun, relatable story, but doesn't anybody else find a 35-year-old man getting that addicted to video games a little sad? Or, dare I say it, weird?"

Harris's Personnel Problem: Over 90 Percent of VP's Staff Left in Last Three Years - "Throughout her career as a senator and then vice president, Kamala Harris developed a reputation as a difficult boss who struggles to retain staff due to the atmosphere of suspicion and disorder that tends to develop among her subordinates. Data from the government watchdog group Open the Books — released Monday, as Harris consolidates her position as President Biden’s successor atop the Democratic ticket — makes clear just how extreme Harris’s personnel problem really is: 91.5 percent of the staff Harris began her vice presidential term with three years ago have since left.  “Kamala Harris is taking center stage in the national discussion these days. However, our analysis of her payroll as vice president shows an extraordinary churn,” Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski said. “The stories out there are more than just anecdotes, they’re substantiated by the hard data available to us. Only a rare and loyal few staffers have persisted through her term as vice president.”  While high turnover is typical for a vice presidential staff, the level of churn — and public backbiting — in Harris’s office stands out.   A theme of instability has pervaded the vice president’s office since Harris took office in January 2021. Months after she assumed the vice presidency, many staffers left Harris’s office in a mini-exodus due to burnout and in pursuit of better career opportunities, Axios reported at the time. In the summer of 2022, two of the vice president’s most senior staffers, her domestic policy adviser and director of speechwriting, left on good terms, generating questions as to whether or not Harris had a loyal network of aides willing to follow her, perhaps even to the Oval Office. Only four of the initial 47 staffers Harris brought in with her in 2021 are still employed in her office, as of March 31, 2024, Open the Books found...   Harris’s former staffers, from her time as San Francisco’s district attorney, California attorney general, and a U.S. senator, blew the whistle on Harris’s reportedly toxic workplace culture to Business Insider in 2021. An insider told Politico around the same time that the OVP under Harris “is not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated.”  Biden has a staff turnover rate of 77 percent, Open the Books found, and only 127 of the 560 White House employees he initially hired still hold positions in the President’s orbit.  The vice president’s office has evaded Open the Books’ past attempts to obtain the names, titles, and salaries of Harris’s staff, the nonprofit said. “Despite claiming to be the most transparent administration ever, their response is too often something like, ‘we don’t absolutely have to tell you, so we won’t,'” Andrzejewski said. “The Office of the Vice President is particularly opaque because they claim they’re not an ‘agency’ of the federal government. That makes Harris, well, the least transparent elected official in the country.”  “Taxpayers deserve to see how payroll is handled in her office, what personnel and policy areas are priorities for her, and assess her performance against the cost and headcount,” he added. “Instead, we have to rely on semi-annual disclosures to Congress to fill in some of the blanks.”"

How I am partly to blame for Mass Immigration

From 2013, a telling insight into the left's motivations for promoting mass migration:

How I am partly to blame for Mass Immigration - Mail Online - Peter Hitchens blog

"We had all got used to London being different, long ago.

The former mill towns of Yorkshire and Lancashire, with their huge new mosques and veiled women, were a place apart.

But Lincolnshire?

If it could come here, into Deep England, then it would come to everywhere...

The greatest mass migration in our history has taken place.

The newcomers are lawfully here.

They have the jobs, live in the houses, use the NHS.

Their children are in the schools.

Come to that, they are paying tax.

Our leaders only had to go to Boston, any time in the past five years, and they would have known.

But all our leading politicians were afraid of knowing the truth.

If they knew, they would at least have to pretend to act.

And the truth was, they liked things as they were.

And it was at least partly my own fault.

When I was a Revolutionary Marxist, we were all in favour of as much immigration as possible.

It wasn't because we liked immigrants, but because we didn't like Britain. We saw immigrants - from anywhere - as allies against the staid, settled, conservative society that our country still was at the end of the Sixties.  

Also, we liked to feel oh, so superior to the bewildered people - usually in the poorest parts of Britain - who found their neighbourhoods suddenly transformed into supposedly 'vibrant communities'.

If they dared to express the mildest objections, we called them bigots.

Revolutionary students didn't come from such 'vibrant' areas (we came, as far as I could tell, mostly from Surrey and the nicer parts of London).

We might live in 'vibrant' places for a few (usually squalid) years, amid unmown lawns and overflowing dustbins.

But we did so as irresponsible, childless transients - not as homeowners, or as parents of school-age children, or as old people hoping for a bit of serenity at the ends of their lives.

When we graduated and began to earn serious money, we generally headed for expensive London enclaves and became extremely choosy about where our children went to school, a choice we happily denied the urban poor, the ones we sneered at as 'racists'.

What did we know, or care, of the great silent revolution which even then was beginning to transform the lives of the British poor?

To us, it meant patriotism and tradition could always be derided as 'racist'.

And it also meant cheap servants for the rich new middle-class, for the first time since 1939, as well as cheap restaurants and - later on - cheap builders and plumbers working off the books.

It wasn't our wages that were depressed, or our work that was priced out of the market. Immigrants didn't do the sort of jobs we did.

They were no threat to us.

The only threat might have come from the aggrieved British people, but we could always stifle their protests by suggesting that they were modern-day fascists...

I have spent a great deal of time in the parts of Britain where the revolutionary unintelligentsia don't go.

Such people seldom, if ever, visit their own country.

Their orbits are in fashionable London zones, and holiday destinations.

They are better acquainted with the Apennines of Italy than with the Pennines of their own country.

But, unlike me, most of the Sixties generation still hold the views I used to hold and - with the recent, honourable exception of David Goodhart, the Left-wing journalist turned Think Tank boss who recognises he was wrong - they will not change.

The worst part of this is the deep, deep hypocrisy of it.

Even back in my Trotskyist days I had begun to notice that many of the migrants from Asia were in fact not our allies.

They were deeply, unshakably religious.

They were socially conservative.

Their attitudes towards girls and women were, in many cases, close to medieval. 

Many of them were horribly hostile to Jews, in a way which we would have condemned fiercely if anyone else had expressed it, but which we somehow managed to forgive and forget in their case.

We have recently seen this in the distressing and embarrassing episode of Lord Ahmed's outburst against a phantom Jewish conspiracy.

But I recall ten years ago, in a Muslim bookshop in the backstreets of Burnley, seeing on open display a modern edition of Henry Ford's revolting anti-Jewish diatribe The International Jew, long ago disowned by Ford himself.

It is unthinkable that any mainstream shop in any High Street could sell this toxic tripe.

Many of these new arrivals, though we revolutionaries welcomed them, knew and cared nothing of the great liberal causes we all supported. Or they were hostile to them.

Many on the Left still lie to themselves about this. George Galloway, the most Left-wing MP in Parliament, owes his seat to the support of conservative Muslims.

Yet he voted in favour of same-sex marriage.  

It would be interesting to be at any meetings where Mr Galloway discusses this with his constituents.

Of course, all political parties are compromises, but there is a big difference between splitting the difference and flatly ignoring a profound clash of principles.

This sort of cynicism has been at the heart of the deal.

Immigrants have been used by those who wanted to transform the country.

They have taken the parts of them they liked, and made much of them.

They have ignored the parts they did not like.

Mr Galloway likes the Muslims' opposition to the Iraq War and their scorn for New Labour (and good luck to him). But he does not like their views on sexual morality.

The same is true of many others.

One of the most striking characteristics of the majority of migrants from the Caribbean is their strong, unashamed Christian faith, and their love of disciplined education.

Yet the arrival of many such people in London was never used as a reason to say our society should become more Christian, or our schools should be better-ordered.

At that time, the revolutionary liberals were hoping to wave goodbye to the Church, and were busy driving discipline out of the state schools. So nobody ever said 'Let us adapt our society to the demands of these newcomers'.

They had the wrong sort of demands.

Instead, the authorities made much of the behaviour of a minority of such migrants, often much disliked by their fellow Afro-Caribbeans - men who took and sold illegal drugs and who were not prepared to respect British law.

If proper policing of such people could be classified as 'racist', then the drug laws as a whole could be weakened, and the police placed under liberal control.

This is why the so-called 'Brixton Riots' of April 1981 were used as a lever to weaken the police and undermine the drug laws, rather than as a reason to restore proper law and peace to that part of London.

Something very similar happened with the Macpherson Report into the murder of Stephen Lawrence.

Few noticed that the report openly urged that people from different ethnic groups should be policed in different ways - and actually condemned 'colour-blind' policing.

In whose interests was this?

And wasn't this attitude, that different types of behaviour could be expected from different ethnic groups, racially prejudiced?

But what did that matter, if it suited the revolutionary liberal agenda of purging the police of old-fashioned conservative types?  

The same forces destroyed Ray Honeyford, a Bradford headmaster who - long before it was fashionable - tried to stand up against political correctness in schools. He was driven from his job and of course condemned as a 'racist'.

Yet it would have been very much in the interests of integration and real equality in Bradford if his warnings had been heeded and acted upon.

As it is, as any observant visitor finds, Bradford's Muslim citizens and its non-Muslim citizens live in two separate solitudes, barely in contact with each other. Much of the Islamic community is profoundly out of step with modern Britain.

Once again, revolutionary liberals had formed a cynical alliance to destroy conservative opposition.

Their greatest ally has always been the British Tory politician Enoch Powell who, in a stupid and cynical speech in 1968, packed with alarmist language and sprinkled with derogatory expressions and inflammatory rumour, defined debate on the subject of immigration for 40 years.

Thanks to him, and his undoubted attempt to mobilise racial hostility, the revolutionary liberals have ever afterwards found it easy to accuse any opponent of being a Powellite.

Absurdly, even when Britain's frontiers were demolished by the Blair Government and hundreds of thousands of white-skinned Europeans came here to work, it was still possible to smear any doubters as 'racists'.

It couldn't have been more obvious that 'race' wasn't the problem.

The thing that made these new residents different was culture - language, customs, attitudes, sense of humour.

Rather than them adapting to our way of life, we were adapting to theirs.

This wasn't integration.

It was a revolution.

Yet nobody - especially their elected representatives - would listen to them, because they were assumed to be Powellite bigots, motivated by some sort of unreasoning hatred.

I now believe that the unreasoning hatred comes almost entirely from the liberal Left.

Of course, there are still people who harbour stupid racial prejudices.

But most of those concerned about immigration are completely innocent of such feelings.

The screaming, spitting intolerance comes from a pampered elite who are ashamed of their own country, despise patriotism in others and feel none themselves. 

They long for a horrible borderless Utopia in which love of country has vanished, nannies are cheap and other people's wages are low.

What a pity it is that there seems to be no way of turning these people out of their positions of power and influence.

For if there is to be any hope of harmony in these islands, then it can only come through a great effort to bring us all together, once again, in a shared love for this, the most beautiful and blessed plot of earth on the planet."    

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