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Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Links - 2nd July 2024 (1 - Migrants [including German Mannheim Stabbing])

Mass Stabbing Germany, Mannheim : r/iamatotalpieceofshit

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "There are many parallels to Western societies in these still images from a video of the mass knife-stabbing attack in Mannheim, Germany by a bearded man who shut down a right-wing event critical of Islam.  Responding German police pinned down one of the rally attendees by mistake during the frenzied knife attack. The bearded man then proceeded to stab the officer repeatedly in the neck and head after he had already stabbed other people. Female officers stood behind in horror while another finally shot the knifeman.  Just in the last eight months, there have been multiple deadly attacks in Europe and the UK by Muslims who invoke their religion. The cases are underreported by activist groups and media. Almost all of the killers have a migrant background."
Time to outlaw the "far right" for provoking Muslims and inciting violence from them

Meme - Bullzeye 🎯⚡️ @utism_: "Somewhere in the world a beady eyed, disgusting little goblin was roaring in laughter & rubbing his hands together watching this cop tackling the people trying to stop the ausländer stabbing everyone."

Meme - "When you stab someone who says Islam is a violent religion and instantly help to prove their point"

Meme - Imtiaz Mahmood @ImtiazMadmood: "On the left we see a police officer overpowering a fearless helper, while the knife attacker on the right has not yet been overpowered."
When you're obsessed with cracking down on the "far right" that you don't know where the true danger comes from

Meme - Hermiod the Hater: "-muslim gets mad at Whites
-stabs Whites
-White try and defend themselves
-White cop jumps on fellow Whites
-muslim attacks White cop
-muslim cop hesitates to shoot fellow muslim
-muslim stabs White cop
-crazy muslim finally gets shot
Fvcking insanity is where we are right now"

German court orders man born in Afghanistan held after knife attack at an anti-political Islam event - "A German court on Saturday ordered a 25-year-old man born in Afghanistan held on suspicion of attempted murder in connection with a knife attack at an event organized by a group opposing “political Islam” that left six people injured.  The victims included a police officer who remained hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after he was stabbed while trying to intervene, police and prosecutors said in a joint statement... A statement from police and prosecutors said that the suspect had lived in Germany since 2014, was married and has two children"

Shocking new vid of stabbing attack at Mannheim anti-Islam rally reveals why hero cop tackled victim instead of knifeman - "25-year-old Sulaiman A launched his attack, brandishing a huge knife."

Meme - Man with German flag: "FOREIGNERS OUT!!"
Polizei police beating man on floor: "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH!"
Jihadist attacking police with knife: "ALLAHU AKBAR!"

Meme - Rita Panahi @RitaPanahi: "This is the headline the BBC went with after an Islamist terrorist went on a knife rampage in Germany."
"German anti-Islam activist injured in knife attack"
I was listening to a podcast where an activist was complaining that news stories using the passive voice about pedestrian injuries victim blame the pedestrians

Mannheim knife attack: Anti-Islam activist injured in stabbing - "According to Bild, Michael Stürzenberger is the author of an Islamophobic blog, as well as a member of the BPE, an organisation which says it stands against the "Islamisation" of Germany.  The 58-year-old is one of the authors of the anti-Muslim platform PI-News and is being monitored by the Bavarian domestic intelligence service."
Time to put even more resources into monitoring the "far right", to keep society safe

Meme - Kevin McSweeney @kevinthebooks: "So the German police officer who restrained the 'far right' demonstrator who had been restraining the stabby immigrant, and was then in turn knifed in the neck by the stabby immigrant....has died. RIP Moral of this....know who your real enemies are"

Meme - Pox Populi @poxesfoxes: "While German media still carries out a witch hunt against anyone who sings “Ausländer raus”, an X user asked @ndr  — A STATE BROADCASTER— why they don’t investigate migrant rape gangs with the same zeal.  NDR responds with a yawn emoji."
I've seen people claim that Europe doesn't do wokeness

Mannheim Attacker Shows No Remorse, Misbehaves With Hospital Staff - "The paper mentioned that Suleiman Atayi shows no remorse for his actions and has behaved poorly with hospital staff... In recent years, Germany has experienced an increase in knife attacks carried out by extremist refugees. These attacks have sparked widespread fear and concern among the public. Authorities have linked these violent incidents to radical ideologies adopted by some refugees."

German chancellor vows deportation of criminals following fatal Manheim stabbing - ""It outrages me when someone who has sought protection here commits the most serious crimes. Such criminals should be deported, even if they come from Syria and Afghanistan," the chancellor said to the applause of lawmakers. The 25-year-old attacker, who killed a 29-year-old police officer who was trying to stop him, came to Germany in 2014 as an asylum-seeker... Many Germans initially welcomed migrants when more than 1 million people from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq came in 2015-16 following wars and instability in their home countries, but the mood has changed in recent years. Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, has successfully exploited some Germans' concerns about the newcomers. However, in recent months, millions of Germans went out to the streets to protest radical plans by the far-right to deport millions of immigrants, even those with German passports, should they come to power."

Joel Kotkin: Trudeau, Biden paying political price as the West turns against immigration - "recent analyses of the British economy shows that immigration has not increased overall per capita wealth. Indeed, as the country has taken in millions of migrants, many of them undocumented, incomes and labour productivity in Britain has largely stalled in the last 10 to 15 years. In Canada, notes the Bank of Canada , productivity has similarly stagnated and per capita GDP has dropped... Particularly concerning is that the current mass wave of immigrants, many of them undocumented, may lack the English skills and education levels most needed in advanced economies. Ultimately, the Anglosphere countries can only absorb so many ill-educated poor people without suffering major financial drains, as is very evident in the current situation in American “sanctuary cities” like Denver , New York , San Francisco, Boston and Chicago. This is already sparking a growing pushback, even in progressive bastions like New York and Chicago . Similar fears of economic displacement and a potential struggle for resources also has played a critical role in the rise of right-wing populist parties in countries throughout Europe, including Hungary, Poland, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, and most recently, Ireland , but most importantly Germany. In recent years, European countries have tried, with albeit limited success, to impose stronger immigration controls. Even in Canada, often regarded as uniquely open to immigration, almost half of Canadians now state that immigration levels are too high, a dramatic shift... The pushback is even greater in the U.S., where attitudes have also hardened. Control of the border is, for now at least, the leading issue in the upcoming presidential election. Not surprisingly, the record numbers now crossing the border and costing millions in host “ sanctuary cities ” has elicited strong opposition among the populace. There is widespread, and not entirely insane, speculation that by allowing such mass migration, Biden and other “open borders” style leaders are aiming to increase the share of the population that usually votes for the Democratic party. Across the pond in Britain the inability of the Tories to curb, or even slow, immigration, seems likely to doom them in the next election and could lead to the growth of a new party, led by Brexit architect Nigel Farage. Britain’s current leaders tend to see immigrants as the solution to the country’s economic and labour force problems, even though the country’s economy continues to lag, despite the influx. The usual rejoinder from the left about such sentiments is to blame racism, which certainly could pay a role. Yet, even among Hispanics, who have traditionally favoured liberal immigration policies, roughly 40 per cent oppose Biden’s lax approach to border control, notes a recent Pew survey . A full third favours more deportations, a position once rare among Latinos. These sentiments are most common in areas closer to the U.S.-Mexico border, such as south Texas , where former Democratic strongholds have shifted support towards the GOP. The fact that an increasing share of migrants come from places other than Central America, including China, the Middle East and South America may also lessen support for looser border policies. Unlike the cognoscenti, Latinos and other minorities are usually the ones living closest to new migrants. For many, it’s an economic issue as the current influx of largely less skilled immigrants compete with already struggling working class citizens ; the Congressional Budget office warns that he recent massive increase in migration could impact the salaries of low-income workers , many of whom are Latino. In addition, roughly half of all Latinos, notes Pew , associate the current wave with increased crime in their communities. Finally, and perhaps most significant in the long term, unmonitored immigration could threaten the future of liberal democracy. Even as progressives denounce Trump and his European imitators for authoritarian xenophobia, they ignore or even embrace the cultural challenge posed by some immigrants. It’s not just the increasingly blatant antisemitism but the maliciously western ideologies inculcated by radicalized faculty and students now expressed by often disruptive protests who now can shut down galas , bridges or college commencements, seemingly at will. Ultimately, Western civilization will need to balance their need for labour with consideration for an increasingly diverse working class. They also need to scrutinize policies that keep out people who support terrorism. Already in Britain, the original home of basic liberty, recent elections have seen the emergence of office holders , some running improbably as Greens , who ran based on their advocacy for Hamas. Despite this, the Biden Administration has raised the notion of accepting mass refugees from places like Gaza — where antisemitism and contempt for the West are inculcated through both harsh personal experience and indoctrination. This step is also being considered by the Trudeau government as well."
Clearly, Latinos have internalised white supremacy and are taken in by racist dog whistles. Their lived experience of crime is worthless since it doesn't help the left wing agenda

Hiding the Ball - "A new study of migrants to Sweden found something that will surprise no one: immigrants from some countries end up making significantly more money, on average, than immigrants from others. Country of origin matters a lot, and it matters at least into the second generation. Andreas Ek, a young professor at the University of Lund, reported earlier this year in the Journal of Political Economy that, if you ranked average incomes by country of origin, the average immigrant from a country at the 90th percentile earned three times as much as one who came from a country at the 10th percentile. In statistics jargon, that’s the “90/10 income ratio”—and a 3x wage difference is big. For reference, the 90/10 income ratio for IQ—a span of about 40 IQ points—predicts just a 1.5x to 2.2x wage difference. To explain the country-of-origin results, Ek offers evidence that differences in national culture across countries drive a lot of these immigrant income disparities. He shows that these cultural differences persist into at least the second generation... If, like me, you see immigration policy as a way for a country to find people who can improve it, it would be great to know which countries tend to crank out top economic performers... So, which countries are typically the best producers of talent for Sweden? Unfortunately, we can only guess, because the University of Lund’s ethics review board stopped Ek from telling us... We’re not talking about hiding a person’s name or home address—that’s obviously the right thing to do, especially when you’re studying a person’s wages. Rather, we’re talking about hiding immigrants’ countries of origin in a study about immigrants’ countries of origin... in a country like Sweden, with a massive, expensive social safety net, having migrants who earn a lot—or at least having migrants whose kids, on average, grow up to earn a lot—is important for the country’s long-run economic health. Sweden needs lots of citizens who pay more into government coffers than they take out. And it’s a safe bet that on average, migrants from countries at the 10th percentile, or their children, will be disproportionately represented in the net-taker group. Even in the U.S., which doesn’t have much of a social safety net by rich-country standards, the lowest-skilled workers, whether migrants or not, are on average a net cost to the government. Jason Richwine of the Center for Immigration Studies dug deep into a National Academy of Sciences report on the issue, finding that in the U.S. “a high school dropout immigrant who arrives at the age of 25 will generate a lifetime fiscal cost of $186,000.” George Mason University economist and open-borders advocate Bryan Caplan agreed with Richwine’s assessment, also noting that so-called native high school dropouts—a group that includes second-generation immigrants to the U.S.—have an even bigger lifetime fiscal cost, $388,000. I’ve been saying for years that many people doing research into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations are hiding the ball. In fact, I used the term “hiding the ball” three times in my recent book, The Culture Transplant. Usually, you have to look for hints, signs, or indirect signals that some researcher is concealing how immigration shapes the economy. But in this case, Ek tells us straight out: the University of Lund ethics board ordered him to hide the ball! It’s not a very effective trick, though. An enterprising researcher could find it with a little work. Following the standard practice in the field, Ek provides all of his raw data and all of his statistical software here. A few people on social media have already connected the dots to figure out which country is which in Ek’s cross-county results, but it would take a little more work to link that up to the average incomes of migrants to Sweden who come from that diverse set of countries."
Clearly, there is more racism against people from some countries than others. Everyone knows immigration is the solution to prop up welfare states, so immigrants from all countries are equally good

Meme - Statue of Liberty: "Where Does It Say Bring Me Hostile, Free Loading Assholes, Waving Their Own Flags?"

Savanah Hernandez on X - "Funny how under Trump this would have been blamed on him, we’d have a Time magazine cover in the morning with him towering over the crying migrant child & it would be plastered on every news network. Under Biden this is the work of “evil Republican razor wire”."
Augustine on X - "Why is the mom smiling in the upper right hand corner? This feels staged."
Devout American on X - "Staged AF The wire is moved so they can kneel, it's at the end of the wire and she's pressing the child's hand in to the wire to get him to cry. It's a staged shot aided by criminal torture of a child."
🕊️El Dastard🕊️ on X - "WTF? Most people cross perpendicular to the barbwire rolls. Who in their right mind would drag their kid through the centers of the coils?!?! We're supposed to believe this crap?!?!?"
TXJollyRoger☠️ on X - "It's absolutely fascinating to me how reporters can so blatantly ignore the very public fact that these illegal invaders could have simply avoided the wire and gone straight to a "port of entry". Maybe we should start bussing them to reporters houses and network offices."

Meme - "People easily disgusted by smells more prone to xenophobia, study suggests Study using fictional refugee groups finds xenophobic prejudice strongest in English- speaking countries"
""If you're sensitive to things that smell like shit, you probably don't like immigrants" what did they mean by that"

Meme - iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno: "They asked a bunch of migrants if they would defend Sweden, the country that gave them a house and free healthcare.   Their answers were exactly as you would expect: “NO!”   Yet they are your greatest strength, Sweden. Funny how that works, huh."
"VIDEO: Are you ready to defend Sweden?"

Concerned Citizen on X - "🚨🇫🇷 Lyon Stabbings   Yesterday a horrific clip of a calculated attack went viral online.  An illegal immigrant waited for train carriages to close before stabbing anyone in range.  This video was allegedly obtained illegally- the authorities didn’t wish for it to be seen.  Like with the Australian Preacher stabbing - Governments don’t want you knowing just how bad things are getting across the Western World as the frequency & severity of these attacks only increases.  Western Governments have betrayed their citizens - all by evil design."
Four people injured in knife attack in Lyon metro - "The suspect, previously unknown to the police, has been hospitalised multiple times for psychiatric issues and has been subject to an obligation to leave French territory since 2022, Fabienne Buccio, Prefect of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and Prefect of the Rhône, told BFMTV."

Mass immigration is about to tear apart British society - "a Green Party councillor called Mothin Ali shouted “Allahu Akbar!” after being elected to a city council. This shocked many people and outraged others. On Wednesday, a pro-Palestinian protest near Downing Street turned violent after thousands of people staged an “emergency rally”. A policewoman suffered facial injuries from a glass bottle. In the summer of 2022, there were ugly clashes in Birmingham between Hindus and Muslims.  Political disagreements from other parts of the world have been imported into this country, principally from the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent. Those of us who live here are being forced to deal with the consequences. The major worry is that sectarianism often leads to extremism... According to a poll published by JL Partners in April and commissioned by the Henry Jackson Society, 23 per cent of 18-34 year old British Muslims support the concept of jihad. One in three Muslims in this age bracket want Sharia Law to be imposed in Britain – that is, death for apostasy; amputation of a hand for theft; stoning or lashing for adultery... If anybody doubts the extent to which political parties are now in thrall to this phenomenon, just consider how a few days ago Angela Rayner, the deputy leader of the Labour Party, sat in a room full of Muslim men in her Ashton-under-Lyne constituency begging them for their vote on 4 July and thanking them for getting her “over the line” in 2019.  Rayner, whose 4,000 majority is being targeted by George Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain, promised her audience that Labour “supports” the International Criminal Court’s decision to arrest Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu – and Hamas leaders – over allegations of war crimes in Gaza.  The paradox here is that some groups are perfectly relaxed about women being reduced to second class citizens with no vote at all. And so what this country faces is a situation where the democratic rights of women risk being set back by almost a century, universal suffrage having been achieved in 1928...  Nobody voted for mass immigration; taxpayers have had no say in it; and everybody has been told in no uncertain terms that they must accept it. But in so many ways it has caused more problems than it has solved."

Keir Starmer says 'read my lips - I will cut immigration' and vows to crack down on foreign visas and train more Brits - "Net migration hit 685,000 last year — the second highest in the nation’s history... “This is a changed Labour Party, back in the service of working people.  “That means not just talking about sky-high migration but acting on it.”... Training will also be linked to immigration, so sectors applying for foreign worker visas must first train Brits to do the jobs.  This will also help bring down the bloated benefits bill... Alongside this would be the tougher approach to bad bosses who flout employment law by under-paying British workers or by breaking health and safety regulations.  Guilty employers would be banned from hiring overseas workers."
Left wingers in the UK are screwed on the subject of migration

Meme - James Kirkpatrick @VDAREJamesK: "Democracy is when a policy that 95% of people think is failing can't be repealed no matter who is elected and if you criticize it you go to jail."
Dane @UltraDane: "Good Morning Britain asked viewers to answer their poll, "Is multiculturalism working?" 5% said yes, 95% said no."
It's only an oligarchy when left wing elite globalists don't get their way

Meme - Europe Invasion @EuropeInvasionn: "Imam who lives in Ireland and is a parliamentary candidate:  “Allah commands Muslims to kill Christians and Jews, and if they do not convert to Islam, they must pay the jizya.”  What do you think?"
Fella Writes @fellawrites: "Umar Al Qadri is an MEP Candidate for Dublin, Ireland.  Now, he is calling for stricter asylum laws.   But in this video, he says coming to Ireland for a passport is “perfectly fine” and “the best migration is for Allah”."

Polish soldier dies after clash with migrants on Belarus border - "A Polish soldier has died after being stabbed by a migrant on the country’s border with Belarus... The soldier was involved in a clash with migrants attempting to cross Poland’s northeast border from Belarus on May 28, according to Polish media. He was stabbed in the chest through the border barrier.  Despite being treated at a hospital in the nearby city of Hajnówka, and then transported to a military hospital in Warsaw, “his life could not be saved,” the General Command of the Armed Forces said in a statement on X.  Prime Minister Donald Tusk paid tribute to the victim on X, writing: “The young soldier, Mateusz, gave his life defending the border of the Republic of Poland. The homeland and compatriots will not forget this sacrifice. I express my deepest sympathy to his loved ones.”...   Polish Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz said in a post on Facebook that the soldier had “died while defending the Polish border” from “a bandit attack,” and called on his compatriots to “honour his memory!”   As Poles prepare to vote in the EU election on June 9, the soldier’s death could be used by the country’s right-wing and far-right parties, which have long campaigned on anti-immigration sentiment.  “A Polish soldier attacked with a knife on the Polish-Belarusian border by an illegal immigrant has died … Polish soldiers and border guards must have the right to defend themselves and shoot in self-defense and in defense of our border!” the leader of far-right party New Hope, Stanisław Tyszka, who is running for a seat in the European Parliament, said"
Damn xenophobia! Clearly he would still be alive if Poland just had open borders. This is all on the far right government forcing desperate "refugees" to violence to "save their lives"! Soldiers and border guards have no right to self-defense (unless they are defending themselves against the "far right")

Meme - U.S. Ministry of Truth @USMiniTru: "BREAKING: American citizens paint 1,954-mile long Pride flag along the border so the government will finally arrest those walking over it."

This liberal city rejects more asylum seekers than any other - "It bills itself as a compassionate sanctuary city, but New York City rejects more asylum seeker applications than any other city in the United States. While the city has a right to shelter law that has housed tens of thousands of migrants over the last year, it is the toughest place to win an asylum claim, as reported by The New York Times . According to Human Rights First , only five percent of asylum claims were granted in NYC in 2020, compared to the national rate of 28 percent. In 2021, the city granted 7 percent. San Francisco, meanwhile, has the highest acceptance rate for asylum seekers - granting 50 percent of applications in 2020 and 47 percent in 2021."

Meme - "While you may see invaders of Gondor. I see doctors, scientists, and families looking for a new home."

Border Patrol memo instructs agents to release migrants from nearly all Eastern Hemisphere countries - "Border Patrol agents in California have been told to release migrants from over 100 countries into the US, despite the Biden administration’s new border ‘crackdown’, according to a leaked memo obtained by The Post.  Migrants from all but six countries in what border patrol calls the ‘eastern hemisphere’ – made up of Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe – who cross illegally into the San Diego border sector will be released into the US according to the memo, first reported by the Washington Examiner.  Only adult migrants from Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan will be immediately sent for removal from the US, per the memo... Border Patrol data reviewed by The Post showed there were more than 10,000 migrants recorded crossing the southern border over the weekend – showing migrants are undeterred by Biden’s new restrictions...   Border Patrol agents who spoke to The Post said the new executive order is “way too little too late.”  One agent said it was “like trying to plug the leak on the titanic with chewing gum. [Biden’s] trying to act tough on the border but we know he’s been the most open border administration ever.”"

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