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Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Links - 2nd July 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Fact Check: Posts Claim Saying 'Good Morning' Has Racist Origins. Here Are the Facts - "A viral TikTok video accurately stated the expression "good morning" comes from white slave owners wishing their Black slaves a "good mourning" after owners killed or harmed the slaves' loved ones... As other internet users correctly pointed out, the word "morning" does not find its origin in colonial times or in slavery. The words "morning" and "mourning" are in fact homophones: words of different spelling, meaning and origin that sound the same."
Why do they keep making up shit? This is even more silly than "We Wuz Kangz"

Meme - "Tourists and fake fans demand the hobby change to fit their ideology"
Lord Of Change: "Romance should be the center of every 40k novel. Theyre so boring otherwise"
CerberusXt: "Human relations overall honestly. The uncaring killing machines get boring real fast otherwise."

Games Workshop Villainizes Political Pundit Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon Of Akkad In Warhammer 40K - "Games Workshop and author Mike Brooks reportedly villainized political pundit Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad in their 2020 book Necromunda: Road to Redemption. As reported by Fandom Pulse, X user Chainsword40k brought this revelation to public attention while noting that Brooks is a woke activist and “one of the most woke [Black Library] author[s].”... Chainsword40k shared a number of screenshots to prove his assertions. First, he shared a screenshot of Brooks claiming that the Ork faction the Freebooterz “support Pride, Trans Rights, and Black Lives Matter” from August 2020. Next, he shared a list of Brooks’ activism being inserted into Warhammer 40k lore. It states, “Black Library author who just needs to insert real life politics and a woke agenda into every piece of fiction he makes... Road to Redemption: Writing villain known as Sarkon Aggad which is an obvious jab at Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin.), lots of try hard allegories of real life politics... He shared the excerpt from Necromunda: Road to Redemption that depicts Sarkon Aggad as a slave master getting killed by a character named Alin Choll... Benjamin reacted to being parodied by Games Workshop and Brooks writing on X, “I am officially canon in the Warhammer universe.” He then added, “If anyone can supply a proper description of this character, I am happy to make him and paint him.”"
Infiltration has been going on for a while

Rumor: Henry Cavill Not Happy With Warhammer's Introduction Of Female Custodes, Amazon Wanted Female Space Marines - "A new rumor alleges that Amazon MGM Studios and Prime Video wanted female Space Marines for their upcoming Warhammer film or series being helmed by Henry Cavill. However, Games Workshop compromised with female Adeptus Custodes. This latest rumor comes in the wake of Games Workshop introducing a female Adeptus Custodes character named Custodian Calladayce Taorvalia Kesh in their Codex: Adeptus Custodes.  Not only did Games Workshop introduce the character, but the official Warhammer social media account gaslit fans claiming “there have always been female Custodians” despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary... an automated Amazon system has noticed significant complaints regarding the company’s various IP-related shows such as Wheel of Time, Rings of Power, and Warhammer. Arch shared, “And indeed Amazon’s bots, as well, that monitor the feedback that Amazon gets has been noticing a sharp uptick in people sending in complaints about them ruining universes like the Rings of Power and mentioning the 40K TV show in specific. Now, these have not been acted upon nor is there any indication that Amazon is particularly concerned yet, but there is now a sufficiently large enough volume of these complaints ahead of time to the point where their scraping bots, the software looking for feedback, is picking up on it and going, ‘There’s a lot of these. Should some human take a look at this maybe? Do we do we know what’s going on here? What is causing this trend of negative feedback?'”   “Which, hey, it might be a wonderful way of teaching Amazon that this might not be something they want at all,” Arch suggested."

Magic: The Gathering And Warhammer Artist Paul Scott Canavan Says He Wants To "Track Down" And String Up Loved Ones Of People He Disagrees With - "“This is absolutely the play – we should be doing this with all these weird creeps. Track down their significant others and mothers and string them up.”...   YouTuber That Umbrella Guy asked, “Fascinating. Is that a company stance – stringing up moms and significant others?”  Canavan replied, “I think you may have misunderstood. The conversation was about holding people accountable for their attacks on the internet. I don’t think it’s a super controversial take. Former World of Warcraft Mark Kern would then share Canavan’s posts writing, “Creative Director Paul Scott Canavan for GRIMOIRE, an indie dev making Pale Tides, defends Kotaku’s attack on family members of critics. ‘Track down their significant others and mothers and string them up.'”  “That Umbrella Guy calls him out and he doubles down, saying that it’s just about ‘holding people accountable.’ I guess anything goes if you have the right politics,” he concluded. Canavan then accused Kern of sending a hate mob after him and claimed he worded his post “poorly.”... Kern reacted to Canavan’s comments and Mercante’s actions writing on X, “Kotaku and crazy woke game devs attack you and lie, saying you are stalking them and harrassing them. Meanwhile they want to find your families and ‘string them up.’... “You know who else wanted to find your families and ‘string them up’ for, you know, ‘ just accountability?’ These people feel they are on the right side of history.”... “‘Purging’ gamers (bbc), Open bounties, ‘just a joke bro’ normalized death threats, and now family hunting for hangings. It’s the sport of game journalists and woke game devs everywhere now. Mask off.”... Canavan’s comments are reprehensible, vile, and repugnant. Of note, they also fall perfectly in line with how Vox Day detailed how social justice warriors or woke ideologues behave in SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police.  Day explains, “Instead of coming clean in one way or another, the SJW will instead double down and attempt to shore up his lies by concocting an even larger framework of deceit and misdirection to support them. He will throw the full weight of his status and credibility into the effort, call on the support of his entire social network, and try to turn the risk of potential exposure into a popularity contest between him and the individual threatening to expose him. The goal is to destroy the whistleblower’s credibility so that even if the truth comes out, no one will believe it.”... Not only does Canavan follow Day’s Second Law of SJWs, but he fits the bill for the Third Law as well, which is “SJWs always project.”  Day details, “The accusations made by SJWs when they attack others usually reflect, on some level, something they know to be true about themselves.”"
Accountability is only for those who stand in the way of the left wing agenda. If directed at left wingers, it's "harassment"

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 And Gotham Knights Writer Implies Anyone Who Plays Hogwarts Legacy Is Transphobic - "Cooper is also no stranger to making controversial comments, back in 2017, the writer expressed racist and misandrist opinions.  He wrote, “Let’s not cast cis white men in stuff for a year and see what happens. Just for fun.” In January 2018, the writer said, “Sorry, cishet white dudes. Comics don’t belong to you. Comics never belonged to you.”   Also in 2018, Cooper tweeted, “Boycott any media that features a cis person playing a trans person. No exceptions.” Cooper is also anti-police calling for defunding of police and using the term ACAB which stands for “All Cops Are Bastards.”"

Meme - BIaire White: "We live in a world where Christianity is demonized over cake and Islam is defended despite 50 dead at a gay club. Amazing."

Are you woke enough for university? Find out now with this foolproof test - "At two leading British universities this term, first-year undergraduates have been required to sit induction tests to confirm that they hold the correct views about equality, diversity, privilege and other crucial progressive issues.  At the University of Kent, for example, new students were asked whether they understand that wearing second-hand clothes can be a sign of white privilege. At the University of St Andrews, meanwhile, students were asked whether “equality” means “treating everyone the same”. (The correct answer, of course, was no. Students were expected to know that in fact equality means “treating people differently and in a way that is appropriate to their needs so that they have fair outcomes and equal opportunity”.)"

Aristotle and Socrates are sidelined by woke academics - "A new toolkit for schools and universities has been produced by SOAS University of London, formerly the School of Oriental and African Studies. New-age thinkers who are being recommended instead include an Indian-American feminist, a Nigerian 'gender theorist' and a Japanese zen expert. The toolkit dismisses the study of classical Greek thinkers Aristotle, Plato and Socrates as 'armchair theorising'. It is the first official guidance produced by SOAS academics aimed at 'decolonising' philosophy, with ambitions to provide more philosophical perspectives from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. The university says the approach should 'help empower students to think of themselves as active participants in curriculum and assessment design'... Among the 'new voices' suggested by the guide is Nishida Kitaro, a Japanese philosopher whose multicultural school of thought is said to 'challenge eurocentrism'. Also included is Uma Narayan, an Indian scholar of philosophy who 'criticises culture-reductionist forms of postcolonial feminism'. And African philosophers Kwasi Wiredu - developer of 'conceptual decolonisation' - and Nkiru Nzegwu, a leading African theorist of gender are also recommended... The authors recommend a curriculum which does include Plato but also adds works with titles such as Knowledges Born in the Struggle, Conceptualising Epistemic Oppression, On Being White: Thinking Towards a Feminist Understanding of Race and Race Supremacy and Knowledge Sovereignty among African Cattle Herders. They also suggest teachers should better understand their role in 'racist systems'... Also proposed is an end to exams, pen-and-paper tests and essays - said to unfairly hinder students who are neurotypical or from diverse cultural backgrounds."

Feeling Invisible - One Black Woman's Experience with Europe's Indifference to Race - ""In the US, I am constantly being asked about my ethnicity," says the 26-year-old project manager, Nadia Crevecoeur. She has to state her ethnicity on government forms. When people see her skin color, they unabashedly ask about her roots. But during her eight-month stay in Europe, people showed no interest in her ethnicity. On the contrary. "People said, 'Why do you always bring up your origin? Your parents are Haitian, so you're Haitian!'," Nadia tells Business Insider. Nobody cared about the fact that she neither felt Haitian nor a typical American or European – but as a Black woman. "People [in Europe] were just very confused about my identity," says Nadia. "In the US, I'm not just a woman, but a Black woman! This is an important part of my self-perception in this world!" As someone who grew up "with a strong understanding" of her identity, she was "surprised and exhausted" by the indifference of the Europeans. She felt "constantly duped" and therefore left Europe. Nadia says she had all the prerequisites to integrate well in Europe. She is a graduate of International Relations, had already visited Geneva and Brussels during her studies, and sees herself "as a global citizen." "Normally, I'm a very open-minded person," says Nadia. She's known as a "nerd" and is "very motivated by fun," so she gets along well with all kinds of people. But the lack of understanding for her identity robbed her of her ability to perform. "It became very difficult to complete even simple tasks and stick to a schedule," says Nadia. "Depression can manifest differently in Black women – I wasn't aware of that." She now advises other Americans to reconsider their emigration plans."
If people ask you about your ethnicity, they're racist. If they don't, they're bad people too. This is the poison of identity politics
When you're used to being a victim and being celebrated, being treated like a normal person is upsetting, aka "When you're used to privilege, equality feels like oppression"

Melissa Chen on X - "The French insistence that religion and all its symbolic manifestations be absent from the public sphere is quite rightly seen as infringing upon American-style religious freedom.   But there’s a bit of irony here. This Pride month, the streets of London, Oslo and NYC are filled with the newly updated, rainbow-canabalizing Trans Progressive Pride flag. They even hang proudly outside Government buildings and are painted on trains.  Strangely, walking around Paris, the city known as “gay Paree,” the visible lack of these symbols is striking. Not a single government building flies the Pride flag.  So which way, Western man?"

Libs of TikTok on X - "In an Episode from “New Amsterdam” a doctor explains to a mother that her son’s tumor grew because of internalized racism. You literally can’t make this up."

Humza Yousaf on X - "We're witnessing a rising tide of far-right populism in the UK and Europe, driven by a hatred of Muslims. Muslims are feeling disillusioned and asking themselves if they belong here? We must confront, not appease the far-right. My column for @guardian"
mirax on X - "Maybe Humza needs to tell us about the first Christian leader of anywhere in the Islamic world and how the Christian communities in those countries are feeling?"

Meme - Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson: "People were asked to look at two photos of men - a Trump supporter and a Hamas supporter - and decide who looks the most accepting of LGBTQ people. Listen to their answers.  What level of university brainwashing is this? 🤦‍♀️"
pagliacci the hated 🌝 @Slatzism: "“brown man good” has become a kind of religious mandate for western women, and deviation is punished dearly.  look at their faces. most of them know that what they’re saying is retarded. but they also know they’re fucked if they give the “wrong” answer.   ideological hostages.
and on the other side of the “brown man good” mandate is “white man bad.” equally as important.  that’s why libfems will look you dead in the eye and claim this group is more of a risk to them than being thrown into the middle of Kabul with no hijab. libfems do the “we hate men” dance but the approved list of men they’re allowed to hate keeps getting shorter.  they aren't allowed to hate brown men, or men in skirts, or leftist men, or even criminal men.  they’re only allowed to hate Steve. so Steve gets 100% of their hate."

Meme - ""The Beauty of Gaza": an incredible documentary about Palestinian transsexuals"
pagliacci the hated 🌝 @Slatzism: "there were four of them
is there a German word for “the tendency of liberals to seek out the most absurdly fractional minority to cream over”"

Meme - "California's Kamala Harris becomes first Indian-American US senator" - AP, 2016
"Biden picks Kamala Harris as running mate, first Black woman" - AP, 2020
'Woosh, now you're black."

Colin Wright on X - "So much of modern research on gender and sexuality seems to simply rename well-known phenomena and pretend like they've discovered something new. Sorry bisexual people, you're plurisexual now."
Weird. We keep being told that bisexual doesn't mean there're only two genders, because bisexual means you are attracted to both your own and other genders

Opinion | Much of today’s intelligentsia cannot think - The Washington Post - "A nation’s gravest problems are those it cannot discuss because it dare not state them. This nation’s principal problem, which makes other serious problems intractable, is that much of today’s intelligentsia is not intelligent.  One serious problem is that the political class is terrified of its constituents — their infantile refusal to will the means (revenue) for the ends (government benefits) they demand. Another serious problem is family disintegration — e.g., 40 percent of all births, and 69 percent of all African American births, to unmarried women. Families are the primary transmitters of social capital: the habits, dispositions and mores necessary for flourishing. Yet the subject of disorganized families has been entirely absent from current discussions — actually, less discussions than virtue-signaling ventings — about poverty, race and related matters... An admirable intelligentsia, inoculated by education against fashions and fads, would make thoughtful distinctions arising from historically informed empathy. It would be society’s ballast against mob mentalities. Instead, much of America’s intelligentsia has become a mob. Seeking to impose on others the conformity it enforces in its ranks, articulate only in a boilerplate of ritualized cant, today’s lumpen intelligentsia consists of persons for whom a little learning is delightful. They consider themselves educated because they are credentialed, stamped with the approval of institutions of higher education that gave them three things: a smattering of historical information just sufficient to make the past seem depraved; a vocabulary of indignation about the failure of all previous historic actors, from Washington to Lincoln to Churchill, to match the virtues of the lumpen intelligentsia; and the belief that America’s grossest injustice is the insufficient obeisance accorded to this intelligentsia. Its expansion tracks the expansion of colleges and universities — most have, effectively, open admissions — that have become intellectually monochrome purveyors of groupthink. Faculty are outnumbered by administrators, many of whom exist to administer uniformity concerning “sustainability,” “diversity,” “toxic masculinity” and the threat free speech poses to favored groups’ entitlements to serenity.  Today’s cancel culture — erasing history, ending careers — is inflicted by people experiencing an orgy of positive feelings about themselves as they negate others... The cancelers need just enough learning to know, vaguely, that there was a Lincoln who lived when Americans, sunk in primitivism, thought they were confronted with vexing constitutional constraints and moral ambiguities. The cancel culture depends on not having so much learning that it spoils the statue-toppling fun: Too much learning might immobilize the topplers with doubts about how they would have behaved in the contexts in which the statues’ subjects lived.  The cancelers are reverse Rumpelstiltskins, spinning problems that merit the gold of complex ideas and nuanced judgments into the straw of slogans. Someone anticipated something like this.  Today’s gruesome irony: A significant portion of the intelligentsia that is churned out by higher education does not acknowledge exacting standards of inquiry that could tug them toward tentativeness and constructive dissatisfaction with themselves. Rather, they come from campuses, cloaked in complacency... The barbarians are not at America’s gate. There is no gate."

Portland woman intervenes in child sex sting operation to see if alleged pedophile was being ‘harassed’: ‘I just wanted to make sure that the brown person was safe’ - "A white leftist Portland woman attempted to save a "brown person" who was in the process of being busted for allegedly trying to meet a child for sex at the downtown waterfront. She intervened in the civilian undercover sting operation to ensure that the alleged pedophile who thought he was meeting a 14-year-old girl for sex "was not being harassed." The man has been identified as Samuel DiGiovanni, 35, of Portland, Oregon, who has been charged with sex abuse in the past... She said she decided to intervene because "we take good care of black and brown people in this city.""

Ilkeston: England flag roundabout prompts council warning - "A mini-roundabout in Derbyshire has been painted in the style of a St George's Cross by a mystery person.  The graffiti appeared in Park Road in Ilkeston following England's 1-0 win over Serbia on Sunday.  Residents nearby told the BBC they thought it had been done overnight.  Derbyshire County Council has urged people not to do the same on other roundabouts as it could distract drivers."
UK's first permanent LGBT rainbow road crossing unveiled in London (2019)
We are still told that left wingers don't hate their countries

Ubisoft Blocks Japanese Historian For Calling Out Yasuke - "Kenji Yamamoto has studied Japanese history in detail, so his opinion holds more weight than most others.  He has become controversial on X/Twitter after calling out Yasuke several times. The historian recently revealed that the official Assassin’s Creed page had blocked him after he spoke the truth.
   “So the official Assassin’s Creed X page blocked me for speaking the truth. All I’ve been saying is that Yasuke was not a Samurai.”      -Kenji Yamamoto...
Some have even claimed that after the first trailer was released, Wikipedia was edited, and mysteriously, Yasuke appeared as a legendary black samurai... Kenji Yamamoto has made some interesting points, such as why Yasuke was excused when Nobunaga was forced to commit Seppuku.  This event can appear strange, which adds weight to his statement"
Trust the Experts - unless they hinder the left wing agenda

Melissa Chen - "I’ve long adored and admired Professor Amy Chua, who famously was canceled for writing a few “problematic” books. She caused a stir with her first book and cemented the term “Tiger Moms” in the national discourse. More than a decade on, I look back at the brouhaha this book caused and clearly see that it held a mirror up to a society that was too keen on subverting the authority gradient between parent and child.  Today, the world we are steeped in in the West is a consequence of this cultural trait."

The U of T, where virtue signalling can be rewarded with a raise - "a well-timed exercise in social whataboutery, such as our department chair’s recent report on demographic trends in geology, can substitute for an article in the journal Nature, at least in part. Something should strike you as incoherent, and fundamentally wrong, about this. It means that professors can advance financially, not so much by publishing pivotal works in their field, but rather by espousing a political ideology parroted either disinterestedly or enthusiastically from the DEI hymn sheet... In recent times, there have been some victories. In my own country, England’s National Health Service has stemmed the tide of medical malpractice rooted at the heart of the transgender debate by ending the publicly funded use of puberty-blocking drugs in children outside of clinical study. Then, an independent report on gender care in the country was released earlier this month, pointing to the lack of evidence for the efficacy of these harmful drugs, a finding that Canada’s public broadcaster rushed to label “anti-trans” by merely regurgitating the words of a U.K.-based transactivist group. Meanwhile, in Scotland, the Scottish National Party’s ludicrous hate speech law, the Hate Crime and Public Order Act, which came into force on April Fools’ Day, was uproariously debunked by J. K. Rowling, a children’s author, and is quickly proving unworkable. And in the United States, there’s the scandal of Harvard University’s now-former president Claudine Gay, who resigned buried under an avalanche of plagiarism allegations... One robust professor I know wrote a DEI statement declaring his refrain for dealing with thorny and contentious topics was to “sit down and discuss it over a beer.” Despite this being amongst the most quintessentially Canadian sentiments I’ve ever heard, he was upbraided by his direct report because “not everyone drinks.” Doubtless, he would offend too many Muslim students with that remark. Elsewhere, a professor caved to a student’s plea not to overuse the word “adopt” when describing the natural posture that molecules in chemistry — sorry, forgive me — adopt. It turned out the student was an adopted child who was especially triggered by that verb... you only live twice: once when you are born, and once when you look cancellation in the face."

I'm a professor at U of T and I was sanctioned for encouraging debate - "as a part of a social event for current students in the department of chemical and physical sciences (CPS) at the University of Toronto Mississauga, I offered to run an activity popularized by American academic Peter Boghossian: Spectrum Street Epistemology... “Prof. Jordan Peterson requires media training.” Topical, certainly; but wholly unacceptable to the department’s entirely predictable political mood-swings. This type of claim is “stressful to our students,” I was told. As such, it was wholly “inappropriate,” and requires surgical excision. Now I’m worried, because these are merely the warm-up claims. Presented with the claim, “Western science is hampered by a political bias,” one female student stood on the “strongly agree” line, and I asked her why she had chosen that stance. “Speaking as a Muslim woman of colour, I know that to be true,” she announced over the microphone, followed by words to the effect that all science is a hopelessly white patriarchal Eurocentric endeavour that’s wholly committed to oppressing other ways of knowing. I was surprised, because she is a chemical and physical sciences student who’s working towards a graduate degree, but it is the host’s role to remain neutral and not express an opinion, or react in any way that might express a certain bias. If her statement reflects her true attitudes, many might express genuine concern that she may have accidentally elected the wrong discipline for advanced study. Next, we had, “There are other ways of doing science beyond the western tradition,” which led to both advocacy and dissent. When I crossed paths with a distinguished scientist and former biology chair the day following the event, he invaded my personal space, lowered his voice and shared with me, with the naive incredulity characteristic of a marooned academic scientist, “I attended an event with other scientists where we were told that we ‘wouldn’t understand’ unless we embraced the reality that ‘water is alive.’ ” Then he paused. “I mean, it’s H2O!” This is the entry-point in the science curriculum for the Indigenous science that has suddenly become an equal and valid cornerstone of scientific inquiry, according to the federal government. Now we arrive at the most traumatizing claim. Four simple words: “Men can become women.” All hell breaks loose — at least in the context of my chair’s ongoing, unshakable narrative. This is a traumatic statement, unworthy of a social event, I was told. Students were not suitably prepared. They are vulnerable to manic episodes, and this sort of thing requires trigger warnings and safe spaces and — let’s not delude ourselves — time for unforewarned opponents to raise a cogent defence. I had broken the boundaries of acceptable behaviour as a faculty member. This was pernicious transphobia unmasked. “We can sit here and pretend, but you and I both know that you overstepped the boundaries.” These are the words etched on my memory. My chair, doubtless exasperated by my antics, appears to have evolved spectacular mind-reading talents, like a character from the X-Men comic strip. Or should that be X-Women? Or both, or neither. The X-People?... For those looking for evidence of the clownish insanity that passes for political correctness on Canadian campuses, you need look no further than this one incident, because it is emblematic of the widespread and pervasive authoritarian overreach that now plagues anyone committed to the pursuit of free inquiry in our institutions of higher education. Naturally, being a compassionate soul, I am sympathetic to the predicament my chair has found herself in, caught in an intolerable pincer manoeuvre between social justice ideology and common sense. If I were chair, though, I would fret less over a faculty member encouraging topical, if less-than-anodyne debate, and concern myself with the optics of the other activities that were carrying on in the same room while the Spectrum Street Epistemology bombshells were falling. There were jigsaws arrayed on one table, a professor playing a variant of Snap with students at another and on a third — no word of a lie — were colouring sheets and crayons. Aliens arriving from Vega would be forgiven for mischaracterizing the event as daycare for human 20-somethings. It should no longer surprise Canadians that their tax dollars are supporting this mass infantilization of the next generation. This is what university life in Canada has become. We can no longer brook spirited debate, most definitely not in social contexts, because it is too stress-inducing. I am genuinely unnerved that my innovation has subjected the students, the faculty and the whole department to this terrible ordeal. What sorts of claims should I stick to in the future? I looked to my chair for wisdom. Without a hint of irony, I was given a suitable example: “Pineapple belongs on pizza.”"

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