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Sunday, June 30, 2024

Links - 30th June 2024 (1 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Dangerous times: Biden makes allowances for Iran while scolding Israel - "acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani visited Lebanon and Syria where he met with Syrian President Assad and Hezbollah chieftain Nasrallah “to discuss ways to counter the Zionist regime” – which apparently means, among other things, escalating Hezbollah’s attacks on Israel. Witness the precise missile attacks on military and intelligence sites in northern Israel this past week (and the resultant wild brush fires). The mullahs of Tehran also are behind the increasingly sophisticated and well-equipped military infrastructure in Judea and Samaria. As far back as 2014, Khamenei began to openly advocate “exporting the Islamic revolution” to the hills of Samaria. He called for “serious planning to add the West Bank to the confrontation with Israel.” “Gaza is the center of resistance, but resistance groups in the West Bank are the key that can bring the Zionist enemy to its knees,” Khamenei said. The notorious commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force, Qasem Soleimani (assassinated by the US in 2020), took-up the charge, making the arming of West Bank militias an Iranian priority. Soleimani brought Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, his deputy Saleh al-Arouri, and Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad al-Nakhaleh to meet Khamenei and Raisi in Tehran. Hamas official Osama Hamdan then bragged about a “new stage of resistance” in which Iran would back the creation of “20 to 30 new battalions of 2,000 militants in Samaria.” Al-Nakhaleh plainly told Iranian newspaper Al-Wefaq that anti-Israeli operation actions in the West Bank reflect directives coming from Iran. “No other country in the world takes such a stance so explicitly, a testament to Tehran’s support for the Palestinian resistance factions, with strong ties between PIJ, Hamas and the Islamic Republic.”... And where is all Iran’s cash coming from? Well, the Biden administration has unfrozen at least $6 billion in Iranian assets, and helped Tehran evade sanctions through waivers that have funneled billions more into its coffers. Iranian oil exports have consequently surged to 1.82 million barrels a day, the highest total since the Trump administration reinstated sanctions in 2018. On behalf of Iran, Hezbollah and the IRGC also are invested heavily in drug production and distribution (Captagon pills and more) across the Middle East and Europe, and in money-laundering cryptocurrency schemes – as revealed last year by Israeli authorities. Of even greater concern is Iran’s helter-skelter dash to nuclear bomb capability, under cover of the world’s lopsided focus on Israeli “crimes” in Gaza. The International Atomic Energy Agency says that Iran’s stockpile of 60% highly enriched uranium has doubled (!) since February from 20.6 kg to 42.1 kg and could be converted into weapons-grade enriched uranium in a matter of days. It would then be enough to fuel three nuclear weapons. The international response? Well, the IAEA board on Wednesday condemned Iran “for its lack of cooperation” with agency watchdogs, with the US reluctantly going along at the last moment (after first lobbying European countries to avoid censuring Iran). Wow. The Iranians must be shaking in their Islamic marching boots. Of course, Biden’s approach to Iran is a function of the long-standing Obama-Biden obsession with appeasing Tehran’s ayatollahs, hoping that “they will become less medieval and more compliant if treated nicely” – as former US national security adviser and ambassador to the UN John Bolton wrote critically this week. It also is a function of Biden’s desire to keep gasoline prices low and foreign distractions to a minimum before November’s US presidential election. THIS EXPLAINS the weak American responses to attacks upon its assets in the Arabian Gulf by Iranian proxies, carefully avoiding killing any Iranians themselves. It also explains Washington’s insistence that Israel not respond significantly to the massive April 14 Iranian missile attacks – an event that should have led to game-changing military action against the Islamic Republic on multiple fronts. But Washington publicly reassured Tehran that it would not take part in any offensive actions against Iran – and made sure that Israel could not do much either. And then there is Gaza and Lebanon, where Biden has undermined Israel’s attempts to achieve crushing victories in the multi-front pincer war being waged against it by Iranian proxies. This includes withholding weaponry and ammunition; attempting to micro-manage IDF operations neighborhood-by-neighborhood and/or preventing them; forcing Israel into paralyzing, never-ending, and unlikely to succeed hostage negotiations; and insanely insisting that the supply of humanitarian aid to Gazans be Israel’s “priority.” This is persistent strategic blindness. By concentrating energies on punishing Israel for daring to defend itself against extermination; by failing to give Israel the weapons and diplomatic cover it needs to achieve decisive victories; by refusing to acknowledge Iran’s hegemonic “ring of fire” strategy; by failing to confront the Houthis as they close international shipping routes through the Red Sea (and Suez Canal); and by failing to truly check Iran’s nuclear bomb program, which is moving towards all-out nuclear attack on Israel within a decade – the Biden administration is wreaking disaster on Israel and the West. WHAT IS particularly sad is that there are ways of halting Iran’s march towards a nuclear bomb and regional hegemony. A real Biden administration road map for countering Iran would include snapback sanctions on Tehran with tight supervision (especially of Iranian oil exports and dual-use technologies); terrorist designation of the IRGC across Europe; suspension of Iranian membership in international forums; sanctions and economic pressure on individuals and organizations involved in repressing human rights; penalties on key Iranian industries; covert disruptive measures against Iran’s nuclear program – and, most saliently: articulation and demonstration of a credible military threat against the Iranian regime.The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington has outlined more than 200 specific measures in the military, cyber, financial, energy, legal, and diplomatic spheres that US government agencies can take in “deploying multiple elements of national power” to confront threats from the Islamic Republic of Iran"
So much for Iran never admitting that it backed Hamas

Infographic: Correlation Between U.S. Policy & Islamic Republic Escalation - "When the United States appeases the Islamic Republic, it hurts the Iranian people and harms American interests. Data on executions in Iran, the regime’s military expenditure, oil exports, and nuclear advancement show a clear trend."

The Case Against the Iran Deal - The Atlantic - "The JCPOA didn’t diminish the Iranian nuclear threat; it magnified it. Iran needs to acquire three components in order to become a military nuclear power: highly enriched uranium, a functional warhead, and a missile capable of delivering it. The JCPOA addresses only the first of these efforts in any detail, and even then, offers merely partial and temporary solutions. The deal largely ignores the second effort, and actually advances the third. The JCPOA did limit Iran’s immediate ability to enrich enough uranium for a bomb. It reduced the regime’s uranium stockpile by 97 percent, mothballed two-thirds of its centrifuges, and re-designated two of its major nuclear facilities as civilian research centers. Uranium enrichment was capped at 3.7 percent, far short of weapons-grade. These concessions were intended to extend the time Iran needed to enrich enough uranium for a single bomb from approximately three months to a year. Should Iran attempt to break out and go nuclear, advocates explained, the international community would have enough time to intervene. The JCPOA, they asserted, blocked all of Iran’s paths to a bomb.  But the JCPOA allowed Iran to retain its massive nuclear infrastructure, unnecessary for a civilian energy program but essential for a military nuclear program. The agreement did not shut down a single nuclear facility or destroy a single centrifuge. The ease and speed with which Iran has resumed producing large amounts of more highly enriched uranium—doing so at a time of its own choosing—illustrates the danger of leaving the regime with these capabilities. In fact, the JCPOA blocks nothing. If the restrictions on Iran’s nuclear enrichment were inadequate, they were also designed to be short-lived, some sunsetting as early as 2024. Meanwhile, the deal allowed the regime to develop advanced centrifuges capable of spinning out more highly enriched uranium in far less time. Less than a decade from now, Iran will be legally able to produce and stockpile enough fissile material for dozens of bombs. The 97 percent reduction of Iran’s enriched uranium stockpile achieved by the JCPOA would be swiftly undone. Breakout time would no longer be a year, or even three months, but a matter of weeks. This isn’t just the assessment of the deal’s opponents, but also that of its principal architect. “If in year 13, 14, 15 [after making the deal], they have advanced centrifuges that can enrich uranium fairly rapidly, the breakout time would have shrunk almost down to zero,” President Barack Obama acknowledged in an April 2015 interview with NPR. Realizing that the JCPOA guaranteed Iran’s future ability to enrich uranium on an industrial scale, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Turkey accelerated their search for nuclear options as soon as the deal was signed... there is merely an Iranian declaration that it will not try to make a bomb—a promise that Iran, which has systematically lied about its nuclear program for decades, has repeatedly broken in the past. The recklessness of this omission became even more glaring three years ago, after Israel exposed Iran’s secret nuclear archive... it was exposed not by international inspectors, but by Israel’s Mossad... Exporting terror and instability, massacring and expelling Syrian Sunnis, and trying to kill Israelis—all of these Iranian activities were blandly subsumed by the JCPOA’s framers under the term malign activity. The deal was intended to serve as a precedent for international cooperation in addressing these crimes, but in practice, little has happened. Instead, desperate to preserve the agreement, signatories have ignored the regime’s aggression. The failure to address this “malign activity” reflects a near-total unwillingness to confront Iran and signals that the regime generally has little to fear from international interference.  The sermons and military processions accompanied by chants of “Death to Israel”; Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, calling for the elimination of the Israeli “cancer”; even a recent bill proposed in the Iranian parliament that would commit the government to “eliminate” Israel by 2041—all of these outrages and more are taken for granted by the international community. Yet no other country today so publicly and repeatedly declares its intentions to annihilate a fellow UN member state, linking its national purpose to that goal. At the same time, Iran has committed enormous resources and paid a staggering economic and diplomatic price to develop the means to fulfill its genocidal vision. The weaknesses of the JCPOA only deepen Israel’s fear that the international community is taking the inevitability of Iran’s nuclear-weapons capability for granted, too... In fact, the alternative to the president’s approach was tougher diplomacy, aimed at producing a better deal. But that would have required pressing Iran with even harsher sanctions and posing a credible threat of military action, neither of which the administration was willing to do. The “punishing sanctions” for which the administration took credit, and which brought Iran to the negotiating table, originated in Congress and were approved over the administration’s objections... From the outset, the Obama administration was so wary of antagonizing Iran that it consistently overlooked the regime’s outrages—including a 2011 plot to assassinate the Saudi and Israeli ambassadors in Washington (the Israeli ambassador at the time was Michael Oren, a co-author of this essay) and the routine harassment of U.S. Navy ships in the Persian Gulf. No reckoning was sought for Iran’s complicity in the Syrian civil war, which has left some 500,000 civilians dead and 11 million homeless. Obama’s refusal to uphold his own red line regarding the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime in 2013 was viewed by Israel and by Arab governments—and no doubt by Iran—as a further sign of his determination to placate Tehran... The incoming administration has declared its determination to restore the trust of America’s allies, along with promoting peace and human rights. But those objectives are incompatible with renewing a deal that betrayed America’s allies, strengthened one of the world’s most repressive regimes, and empowered the Middle Eastern state most opposed to peace.  The JCPOA is also incompatible with President Biden’s long-standing commitment to Israel’s security."
From 2021. Why did Obama and Biden want to strengthen Iran?

The Hour of Liberation - by Hussein Aboubakr Mansour - "“This is Berlin; long live the Arabs!” With this catchphrase, Yunis Bahri (1903 - 1979) opened his first German broadcast on the pan-Arab shortwave radio station on April 7th, 1939. Bahri, a figure who would later be wrapped in so much intrigue and myth, was a well-known Iraqi propagandist and journalist. He served as the primary host of the radio station of King Ghazi of Iraq before the former’s death and Bahri’s subsequent relocation to Germany in 1938. Described by some as an Iraqi “Lord Haw Haw”, Bahri was “bawdy, funny, and exciting”. He had a powerful, bombastic voice, proper Arabic pronunciation, and unmatched skill in quick-witted puns and snarky comments. Until the war's end in 1945, the Voice of Berlin would be a sensation in the Middle East, broadcasting religious sermons, political news, and mass calls for armed revolts, all shrouded in the intrigue of Nazism's supreme art of conspiracy theories, antisemitism, and demagoguery. Arab sympathy for Nazi Germany, already at an advanced stage, became an uncontrollable mass phenomenon, and vicious hatred towards Jews, the United States, and Great Britain was firmly inserted into modern Arab mass culture at its birth. Radio Berlin became the first modern mass Arab media medium in the Middle East.  To the Arab audiences, the promises the Voice of Berlin made during the war were simple, “Jews will be driven out of Palestine; the French will be driven out of Syria; the Pasha class will lose power in Egypt in favor of the peasants; Germany will sponsor pan-Arab unity.”... The hatred towards Zionism and the “Jewish menace” was the basic theme of the broadcasts, which included the evils of Jews all over the Middle East and the world, weaving conspiracy theories about the Jews of Iraq, Syria, and Egypt. Furthermore, the Voice of Berlin propagated the myth that world Jewry, the United States, and Great Britain formed together one major league of imperialist domination over the world from which Germany, unleashing its global revolution, would help the Arabs gain national liberation. Bahri was the voice that communicated all of this to Arabs. He read news items, translated Hitler’s speeches, offered his commentary, and constantly told fabricated stories of Arab massacres at the hands of the Jews in Palestine and British attempts to mobilize a Jewish army to occupy the Middle East. Even before the war, for many Arabs, especially in Iraq, Nazism held a mysterious intrigue with its aggressive German Nationalism and the magnetism of Hitler’s personality in propaganda. ِAlready in the early 1930s, there were numerous native attempts to translate Mein Kampf into Arabic, sending Arab youth to Germany to participate in Nazi youth events, and banning The Brown Book of the Reichstag Fire and Hitler Terror, a 1933 French communist anti-Nazi polemic, from entering Arab countries. This openness to Nazism did not go unnoticed by Nazi officials who sought to exploit the matter. In 1937, Baldur von Schirach, the leader of Hitler’s Youth, visited Syria and Iraq and generated much enthusiasm among Arab nationalists, including the family of Michel Aflaq, the later founder of the Ba’ath Party, who visited the Nazi delegation in the airport in Damascus after the French authorities refused to grant them entry. German diplomats in Iraq imported and played Nazi propaganda films exhibiting both Hitler’s Youth and the Stormtroopers and their “great nationalist enthusiasm which came forth in Hitler’s bloodless revolution to awaken the glory of Germany.”"
Terrorism supporters hate history

Swann Marcus on X - "A college professor from Florida is currently LARPing about recreating the Abbasid Caliphate with Saudi and UAE money and then ethnically cleansing all non-Mizrahi Jews from Israel hahahaha"
Thread by @DannyKPolitics on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - " Thread 🧵 Arab states should be municipalities within a larger Arab federation that unites them along social, economic and political lines while maintaining their own local government & identity. Hypothetically Jerusalem & Mecca would be the holiest cities & Baghdad our capital, with Cairo & Damascus as follow ups within a broad linguistic & geographic empire. 🕌🕍⛪️ The extravagant materialism of the UAE will be converted into funds used to rebuild indigenous architecture throughout the Middle East. The oil wealth of Saudi Arabia can be circulated to the Arab masses and taxed for public services. This neo-Abbasid Empire would blend elements of authority, freedom, inclusion and exclusion in a way that preserves sovereignty, dignity, culture, religion, secularism, prosperity and civil society. With one flag as our own. The flag of the Arab people. The flag of Palestine. 🇵🇸 Mizrahi Jews would live securely among us and we would grant them a small autonomous municipality called Judea between Gaza & Beersheba. These are the Jews who descend from Moses, Judah, David & Esau. The Torah Jews. Those who in their hearts accept the Messiah & the Prophet too. The other ten Tribes of Israel return to exile in Europe. Germany, Russia, Poland, Ukraine & the Caucasus, Azerbaijan and Georgia to be exact. The Abbasid Caliphate birthed the Islamic Golden Age heralded in western philosophy and by modern academia.  What I’m calling for is a sovereign federation along those territorial lines."
Peter Wolf on X - "Oh wow you mean like a sort of pan-Arabism? Wonder if that’s ever been tried before"

Meme - Friend of the Talking Bird: "Egypt and Syria tried uniting for a few years in the 1960s, but Syria had a coup and the federation fell apart. How are you going to unite all Arab countries from Kuwait to Sudan?"
DannyKPolitics @Danny...: "With dignity"
Friend of the Talking Bird: "What is the incentive for oil-rich Kuwait or Qatar to unite with poor Sudan or wartorn Yemen?"
DannyKPolitics @Danny...: "Dignity"
Friend of the Talking Bird: "Have you smoked weed, Professor?"
DannyKPolitics @Danny...: "Yes. It's 2024"
Friend of the Talking Bird: "I figured."
DannyKPolitics @Danny...: "Better than crystal meth, which appears to have taken a toll on your fetal development. Irresponsible mother!"
Queerhawk @al...: "Going from posting about how you want a caliphate to posting "Your mom" is wild lol"

One in five young Americans thinks the Holocaust is a myth - "Young Americans—or at least the subset of them who take part in surveys—appear to be remarkably ignorant about one of modern history’s greatest crimes. Some 20% of respondents aged 18-29 think that the Holocaust is a myth, compared with 8% of those aged 30-44 (see chart). An additional 30% of young Americans said they do not know whether the Holocaust is a myth. Many respondents espouse the canard that Jews wield too much power in America: young people are nearly five times more likely to think this than are those aged 65 and older (28% versus 6%). Now for the harder part: why do some young Americans embrace such views? Perhaps surprisingly, education levels do not appear to be the culprit. In our poll, the proportion of respondents who believe that the Holocaust is a myth is similar across all levels of education. Social media might play a role. According to a 2022 survey from the Pew Research Centre, Americans under 30 are about as likely to trust information on social media as they are to trust national news organisations. More recently Pew found that 32% of those aged 18-29 get their news from TikTok. Social-media sites are rife with conspiracy theories, and research has found strong associations between rates of social-media use and beliefs in such theories. In one recent survey by Generation Lab, a data-intelligence company, young adults who used TikTok were more likely to hold antisemitic beliefs. Though young Americans’ views are most stark, antisemitism is rearing its head in other demographic groups. The same YouGov/The Economist poll found that 27% of black respondents and 19% of Hispanics believe that Jews have too much power in America, compared with 13% of white respondents who say so. Whatever the reasons, the polling is alarming"
Time to arrest "far right" "white nationalists" to "protect" Jews. The young are clearly the hope for the future, since they are more enlightened than "boomers"

WATCH: This Muslim Israeli Woman Is the Hope of the Middle East - "Lucy Aharish is one of the most prominent television broadcasters in Israel. But that’s not the thing that makes her exceptional. The thing that makes Lucy stand out is that she is the first Arab Muslim news presenter on mainstream, Hebrew-language Israeli television... she has a unique lens through which to view the divisions in Israeli society, the complexity of the country’s national identity, and the Middle East more generally... Lucy also talked about the challenges she faced growing up as the only Arab Muslim kid in a traditional Jewish village, and how she was bullied for that but doesn’t view herself as a victim. We talked about the terrorist attack that she survived in Gaza as a child, which makes October 7 all the more personal to her."

This Muslim Israeli Woman Is the Future of the Middle East | FP in Israel - YouTube - "'They caught a guy from Jerusalem, East Jerusalem, he’s telling them, “I’m from Jerusalem, I’m from East Jerusalem,” and they told him, “Oh, you’re cooperating, cooperating with Israel,” and they killed him.'...
'What I’m going through right now is pure racism, definitely. Apartheid? No. Look at me. It cannot work. I’m not like—I’m a presenter on a mainstream TV channel in Israel. It’s like—no. My sister is working in one of the big banks in, one of the major banks in Israel. My other sister is a VP, is the general manager of a big hotel in Eilat. This is not an apartheid country.'...
' I’m going to be the person that is going to remind a lot of Jewish people and the Jewish people that it was not such a long ago that the state of Israel didn’t exist and the Jewish people almost didn’t exist. This state is a miracle on every parameter. It’s a miracle. Seventy-five years. That’s it. There are some grandparents that are older than this country. So being a democracy, you know, it’s like—it’s baby steps.'...
'One of the heads of Hamas—being interviewed in a podcast—I’m going to say it again. Khaled Meshaal was interviewed two weeks ago in a podcast...  “We’re not talking about two-state solution. No, no, no. There’s only one state from the river to the sea, which means we’re eliminating the state of Israel.” So when Hamas is asking to stop the war, it’s very funny...  So when you’re asking to stop the war in the same sentence, it’s a little bit funny. And at the same time, another leader of Hamas is basically laughing in the face of the international community. They’re looking at these young people marching on the streets, shouting in the name of a terror organization, and they’re laughing.'"
Clearly, the guy from East Jerusalem was a "Zionist", so he deserved to die
When terrorists and terrorist supporters demand a ceasefire, they mean they want time to recover so they can plot their next attack to try to wipe out the Jews

Tim Brennan's answer to How representative is the op-ed in the Ideas Lab of May 19 ('Student protesters won't be silent about genocide unfolding in Gaza') of its authors? - Quora - "We need to stop looking at October 7th as an aberration. I am not a racist but I am a culturalist and I am sick of the Palestinians. I'm a lifelong student of History and I have not done an in-depth study of Palestinian terrorism but I'm well aware of many of its highlights. Can we start with the assassination of Robert Kennedy by sirhan sirhan... I remember the massacre at the 72 Olympics. I remember when they tried to kill the entire Jordanian royal family. I don't remember every hijacking there are too many it's well over a hundred. I do remember them beating a marine to death who was on leave. This after the plane crew had hid his documentation which I think got some of them killed. I remember Leon klinghoffer and American who happened to be Jewish and was elderly in a wheelchair. Terrorist assholes took his Mediterranean cruise ship and when they found him they wheeled him off the deck wheelchair and all to his death. I am aware of many of the terrorist attacks they have committed in Egypt. I have come to realize that Egypt and Jordan won The six Day war by ridding themselves of the Palestinians. Today what I find galling necessitating the gloves coming off. There are actual protests on us soil in favor of terrorists who slaughtered civilians committed Mass rape displayed the dead naked bodies of their rape victims so they could be spat on kidnapped hundreds more to be used as human Shields. The straw that breaks the camel's back is that this same organization raped and murdered Americans and are currently holding Americans as human Shields. Fuck them. To make it even worse fellow Americans. Truly just kids themselves are being threatened and intimidated in their pursuit of an education by these terrorist supporting assholes. In the 50s when this happened to black students Eisenhower sent the 101st airborne to escort these students to their classes. You will not intimidate Americans in America"

Majority at Munk Debates say anti-Zionism equals antisemitism - "Douglas Murray and debate partner Natasha Hausdorff succeeded in persuading two-thirds of audience members at the Munk Debates on Monday night that antisemitism and anti-Zionism are the same.  While 61 per cent of listeners supported the proposition before the debate, that number grew to 66 per cent following the discussion... “You would’ve thought there would be some sympathy from the world; you might’ve thought the world would pay attention to the attack and at least pay attention to the people behind it. You might’ve expected, like me, there might have been worldwide opposition to the terrorists and rapists and murders of Hamas,” Murray said. “But no, there was immediate outpouring of rage against the state that had been attacked.” In his opening monologue, Murray spoke about attempts by anti-Israel activists to infiltrate a Jewish community centre in early June. The anti-Israel activists, many of them carrying massive Palestine flags and with their faces covered, walked through a Jewish neighbourhood in North York and intimidated several residents along the way.  “F–king filthy f–king Zionist pig,” one masked male demonstrator screamed at an onlooker. “You’re a dirty Zionist rat. That’s what you are. Happy about killing babies, right? Happy about killing babies?” Murray and Hausdorff, a lawyer in the United Kingdom, argued that double standards exclusively applied to Israel were emblematic of antisemitic tropes of the past.  Hausdorff argued “modern blood libels are widely believed — as widely believed as the ancient blood libel,” referring to the conspiracy that Jews killed children to use their blood in religious rituals.  Hausdorff explored four modern libels: that Israel is a colonial state; that it has ethnically cleansed Palestinians; that it is an apartheid state; and that it is committing genocide in Gaza. Hausdorff argued these are projected onto Israel and reproduce the earlier form of bigotry. “This debate is about racism and creating a double standard, where you make an exception for the Jews,” Hausdorff said during her opening comments. “The genocide libel inverts reality. Hamas has spent 16 years embedding its terror infrastructure in mosques, schools, hospitals and every second house. Its central military tactic is to use civilians as human shields,” she continued. “Genocide is the latest modern blood libel that antisemites use to justify their anti-Zionism.”"

Rachel Streich's answer to What is the main source of water supply in Palestine (Gaza)? Why isn't there any alternative solution to this issue? - Quora - "Israel was supplying Gaza with water prior to October 7, 2023.  After Hamas’s terror attack killed 1,400 civilians and took 250 hostages, Israel stopped providing water.  As for why there’s no alternative solution — there was, back in 2005. When Israel unilaterally withdrew all of its settlers and military personnel from Gaza in 2005 and turned it over to the Palestinians to self-govern, they left behind a fully functional water desalination plant capable of producing enough water for the entire enclave, plus miles of underground pipes to distribute the water.  When Hamas came to power in Gaza in 2006, one of the first things they did was to destroy the water desalination plant (because it had been built by the hated Jews) and dug up the underground water pipes to use them to make homemade rockets to shoot at Israel.  So — if Gazans have no water, it’s entirely Hamas’s doing."

What would the Jews have done, if they had been in the Palestinian's situation? - Pro-Israel - Quora - "You mean what would the Jews have done if they found themselves on the losing side of history, broken without a land?  Well gee, that pretty much describes the last 200 years of Jewish history.  And you know what the Jews did?  They became world leaders. They became the top of scores of important fields. They built wealth and had an insanely high impact on the world.  And they kept their faith so strongly, they eventually returned to their homeland with their heads held high.  You know what they never did?  Violently invaded other countries, ravaging and murdering women and children, using rape as a battle tactic, or kidnapping small children. They never hid behind their own people, sacrificing the lives of innocent people because it would ultimately good for PR.  By asking your question, you are playing a game with history. Pretending like anyone in the shoes of the Palestinians would have behaved the same way. But your question is exactly the point. The Palestinians don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt. Their behavior is inexplicable and unforgivable."
Anyone would have behaved the same way Palestinians did. Which is why Japan and Germany have spent the decades since World War II "resisting" the US and trying to destroy it

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