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Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Links - 2nd July 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Fact Check: Posts Claim Saying 'Good Morning' Has Racist Origins. Here Are the Facts - "A viral TikTok video accurately stated the expression "good morning" comes from white slave owners wishing their Black slaves a "good mourning" after owners killed or harmed the slaves' loved ones... As other internet users correctly pointed out, the word "morning" does not find its origin in colonial times or in slavery. The words "morning" and "mourning" are in fact homophones: words of different spelling, meaning and origin that sound the same."
Why do they keep making up shit? This is even more silly than "We Wuz Kangz"

Meme - "Tourists and fake fans demand the hobby change to fit their ideology"
Lord Of Change: "Romance should be the center of every 40k novel. Theyre so boring otherwise"
CerberusXt: "Human relations overall honestly. The uncaring killing machines get boring real fast otherwise."

Games Workshop Villainizes Political Pundit Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon Of Akkad In Warhammer 40K - "Games Workshop and author Mike Brooks reportedly villainized political pundit Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad in their 2020 book Necromunda: Road to Redemption. As reported by Fandom Pulse, X user Chainsword40k brought this revelation to public attention while noting that Brooks is a woke activist and “one of the most woke [Black Library] author[s].”... Chainsword40k shared a number of screenshots to prove his assertions. First, he shared a screenshot of Brooks claiming that the Ork faction the Freebooterz “support Pride, Trans Rights, and Black Lives Matter” from August 2020. Next, he shared a list of Brooks’ activism being inserted into Warhammer 40k lore. It states, “Black Library author who just needs to insert real life politics and a woke agenda into every piece of fiction he makes... Road to Redemption: Writing villain known as Sarkon Aggad which is an obvious jab at Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin.), lots of try hard allegories of real life politics... He shared the excerpt from Necromunda: Road to Redemption that depicts Sarkon Aggad as a slave master getting killed by a character named Alin Choll... Benjamin reacted to being parodied by Games Workshop and Brooks writing on X, “I am officially canon in the Warhammer universe.” He then added, “If anyone can supply a proper description of this character, I am happy to make him and paint him.”"
Infiltration has been going on for a while

Rumor: Henry Cavill Not Happy With Warhammer's Introduction Of Female Custodes, Amazon Wanted Female Space Marines - "A new rumor alleges that Amazon MGM Studios and Prime Video wanted female Space Marines for their upcoming Warhammer film or series being helmed by Henry Cavill. However, Games Workshop compromised with female Adeptus Custodes. This latest rumor comes in the wake of Games Workshop introducing a female Adeptus Custodes character named Custodian Calladayce Taorvalia Kesh in their Codex: Adeptus Custodes.  Not only did Games Workshop introduce the character, but the official Warhammer social media account gaslit fans claiming “there have always been female Custodians” despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary... an automated Amazon system has noticed significant complaints regarding the company’s various IP-related shows such as Wheel of Time, Rings of Power, and Warhammer. Arch shared, “And indeed Amazon’s bots, as well, that monitor the feedback that Amazon gets has been noticing a sharp uptick in people sending in complaints about them ruining universes like the Rings of Power and mentioning the 40K TV show in specific. Now, these have not been acted upon nor is there any indication that Amazon is particularly concerned yet, but there is now a sufficiently large enough volume of these complaints ahead of time to the point where their scraping bots, the software looking for feedback, is picking up on it and going, ‘There’s a lot of these. Should some human take a look at this maybe? Do we do we know what’s going on here? What is causing this trend of negative feedback?'”   “Which, hey, it might be a wonderful way of teaching Amazon that this might not be something they want at all,” Arch suggested."

Magic: The Gathering And Warhammer Artist Paul Scott Canavan Says He Wants To "Track Down" And String Up Loved Ones Of People He Disagrees With - "“This is absolutely the play – we should be doing this with all these weird creeps. Track down their significant others and mothers and string them up.”...   YouTuber That Umbrella Guy asked, “Fascinating. Is that a company stance – stringing up moms and significant others?”  Canavan replied, “I think you may have misunderstood. The conversation was about holding people accountable for their attacks on the internet. I don’t think it’s a super controversial take. Former World of Warcraft Mark Kern would then share Canavan’s posts writing, “Creative Director Paul Scott Canavan for GRIMOIRE, an indie dev making Pale Tides, defends Kotaku’s attack on family members of critics. ‘Track down their significant others and mothers and string them up.'”  “That Umbrella Guy calls him out and he doubles down, saying that it’s just about ‘holding people accountable.’ I guess anything goes if you have the right politics,” he concluded. Canavan then accused Kern of sending a hate mob after him and claimed he worded his post “poorly.”... Kern reacted to Canavan’s comments and Mercante’s actions writing on X, “Kotaku and crazy woke game devs attack you and lie, saying you are stalking them and harrassing them. Meanwhile they want to find your families and ‘string them up.’... “You know who else wanted to find your families and ‘string them up’ for, you know, ‘ just accountability?’ These people feel they are on the right side of history.”... “‘Purging’ gamers (bbc), Open bounties, ‘just a joke bro’ normalized death threats, and now family hunting for hangings. It’s the sport of game journalists and woke game devs everywhere now. Mask off.”... Canavan’s comments are reprehensible, vile, and repugnant. Of note, they also fall perfectly in line with how Vox Day detailed how social justice warriors or woke ideologues behave in SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police.  Day explains, “Instead of coming clean in one way or another, the SJW will instead double down and attempt to shore up his lies by concocting an even larger framework of deceit and misdirection to support them. He will throw the full weight of his status and credibility into the effort, call on the support of his entire social network, and try to turn the risk of potential exposure into a popularity contest between him and the individual threatening to expose him. The goal is to destroy the whistleblower’s credibility so that even if the truth comes out, no one will believe it.”... Not only does Canavan follow Day’s Second Law of SJWs, but he fits the bill for the Third Law as well, which is “SJWs always project.”  Day details, “The accusations made by SJWs when they attack others usually reflect, on some level, something they know to be true about themselves.”"
Accountability is only for those who stand in the way of the left wing agenda. If directed at left wingers, it's "harassment"

Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2 And Gotham Knights Writer Implies Anyone Who Plays Hogwarts Legacy Is Transphobic - "Cooper is also no stranger to making controversial comments, back in 2017, the writer expressed racist and misandrist opinions.  He wrote, “Let’s not cast cis white men in stuff for a year and see what happens. Just for fun.” In January 2018, the writer said, “Sorry, cishet white dudes. Comics don’t belong to you. Comics never belonged to you.”   Also in 2018, Cooper tweeted, “Boycott any media that features a cis person playing a trans person. No exceptions.” Cooper is also anti-police calling for defunding of police and using the term ACAB which stands for “All Cops Are Bastards.”"

Meme - BIaire White: "We live in a world where Christianity is demonized over cake and Islam is defended despite 50 dead at a gay club. Amazing."

Are you woke enough for university? Find out now with this foolproof test - "At two leading British universities this term, first-year undergraduates have been required to sit induction tests to confirm that they hold the correct views about equality, diversity, privilege and other crucial progressive issues.  At the University of Kent, for example, new students were asked whether they understand that wearing second-hand clothes can be a sign of white privilege. At the University of St Andrews, meanwhile, students were asked whether “equality” means “treating everyone the same”. (The correct answer, of course, was no. Students were expected to know that in fact equality means “treating people differently and in a way that is appropriate to their needs so that they have fair outcomes and equal opportunity”.)"

Aristotle and Socrates are sidelined by woke academics - "A new toolkit for schools and universities has been produced by SOAS University of London, formerly the School of Oriental and African Studies. New-age thinkers who are being recommended instead include an Indian-American feminist, a Nigerian 'gender theorist' and a Japanese zen expert. The toolkit dismisses the study of classical Greek thinkers Aristotle, Plato and Socrates as 'armchair theorising'. It is the first official guidance produced by SOAS academics aimed at 'decolonising' philosophy, with ambitions to provide more philosophical perspectives from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. The university says the approach should 'help empower students to think of themselves as active participants in curriculum and assessment design'... Among the 'new voices' suggested by the guide is Nishida Kitaro, a Japanese philosopher whose multicultural school of thought is said to 'challenge eurocentrism'. Also included is Uma Narayan, an Indian scholar of philosophy who 'criticises culture-reductionist forms of postcolonial feminism'. And African philosophers Kwasi Wiredu - developer of 'conceptual decolonisation' - and Nkiru Nzegwu, a leading African theorist of gender are also recommended... The authors recommend a curriculum which does include Plato but also adds works with titles such as Knowledges Born in the Struggle, Conceptualising Epistemic Oppression, On Being White: Thinking Towards a Feminist Understanding of Race and Race Supremacy and Knowledge Sovereignty among African Cattle Herders. They also suggest teachers should better understand their role in 'racist systems'... Also proposed is an end to exams, pen-and-paper tests and essays - said to unfairly hinder students who are neurotypical or from diverse cultural backgrounds."

Feeling Invisible - One Black Woman's Experience with Europe's Indifference to Race - ""In the US, I am constantly being asked about my ethnicity," says the 26-year-old project manager, Nadia Crevecoeur. She has to state her ethnicity on government forms. When people see her skin color, they unabashedly ask about her roots. But during her eight-month stay in Europe, people showed no interest in her ethnicity. On the contrary. "People said, 'Why do you always bring up your origin? Your parents are Haitian, so you're Haitian!'," Nadia tells Business Insider. Nobody cared about the fact that she neither felt Haitian nor a typical American or European – but as a Black woman. "People [in Europe] were just very confused about my identity," says Nadia. "In the US, I'm not just a woman, but a Black woman! This is an important part of my self-perception in this world!" As someone who grew up "with a strong understanding" of her identity, she was "surprised and exhausted" by the indifference of the Europeans. She felt "constantly duped" and therefore left Europe. Nadia says she had all the prerequisites to integrate well in Europe. She is a graduate of International Relations, had already visited Geneva and Brussels during her studies, and sees herself "as a global citizen." "Normally, I'm a very open-minded person," says Nadia. She's known as a "nerd" and is "very motivated by fun," so she gets along well with all kinds of people. But the lack of understanding for her identity robbed her of her ability to perform. "It became very difficult to complete even simple tasks and stick to a schedule," says Nadia. "Depression can manifest differently in Black women – I wasn't aware of that." She now advises other Americans to reconsider their emigration plans."
If people ask you about your ethnicity, they're racist. If they don't, they're bad people too. This is the poison of identity politics
When you're used to being a victim and being celebrated, being treated like a normal person is upsetting, aka "When you're used to privilege, equality feels like oppression"

Melissa Chen on X - "The French insistence that religion and all its symbolic manifestations be absent from the public sphere is quite rightly seen as infringing upon American-style religious freedom.   But there’s a bit of irony here. This Pride month, the streets of London, Oslo and NYC are filled with the newly updated, rainbow-canabalizing Trans Progressive Pride flag. They even hang proudly outside Government buildings and are painted on trains.  Strangely, walking around Paris, the city known as “gay Paree,” the visible lack of these symbols is striking. Not a single government building flies the Pride flag.  So which way, Western man?"

Libs of TikTok on X - "In an Episode from “New Amsterdam” a doctor explains to a mother that her son’s tumor grew because of internalized racism. You literally can’t make this up."

Humza Yousaf on X - "We're witnessing a rising tide of far-right populism in the UK and Europe, driven by a hatred of Muslims. Muslims are feeling disillusioned and asking themselves if they belong here? We must confront, not appease the far-right. My column for @guardian"
mirax on X - "Maybe Humza needs to tell us about the first Christian leader of anywhere in the Islamic world and how the Christian communities in those countries are feeling?"

Meme - Dr. Sydney Watson @SydneyLWatson: "People were asked to look at two photos of men - a Trump supporter and a Hamas supporter - and decide who looks the most accepting of LGBTQ people. Listen to their answers.  What level of university brainwashing is this? 🤦‍♀️"
pagliacci the hated 🌝 @Slatzism: "“brown man good” has become a kind of religious mandate for western women, and deviation is punished dearly.  look at their faces. most of them know that what they’re saying is retarded. but they also know they’re fucked if they give the “wrong” answer.   ideological hostages.
and on the other side of the “brown man good” mandate is “white man bad.” equally as important.  that’s why libfems will look you dead in the eye and claim this group is more of a risk to them than being thrown into the middle of Kabul with no hijab. libfems do the “we hate men” dance but the approved list of men they’re allowed to hate keeps getting shorter.  they aren't allowed to hate brown men, or men in skirts, or leftist men, or even criminal men.  they’re only allowed to hate Steve. so Steve gets 100% of their hate."

Meme - ""The Beauty of Gaza": an incredible documentary about Palestinian transsexuals"
pagliacci the hated 🌝 @Slatzism: "there were four of them
is there a German word for “the tendency of liberals to seek out the most absurdly fractional minority to cream over”"

Meme - "California's Kamala Harris becomes first Indian-American US senator" - AP, 2016
"Biden picks Kamala Harris as running mate, first Black woman" - AP, 2020
'Woosh, now you're black."

Colin Wright on X - "So much of modern research on gender and sexuality seems to simply rename well-known phenomena and pretend like they've discovered something new. Sorry bisexual people, you're plurisexual now."
Weird. We keep being told that bisexual doesn't mean there're only two genders, because bisexual means you are attracted to both your own and other genders

Opinion | Much of today’s intelligentsia cannot think - The Washington Post - "A nation’s gravest problems are those it cannot discuss because it dare not state them. This nation’s principal problem, which makes other serious problems intractable, is that much of today’s intelligentsia is not intelligent.  One serious problem is that the political class is terrified of its constituents — their infantile refusal to will the means (revenue) for the ends (government benefits) they demand. Another serious problem is family disintegration — e.g., 40 percent of all births, and 69 percent of all African American births, to unmarried women. Families are the primary transmitters of social capital: the habits, dispositions and mores necessary for flourishing. Yet the subject of disorganized families has been entirely absent from current discussions — actually, less discussions than virtue-signaling ventings — about poverty, race and related matters... An admirable intelligentsia, inoculated by education against fashions and fads, would make thoughtful distinctions arising from historically informed empathy. It would be society’s ballast against mob mentalities. Instead, much of America’s intelligentsia has become a mob. Seeking to impose on others the conformity it enforces in its ranks, articulate only in a boilerplate of ritualized cant, today’s lumpen intelligentsia consists of persons for whom a little learning is delightful. They consider themselves educated because they are credentialed, stamped with the approval of institutions of higher education that gave them three things: a smattering of historical information just sufficient to make the past seem depraved; a vocabulary of indignation about the failure of all previous historic actors, from Washington to Lincoln to Churchill, to match the virtues of the lumpen intelligentsia; and the belief that America’s grossest injustice is the insufficient obeisance accorded to this intelligentsia. Its expansion tracks the expansion of colleges and universities — most have, effectively, open admissions — that have become intellectually monochrome purveyors of groupthink. Faculty are outnumbered by administrators, many of whom exist to administer uniformity concerning “sustainability,” “diversity,” “toxic masculinity” and the threat free speech poses to favored groups’ entitlements to serenity.  Today’s cancel culture — erasing history, ending careers — is inflicted by people experiencing an orgy of positive feelings about themselves as they negate others... The cancelers need just enough learning to know, vaguely, that there was a Lincoln who lived when Americans, sunk in primitivism, thought they were confronted with vexing constitutional constraints and moral ambiguities. The cancel culture depends on not having so much learning that it spoils the statue-toppling fun: Too much learning might immobilize the topplers with doubts about how they would have behaved in the contexts in which the statues’ subjects lived.  The cancelers are reverse Rumpelstiltskins, spinning problems that merit the gold of complex ideas and nuanced judgments into the straw of slogans. Someone anticipated something like this.  Today’s gruesome irony: A significant portion of the intelligentsia that is churned out by higher education does not acknowledge exacting standards of inquiry that could tug them toward tentativeness and constructive dissatisfaction with themselves. Rather, they come from campuses, cloaked in complacency... The barbarians are not at America’s gate. There is no gate."

Portland woman intervenes in child sex sting operation to see if alleged pedophile was being ‘harassed’: ‘I just wanted to make sure that the brown person was safe’ - "A white leftist Portland woman attempted to save a "brown person" who was in the process of being busted for allegedly trying to meet a child for sex at the downtown waterfront. She intervened in the civilian undercover sting operation to ensure that the alleged pedophile who thought he was meeting a 14-year-old girl for sex "was not being harassed." The man has been identified as Samuel DiGiovanni, 35, of Portland, Oregon, who has been charged with sex abuse in the past... She said she decided to intervene because "we take good care of black and brown people in this city.""

Ilkeston: England flag roundabout prompts council warning - "A mini-roundabout in Derbyshire has been painted in the style of a St George's Cross by a mystery person.  The graffiti appeared in Park Road in Ilkeston following England's 1-0 win over Serbia on Sunday.  Residents nearby told the BBC they thought it had been done overnight.  Derbyshire County Council has urged people not to do the same on other roundabouts as it could distract drivers."
UK's first permanent LGBT rainbow road crossing unveiled in London (2019)
We are still told that left wingers don't hate their countries

Ubisoft Blocks Japanese Historian For Calling Out Yasuke - "Kenji Yamamoto has studied Japanese history in detail, so his opinion holds more weight than most others.  He has become controversial on X/Twitter after calling out Yasuke several times. The historian recently revealed that the official Assassin’s Creed page had blocked him after he spoke the truth.
   “So the official Assassin’s Creed X page blocked me for speaking the truth. All I’ve been saying is that Yasuke was not a Samurai.”      -Kenji Yamamoto...
Some have even claimed that after the first trailer was released, Wikipedia was edited, and mysteriously, Yasuke appeared as a legendary black samurai... Kenji Yamamoto has made some interesting points, such as why Yasuke was excused when Nobunaga was forced to commit Seppuku.  This event can appear strange, which adds weight to his statement"
Trust the Experts - unless they hinder the left wing agenda

Melissa Chen - "I’ve long adored and admired Professor Amy Chua, who famously was canceled for writing a few “problematic” books. She caused a stir with her first book and cemented the term “Tiger Moms” in the national discourse. More than a decade on, I look back at the brouhaha this book caused and clearly see that it held a mirror up to a society that was too keen on subverting the authority gradient between parent and child.  Today, the world we are steeped in in the West is a consequence of this cultural trait."

The U of T, where virtue signalling can be rewarded with a raise - "a well-timed exercise in social whataboutery, such as our department chair’s recent report on demographic trends in geology, can substitute for an article in the journal Nature, at least in part. Something should strike you as incoherent, and fundamentally wrong, about this. It means that professors can advance financially, not so much by publishing pivotal works in their field, but rather by espousing a political ideology parroted either disinterestedly or enthusiastically from the DEI hymn sheet... In recent times, there have been some victories. In my own country, England’s National Health Service has stemmed the tide of medical malpractice rooted at the heart of the transgender debate by ending the publicly funded use of puberty-blocking drugs in children outside of clinical study. Then, an independent report on gender care in the country was released earlier this month, pointing to the lack of evidence for the efficacy of these harmful drugs, a finding that Canada’s public broadcaster rushed to label “anti-trans” by merely regurgitating the words of a U.K.-based transactivist group. Meanwhile, in Scotland, the Scottish National Party’s ludicrous hate speech law, the Hate Crime and Public Order Act, which came into force on April Fools’ Day, was uproariously debunked by J. K. Rowling, a children’s author, and is quickly proving unworkable. And in the United States, there’s the scandal of Harvard University’s now-former president Claudine Gay, who resigned buried under an avalanche of plagiarism allegations... One robust professor I know wrote a DEI statement declaring his refrain for dealing with thorny and contentious topics was to “sit down and discuss it over a beer.” Despite this being amongst the most quintessentially Canadian sentiments I’ve ever heard, he was upbraided by his direct report because “not everyone drinks.” Doubtless, he would offend too many Muslim students with that remark. Elsewhere, a professor caved to a student’s plea not to overuse the word “adopt” when describing the natural posture that molecules in chemistry — sorry, forgive me — adopt. It turned out the student was an adopted child who was especially triggered by that verb... you only live twice: once when you are born, and once when you look cancellation in the face."

I'm a professor at U of T and I was sanctioned for encouraging debate - "as a part of a social event for current students in the department of chemical and physical sciences (CPS) at the University of Toronto Mississauga, I offered to run an activity popularized by American academic Peter Boghossian: Spectrum Street Epistemology... “Prof. Jordan Peterson requires media training.” Topical, certainly; but wholly unacceptable to the department’s entirely predictable political mood-swings. This type of claim is “stressful to our students,” I was told. As such, it was wholly “inappropriate,” and requires surgical excision. Now I’m worried, because these are merely the warm-up claims. Presented with the claim, “Western science is hampered by a political bias,” one female student stood on the “strongly agree” line, and I asked her why she had chosen that stance. “Speaking as a Muslim woman of colour, I know that to be true,” she announced over the microphone, followed by words to the effect that all science is a hopelessly white patriarchal Eurocentric endeavour that’s wholly committed to oppressing other ways of knowing. I was surprised, because she is a chemical and physical sciences student who’s working towards a graduate degree, but it is the host’s role to remain neutral and not express an opinion, or react in any way that might express a certain bias. If her statement reflects her true attitudes, many might express genuine concern that she may have accidentally elected the wrong discipline for advanced study. Next, we had, “There are other ways of doing science beyond the western tradition,” which led to both advocacy and dissent. When I crossed paths with a distinguished scientist and former biology chair the day following the event, he invaded my personal space, lowered his voice and shared with me, with the naive incredulity characteristic of a marooned academic scientist, “I attended an event with other scientists where we were told that we ‘wouldn’t understand’ unless we embraced the reality that ‘water is alive.’ ” Then he paused. “I mean, it’s H2O!” This is the entry-point in the science curriculum for the Indigenous science that has suddenly become an equal and valid cornerstone of scientific inquiry, according to the federal government. Now we arrive at the most traumatizing claim. Four simple words: “Men can become women.” All hell breaks loose — at least in the context of my chair’s ongoing, unshakable narrative. This is a traumatic statement, unworthy of a social event, I was told. Students were not suitably prepared. They are vulnerable to manic episodes, and this sort of thing requires trigger warnings and safe spaces and — let’s not delude ourselves — time for unforewarned opponents to raise a cogent defence. I had broken the boundaries of acceptable behaviour as a faculty member. This was pernicious transphobia unmasked. “We can sit here and pretend, but you and I both know that you overstepped the boundaries.” These are the words etched on my memory. My chair, doubtless exasperated by my antics, appears to have evolved spectacular mind-reading talents, like a character from the X-Men comic strip. Or should that be X-Women? Or both, or neither. The X-People?... For those looking for evidence of the clownish insanity that passes for political correctness on Canadian campuses, you need look no further than this one incident, because it is emblematic of the widespread and pervasive authoritarian overreach that now plagues anyone committed to the pursuit of free inquiry in our institutions of higher education. Naturally, being a compassionate soul, I am sympathetic to the predicament my chair has found herself in, caught in an intolerable pincer manoeuvre between social justice ideology and common sense. If I were chair, though, I would fret less over a faculty member encouraging topical, if less-than-anodyne debate, and concern myself with the optics of the other activities that were carrying on in the same room while the Spectrum Street Epistemology bombshells were falling. There were jigsaws arrayed on one table, a professor playing a variant of Snap with students at another and on a third — no word of a lie — were colouring sheets and crayons. Aliens arriving from Vega would be forgiven for mischaracterizing the event as daycare for human 20-somethings. It should no longer surprise Canadians that their tax dollars are supporting this mass infantilization of the next generation. This is what university life in Canada has become. We can no longer brook spirited debate, most definitely not in social contexts, because it is too stress-inducing. I am genuinely unnerved that my innovation has subjected the students, the faculty and the whole department to this terrible ordeal. What sorts of claims should I stick to in the future? I looked to my chair for wisdom. Without a hint of irony, I was given a suitable example: “Pineapple belongs on pizza.”"

French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut discusses wokeism and antisemitism

French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut discusses wokeism and antisemitism
For woke activists, Israel is the center of evil, says French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut. Their ideology is more hardheaded than communism because it aligns itself with Islamism, he says.

Mr. Finkielkraut, you were quick to criticize wokeism at American universities. Occasionally, I thought your warnings were exaggerated. After Oct. 7 and the pro-Hamas demonstrations at various universities, I thought: He was right. What was going through your mind?

I was shocked. I was stunned. I was overwhelmed. Let's say, to paraphrase the French author Jean Racine: My misery exceeded all my hopes.

What was different?

After the massacre of Oct. 7, it seems that antisemitism has become the highest level of wokeism. Wokeism mercilessly reduces the complexity of human constellations to a confrontation between rulers and ruled, oppressors and oppressed. This ideology places Israel in the camp of the oppressors. This goes so far as to completely delegitimize the state. American student organizations describe Israel as a colonial enterprise from its beginnings to the present day. They dispute the right of the Jewish people to this land. They pretend that Jews settled there, in Palestine, like the Germans in Namibia or the French in Algeria. Hence the popularity of the slogan «From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.»

The river in question is the Jordan, the sea refers to the Mediterranean – there is no room for Jews there anymore.

Yes. It was a painful sight for me to see American students calmly tearing down photos of Israeli hostages. These hostages are settlers in their eyes, and settlers do not deserve to live. This is frightening, because this ideology shapes the elite or the future elite. Wokeism is the installation of hatred of the West in the heart of the West. And in this perspective, Israel is the center that bundles all the crimes, all the atrocities, all the abominations of the West.

How influential is this ideology outside the universities? How formative is it for Western society? 

I believe that a large part of our society is insensitive and even hostile to woke ideology. However, wokeism is not completely isolated; in France, several political movements are characterized by it. Jean-Luc Mélenchon's far left party, La France Insoumise (France Unbowed,) has very explicitly become an antisemitic movement. Mainly for patronage reasons, because the advance of wokeism goes hand in hand with demographic change, at least in Europe. La France Insoumise aligns its positions with those of Hamas, as it relies on the Muslim electorate. A large majority of Muslim voters voted for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the last presidential elections. This is also due to his vindictive and poisonous statements against Israel and Jews.

How do you rate Macron's Israel policy? To what extent does he cater to the sensitivities of Muslim voters as well?

The president of the republic was delighted that a united France marched against antisemitism in November. And then he decided not to take part in this march in order to preserve the unity of the country. With this balancing act, he proved that he is no longer the president of the united and indivisible French Republic. He is merely the busy manager of the French mosaic.

Macron also spoke out against the bombing of the Gaza Strip, while at the same time calling for an international coalition against Hamas.

Macron is an artist of simultaneity.

You were once a Maoist yourself.

For a few weeks.

Still, can you understand the radicalized students with a view to your own biography? Are they comparable to the communist students of the sixties and seventies?

It’s not the same. Wokeism is the total questioning of Western culture. It is a suspicious and even accusatory perspective on our entire heritage. Wokeism's favorite pastime is to judge the past, in the form of a tribunal, for being racist, sexist, homophobic and so on. Absolute sensitivity combats all forms of stigmatization. Communist ideology had to confront reality at a certain point in time, in the form of the Soviet Union and the Maoist regime in China. There is no such reality check for the woke. What's more, wokeism goes hand in hand with demographic change in our society. It aligns itself with Islamism. For this reason, it may be more difficult to shake off this ideology.

In your book «À la première personne,» you write that Western civilization is so obsessed with anti-racism that it is only working toward its own destruction: «The desire to survive in a real existence is transformed into a will to be nothing, to never exclude again, to never mistreat anyone ever again.»

Yes, it's like a death cult. Octavio Paz has described how we have perverted the great critical tradition that has kept our societies in constant dialogue with themselves. We have perverted it by putting it at the service of a hatred of ourselves and our world. This is all the more concerning because the West has terrible enemies today. It is good that the West not only has convictions, but also doubts. But we cannot confront our enemies with self-denial.

These enemies are appearing in the form of imperialism and Islamism. Will the West be resilient enough in the long term?

Let's put it this way: Despite everything, Europe has managed to mobilize against Russian aggression in Ukraine, which has surprised even Putin. In this respect, the West persevered. But will it stay that way? I don't know.

Individual lives are valued highly in the West. Russia, on the other hand, is sacrificing tens of thousands of soldiers in Ukraine. Hamas doesn't care about its own victims either and is deliberately instrumentalizing civilians. Will this willingness to sacrifice people eventually prove to be an advantage against a post-heroic West?

I believe that Hamas underestimated the Israeli reaction. Hamas believed it was protected by its hostages and did not expect such a devastating ground invasion. But it is true that Hamas does not care about its own population. They deliberately put them in danger because Hamas profits from dead civilians. They position their weapons, their launchpads and their ammunition stocks in schools, kindergartens and hospitals. This makes the Israeli army's task all the more complicated. Hamas confiscates a large part of the humanitarian aid for its fighters and has diverted huge sums of money to build its tunnels. And the leaders of Hamas themselves are extremely rich – but strangely enough, nobody takes offense at that. The humanitarian organizations that are now agitating against Israel do not denounce Hamas' behavior in any way.

Why do you think that is?

The West is blinded by woke slogans such as «Gaza is an open-air prison.» This phrase stops people from considering what Hamas could have done with Gaza. There are no more Israeli settlements in Gaza, Qatar is sending money, Israel has increased the number of work permits for Palestinians. Hamas has turned all of this into nothing and only produced hatred.

What are the roots of the immense interest of the Arab world in this conflict and its simultaneous strange inaction and lack of solidarity?

Israel is a convenient scapegoat. It distracts the Arab peoples from their internal problems, from corruption, misery, religious extremism and lack of freedom. The Arab peoples have a pathological focus on Israel.

Israel is perceived as an empire.

Yes, even though Israel has withdrawn from Sinai, as well as from Lebanon and Gaza. As a reward for withdrawing from Lebanon, Israel had to deal with Hezbollah; as a reward for withdrawing from Gaza, there is Hamas.

Has the massacre of Oct. 7, 2023 fundamentally changed anything in Israel, or has the existing conflict merely intensified?

A lot has changed. Israel was a place of refuge for the Jewish people. It was the country where no pogroms took place. And now a terrible pogrom happened within Israel's borders. A few years ago, David Grossman, the Israeli writer, wrote that Israel had tragically failed to heal the Jews of their wound – the bitter feeling of never feeling at home in the world. Where is home? Not even in Israel. That's what the Israelis and many Jews around the world have told themselves. Because after the massacre on Oct. 7, antisemitic incidents became more frequent and huge anti-Israel demonstrations took place in London, Berlin and Madrid.

There was a brief window of solidarity with Israel. But it ended with the army's ground offensive in Gaza, at the latest.

Yes, that's over. In the meantime, criticism of the Israeli army's actions has taken over. Even Oct. 7 is treated like an entry in an accounting system. There are 1,200 dead and several thousand injured, while the Israeli bombardments and attacks in Gaza have claimed many, perhaps 19,000 lives. Many people no longer understand what war is. They no longer want to hear about Hamas' deadly tactics.

You once wrote about «homesickness in one’s own country.» Do you feel that too?

France is changing rapidly and dramatically. If things go on like this, the country will one day be unrecognizable. Catastrophe is when things continue to run their course, Walter Benjamin said. The other day I was standing outside my house and a man came very close to my ear and shouted, «Go to hell, go to hell!» He repeated the threat, but he left, thankfully. It looks like things are running their course. That's why I feel this fear, this strange homesickness.

Links - 2nd July 2024 (1 - Migrants [including German Mannheim Stabbing])

Mass Stabbing Germany, Mannheim : r/iamatotalpieceofshit

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "There are many parallels to Western societies in these still images from a video of the mass knife-stabbing attack in Mannheim, Germany by a bearded man who shut down a right-wing event critical of Islam.  Responding German police pinned down one of the rally attendees by mistake during the frenzied knife attack. The bearded man then proceeded to stab the officer repeatedly in the neck and head after he had already stabbed other people. Female officers stood behind in horror while another finally shot the knifeman.  Just in the last eight months, there have been multiple deadly attacks in Europe and the UK by Muslims who invoke their religion. The cases are underreported by activist groups and media. Almost all of the killers have a migrant background."
Time to outlaw the "far right" for provoking Muslims and inciting violence from them

Meme - Bullzeye 🎯⚡️ @utism_: "Somewhere in the world a beady eyed, disgusting little goblin was roaring in laughter & rubbing his hands together watching this cop tackling the people trying to stop the ausländer stabbing everyone."

Meme - "When you stab someone who says Islam is a violent religion and instantly help to prove their point"

Meme - Imtiaz Mahmood @ImtiazMadmood: "On the left we see a police officer overpowering a fearless helper, while the knife attacker on the right has not yet been overpowered."
When you're obsessed with cracking down on the "far right" that you don't know where the true danger comes from

Meme - Hermiod the Hater: "-muslim gets mad at Whites
-stabs Whites
-White try and defend themselves
-White cop jumps on fellow Whites
-muslim attacks White cop
-muslim cop hesitates to shoot fellow muslim
-muslim stabs White cop
-crazy muslim finally gets shot
Fvcking insanity is where we are right now"

German court orders man born in Afghanistan held after knife attack at an anti-political Islam event - "A German court on Saturday ordered a 25-year-old man born in Afghanistan held on suspicion of attempted murder in connection with a knife attack at an event organized by a group opposing “political Islam” that left six people injured.  The victims included a police officer who remained hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after he was stabbed while trying to intervene, police and prosecutors said in a joint statement... A statement from police and prosecutors said that the suspect had lived in Germany since 2014, was married and has two children"

Shocking new vid of stabbing attack at Mannheim anti-Islam rally reveals why hero cop tackled victim instead of knifeman - "25-year-old Sulaiman A launched his attack, brandishing a huge knife."

Meme - Man with German flag: "FOREIGNERS OUT!!"
Polizei police beating man on floor: "DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH!"
Jihadist attacking police with knife: "ALLAHU AKBAR!"

Meme - Rita Panahi @RitaPanahi: "This is the headline the BBC went with after an Islamist terrorist went on a knife rampage in Germany."
"German anti-Islam activist injured in knife attack"
I was listening to a podcast where an activist was complaining that news stories using the passive voice about pedestrian injuries victim blame the pedestrians

Mannheim knife attack: Anti-Islam activist injured in stabbing - "According to Bild, Michael Stürzenberger is the author of an Islamophobic blog, as well as a member of the BPE, an organisation which says it stands against the "Islamisation" of Germany.  The 58-year-old is one of the authors of the anti-Muslim platform PI-News and is being monitored by the Bavarian domestic intelligence service."
Time to put even more resources into monitoring the "far right", to keep society safe

Meme - Kevin McSweeney @kevinthebooks: "So the German police officer who restrained the 'far right' demonstrator who had been restraining the stabby immigrant, and was then in turn knifed in the neck by the stabby immigrant....has died. RIP Moral of this....know who your real enemies are"

Meme - Pox Populi @poxesfoxes: "While German media still carries out a witch hunt against anyone who sings “Ausländer raus”, an X user asked @ndr  — A STATE BROADCASTER— why they don’t investigate migrant rape gangs with the same zeal.  NDR responds with a yawn emoji."
I've seen people claim that Europe doesn't do wokeness

Mannheim Attacker Shows No Remorse, Misbehaves With Hospital Staff - "The paper mentioned that Suleiman Atayi shows no remorse for his actions and has behaved poorly with hospital staff... In recent years, Germany has experienced an increase in knife attacks carried out by extremist refugees. These attacks have sparked widespread fear and concern among the public. Authorities have linked these violent incidents to radical ideologies adopted by some refugees."

German chancellor vows deportation of criminals following fatal Manheim stabbing - ""It outrages me when someone who has sought protection here commits the most serious crimes. Such criminals should be deported, even if they come from Syria and Afghanistan," the chancellor said to the applause of lawmakers. The 25-year-old attacker, who killed a 29-year-old police officer who was trying to stop him, came to Germany in 2014 as an asylum-seeker... Many Germans initially welcomed migrants when more than 1 million people from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq came in 2015-16 following wars and instability in their home countries, but the mood has changed in recent years. Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, has successfully exploited some Germans' concerns about the newcomers. However, in recent months, millions of Germans went out to the streets to protest radical plans by the far-right to deport millions of immigrants, even those with German passports, should they come to power."

Joel Kotkin: Trudeau, Biden paying political price as the West turns against immigration - "recent analyses of the British economy shows that immigration has not increased overall per capita wealth. Indeed, as the country has taken in millions of migrants, many of them undocumented, incomes and labour productivity in Britain has largely stalled in the last 10 to 15 years. In Canada, notes the Bank of Canada , productivity has similarly stagnated and per capita GDP has dropped... Particularly concerning is that the current mass wave of immigrants, many of them undocumented, may lack the English skills and education levels most needed in advanced economies. Ultimately, the Anglosphere countries can only absorb so many ill-educated poor people without suffering major financial drains, as is very evident in the current situation in American “sanctuary cities” like Denver , New York , San Francisco, Boston and Chicago. This is already sparking a growing pushback, even in progressive bastions like New York and Chicago . Similar fears of economic displacement and a potential struggle for resources also has played a critical role in the rise of right-wing populist parties in countries throughout Europe, including Hungary, Poland, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Slovakia, and most recently, Ireland , but most importantly Germany. In recent years, European countries have tried, with albeit limited success, to impose stronger immigration controls. Even in Canada, often regarded as uniquely open to immigration, almost half of Canadians now state that immigration levels are too high, a dramatic shift... The pushback is even greater in the U.S., where attitudes have also hardened. Control of the border is, for now at least, the leading issue in the upcoming presidential election. Not surprisingly, the record numbers now crossing the border and costing millions in host “ sanctuary cities ” has elicited strong opposition among the populace. There is widespread, and not entirely insane, speculation that by allowing such mass migration, Biden and other “open borders” style leaders are aiming to increase the share of the population that usually votes for the Democratic party. Across the pond in Britain the inability of the Tories to curb, or even slow, immigration, seems likely to doom them in the next election and could lead to the growth of a new party, led by Brexit architect Nigel Farage. Britain’s current leaders tend to see immigrants as the solution to the country’s economic and labour force problems, even though the country’s economy continues to lag, despite the influx. The usual rejoinder from the left about such sentiments is to blame racism, which certainly could pay a role. Yet, even among Hispanics, who have traditionally favoured liberal immigration policies, roughly 40 per cent oppose Biden’s lax approach to border control, notes a recent Pew survey . A full third favours more deportations, a position once rare among Latinos. These sentiments are most common in areas closer to the U.S.-Mexico border, such as south Texas , where former Democratic strongholds have shifted support towards the GOP. The fact that an increasing share of migrants come from places other than Central America, including China, the Middle East and South America may also lessen support for looser border policies. Unlike the cognoscenti, Latinos and other minorities are usually the ones living closest to new migrants. For many, it’s an economic issue as the current influx of largely less skilled immigrants compete with already struggling working class citizens ; the Congressional Budget office warns that he recent massive increase in migration could impact the salaries of low-income workers , many of whom are Latino. In addition, roughly half of all Latinos, notes Pew , associate the current wave with increased crime in their communities. Finally, and perhaps most significant in the long term, unmonitored immigration could threaten the future of liberal democracy. Even as progressives denounce Trump and his European imitators for authoritarian xenophobia, they ignore or even embrace the cultural challenge posed by some immigrants. It’s not just the increasingly blatant antisemitism but the maliciously western ideologies inculcated by radicalized faculty and students now expressed by often disruptive protests who now can shut down galas , bridges or college commencements, seemingly at will. Ultimately, Western civilization will need to balance their need for labour with consideration for an increasingly diverse working class. They also need to scrutinize policies that keep out people who support terrorism. Already in Britain, the original home of basic liberty, recent elections have seen the emergence of office holders , some running improbably as Greens , who ran based on their advocacy for Hamas. Despite this, the Biden Administration has raised the notion of accepting mass refugees from places like Gaza — where antisemitism and contempt for the West are inculcated through both harsh personal experience and indoctrination. This step is also being considered by the Trudeau government as well."
Clearly, Latinos have internalised white supremacy and are taken in by racist dog whistles. Their lived experience of crime is worthless since it doesn't help the left wing agenda

Hiding the Ball - "A new study of migrants to Sweden found something that will surprise no one: immigrants from some countries end up making significantly more money, on average, than immigrants from others. Country of origin matters a lot, and it matters at least into the second generation. Andreas Ek, a young professor at the University of Lund, reported earlier this year in the Journal of Political Economy that, if you ranked average incomes by country of origin, the average immigrant from a country at the 90th percentile earned three times as much as one who came from a country at the 10th percentile. In statistics jargon, that’s the “90/10 income ratio”—and a 3x wage difference is big. For reference, the 90/10 income ratio for IQ—a span of about 40 IQ points—predicts just a 1.5x to 2.2x wage difference. To explain the country-of-origin results, Ek offers evidence that differences in national culture across countries drive a lot of these immigrant income disparities. He shows that these cultural differences persist into at least the second generation... If, like me, you see immigration policy as a way for a country to find people who can improve it, it would be great to know which countries tend to crank out top economic performers... So, which countries are typically the best producers of talent for Sweden? Unfortunately, we can only guess, because the University of Lund’s ethics review board stopped Ek from telling us... We’re not talking about hiding a person’s name or home address—that’s obviously the right thing to do, especially when you’re studying a person’s wages. Rather, we’re talking about hiding immigrants’ countries of origin in a study about immigrants’ countries of origin... in a country like Sweden, with a massive, expensive social safety net, having migrants who earn a lot—or at least having migrants whose kids, on average, grow up to earn a lot—is important for the country’s long-run economic health. Sweden needs lots of citizens who pay more into government coffers than they take out. And it’s a safe bet that on average, migrants from countries at the 10th percentile, or their children, will be disproportionately represented in the net-taker group. Even in the U.S., which doesn’t have much of a social safety net by rich-country standards, the lowest-skilled workers, whether migrants or not, are on average a net cost to the government. Jason Richwine of the Center for Immigration Studies dug deep into a National Academy of Sciences report on the issue, finding that in the U.S. “a high school dropout immigrant who arrives at the age of 25 will generate a lifetime fiscal cost of $186,000.” George Mason University economist and open-borders advocate Bryan Caplan agreed with Richwine’s assessment, also noting that so-called native high school dropouts—a group that includes second-generation immigrants to the U.S.—have an even bigger lifetime fiscal cost, $388,000. I’ve been saying for years that many people doing research into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations are hiding the ball. In fact, I used the term “hiding the ball” three times in my recent book, The Culture Transplant. Usually, you have to look for hints, signs, or indirect signals that some researcher is concealing how immigration shapes the economy. But in this case, Ek tells us straight out: the University of Lund ethics board ordered him to hide the ball! It’s not a very effective trick, though. An enterprising researcher could find it with a little work. Following the standard practice in the field, Ek provides all of his raw data and all of his statistical software here. A few people on social media have already connected the dots to figure out which country is which in Ek’s cross-county results, but it would take a little more work to link that up to the average incomes of migrants to Sweden who come from that diverse set of countries."
Clearly, there is more racism against people from some countries than others. Everyone knows immigration is the solution to prop up welfare states, so immigrants from all countries are equally good

Meme - Statue of Liberty: "Where Does It Say Bring Me Hostile, Free Loading Assholes, Waving Their Own Flags?"

Savanah Hernandez on X - "Funny how under Trump this would have been blamed on him, we’d have a Time magazine cover in the morning with him towering over the crying migrant child & it would be plastered on every news network. Under Biden this is the work of “evil Republican razor wire”."
Augustine on X - "Why is the mom smiling in the upper right hand corner? This feels staged."
Devout American on X - "Staged AF The wire is moved so they can kneel, it's at the end of the wire and she's pressing the child's hand in to the wire to get him to cry. It's a staged shot aided by criminal torture of a child."
🕊️El Dastard🕊️ on X - "WTF? Most people cross perpendicular to the barbwire rolls. Who in their right mind would drag their kid through the centers of the coils?!?! We're supposed to believe this crap?!?!?"
TXJollyRoger☠️ on X - "It's absolutely fascinating to me how reporters can so blatantly ignore the very public fact that these illegal invaders could have simply avoided the wire and gone straight to a "port of entry". Maybe we should start bussing them to reporters houses and network offices."

Meme - "People easily disgusted by smells more prone to xenophobia, study suggests Study using fictional refugee groups finds xenophobic prejudice strongest in English- speaking countries"
""If you're sensitive to things that smell like shit, you probably don't like immigrants" what did they mean by that"

Meme - iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno: "They asked a bunch of migrants if they would defend Sweden, the country that gave them a house and free healthcare.   Their answers were exactly as you would expect: “NO!”   Yet they are your greatest strength, Sweden. Funny how that works, huh."
"VIDEO: Are you ready to defend Sweden?"

Concerned Citizen on X - "🚨🇫🇷 Lyon Stabbings   Yesterday a horrific clip of a calculated attack went viral online.  An illegal immigrant waited for train carriages to close before stabbing anyone in range.  This video was allegedly obtained illegally- the authorities didn’t wish for it to be seen.  Like with the Australian Preacher stabbing - Governments don’t want you knowing just how bad things are getting across the Western World as the frequency & severity of these attacks only increases.  Western Governments have betrayed their citizens - all by evil design."
Four people injured in knife attack in Lyon metro - "The suspect, previously unknown to the police, has been hospitalised multiple times for psychiatric issues and has been subject to an obligation to leave French territory since 2022, Fabienne Buccio, Prefect of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and Prefect of the Rhône, told BFMTV."

Mass immigration is about to tear apart British society - "a Green Party councillor called Mothin Ali shouted “Allahu Akbar!” after being elected to a city council. This shocked many people and outraged others. On Wednesday, a pro-Palestinian protest near Downing Street turned violent after thousands of people staged an “emergency rally”. A policewoman suffered facial injuries from a glass bottle. In the summer of 2022, there were ugly clashes in Birmingham between Hindus and Muslims.  Political disagreements from other parts of the world have been imported into this country, principally from the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent. Those of us who live here are being forced to deal with the consequences. The major worry is that sectarianism often leads to extremism... According to a poll published by JL Partners in April and commissioned by the Henry Jackson Society, 23 per cent of 18-34 year old British Muslims support the concept of jihad. One in three Muslims in this age bracket want Sharia Law to be imposed in Britain – that is, death for apostasy; amputation of a hand for theft; stoning or lashing for adultery... If anybody doubts the extent to which political parties are now in thrall to this phenomenon, just consider how a few days ago Angela Rayner, the deputy leader of the Labour Party, sat in a room full of Muslim men in her Ashton-under-Lyne constituency begging them for their vote on 4 July and thanking them for getting her “over the line” in 2019.  Rayner, whose 4,000 majority is being targeted by George Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain, promised her audience that Labour “supports” the International Criminal Court’s decision to arrest Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu – and Hamas leaders – over allegations of war crimes in Gaza.  The paradox here is that some groups are perfectly relaxed about women being reduced to second class citizens with no vote at all. And so what this country faces is a situation where the democratic rights of women risk being set back by almost a century, universal suffrage having been achieved in 1928...  Nobody voted for mass immigration; taxpayers have had no say in it; and everybody has been told in no uncertain terms that they must accept it. But in so many ways it has caused more problems than it has solved."

Keir Starmer says 'read my lips - I will cut immigration' and vows to crack down on foreign visas and train more Brits - "Net migration hit 685,000 last year — the second highest in the nation’s history... “This is a changed Labour Party, back in the service of working people.  “That means not just talking about sky-high migration but acting on it.”... Training will also be linked to immigration, so sectors applying for foreign worker visas must first train Brits to do the jobs.  This will also help bring down the bloated benefits bill... Alongside this would be the tougher approach to bad bosses who flout employment law by under-paying British workers or by breaking health and safety regulations.  Guilty employers would be banned from hiring overseas workers."
Left wingers in the UK are screwed on the subject of migration

Meme - James Kirkpatrick @VDAREJamesK: "Democracy is when a policy that 95% of people think is failing can't be repealed no matter who is elected and if you criticize it you go to jail."
Dane @UltraDane: "Good Morning Britain asked viewers to answer their poll, "Is multiculturalism working?" 5% said yes, 95% said no."
It's only an oligarchy when left wing elite globalists don't get their way

Meme - Europe Invasion @EuropeInvasionn: "Imam who lives in Ireland and is a parliamentary candidate:  “Allah commands Muslims to kill Christians and Jews, and if they do not convert to Islam, they must pay the jizya.”  What do you think?"
Fella Writes @fellawrites: "Umar Al Qadri is an MEP Candidate for Dublin, Ireland.  Now, he is calling for stricter asylum laws.   But in this video, he says coming to Ireland for a passport is “perfectly fine” and “the best migration is for Allah”."

Polish soldier dies after clash with migrants on Belarus border - "A Polish soldier has died after being stabbed by a migrant on the country’s border with Belarus... The soldier was involved in a clash with migrants attempting to cross Poland’s northeast border from Belarus on May 28, according to Polish media. He was stabbed in the chest through the border barrier.  Despite being treated at a hospital in the nearby city of Hajnówka, and then transported to a military hospital in Warsaw, “his life could not be saved,” the General Command of the Armed Forces said in a statement on X.  Prime Minister Donald Tusk paid tribute to the victim on X, writing: “The young soldier, Mateusz, gave his life defending the border of the Republic of Poland. The homeland and compatriots will not forget this sacrifice. I express my deepest sympathy to his loved ones.”...   Polish Defense Minister Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz said in a post on Facebook that the soldier had “died while defending the Polish border” from “a bandit attack,” and called on his compatriots to “honour his memory!”   As Poles prepare to vote in the EU election on June 9, the soldier’s death could be used by the country’s right-wing and far-right parties, which have long campaigned on anti-immigration sentiment.  “A Polish soldier attacked with a knife on the Polish-Belarusian border by an illegal immigrant has died … Polish soldiers and border guards must have the right to defend themselves and shoot in self-defense and in defense of our border!” the leader of far-right party New Hope, Stanisław Tyszka, who is running for a seat in the European Parliament, said"
Damn xenophobia! Clearly he would still be alive if Poland just had open borders. This is all on the far right government forcing desperate "refugees" to violence to "save their lives"! Soldiers and border guards have no right to self-defense (unless they are defending themselves against the "far right")

Meme - U.S. Ministry of Truth @USMiniTru: "BREAKING: American citizens paint 1,954-mile long Pride flag along the border so the government will finally arrest those walking over it."

This liberal city rejects more asylum seekers than any other - "It bills itself as a compassionate sanctuary city, but New York City rejects more asylum seeker applications than any other city in the United States. While the city has a right to shelter law that has housed tens of thousands of migrants over the last year, it is the toughest place to win an asylum claim, as reported by The New York Times . According to Human Rights First , only five percent of asylum claims were granted in NYC in 2020, compared to the national rate of 28 percent. In 2021, the city granted 7 percent. San Francisco, meanwhile, has the highest acceptance rate for asylum seekers - granting 50 percent of applications in 2020 and 47 percent in 2021."

Meme - "While you may see invaders of Gondor. I see doctors, scientists, and families looking for a new home."

Border Patrol memo instructs agents to release migrants from nearly all Eastern Hemisphere countries - "Border Patrol agents in California have been told to release migrants from over 100 countries into the US, despite the Biden administration’s new border ‘crackdown’, according to a leaked memo obtained by The Post.  Migrants from all but six countries in what border patrol calls the ‘eastern hemisphere’ – made up of Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe – who cross illegally into the San Diego border sector will be released into the US according to the memo, first reported by the Washington Examiner.  Only adult migrants from Georgia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan will be immediately sent for removal from the US, per the memo... Border Patrol data reviewed by The Post showed there were more than 10,000 migrants recorded crossing the southern border over the weekend – showing migrants are undeterred by Biden’s new restrictions...   Border Patrol agents who spoke to The Post said the new executive order is “way too little too late.”  One agent said it was “like trying to plug the leak on the titanic with chewing gum. [Biden’s] trying to act tough on the border but we know he’s been the most open border administration ever.”"

Monday, July 01, 2024

Links - 1st July 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023: College Campuses)

How Does the World See the U.S. Campus Protests? - The New York Times - "Many in France, including Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, see the pro-Palestinian protests as another example of the dangers of “woke” culture — “le wokisme” — which they worry is being imported from the United States and threatening core French Republican values. On Friday, police officers charged into an elite university in Paris, Sciences Po, to remove students who had occupied the building overnight. The protesters had demanded the university condemn what they called “the ongoing genocide in Gaza” and review its partnerships with Israeli universities. It was the second time the police have done so in the past nine days — something many say they have never seen before at the university, which was founded in 1872 to educate the country’s future leaders.  Mr. Attal denounced an “active, dangerous minority” of student protesters who he said wanted to impose “an ideology come from across the Atlantic.”  Whether in the United States or France, the protests are seen by many, especially on the right, through the same lens as past movements such as #MeToo and Black Lives Matter, which the French establishment has analyzed dismissively as reductive and divisive, a threat to social cohesion.  “One of the characteristics of wokisme is to divide the world into dominants and dominated, oppressors and the oppressed. Today, what we see happening on American campuses is a view classifying Israel as the oppressor and Palestine as the oppressed,” said Chloé Morin, a political analyst who recently published a book denouncing wokisme. “As a result, they can’t accept antisemitism exists and that Jews can also be victims.” A well-known academic and expert on the Islam, Gilles Kepel, offered a similar analysis. “Wokisme multiplies the narcissism of small differences, which means no society is possible,” he wrote in the newsmagazine L’Express. “It is a mortal danger for democratic societies.”...
Germany’s news media has covered the U.S. protests much more extensively than those that occurred on its own campuses in recent months. In particular, they have narrowed in on episodes of antisemitism.  A recent headline in Die Welt read, “With smiling faces they preach hatred against Jews.” Articles posted on its website about the protests are tagged as “antisemitic protests.”...
One place where American campus protests have received almost no coverage is China, where state-run media has made little mention of them in the past week.  The most likely reason: Chinese authorities do not want student protests on their own campuses... Other Chinese news organizations with an intended audience outside China, as well as covert influence operations, have seized on the opportunity to amplify the protests and inflame tensions."
Egyptian, Chinese and Iranian logic: if you break up illegal protests by violent activists, you are violating human rights

Three Columbia University deans placed on leave over insulting texts sent during antisemitism debate - "the three administrators had been placed on leave were Vice Dean and Chief Administrative Officer Susan Chang-Kim, Associate Dean for Student and Family Support Matthew Patashnick, and Dean of Undergraduate Student Life Cristen Kromm... The controversy comes after Columbia’s student protests garnered national attention and the university’s president, Minouche Shafik, faced intense scrutiny over her handling of the demonstrations. Shafik was criticized after she called the NYPD to intervene, resulting in the arrests of hundreds of students. She also came under fire for her response to concerns of antisemitism on campus during a heated congressional hearing... all criminal charges were dropped against dozens of pro-Palestinian student protesters arrested in April after occupying and barricading a building at Columbia University in New York City."
Left wingers are often shielded from the consequences of their actions.

Chris Selley: TMU's anti-Israel meltdown is a warning sign for Canada's legal community - "TMU’s Lincoln Alexander School of Law, named for Canada’s first Black MP and cabinet minister, markets itself unabashedly to fresh-faced youngsters with phrases like this: “The law is worthy of its name only when constant effort is made to redefine it.” That’s not true. It’s closer to false. It sounds like something AI would come up with to market a progressive law school. But it seems to have appealed to a certain breed of future lawyer who has no compunction about publicly torpedoing their career before it starts … until the question of consequences arises, anyway, at which point the tears start flowing... In October, with hundreds of civilian corpses not yet cold in southern Israel, 74 TMU students signed a circulated letter endorsing “all forms of Palestinian resistance and efforts towards liberation” — i.e., in so many words, endorsing terrorism. The students insisted the law school itself should join their cause, and seemed confused when it wouldn’t — and profoundly aggrieved when members of the legal community, including some top firms, suggested self-identified terrorism supporters would be personae non gratae in their office s. “Even though (signatories) had issues with some of the petition’s points — including wording that questioned Israel’s legitimacy — most students believed the petition would never be made public, so they weren’t concerned about agreeing with every word,” the Globe and Mail’s Robyn Doolittle recently reported. “Several … didn’t read the document closely before adding their name, because they thought it wasn’t supposed to be some ‘big, official thing,’” she writes. “For this group, the fallout has been especially devastating.” Where even to begin? The “wording that questioned Israel’s legitimacy” was expressed in the letter as follows: “‘Israel’ is not a country.” But … it is, though. That’s precisely what the signatories are angry about, isn’t it? This is the sort of non-argument you make through a megaphone out front of the student union when you’re, say, 19, not once you’ve invested tens of thousands of dollars in a legal education. Some in the legal community worry about the free-speech implications of this metropolitan meltdown. On the bright side, these students have helpfully taken that concern out of play by indicating they’re happy to sign very sensitive documents that they haven’t read. There might be a place for them in future on Donald Trump’s legal team, but probably not at one of Canada’s top firms. And hang on, what the hell is the point of a petition that isn’t public? It’s as if these people thought they had enrolled in some kind of activist-lawyer fantasy camp, rather than an actual law school. Tough error to make, one would have thought, as it’s a bloody expensive fantasy camp: Upwards of $22,000 per annum; upwards of $25,000 if you’re from outside Ontario. How do you make it to law school not knowing actions have consequences?... with TMU Law having established itself as a basket case, applicants in future will have to consider whether it’s worth hitching their wagon to that brand. And one could argue that’s all that needs to happen here: If TMU wants to run a basket-case law school it can run a basket-case law school; prospective lawyers can decide if they want a basket-case degree; and its graduates’ future employers can decide how much faith they put in that framed basket-case certificate. After all, no one argues that a degree from Nipissing or Lethbridge should count the same in a job interview as one from the University of Toronto or Alberta or Montreal. The question, then, would be why do only basket-case secular-progressive law schools enjoy this deference? Had the Ontario and British Columbia law societies been able to see past their anti-evangelical bigotry and agreed to accredit graduates of Trinity Western University’s (TWU) proposed law school , just as they do other Canadian law schools’, there would by now be a small law faculty in Langley, B.C. explicitly dedicated to graduating lawyers dedicated to pursuing social justice through a Christian lens. You can safely bet it would not be a basket case. Instead the law societies concocted a ludicrous fantasy, worthy of the TMU letter’s authors and signatories, that TWU’s student code of conduct, which prohibits sexual relations outside of heterosexual marriage, would introduce discrimination into the law-school system — as if students might actually be forced to attend, for lack of other options; as if there were a right to attend law school in the first place. The majority of Supreme Court justices shrugged and said, meh, that’s fine. Nobody is better off for that. The problem here isn’t that there’s too much diversity of thought in the Canadian legal community, law students included. It’s that there’s too little. The marketplace — of lawyers, of universities of ideas — can sort this out for us if we just let it."

Columbia graduation ceremonies hijacked by pro-Palestine protests - "The University’s Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) branch, which published videos of the event alongside Columbia University Apartheid Divest, wrote, "PhD students at Columbia walked out of their graduation in protest, leaving entire rows of seats completely empty. Meanwhile, GSAS [Graduate School of Arts and Sciences] MA students walked across the stage waving their Palestine flags. Two separate graduations, but the students remind us all of Palestine every time.”  In one Instagram video posted by SJP, the students can be seen walking across the stage donning keffiyehs and waving Palestinian flags. One student has her hands in handcuffs. Another student tears up her diploma on stage... one social work graduate, whom they named Maliha Fairooz, appeared to have the name of a Hamas leader—Mazen Jamal Al-Natsheh—written on her cap as she accepted her degree."
Weird. We keep being told that these protests are not about supporting terrorism, and that no one supports terrorism

McGill withdraws amnesty offer, toughens tone with pro-Palestinian protesters : r/canada - "Typical case of protestors calling for dialogue, and by dialogue they meant cave into our demands or else. The university was patient and generous with the amnesty offer but as more incidents occur at the encampment its clear that dialogue and good faith acting were never on the table. I hope this gets resolved quickly and that an injunction is enough to disperse the crowd without further issue. This is getting bonkers."
"you wont get far when half your protestors are trust fund kids or non-students with nothing to lose by being belligerent"
McGill withdraws amnesty offer, toughens tone with pro-Palestinian protesters : r/canada - "McGill just announced they’re expanding and continuing their program to train Saudi doctors. Saudi Arabia 1) guns down African migrants trying to reach their country by the hundreds, 2) is involved in the civil war in Yemen that killed 400,000 civilians and starved 100,000 children to death, 3) enforces a gender apartheid on their women, 4) puts homosexuals in prison (after lashing them).  Seems like that would be a perfect target for a divestment campaign by students. I wonder what’s different…"
"Global Affairs Canada doesn't specify what is being sold (never mind how it is used, which is unknowable).  Last year Canada sold ~$31M of military goods to Israel... notably that's only about 1% of our non-US arms sales, whereas Saudi Arabia makes up a whopping 42% of our non-US arms sales... more than double what we sold to Ukraine."
"Those Muslim deaths over there can be safely ignored though, because they were killed by other Muslims. That's, like, whatever, no cause for a camp-out."
"It's baffling, cause even if you believe everything the Palestinian propaganda says there are still far greater evils than Israel, and if you actually invest the time to research you would see that Israel isn't evil at all  100% of the Israeli Arab wars were instigated by the Arab countries, and Israel offered 100% of the 2 state solutions (excluding external offers) and Palestine rejected or broke 100% of them  If Israel wasn't Jewish there would be no such a thing as Pro Palestine simply because Palestine doesn't have anything going for it morally"
"The Arab countries didn't expel 800,000 Jews after 1948 because they thought Jews were nice.  Don't put this all down to Palestine. It's a generalized Islamic religion thing to hate Jews. The Maldives just banned Israelis from entering their country, and now realize they screwed up because they didn't even know that 20% of Israeli citizens are Arab Muslims."
"When the Arab countries launched their aggressive war against Israel in 1948, they called on all Arabs to leave, to make way for their invading armies, so they could destroy Israel quickly and then let them return afterwards. They believed they would very quickly be able to destroy the poor, fledgling, new country. Many people refused, however, and those are the ancestors of the over 2 million Arab Muslims that are full citizens of Israel today (the vast majority of whom are quite proudly Israeli, people who sit in the Israeli parliament and on the Israeli Supreme Court). The rest are the ancestors of those who continue to whine today that they weren’t able to murder all the Jews in 1948. The Palestinians could teach a masterclass in gaslighting and revisionist history."
McGill withdraws amnesty offer, toughens tone with pro-Palestinian protesters : r/canada - "Because these movements are and always have been an overt anti-Semitism campaign, backed primarily by Russia/Iran as a way to destabilize the west"

McGill withdraws amnesty offer, toughens tone with pro-Palestinian protesters : r/canada - "Wait, you’re asking for these protestors to hold morally consistent positions? I cannot help but notice a lack of encampments protesting the ongoing genocide against the Christian animists of Darfur perpetrated by the Muslim majority, either. They’ve probably killed far more people than have died during the current conflict in Palestine. They were stacking child corpses — gunned down — like cordwood at one point. Yet, crickets.  The difference, as we all know, is one conflict involves Jews, and at its core is about people who want to kill Jews or are happy to see Jews killed or brought to harm, and Jews declining to let that happen.  Honestly, it’s time to bring out the water cannons and just disperse all these terrorist supporters and antisemites, arrest the ones who won’t leave, and keep doing this until they decide to give up. I can’t help but notice that the UofA kids who were forcefully dispersed never came back…  Also, expel every student who took part, and deport every one of them who is not a citizen. It’s long past time we put an end to this nonsense and helped all the Jew haters understand they will not be tolerated and will suffer severe consequence for their illegal behaviour."
Left wingers were really upset when the UofA encampment got destroyed, because it showed that there're more effective alternatives to capitulating to left wing extremists

Meme - "SEPT. 1957 IN LRCH
ELIZABETH ECKFORD *black girl going to school with white students, mostly girls, shouting at her*
Eli Tsives *being blocked by terrorism supporters in keffiyehs with masked faces*"

Stanford University graduation chaos as HUNDREDS of students waving Palestinian flags and keffiyehs walk out during President Richard Saller's speech - "Stanford's protests attracted negative headlines when a photo of someone at its encampment was pictured wearing the same green headband sported by Hamas terror fighters in Gaza. The incident, which occurred last month, was reported to the FBI, the college said at the time."

University of Toronto professor infiltrates anti-Israel encampment - "“I completely support … the student’s right to protest, whether I agree or disagree, but … that right does not include preventing students from entering common spaces unless they agree with you, and it doesn’t include refusing to make way so that our students can celebrate their convocation on that same common space,” Kevin A. Bryan, an economist and associate professor at the university’s business school, told National Post in an email. “This goes double for the portion of protesters who are not even affiliated with the university.”...  strict majority of people I talked to are neither students nor affiliated with our university. We have something like 100,000 students and tons of staff, so it’s not hard to find them! But yeah, “student encampment” is just objectively wrong as a description... The “security” and “spokesperson” both explicitly said that if you don’t support the collective’s view on Palestine, you aren’t welcome and they will remove you. Actually, I was specifically told to leave now or “it would become more uncomfortable.”  When I said, what do you mean, he tried to play it off as that it would be “embarrassing.” I did see a large group (50 people or so) surround a different woman who’d gotten in and start chanting “all Zionists are evil.” In terms of posters, honestly, it was just a general melange of far-left policy. There was a speaker who was at the Wet’suwet’en protest (long story, but “traditional leaders” vs. elected leaders of a First Nation in B.C. on resource development), a Congo flag, a climate sign, etc.  One (white) person explained to me it was a black & brown led group. I responded that visibly the protesters are fairly obviously overwhelmingly white people. I was told this was only because non-white people don’t feel safe joining but that they all support it. I talked to another protester about how, safety-wise, surely they must understand that a giant “Honour to the Martyrs” poster is interpreted as pro-violence given how that term is used in the Gaza conflict. She insisted martyr and intifada aren’t violent terms.  I asked “why protest here,” especially to folks who had no personal link to U of T. They said because U of T won’t divest. I said U of T has no such investments other than index funds and the like, same as that owned by the Canada Pension Plan or Teacher’s Pension or their parents. Response was always “we agree, everyone’s complicit in genocide.” At one point, a group I was talking to argued that Kenya sending peacekeeping troops to Haiti was colonial violence. Given language, I suspect IMT (the International Marxist Tendency) played a role in organizing. I discussed alternatives with some of the groups. Free speech, right to protest, Chicago principles: all great! But banning people who don’t agree with you, by force, from a common space on campus, especially when graduation for poor HS class of 2020 is next week, isn’t speech... I don’t really get why we’d allow this. All have the right to protest! Free country. But letting a group of masked (non)students control entry to quad, letting them turn it into a campground with tents: you can just take down the tents and entry gate without touching anyone.  That said, implicit threat that “it would be uncomfortable” for me if I didn’t leave is also not great. They knew I was a professor, to be clear. Obviously no real danger — physically, protesters were more Trotsky than Stalin. But allowing entry gate permits this behaviour. I was also asked “how can you care more about convocation than death.” I responded, I care a lot — what do you think about the madness in El Fasher (Sudan)? No one had any idea what that was. Honestly, it’s mostly a young, not-very-informed group, who flit from protest to protest... don’t forget: purpose of the university is education, for all, equally. (Oh, last thing: to make as clear as possible that this isn’t a “student protest” and shouldn’t be called as such, I am 40 and no one batted an eye about my age when I was there. Important to get this right. (And, last last thing: Just want to be really clear that I didn’t take a census. All I know directly is, majority I talked to weren’t U of T affiliated. We also know that the protest was partly organized by USW (United Steelworkers union). Beyond that, you’ll have to do some journalism yourself!)"

I tried to enter the U of T encampment but I was blocked and cursed at - "I’ve been a professor at the University of Toronto for 37 years and I’ve never seen antisemitism as vicious and widespread on campus as it has become within the past few months. Yet, I’m not surprised. This is because I have seen this cancer slowly metastasizing for the past 25 years among the faculty, not only at my university but across North America and Western Europe. For the past month, there has been an encampment of “pro-Palestinian” protesters occupying King’s College Circle, the main quad of the U of T campus. Some foolishly romanticize such encampments as the rebirth of 1960s antiwar and civil rights protests in favour of peace and love. Don’t be deceived. The encampments are led by pro-Hamas advocates who are seeking to justify Islamist terrorism by normalizing antisemitism. They do so by cleverly using a propaganda technique known as “inversion,” trying to hide their own genocidal ambitions by ascribing them to their victims. So, after the murder, rape and torture of Israelis on October 7, the advocates for Hamas immediately turned an act of incipient genocide on its head by claiming that it is the Israelis who are “genocidal.” And, for the most part, the faculty has gone along with it. In fact, many departments on my campus have issued wholehearted statements of support for the encampment. Our own professional faculty association has come out as an enthusiastic cheerleader for this mob of agitators, most of whom are not even students. How do I know this? I went to see the encampment for myself. Yet, even on my way to King’s College Circle, I was given a taste of what to expect. I witnessed a group of toddlers from a local daycare centre being marched toward the encampment, presumably on a “field trip.” I later discovered a video of these same children being coached to raise their fists, while shouting “Free Palestine!” in a show of support in front of the encampment. Perhaps I should have been shocked to see three-year-old children being used as pawns to advance a political ideology. But if Hamas can cynically use children as human shields, why should I be surprised if its followers spread this practice to North America by manipulating children for crass political purposes. Nevertheless, with my kippah perched proudly on my head, I tried to enter the encampment to speak with those inside. For my efforts, I was not only barred from entering but I was also cursed, sworn at, abused, and told I should go back to where I came from. This all happened in plain sight of the campus police, who merely stood back and refused to get involved when I asked for their assistance. And I was one of the lucky ones. I later heard there were other Jews who had been punched and kicked for trying to walk freely through that campus quad. It’s even worse for students. This year several of my Jewish students refused to attend classes in person, because they didn’t want to face threatening mobs on campus every day. To accommodate them, I added an online component to my courses so that they could attend “virtually.” But I could not let this become normalized. I sent several letters to the university administration, protesting the blatant anti-Jewish vitriol on display. But in response, all I received was an insipid form letter, saying that these are “challenging times.” All this has its source in an ideology that has gripped the minds of the vast majority of university professors, a neo-Marxist ideology that despises the values of liberal democratic society on which our freedoms are based. Of course, there are some faculty members who do not subscribe to this ideology, but they’re generally cowed into silence by the radicalized majority. I know from experience how risky it is to express any “contrary views.” A few years ago, I objected to the appointment of a virulently anti-Israel professor with ties to a terrorist organization, to an esteemed position at my university. That was sufficient for one of my senior colleagues to write me a threatening email, saying, “You might want to look at Ryerson’s head on a pike [a decapitated statue] and have a short moment of reflection.” The more the university fails to act, the more brazen the mobs become. In recent days, Hamas flags and symbols are being proudly displayed on campus. Vile banners are erected saying, “Zionists F— Off!” Meanwhile, intimidating statements are escalating, with threats to take down the entire university. “Abolish the university,” a poster screams, followed by, “We will disrupt you, we will reclaim control of you, and we will dismantle you.” They’ve even gone so far as trying to “rename” university buildings, by plastering new nameplates on the front of these structures, calling them, “Palestine Hall,” “al-Aqsa Building,” and “Gaza Centre.” Two weeks ago, a pro-Israel student tried to set up his own encampment at an adjacent spot on campus, cleverly calling it a “two-camp solution.” However, unlike the pro-Hamas encampment, which has been allowed to remain for weeks, his tent was forcibly cleared away by university police in a matter of minutes. We should not blind ourselves: a target has been painted on the faces of all Western people, first on the Jews but then ultimately on all defenders of western liberal democracies. Israel is merely the low-hanging fruit, attacked through the soft target of the universities. We now have a choice. Do we allow the pro-Hamas mobs to take over our campuses? It is painful to observe the students in the encampments serving as “useful idiots”; to see the faculty largely become deluded supporters, deceived by an ideology; and to discover that the administrators are weak appeasers. This is clear in their pathetic attempts to “negotiate” with the campus occupiers by bribing them with faculty positions and student scholarships. Since we can’t hope for anything morally courageous from most of the faculty, the best hope we have is to seek to defund the universities, to call for the resignation of their weak-kneed presidents, and to fix the broken hiring system in which a single ideology (and not merit) determines who is in and who is out. We must find a better way forward, and not just on campus. As the pro-Hamas forces make blatant use of Jew-hatred, they are testing how far they can go in upending our liberal values. If we don’t stop them now, this will only be the start of a forced march on the road to much, much worse."
Weird. I thought the "protesters" were "anti-Zionist", not anti-Semitic
Double standards are totally fair, because power relations means never having to say you're sorry

Ora Bar: At Concordia, I watched as administrators sat back and allowed hate to fester - "For over 20 years, students at Concordia University have been groomed to become amplifiers of hate and division — on campus and in the streets... In the spring of 2022, I sat in class and watched as my film studies professor romanticized and supported terrorism against Israelis. As a child, I spent multiple nights hiding in a bomb shelter to protect myself from rocket fire. I also experienced the constant fear of the second intefadeh (2000-2005), which saw everyday life being disrupted by random stabbings, car-rammings and suicide bombings conducted by Palestinian terrorists. Despite this trauma, I never wished the innocent on the “other side” any suffering. Yet, my university professor was explaining to an auditorium of students that Israelis “deserve” everything they get because they are “colonizers.” There is archeological proof of 3,000 years of continuous Jewish presence in the land now called Israel — ancient Jewish stones that my own Jewish hands have touched. Undeniably, I cannot be a colonizer in Israel, the land Jews originate from. But my professor, a supposed academic and educator, used her podium to try to erase and rewrite history to validate her malice towards Jews. She claimed that our history dates back only 100 years, which would validate her colonialism accusation. When I challenged this false and abhorrent claim, she responded with a smirk and said, “Ora, you, in particular, should look up the word mythology.” This professor knew she was not conducting herself with integrity, as she stated, “I do not care if I get fired for this.” And she was clearly not concerned about being fired when she gave me a final grade of zero, making me pay for standing up to her disinformation and denial of Jewish history and experience. I had to fight this injustice. Her deliberate discrimination and refusal to acknowledge Jewish history underlie all her work. She also has a history of propagating anti-Israel, anti-Jewish rhetoric in her work outside the university. This includes books, articles and her contribution to an online propaganda journal promoting the intefadeh... before October 7, I attempted to address my concerns with another antisemitic professor through a moderated conversation. However, Concordia’s office of rights and responsibilities preferred I act alone, citing concerns about causing the professor stress, as she was new. The choices made by university administrators cast doubt on their commitment to Concordia’s stated mission and values. Their actions, or lack thereof, desecrate the university’s professed commitment to “well-being through harmony” on a “healthy, safe and sustainable campus.” Before being discriminated against by my professors, I initiated a series of meetings in which I tried to collaborate with Concordia in the implementation of proactive measures against anti-Jewish hate. Yet when I was being targeted, my numerous email exchanges, calls and meetings with Concordia administrators made clear that they valued the comfort of the perpetrators over accountability and upholding the institution’s stated values. Concordia’s inability, or unwillingness, to address hate has been proven countless times. This pattern of neglect was further exemplified by the incident that took place on Nov. 8, 2023, when Jewish students peacefully honouring the hostages being held in Gaza were surrounded and assaulted by a mob ... when an individual began leading genocidal chants and tried to steal our Israeli flag, the atmosphere turned hostile. I held a sign reading, “We cry for Palestinian babies too, why can’t you cry for ours?” In response, I faced mockery and personal threats from him and his supporters... an influential Instagram page with close to 80,000 followers justified the attacks on the Jewish and Israeli groups, claiming we “provoked” them by “mocking people in Gaza with empty plates.” In reality, our Shabbat table was part of a global initiative to call for the release of our family members who were stolen from their homes on October 7... The day’s message was clear to all: university leaders will say they care, but will remain passive or fold to the bullies’ demands. Unsurprisingly, even the student newspaper participated in reinforcing this moral confusion. Everyone knows that Jewish students will not turn to destroying school property or harassment, so they take the easy route and allow the hate to continue unchecked... I witnessed firsthand how my lived experience was used as an academic exercise and exploited as a platform for disinformation and incitement of violence. Maybe my expectations for critical thinking and compassion were too high. But the culture of hate and intolerance I discovered is perpetuated by the university’s failure to address these alarming issues. Our leaders’ approach over the last decades paved the way for today’s hostile landscape. It’s evident why Canada’s streets are marred by division and animosity. Rather than building bridges and encouraging compassionate dialogue, we inadvertently empowered the destructive perpetrators by prioritizing their comfort over justice and accountability. It’s high time we demand more from our institutions and leaders to safeguard the values that define us as a society, before the very fabric of our country is irreversibly damaged."

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