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Saturday, July 06, 2024

Links - 6th July 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

The Link Between “Transgenderism” and Violence - "It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Audrey Hale, the woman who “identified” as a man and killed six at a Nashville Christian school Monday, was under care for an unnamed “emotional disorder.” It’s par for the course. In fact, ex-pediatric “transgender”-clinic worker and whistleblower Jamie Reed pointed out in February that the girls visiting her ex-employer for “treatment” had many psychological comorbidities, ranging from depression to anxiety to ADHD to eating disorders to obesity; autism diagnoses were common, too. (Nonetheless, all the youth were recommended for “gender transition.”)  As to the latter, there’s an unconfirmed report that Hale was “autistic but high-functioning.”  She’s also not alone in being a MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status) individual who commits violence. So said reporter Andy Ngo, who’s famous for covering Antifa riots, while appearing on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight Tuesday evening. In fact, he stated that sometimes MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka anomalous-“gender”) individuals would constitute as much as 20 percent of the rioters at a given locale. This is, of course, far above MUSS individuals’ percentage of the wider population.  What’s more, Ngo echoed Reed. There are “mountains of evidence,” he said, that people “who suffer from ‘gender dysphoria’ also suffer from very high rates of mental health comorbidities.” This is not surprising. After all, if a mind is unwell — especially to the extent where a person believes he’s something he’s not — what are the chances it will be unwell in only one dimension?... MUSS individuals are buying firearms because demagogues have convinced them they’re imperiled by conservatives. In fact, NPR quoted a member of a group called “Rainbow Reload” as saying, “If the world is dangerous, then you have to be dangerous back, and that very much has pushed me into where I am now.”  And just three days later, on Monday, MUSS woman Hale was dangerous at the Tennessee school — but not “back.” There is no back, and not just because the Christian school had done Hale no harm... Ngo further told Carlson that in his “reporting on left-wing extremism,” he has documented and tracked “for months now” a “surge in violent rhetoric by self-identified trans militant activists, particularly on Twitter, in response to various states restricting or banning the medical transitioning of minors.”  While much of this MUSS violent ideation and action is no doubt organic, consider a relevant flashback: In 2016, a Democratic operative named Scott Foval was caught on hidden video admitting that he and his fellow agitators would purposely incite violence at Trump rallies. And one thing he said was, “We have mentally ill people that we pay to do s**t, make no mistake.”  Also note that convicted child molester Joseph Rosenbaum, one of the men who attacked then-teen Kyle Rittenhouse during the 2020 Kenosha riots, had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and had that very day been released from a hospital he was being treated at after a suicide attempt.  The point is that whether grassroots action or “astroturfing” or both, the psychologically unwell figure prominently in left-wing demonstrating and rioting... As for MUSS individuals, the bottom line may be this: Convincing yourself violence is justified to advance a cause requires far less rationalization than does believing you can switch sexes at will."

How some US media reports are trying to link Nashville shooting to so-called 'radical transgender activists' - "the shooting carried out by 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a transgender person, took place days ahead of the so-called 'Trans Day of Vengeance', which was purported to be held on March 31-April 1.  The reports are referring to websites and Twitter posts of a so-called Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN), which appears to have made a call-to-action to 'end trans genocide'. Tsukuru Fors, the co-founder of TRAN in an interview stated that this year, the 'Trans Day of Visibility' had been given an altered moniker of 'Trans Day of Vengeance' because 'visibility' alone was no longer enough... Some reports also claimed that the group was raising money for firearms training for the group members. The Twitter handle of the account has been locked with tweets only visible to the followers."
When it suits the left, everything innocuous is a "dog whistle", but all calls for violence are to be ignored

The carefully planned Nashville shooting coincides with a so-called ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ - "Because the Daily Wire (especially Matt Walsh) has been playing such a large role in challenging the myth of “transgenderism,” the group specifically targeted Nashville... it’s certainly true that anger is integral to transgenderism. The way I think of these people, especially if they’re taking hormones, is that they have the aggression of men and the emotionalism of women, which is a very dangerous combination. That’s why I found it disturbing to know there’s a movement among transgender people to be armed. While I believe in every individual’s right to bear arms, I find it unnerving that people who wear their mental illness as a badge of honor are planning to arm themselves en masse"

FBI Stats On 2021 Anti-Trans Hate Crimes Don’t Support Claims Of ‘Genocide’ - "Americans who claim to be transgender were the victims of 271 hate crimes in 2021, with few of the crimes being serious, undercutting claims that the community is facing “genocide,” according to FBI data released this week. Of the 177 cases where the offender’s race was known, 81 offenders were black, about 60 were white, 20 were Hispanic, and one was Asian. Still, even that data could be misleading as FBI statistics inflate the number of “white” hate crime perpetrators by counting most Hispanics and Arabs as “white.” To a limited extent, the data can be adjusted to treat Hispanic as a race separate from black and white, which The Daily Wire did in the above numbers, but in many cases the “ethnicity” was not even recorded, forcing them to be treated as white. Although Arab is counted as a separate category when it comes to the victim, there is no such category for perpetrators, leaving them to generally be counted as white. People of Arab descent have been behind some anti-Jewish crimes and their inclusion in statistics could change the anti-transgender breakdown as well... Of the 271 crimes against transgenders, the FBI data reported two slayings and two rapes. Of the remainder, 70 were incidents of “intimidation.” There were 48 aggravated assaults, 87 simple assaults, eight robberies, 14 thefts, and 37 instances of vandalism or damage... There were 869 victims of anti-Jewish crimes, by far the largest example of religious bigotry. That vastly outnumbered the 278 victims of anti-trans crimes, as well as the 190 victims of anti-Muslim incidents, despite an effort by groups like CAIR to suggest persistent “Islamophobia” puts Muslims at risk.  When it comes to all forms of hate crimes, blacks made up 27% of known-race offenders, while making up 13% of the U.S. population. Based on the FBI data, a black person’s chance of being the victim of a hate crime in a given year is 98 in a million, a Jewish person stands a 109 in a million chance, and Muslims and transgenders’ chance is less than half of that."
Trans "genocide" doesn't actually mean genocide, of course.

Testosterone Therapy Increases Anger Expression And Control In Transgender Men, Especially If Their Periods Persist - "People undergoing female to male gender-affirming testosterone treatment are likely to experience increased aggression -- which may be worse if their periods persist."

Campaign to boycott nightclubs changes its name from Girls Night In - "A campaign to boycott nightclubs to raise awareness of how women’s drinks are being spiked by men has changed its name and apologised for not being ‘inclusive enough’.  Organisers of Girls Night In have been accused of a ‘cowardly capitulation’ to woke warriors, with activists saying the removal of the word ‘girls’ will undermine its focus.  The group was set up last week following a string of reports of women blacking out in clubs, believing their drinks were tampered with... A statement released by the group has been attacked by women’s rights activists and likened to a ‘parody’ by critics.  In unashamedly woke language, it refers to ‘intersectionality’ – the overlap of a person’s prejudices towards such things as race, disability, nationality and gender, and to being ‘anti-carceral’, stating: ‘We want to assure you that the Night In campaign is working towards achieving intersectionality, and we accept we have not been explicitly intersectional so far. ‘We are anti-racist, anti-misogyny, gender inclusive, pro-LGBT+, pro-trans people, pro-disabled people, pro-sex worker, anti-carceral and pro-community support movement. These are not just words, we will be changing our approach. We are sorry for any harm our campaign has caused. We are working to do better.’  One critic tweeted: ‘Women & girls are overwhelmingly victims of these crimes, men perpetrators.’  Feminist author Julie Bindel said: ‘It is a cowardly capitulation to bullies which the feminist movement should be campaigning against.’"
Feminists are bullies anyway, so this is fitting

Meme - baps @mushroomsnack: "im sick of ppl saying "biologically male/female referring to trans people if anyone calls me biologically female they're gonna get a biologically broken bone"
Why are trans people so violent and why do they hate biology?

Meme - "Transgirls explaining why women love them: "Because I am better than you
CisMales: At what?
Transgirls: Everything."
Why are trans people so narcissistic?

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas out of Olympics after losing legal battle - "While it is understood that World Aquatics was prepared to argue the merits of the scientific evidence at Cas, the hearing solely focused on whether Thomas, who is no longer a member of USA swimming, was allowed to challenge its rules."

Meme - J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "Say what you like about gender identity ideology, you can't deny it's attracted some of the world's greatest thinkers."
The Amazing Atheist @amazingatheist: "Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks"
Frances Weetman @francesweetman: "I scrolled back on his likes earlier this evening. Big mistake."
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "People keep telling me about the banana. I had no need or wish to know about the banana."

Libs of TikTok on X - "BREAKING: California Senate just banned schools from notifying parents if their child changes their gender identity or pronouns. This is complete madness! Parents, get your kids out of CA schools!"

DOJ Indicts Whistleblowing Surgeon for Exposing Transgender Procedures at Texas Children's Hospital - "The Department of Justice has indicted Dr. Eithan Haim, a little-known surgeon who exposed Texas Children’s Hospital for secretly conducting transgender surgeries and treatments on minors, on four felony counts related to his alleged violation of a medical-records law... Texas Children’s Hospital had continued running its transgender program, despite announcing that the program had been discontinued in accordance with Governor Greg Abbott’s 2022 directive equating such medical interventions with child abuse.  The Houston-based hospital was ultimately forced to stop its trans-medical practices after a state law took effect in September 2023, prohibiting drug and surgical “gender-affirming” interventions for minors... the documents disclosed were not patient charts, were redacted to protect sensitive patient information, and complied with HIPAA, which permits anonymized information to be disclosed generally, and even protected information can be publicized if it’s used to stop egregious medical misconduct."
Whistleblowing is only good when it pushes the left wing agenda. Left wingers are especially upset because this sort of thing makes it even harder for them to continue to lie that minors don't get surgery

DOJ Indicts Doctor Who Exposed the Barbarism of “Gender-Affirming Care” - "A few years ago, Texas Children’s Hospital made no secret of its support for transgender medicine. Its doctors proudly administered puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and other medical interventions to children who self-identified as “trans.”  Then the tone shifted. In the face of public pressure, CEO Mark Wallace announced that he was shutting down the child gender clinic. But doctors at the hospital, including Richard Ogden Roberts, David Paul, and Kristy Rialon, never stopped.   The public would not have known if not for a courageous surgeon, Eithan Haim, who felt morally obligated to expose the subterfuge. He contacted me about how the hospital had lied about terminating the transgender medicine program, and that doctors were, in fact, continuing to perform sex-change procedures on children as young as 11.   The story rocketed across the world. The hospital immediately went on the defensive. Within a week, Texas legislators passed a bill confirming that transgender medical procedures for minors were illegal.   But the story also attracted attention from another powerful source: federal prosecutors. The Department of Justice has not shied from targeting political opponents of the Biden administration: former President Trump; conservative school board protesters; persons praying outside of abortion clinics; and now, doctors who dissent from transgender ideology."

Meme - r/MtF
"my vagina is broken and no one can fucking help me.
i’m 22 and 2 years post op. i’m still getting pain dilating and it’s just not getting better. i’m literally lying in bed crying while i dilate bc i can barely get the fucking purple, which is the smallest one i have, in more than like 4 fucking inches and it feels like my skin is tearing or something it’s horrible. i’m nowhere near being able to have sex and it’s making me so miserable. i really thought i’d be living my best life as a girl by now lol. i just don’t know where to turn. i’ve been given 2 opinions, 1 of them from my surgeon, and they both said everything looks fine and healthy and just to use more lube and relax. I’M USING TONNES OF FUCKING LUBE AND I AM RELAXING UNTIL IT BECOMES PAINFUL. AAAAA. i want to fucking scream. i’m honestly just so close to giving up on ever being able to have sex and have a relationship. maybe i’m just unfixable lol."

Meme -  r/Transgender_Surgeries
"my vagina is broken and no one can fucking help me.  i’m in my 20s and 2 years post op. i’m still getting pain dilating and it’s just not getting better. i’m literally lying in bed crying while i dilate bc i can barely get the fucking purple, which is the smallest one i have, in more than like 4 fucking inches and it feels like my skin is tearing or something it’s horrible. i’m nowhere near being able to have sex and it’s making me so miserable. i really thought i’d be living my best life as a girl by now lol. i just don’t know where to turn. i’ve been given 2 opinions, 1 of them from my surgeon, and they both said everything looks fine and healthy and just to use more lube and relax. I’M USING TONNES OF FUCKING LUBE AND I AM RELAXING UNTIL IT BECOMES PAINFUL. AAAAA. i want to fucking scream. i’m honestly just so close to giving up on ever being able to have sex and have a relationship. maybe i’m just unfixable lol."

Colin Wright on X - "This person just got her nursing PhD by interviewing just 4 transgender men about their experiences with cervical cancer screening and "adopting a narrative inquiry...research methodology" and "a relational approach guided by the three-dimensional inquiry space" to learn how to "attend to people in a better, more holistic, and inclusive way.""
A Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of Cervical Cancer Screening for Transgender Men

It's Time for 'LGB' and 'T' to Go Their Separate Ways - "After the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide in the landmark 2015 decision Obergefell v. Hodges, many believed the fight for gay rights would begin to wind down. Yet that didn’t happen. Instead, the LGBT-advocacy sector simply redirected its available staff, fundraising and rhetoric to other projects. I know this because I saw this happen, both as a university student, gay man and equal-rights advocate. In a relatively short period of time, the gay-rights movement fused with more radical campus-based gender and identity-politics movements, to become the compound movement now known as “LGBTQ+”—lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, “queer” and more. Even many people within the movement now have trouble keeping up with all the new subcategories contained within that plus sign. One version of the rainbow flag unveiled last year has 11 different colors on it. The creator, Daniel Quasar, identifies as a “queer non-binary demiguy” whose pronouns are “xe/xem/xyr.” None of these bizarre neologisms have any resonance to those of us who joined the gay-rights movement simply to affirm and protect the basic rights of people to be who they are and love who they choose without stigma or legal sanction. We’ve been forced to watch the simple moral logic of non-discrimination be transformed into a self-parodic alphabet soup of invented identities. Over the last few months, a Democratic presidential debate focused on LGBT issues was highjacked by a rogue transgender woman who shouted slogans about trans rights while the candidates and moderators nodded along robotically. Presidential candidate Joe Biden has called for unisex prisons, a policy that, if implemented, would lead to the rape of female prisoners. Senator Kamala Harris, another Democrat running for president, even came under fire for daring to suggest that pregnancy is a “women’s” issue—since it is now fashionable to highlight the fact that trans men and the “non-binary” also can bear children... Gays, lesbians and bisexuals all have something obvious in common: same-sex attraction. This is an alternative sexual orientation that, to some extent at least, shapes our experiences and alters our life outcomes. We typically identify with our biological sex—and in fact, sometimes have spent many years feeling trapped by it. To be gay is to understand that sex is set at birth. My sexual attraction, likewise, is based on hard-wired factors beyond my control.  Transgenderism is a separate concept. While homosexuality leads to obvious differences in real-life behavior, transgenderism offers a categorial redefinition of what it means to be a man or a woman. As Joyce describes it, a “gender identity” is a quasi-spiritual concept—almost like a soul—that is “something between an internal essence, knowable only to its possessor, and stereotypically masculine or feminine appearance and behavior.” Gay rights activists simply want society to accept their different ways of living and loving—since gay men and lesbians pursue romantic interests and build families in ways that are at odds with conventional heterosexual expectations. Followers of radical gender theory, on the other hand, demand that we all reject our basic understanding of biological sex in favor of a recently conceptualized abstract notion of human identity. Of course, the idea of transgenderism per se isn’t new—nor is the (perfectly valid and just) demand that people with gender dysphoria be treated with decency and respect. But the original form of this demand was based on the far more reasonable idea that gender is a social construct distinct from biological sex. It was not disputed that a transgender woman is a biologically male human who identifies with the social norms traditionally associated with woman. But in recent years, transgender activists have demanded that sex and gender be conflated, and that the very idea of innate biological differences be pushed into the background. At the most absurd extreme, there are now athletes and scholars who seriously suggest that being male offers no competitive physical advantages over being female, a proposition that even small children know to be unhinged. One of the unsettling elements embedded within this advocacy is the demand that women—lesbians, more specifically—make themselves sexually available to trans women, on the far-fetched theory that gender identity, not sex, is the real source of human attraction...  I’ve seen trans activists compare non-trans inclusive gay desire to racism and describe gay sexuality as ‘genital hang-ups.’”... Many progressive news outlets were aghast when new polling showed that “young people are growing less tolerant of LGBTQ individuals.” But a closer look into the survey’s methodology revealed that on most questions, they were asked about “LGBTQ people,” not gay people. Support for “equal rights” remained steady, but comfort around “LGBTQ” people has declined. Notably, the survey found that comfort levels around “a same-sex couple holding hands” remain virtually unchanged. Although it’s fashionable to pretend otherwise, it’s the T that’s the issue... The idea of biological sex is at the core to the gay identity—of my gay identity—and the stereotypical definitions of gender expression that the transgender movement peddles ignores the existence of men and women who happen to express their gender in unorthodox ways without actually being transgender. Most of these people simply grow up to be gay. To demand that these children be instead labeled gender dysphoric is essentially a form of woke conversion therapy. We gays experienced quite enough of that phobic behavior from the socially conservative right. We have no interest in getting force-fed another serving from the progressive left."
From 2019. Yet more evidence of the slippery slope from gay marriage to trans mania

Meme - "r/MtF
Kids made fun of me and my girlfriend
Me and my girlfriend were going to a party and did our makeup the best we could, we kept convincing each other that we pass and we felt really good about it. Whilst on the street, some kids that seemed to be 5 looked at us and said "look at those boys!" and began dying laughing. I will never pass, fuck me."

Meme - "Your profile pic *anime girls with trans flag*
You in real life *ugly, non-passing MTFs*"

Meme - "House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft
Forrest Gump: and just like that I everybody knew the difference between male & female again"

Meme - "United States gets confused by Miss Poland contestants being healthy and all females. *32 attractive white girls*"
Not to mention white and beautiful

Trans-Identified Male Who Exposed His Breasts At The White House Now Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Another Transgender Person - "The trans activist who received criticism for exposing his augmented breasts at the White House during a Pride event last June has now been accused of sexual assault. The alleged victim is a biological female who identifies as a “man.”  Rose Montoya, 28, was subsequently banned from attending any future events at the White House after a video went viral showing him groping his fake breasts while topless on the South Lawn. Montoya shared the video to his own TikTok account, and it quickly gathered attention...   Montoya later uploaded a video to TikTok defending his actions. In the video, captioned “free the nipple,” he said, “I was simply living my joy and my truth and existing in my body.”  However, he ended up backtracking and released an apology video after other trans activists began criticizing his actions, accusing him of “embarrassing the trans community” and “setting the community back” during an important event...   Just one year after the backlash, Montoya has now been accused of sexual assault by his ex-girlfriend, Jesse Diamond, a female who identifies as a “transgender man” and uses the name “transmusclebear” on social media."

Thread by @SwipeWright on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "🚨A new study explored the most effective way to brainwash children into accepting gender ideology.  Researchers had kids watch either a story video of Jazz Jennings, who is said to have "a girl brain but boy body," or of a marker named Blue who has "a blue inside but a red outside."  They found that "a direct, realistic story was the only effective means of teaching children about transgender identities and reducing the belief in gender immutability." These are some excerpts from the scripts of the story videos with screenshots. The stories are nearly identical except for "boy" and "girl" in Jazz's story being replaced with "red" and "blue" for Blue's the marker's story. The videos were stopped periodically to ask the children 3 questions about the video they were watching:
▫️What is different about Jazz/Blue?
▫️Why is Jazz/Blue sad?
▫️Why is Jazz/Blue happy?
Regardless of the child's response, the researchers responded with set answers ⬇️ The researchers acknowledge that their "findings were generally modest," but claim that "a more powerful manipulation," such as "a longer story" and "repeated readings of the story"—especially by someone familiar to the child—"may show stronger effects." They are literally testing how to most effectively indoctrinate young children into the gender cult. Don't be surprised if we see these tactics implemented in public schools.  This paper was published in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology. Also, this study is part of the first author's PhD dissertation. Yes, people are literally getting PhDs in how to indoctrinate your kids into gender ideology."
Transformative tales: The role of story videos on children's reasoning about transgender identities "This is not happening, and it's good that it is"
The left are only indoctrination when it hinders the left wing agenda. If you oppose left wing indoctrination, this is "hate"

Meme - Samantha or Samuel #FreePal... @Sam _Borley: "Trans men can develop prostates by taking Testosterone. It's incredible.
My mistake. This is something I was told a few years back and I found some sources but I think I misunderstood some of the material. Doesn't change the fact that you're all bigots though."

Trans woman kills 'parents' in Utah double murder: police - "A transgender woman allegedly gunned down her parents inside their Utah home Tuesday night, according to police and reports.  Mia Bailey — whom police said wears wigs and changes her appearance frequently — was cornered and arrested Wednesday after an extensive manhunt that spanned several hours.  Cops warned she was to be considered “armed and dangerous” while she was still on the loose."
Mike Lee on X - "Referring to a man as a woman can dangerously undermine public safety—especially when that man is a violent murderer on the run."

Why are some women so negative about the "picking up women" school of thought?

From roughly a decade ago (which doesn't exactly answer the question and also ignores the evidence on female attitudes to casual sex):

Brandon Smietana's answer to Why are some women so negative about the 'picking up women' school of thought? - Quora

"Pick up artist techniques were developed by studying the behavior of men who are successful with women, not by asking women what they want. In general the behavior that attracts the most women is also the behavior that repels the most women.

The majority of women are not negative about PUA at all. However, reactions range from disgust at the idea that men might be interested in trying to sleep with women (eeewww icky heterosexual sex!) to a raunchy interest in the personal exploits of fedora wearing playboys.

Most of the negativity associated with PUA seems to result from fact that we live in a society that demonizes male sexuality and glorifies female sexuality. We live in a society where Sex in the City is good and 50 Shades of Grey is good but where men are taught to be ashamed of themselves for becoming more attractive to the opposite sex.

If you are a man and you work out and dress too well, you will be accused of being gay. If a women wears makeup to be more attractive its "liberating" but if a man practicea social skills for dealing with women, he is "manipulating women". If a man has an affair, he is evil but if a wife has an affair she is just being sexually liberated and its her husbands fault for not meeting her emotional needs.

The stigma against PUA reflects the deep ambivalence towards gender and prevalence of sexual double standards in American culture.

Men have been much slower to adapt to changing sexual standards than women and the emergence of PUA is a delayed response to the waves of female sexual liberation that have occurred over the past sixty years. PUA reflects a return to a primitive paleosexual sexual stratification.

PUA peaked about ten years ago and the seduction community has since moved on and fragmented. Mystery Method fell out of favor because it only works on women with Type B personality clusters. I.E., it only works on women with Narcissistic, Borderline, Antisocial, Hysterical, or other personality disorders. Manipulative, ad-hoc NLP methodologies largely fell out of favor.

Contemporary pick-up artists communities such as "sosuave" emphasize working out, dressing extremely well and being incredibly attractive. Men are realizing that women are incredibly shallow, impulsive and often decide within 5 seconds whether to sleep with a "hot guy" just by looking at him. Heterosexual men are responding by beginning to reclaim a hyper sexualized masculine fashion from the gay community...

When liberated from patriarchal sexual norms female sexuality seems to converge to male sexuality, but cultural understanding of sexual relationship lags actual behavior by 40 years. Studies show that women have the same hard coded visceral, visual sexual physiological response as men, but the social constraints preventing women from acting have been relaxed.

I think the evolution of the pick-up artist community also reflects the collapse of the patriarchal family system. Marriage is declining in the US and will be eliminated as an institution within two generations at the current rate

The number of children burn out of wedlock is increasing dramatically...

Men are waking up and realizing that having a good job and being a provider is not an effective strategy anymore for attracting women.

Patriarchal societies emphasize a man's earning ability and ability to provide for a family above other characteristics. Culturally men still believe many of the patriarchal myths such as "If I bought a BMW women would find me attractive" but wealthy and successful men are finding that money does not earn the level of sexual success they had been promised. The disillusionment is setting in and filtering down. Many men are opting for "work life balance" and lower wage positions that offer more free time and flexibility over the highly paid and demanding positions in the corporate hierarchy they had previously chosen under the patriarchal system.

Men are simply opting out at the same time women are entering the corporate hierarchy and told to "lean in", with a corresponding drop in female life expectancy and happiness.

As women enter the corporate hierarchy, they are no longer dependent on men. They have their own cars and apartments. Women choose to date more attractive or sexually enticing men over men with earning ability. In Southern California its common to see female managers at Sony in Culver City wine bars blow off successful BMW driving business owners while making sexually solicitations to broke actors and Calvin Klein models.

The emergence of PUA reflects a fundamental shift in women's sexual selection away from provider "Beta Males" who built western civilian and a shift to a preference for the dangerous, sexually evocative, violent, narcissistic, attractive "Alpha Male" arch-type.

The media stereotype in Jersey Shore and Desperate Housewives is that violent aggressive men are sexually desirable. Alpha males get laid, Beta males get divorced.

The most popular genre of women's literature, such as 50 Shades of Grey and Twilight are fantasies where an average women is sexually ravished by a dominant alpha male. Twenty studies over the last thirty years show that 60% of women now have rape fantasies with a median frequency of once per month.

50 Shades of Grey is representative as the best selling novel in the largest, most popular genre of women's literature. 50 Shades of Grey outsold all other books in 2012, selling over 70 million units. In comparison fewer than 100 literary titles each year sell over 100k units. The women's erotic ebook market is $1.8 billion per year and non-fiction ebook sales are $480 million per year. Women's erotic fiction is three times larger than the non-fiction market and the best selling category in women's erotic fiction is rape fantasies.

This is another aspect of western sexual ambivalence. Women are taught that "all men are potential rapists" and conditioned to live in pervasive fear of sexual violation, while simultaneously fetishising and fantasizing about being sexually ravished by pirates, werewolves, billionaire vampires and other dangerous alluring alpha male archetypes.

Simultaneously men have been been chemically and culturally feminized to the point of being sexually undesirable. Studies have shown massive decline in sperm count and testosterone male levels over the past 50 years, from multiple causes including wide spread estrogen mimicking chemicals in plastics...

Men have been culturally feminized by the western demonization of male sexuality. Men are now taught they are potential rapists and that they are guilty of terrorizing women everywhere with the threat of rape by merely having a penis. "Teach men not to rape" is the new white guilt, the idea that individual men as a class should share in collective guilt for the actions of a small minority of men.

Men are not supposed to be too fashionable, too well dressed, too toned or attractive or they are labeled as homosexual. Men are taught that women are not attracted to the male body and that only the female body is beautiful (contrast to the Romans, who gloried the male body). In western societies men are taught that only female virginity has value and men constantly receive the message that they are only valuable to women because of their wallets.

PUA and the "red pill" started as philosophies which reject the demonization of male sexually and began to define a new sex positive masculinity.

The negativity projected at male sexuality is difficult to see because it is so pervasive in our culture. Imagine instead of signs that said "Teach Men Not to Rape" instead imagine signs said "Teach Blacks Not to Steal". We recognize the later as racism but the former is still a popular and acceptable slogan for posters on our college campuses. Gender based prejudice is still very deeply ingrained in western culture.

The United States is 50% above median for gender hostility..

Working in technology, I have met several very successful, wealthy beta males who refuse to date American women and will only date women from Scandinavian countries and they always cite reasons related to what I would classify as "gender hostility".

One particular, tall attractive guy had a $5000/month apartment in Santa Monica. He said "Its expensive *shrugs* but what else am I going to spend the money on?" and told me "Dont date girls west of Downtown LA. Its not worth it.", "I only date girls from <Scandinavian country XYZ>."

Men today have three choices, they can opt out and become gay, they can become wealthy and date women from countries with greater gender equality and less hostility towards men, or they can "learn the game". I think most of the hostility some women have with PUA, is that they do not understand what is required of men to be successful in dating.

Men need to turn on the television. They need to watch Jersey Shore. They need to realize that this is the image of masculinity that our culture conditions women to be sexually attracted to. That is the "Red Pill"...

Pick up artist techniques were developed by studying the behavior of men who are successful with women, not by asking women what they want.

In summary, PUA is reactionary. It is simply a direct response to changes in western cultural and sexual behavior. PUA type methodologies simply do not exist and are not necessary in societies with traditional patriarchal family systems...

Women are attracted to taller men, but in fact being taller is negatively correlated with sexual success.

This by itself self is enough to establish that anything women say about dating needs to be taken with grain of salt and needs to be backed up by data. Examining the data, in most cases, you should act and behave in exactly the opposite way women will tell you to behave.

When you ask a women anything about dating, the response you get is regurgitated cultural non-sense that has no basis in human behavior or data. Its not enough to ask people what they want, you have measure what they actually do.

If you ask women they will tell you penis size is not important but that height is important. However, penis size is twice as important as height if you measure the actual correlation coefficients.

Women also claim that they want a "nice guy". However, men who rank highly in "agreeableness" personality trait have fewer sexual partners than men who are disagreeable. Women are more likely to sleep with disagreeable men than with "nice guys"...

In Los Angeles I have literally heard an Asian business owner of a 5 million dollar a year company say "I am rich now. So where are the girls?". I know attractive, ivy league educated men who make +150k a year that seem to only be attractive to obese women and I have met $12/hour bartenders who regularly sleep with multiple different attractive women each week.

In fact, for men under 30 who are very successful with women (have slept with at least one different women per year since age 18), their median income is only half of the income of men who have slept with only 5-10 women over that period.

The reality is that it is extremely difficult to leverage money into sexual success. Money makes women want to marry or date you and makes them want to get you to buy them things, it does not make women want to sleep with you.

Also, women hate intelligent men. They dont sleep with them. This is a graph of "odds of having had intercourse" against intelligence. Intercourse frequency peaks for men of IQ 90 and falls of a cliff for men over 130 IQ.

Construction workers will have twice the number of median life time sexual partners as software engineers. Truck drivers will have 50% more median life time sexual partners than software engineers. Women are sleeping with construction workers and truck drivers, not software engineers. Intelligence is a burden, not an advantage in dating.

Women are not attracted to intelligence in men. Many women are actually intimated by intelligent men. If someone asks you what you did in college and you say "mathematics" the most common response from women in Los Angles is "Oh... You must be smart *awkward silence*/ends conversations/tries to get away".

A guy on reddit recently posted an article about how he "wanted to turn gay" after going on a date with a girl from OkCupid whose only interests were listed as "shopping" and "reality television". People like this are actually the majority of people in American and the majority of women that men must be socially prepared for...

Men have to work harder than women to obtain and maintain optimal body fat percentage for physical attractiveness. Women can be attractive at 25% body fat, but men are required to maintain below 12% body fat in order to have muscle striations or a "six pack"...

One ironic implication of women's attraction to socially dominant men, is that many women are attracted to men who ignore them or talk over them (which are aspects of social dominance)...

Another ironic aspect of the female attraction to male social dominance is research showing that the best predictor of a women ending up in a domestic violence shelter, was having previously been in a domestic violence shelter. Women who are abused seemed to move from one abusive relationship into another abusive relationship.

The researcher drilled down further and determined that women in domestic violent shelters were statistically more likely to be attracted to men with violent personalities (a negative aspect of social dominance). Furthermore, women who were attracted to physically dominant or violent men were more likely to become victims of domestic violence, than women who are not attracted to violent men.  

Another aspect of women's attraction to violent aggressive males is women's sexual interest in mass murders, serial killers and terrorists. In the United States after Dzhokhar Tsarnaev bombed the Boston marathon, injuring 16 people, women on Twitter exploded with "Jahar is hot. He can blow me up with babies"

There was a recent media controversy at a Boston prison when a violent gang leader impregnated four female prison guards...

"Serial killers, in his view, are cases of alpha males that tend to attract women."...

In summary, frat boys and bros are normative for American male sexual behavior and females have a preference for sexually normative male arch-types.

Pop-feminists refuse to acknowledge that women are sexually responsive to normative male archetypes presented on television, despite overwhelming quantitative evidence. However, academic feminists in the field of post colonial gender studies have purposed the idea of "hegemonic masculinity" to account for the sexual success associated with men adopting culturally sanctioned dominate male arch types.

Under the feminist theory of "hegemonic masculinity" theory, as women become more economically liberated and less economically dependent on men, their attraction (or domination) to the Bro increases. The shift of males to physical, psychological (PUA, emotional affect strategies) and sexual domination (deploying sexual capital strategies) tactics occurs as males are no longer able to obtain to obtain sex through economic subjugation of women under phallocentric capitalism (AKA spending money on them).

What is interesting however, is that women seem less happy under the new dating hierarchy than under the patriarchal family system. Before 1970s women were happier than men as a group, but men are now subjectively more content than women and the gap has been increasing for the last forty years...

In other-words, there is a growing body of evidence that men have been the primary benefactors of women's sexual and economic liberation, while women's happiness has declined, despite improvements of objective measures."

Links - 6th July 2024 (1 - General Wokeness)

Principal 'counselled' over 'white devils' rap song at school - "A Sydney principal has been 'counselled' after her school broadcast a song that references 'white devils' and labels Captain Cook a 'murderer without licence'. The song has been played each morning over loudspeakers for the past two months while students at Ramsgate Public School, in Sydney's south, get ready to go to class. The song is titled 'Bagi-la-m Bargan', meaning fighting boomerang, and is written by Indigenous rapper Birdz, otherwise known as Nathan Bird. Among the lyrics are references to violence, blood-stained beaches, and armed confrontations with the white settlers. One outraged father whose child attends the school said he hadn't brought up the issue with staff out of fear of 'being branded a racist'... The concerned dad only became aware of the song when his son asked him if there was 'something wrong with being white'. 'He said ''well every morning when you drop me off I hear them mention white devils in the song''.' The father said he was 'absolutely shocked' that a song with such strong themes was being played to school children each day... The song was chosen for Reconciliation Week and has since been removed from the school's playlist. No complaints have been made."
White people who object to being called devils are the real racists
"Reconciliation" is about hating white people while getting more money from them

UPenn's top donor: Campus antisemitism is bleeding into anti-Americanism - ""The vast majority of this country is normal," Rowan said. "Totally normal. Every poll everywhere done says that this country believes in right and wrong, moral and immoral. People are interested in family and career and friends and are patriotic. That's the good news. The bad news is that there are centers - important centers - of this country that don't believe these things." These centers, Rowan said, want to change everything about society, from the way people relate to each other to history and the notion of the American dream and meritocracy. "They seek to sort us into groups based on a perception - their own perception - of whether we are an oppressed or an oppressor," he said. "That's the fight we have on these campuses. Is there antisemitism? You betcha there's antisemitism. But it's very hard to separate what's happening on our campuses today from anti-Americanism. This is why it's important to recognize that this problem goes beyond just the Jews, but should be a problem for all Americans. "If we seek to make this solely a fight of the Jews, there are few of us. If we seek to make alliances... we have lots of allies. But it does start with us," Rowan said. When asked about the role of philanthropy, Rowan said that there should be a way for philanthropists to hold people to account. "We have not exacted a price for being antisemitic, we have not called people out," Rowan said. "We wouldn't hire someone who was anti-black, anti-gay, anti-woman, anti-Indian, anti-Hindu. Why would I hire someone who was antisemitic? Why would I not call out philanthropic institutions who behave in an antisemitic fashion. Why would I give to organizations, cultural organizations or otherwise, who are making it difficult for Jews? This is just common sense.""
The irony where the right wing anti-Semites (many of them white) is concerned is that they hate Jews for the same reason that the left hate white people

Meme - Hot Takes Nobody Asked For: "this is an older post, but it still didn't make much sense back in the spring of 2022. and 'stop people from voting' - is that referring to voter *ID* laws"
Robert Reich: "News flash: If you outlaw abortions, ban mask mandates, dictate what educators can teach in schools, and stop people from voting, you're not the party of "limited government.""

Meme - "Big companies when June begins
Bernie Sanders: "l am once again gay.""

Meme - "HAPPY PRIDE MONTH FROM THE MIDDLE EAST *man being thrown from roof*"

Why are so many robots white?
When you're so dumb and/or hate white people so much that you think white people have skin that's literally white in colour

Meme - *Man painting over Pride crosswalk with Palestinian flag*
*Upset queer guy and upset terrorism supporter glaring at each other*
*Man who painted over traffic crossing eating popcorn*

BBC presenter says calling animals by their English names is 'jarring' - "Calling wild African animals by their English names is “jarring”, a Springwatch presenter has said.  Gillian Burke said she prefers to refer to animals by their traditional Swahili names rather than those commonly used in the BBC’s acclaimed nature programmes... “In my own writing, I prefer re-introducing these familiar animals by their Swahili names: ndovu (elephant), twiga (giraffe), fisi (hyena) and my personal favourite, because I used to love how my dad said it, kongoni (hartebeest).” Burke said Swahili was itself a combination of other languages and she would have to “dig deeper” to find the “true indigenous animal names”... The presenter grew up in Nairobi, Kenya, and moved to Austria at age 10. She studied biology at Bristol University, afterwards becoming a natural history researcher and later a producer.  Burke first appeared on Springwatch in 2017 and became a regular presenter alongside Chris Packham, Michaela Strachan, and Megan McCubbin. She added: “Perhaps it is this inequality in who gets to do the naming, and the sense that we are unwittingly wielding some form of power by naming wild animals.”  The presenter did acknowledge that “naming animals is a useful tool for storytelling”.  She added: “It can help audiences connect with our animal characters and allows us to share experiences on social media.  “But naming is not just useful for us media luvvies, of course.  “Pet owners will know that naming is one of the first rituals that marks our bond with our companion animals.  “In science, the binomial system of Latin names serves as an anchor point."
Of course, if you suggest that she doesn't belong because she's not comfortable with the English names, you're the racist
If her readers don't understand the Swahili names, it'll be their fault for being ignorant

'Helldivers 2' Moderator Bans Users For Vomit Reacting To LGBTQ+ Furry Art Then Removes The Emote As Player Base Continues To Shrink - "According to SteamDB, Helldivers 2 has seen its player base massively shrink since its peak in February of 458,709 concurrent players. The most recent 24-hour peak is 52,214 players. Amidst this decline in the player base one of the game’s moderators in its Discord began banning players for vomit reacting to a piece of LGBTQ+ furry art.  Moderator tetrakatart, who lists pronouns of she/her and they/them in her bio as well as featuring a LGBTQIA+ rainbow, and currently has the username of A Mouse posted on June 10th, “Gender identity is not politics it’s literally someone’s identity. Here in the HD2 server we have a 0 tolerance policy on any sort of bigotry or hate.The topic of gender identity especially this month is not one that’s not allowed. What isn’t allowed is all the negativity towards people trying to celebrate who they are.”... Ironically, this policy makes absolutely no sense given pushing of sexual orientation and transgender ideology is by definition hate and adherents to these lifestyles, movements, and ideologies express bigotry. But this is exactly what social justice warriors and woke cultists do: they lie, double down on their lies, and project...   In what appears to be a now deleted post that was shared to X by former World of Warcraft Team Lead Mark Kern aka Grummz, the moderator made it clear she was going to ban people for using the vomit emoji, “This is your reminder that if you want to vomit react furry art or be a jerk about furry art that you are lining up for a 24 hour timeout by me.”  Furthermore, she added, “This is also a reminder that if you try to reply to me in here you can’t because there’s no typing in here. Everyone reacting to my post with a clown emoji is also lining up for a timeout. Keep going you’re making my life easy.” Grummz commented, “Helldivers is NOT politically FREE. The Helldivers 2 mod who was demoted for falsely accusing me of sexual harassment is on a HUGE BANNING SPREE. He is banning anyone for reacting to LGBTQ+ fan art with a thumbs down or vomit emoji (despite claiming a thumbs down is okay, he lied). Now he is doing suspensions for anyone disliking Furry art.”   He continued, “He keeps changing his name to hide when called out, as if people wouldn’t notice. Arrowhead Studios why do you keep employing such a destructive, power tripping moderator? He’s violating your “No Politics” policy and making Helldivers look terrible while accusing people of things they never did.”   To Grummz’s point, the moderator responded to one person who accurately described the moderator as the “pronoun mod” and “angry” writing, “Saying stuff like this makes my job so easy to just ban.”... Ironically, she justified her actions by claiming that posting the vomit emoji on degenerate art is bullying. As noted, woke cultists always project. And this is clearly the case."

'Helldivers 2' Community Manager Declares Game Is "Pretty Woke" And Reveals Game Was Banning Individuals She Deemed "Bigots, Transphobes, Homophobes, Racists" - "Helldivers 2 Community Manager Katherine Baskin declares the game is “pretty woke”"

LGBTQ+ Activists Accuse 'Helldivers 2' Developers Of Silencing Them After They Attempted To Push Propaganda Into Game - "One activist, going by the name of Bapanada, told the outlet, “The problem here isn’t actually the bigots, those are an unfortunate fact of life that can never be fully eradicated. The problem is that Arrowhead’s official spaces […] have made the deliberate decision to silence LGBTQ+ voices under the guise of banning any ‘political’ discussion, as if people’s identities are political, and as if this game was not created and marketed as a heavy-handed piece of political satire.” Polygon’s Diego Nicolás Argüello also claimed that an individual named Wendy Wilson demanded pride flag capes be added to the game in the official Discord server. After numerous gamers told her to keep the propaganda away, she changed her profile to a transgender flag."
Of course, if you promote a white identity, you're a fascist and white supremacist who needs to be banned

Meme - "I wonder where my tax dollars go?"
"The city of Atlanta says the new rainbow crosswalk in Midtown cost $196,000."
Meme Seth Rogan: "What kinda fucking paint y'all buy?"
Of course, the way to pay for left wing virtue signalling is to "tax the rich"

Christopher Dummitt: Treasonous MPs the end result of project to delegitimize Canada - "It’s possible to be both astounded and completely unsurprised by the allegations that some members of Parliament have colluded with foreign states to serve both their own interests and those of governments like China and India. For years now, Canada’s elite have been acting as if there is no real legitimate national interest. Imagine a new prime minister trying to invoke a Canadian version of JFK’s self-abnegating admonition to, “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” Young Canadians would say: “But I thought you told us we lived on stolen land?” Our elite class continually delegitimizes the very idea of Canada through land acknowledgements, self-confessions of genocide and claims (via our prime minister even) that there really is no such thing as a Canadian identity. Is it any wonder that some people take this seriously? Canadian progressives and many of our institutions have come to embrace a bizarre woke version of multiculturalism, where every other nation can have interests and culture, but Canada can only have original sin. Visitors to cultural institutions across the country are greeted with signs that contrast the permanent and immemorial quality of the Indigenous presence in North America with the temporary and illegitimate status of Canada itself. A current exhibition at the Royal Ontario Museum on the origin of life on the planet, for example, inserts largely unknown Indigenous place names to describe landmasses that existed hundreds of millions of years ago, at a time when no humans even existed and the planet looked entirely different. And yet the same exhibit talks about “the lands now known as Ontario.” Similarly, the McMichael gallery, which was created to celebrate Canada’s most famous painters, the Group of Seven, no longer features the group’s story in its permanent gallery. You’ll find Group of Seven paintings there, for sure, but the gallery has now erased what was a proud national origin story, presumably because it was too white and too male. Instead, visitors are greeted by a hodgepodge of artists who (though obviously talented) are essentially on display to meet DEI quotas. Instead of keeping the Group of Seven’s Canadian story and then adding new galleries for other artists, the gallery erased the older Canadian story. It’s a telling choice that is being replicated throughout the country. A key trend in all of this is assuming the sinfulness of Canada itself, all while ignoring the histories of other countries and cultures, which are just as bad, if not worse. Think of Toronto’s attempts to rename Dundas Street and Yonge-Dundas Square because Henry Dundas allegedly delayed the abolition of the slave trade. Canadian schoolbooks used to tell a story about Britain and Canada’s status as some of the first countries to abolish the slave trade. Now, that narrative has been replaced with a story about British and Canadian guilt. Yet the activists — and then the decision makers — completely overlook the presence of slavery in Africa before and after the Atlantic slave trade, in the Muslim world and even amongst Indigenous peoples in Canada. Then there’s the egregious fact that the newly chosen name for the square — Sankofa — comes from a West African kingdom that grew in power on the profits of the slave trade. This is what national deculturation looks like. And it was bound to have real-world consequences. In recent years, China tried to avoid criticism for its mistreatment of its Muslim Uyghur population by pointing to Canada’s so-called genocide. Why wouldn’t it? After all, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau got down on one knee to apologize for the alleged discovery of mass graves at residential schools. Then, MPs passed a resolution proclaiming that Canada had committed a genocide. Yet to this day, no graves have been uncovered. This was, of course, a Canadian “own goal.” What ought to have been a story about an authoritarian foreign government’s persecution of a cultural minority instead became tit-for-tat allegations of genocide. And our elites were — for some mysterious reason — playing for the Chinese. China isn’t alone in benefiting from Canada’s national self-doubt. Russia and Iran are also happy to foster domestic discord to sap our belief in the superiority of our liberal democracy."

MACPHERSON: Majority of Ontario parents want balance and parental consent in schools - "the poll (conducted by Leger and commissioned by the Fraser Institute) found that nine in 10 Ontario parents with kids in K-12 schools believe teachers and the provincial curriculum should focus on facts — not teacher interpretations (which may include opinions) of those facts. Only 7% of Ontario parents disagreed. Currently, Ontario’s curriculum guide is sorely lacking in fact-based content. For example, Ontario students can graduate high school with almost no knowledge of Canadian history. And because the current curriculum encourages teachers to interpret facts to suit their opinions, what kids learn can vary greatly depending on their teachers. What about controversial topics such as gender, sexuality and climate change? According to the poll, 77% of Ontario parents with kids in K-12 schools “strongly agree or somewhat agree” that teachers should present both sides of controversial issues or avoid them entirely. By contrast, 15% of Ontario parents disagreed. Moreover, 81% of Ontario parents agreed that schools should provide advance notice when controversial topics will be discussed in class or during formal school activities. This isn’t surprising because many parents would want to discuss these issues with their children in advance or remove their children from those lessons. In fact, when controversial topics arise, 76% of Ontario parents believe parents should have the right to remove their children from those lessons without consequence to their children’s grades. Of the minority who did not believe parents should have this right, most said “children need to learn about all topics/viewpoints, regardless of their parents’ bias.” And an overwhelming majority of parents in Ontario (91%) believe classroom materials and conversations about potentially controversial topics should always be age-appropriate. In May, Ontario Education Minister Stephen Lecce directed school boards to be more transparent with parents about what their children learn, the purpose of school activities and which external groups will present to students or teachers on Professional Development days. The directive, according to Lecce, recommended proactive communication with parents rather than providing information on potentially controversial material only after parents inquire. The Leger poll suggests the government is on the right track. Despite claims by activists and politicians — and skewed coverage in the media — parents in Ontario strongly value balance rather than bias in the classroom, and want parental involvement and consent."

What Canada's 'silent majority' believes - "The words “silent majority” were being thrown around a lot in the wake of a Sunday pro-Israel rally that saw more than 50,000 people take to the streets of Toronto. For months, Toronto has been plagued by anti-Israel blockades and encampments orchestrated by a group of demonstrators that often number no more than a few dozen. And then, in a single afternoon, the pro-Israel camp was able to turn out one of the largest political demonstrations in the country’s history. “The silent majority outnumbered that vocal minority by over 50,000 to 50,” declared a widely circulated post by David Jacobs. And it’s not just on the issue of Israel. Perhaps now more than at any point in the past 20 years, there is a yawning disconnect between the issues that Canadians support, and the issues that are getting the most attention... They want more criminals in jail for longer (and they also want to kill murderers)... They don’t want to pay carbon taxes anymore... Blanket support for LGBT rights come to a screeching halt when children are involved... They’re extremely pro-abortion … and also extremely pro-euthanasia... They like ethnic diversity, but they’re skeptical of multiculturalism... They think harm reduction has gone too far... if you directly ask Canadians the best way to deal with drugs and addiction, the answer is a clear “arrest the drug dealers.”... They’re definitely not happy about all these anti-Israel encampments everywhere"
Damn far right extremists who are a danger to democracy and deserve to be unpersoned!

why has this sub gotten more conservative? : r/SingaporeRaw - "When I was young, I believe everyone had the potential to be good and deserve to be free.  When I grew older and travelled more to see different countries, I realise some cultures/country really need to be revamped or kept under control. Some type people don't integrate into modern society and their religion are not compatible with modern society values. If you use modern society values to put them on the same pedestral, they will not hesitate to bully you or subjugate you. Their religion is crippling them yet they want to impose it on everyone and see everyone undergo the same restrictions as them."

NASA Sun & Space on X - "How do you draw a pride flag? 🤔 With SCIENCE! This flag is a composite of NASA imagery of phenomena from Earth and far, far beyond it. Details below ⬇️ Credit: Rachel Lense"
Devon Eriksen on X - "Some of you may be wondering why the entire bureaucratic caste of the USA is completely obsessed with weird sex stuff.   Sure, we can all have good fun ranting about how insane this cult is, and watching them melt down when we leave skid marks on their sacred icons, but sooner or later, you gotta ask... why.  It's the toaster-fucker problem. Some of you may be familiar. Goes like this, and I quote:
 I blame the internet. Back  in the days before it, we had to learn to live with those around us, now  you can just go out and find someone as equally stupid as yourself.  I call it the toaster fucker problem. Man wakes up in 1980, tells his friends "I want to fuck a toaster" Friends quite rightly berate and laugh at him, guy deals with it, maybe gets some therapy and goes on a bit better adjusted.  Guy  in 2021 tells his friends that he wants to fuck a toaster, gets laughed  at, immediately jumps on facebook and finds "Toaster Fucker Support  group" where he reads that he's actually oppressed and he needs to cut  out everyone around him and should only listen to his fellow toaster  fuckers.  Apply this analogy to literally any insular bubble, it  applies as equally to /r/thedonald as it does to the emaciated Che  Guevara larpers that cry thinking about ringing their favourite pizza  place.
But the toaster fucker problem doesn't stop there.   Because every social group has an axis of prestige. They have to compete with each other for status somehow. That's what humans do.   And in the toaster-fucking group, the axis of prestige aligns with fucking toasters.   So first they compete to see who can fuck the most toasters.   Then, when that is saturated, they one up each other by being most open with the general public about their toaster fucking ways.   Then they make toaster-fucker pride t-shirts and hats and bumper stickers.   Then they move on to bragging about how they sneak into other people's kitchens and fuck their toasters, too, and swap tips for how to introduce kids to the joys of toaster-fucking.   But it doesn't stop there, either.   Pretty soon normal people, who ten years before would shrugged and said "that's weird", are now sick of toaster-fucker flags everywhere and their kids being told to fuck toasters by sickos, and now they're going to burn every toaster-fucker flag they see, and Florida just passed a law requiring you to be 21 years old with proof of ID to buy a toaster. And Utah has banned toasters altogether and the Mormons have stopped even eating toast, bagels, waffles, or any other heated bread product.   But it doesn't stop there, either.   Because a few toaster-fuckers get beaten with fence posts by people sick of hearing about toaster-fucking, and other people, who didn't see or hear the toaster-fuckers' prior behavior, say "holy shit, toaster fuckers really are oppressed". And they decide to become "toaster-fucker allies", despite the fact that they haven't the slightest real interest in fucking any toasters themselves.   But it doesn't stop there. Because toaster-fucking has become a sacred cause, it must now must compete with other sacred causes for the minds of highly programmable non-player characters, and there are clashes in the streets between the Toaster Fucker Pride March and the Stop Raccoon Shaving protests.   This is what "go outside and touch grass" really means. It doesn't mean that plants magically cure insanity, it means go encounter randomly selected people who have nothing to do with you other than geographic proximity.   The purpose of this is to remember what normal people are like, and what normalcy is.   It's not that normal people don't do weird things. Maybe they like their pancakes with ketchup. Maybe they consider midgets to be the height of sex appeal. Maybe they never wash their socks,  but just throw them away and buy more instead.    What makes normal people normal is that they keep that shit to themselves when it isn't relevant.   Like when you're an institute for space exploration.  Not toaster fucking.   Space exploration.   Remember?"

The Dangerous Dream of Dismantling Human Hierarchies - "It is an idea that has always united radicals, from the sans-culottes of the French Revolution to current student activists at the University of Missouri: they have all detested the scourge of social hierarchy, the peculiar fact that some people rank higher than others and enjoy privileged access to some resources—be they power, esteem, attention or financial reward. It is, of course, not only radicals of past and present who shun hierarchies. Even in the more polite circles of newsrooms, sociology departments or centrist party academies, there is broad agreement that abolishing hierarchies has to be a moral imperative. Prestigious philosophers, like, say, Elizabeth Anderson, who can in no way be associated with the radical fringes, demand the dismantling of social hierarchies. In effect, the discourse of social justice is now largely synonymous with outlining what an abolition of status hierarchies would involve and if you ever wanted to make enemies and alienate people try to suggest at the next board meeting: “Well, let’s introduce a clear, steep hierarchy for a change!” Yet at the same time, the attitude of ordinary folk towards hierarchies seems pretty relaxed... We are all engaged in status struggles, we orient our lives in relation to hierarchies, make sense of our goals and our world in their terms and perceive their absence as chaos and cacophony... whether good or bad in themselves, we should not try to get rid of hierarchies in general as any such an attempt simply would come at way too high a moral cost.  These costs should be rather obvious. We do have, after all, a rich historic record of projects that seriously aimed at dismantling hierarchy: from the French and Bolshevik revolutions, to the Khmer Rouge revolt and Mao’s Cultural Revolution. They have all failed. What we have not fully grasped, I believe, is why these attempts have failed so spectacularly... every serious attempt to do away with hierarchy completely has led to death, misery and poisonous hierarchies at an epic scale... There are four forces at play that can explain this strange fact and that collectively counter any attempt to get rid of hierarchies—call them the four seals of hierarchy: 1. our human culture 2. our animal nature 3. the logic of conflict 4. the nature of political action... People have argued ad nauseam whether the hierarchies we find populating our lives are the product of human culture or human nature. Strangely enough, many seem convinced that much hangs on this question. They seem convinced that if hierarchies turned out to be a cultural phenomenon then they could be easily gotten rid of, whereas if they turned out to be biological in nature, then they would stick with us.  I do not see why this should be the case. After all, it has yet to be demonstrated that it is easy or even possible to change culture. The belief, for instance, that Kosovo is part of Serbia is certainly not a biological given. Wherever one stands on this issue it should be rather clear that despite being under severe pressure this belief has remained largely intact since at least 1389 and will likely continue intact for at least another 630 years. Many cultural beliefs are just like that... the legendary women’s right activist Jo Freeman has aptly pointed to what she called the Tyranny of Structurelessness. When describing the faults of the early women’s right movement she rightly observed that the abolition of formal hierarchies did not at all lead to the abolition of hierarchies but only to the replacement of formal hierarchies by informal ones. These, however, were much more insidious as they were at the same time excessively inscrutable, exclusionary, and impractical."

Father James Martin on Anti-Catholic Prejudice - The Atlantic - "He found it striking that the Times would deferentially cover a language shift meant to show respect for Roma people but would also print a story that relished a film scene in which a holy Catholic object is defiled... it’s acceptable in secular, liberal, elite circles—such as The New York Times—to make fun of Catholicism, particularly the Church’s emphasis on hierarchy, dogma, and canon law and its teachings related to sex... We are living in an era when newsrooms are revising their style guides to be more sensitive about race, gender, and sexuality; flippant comments perceived as bigotry can cost people their job; and entomological societies are scouring their insect rosters for pejorative names. Yet, some aspects of identity and belief still seem to be fair game for mockery...
What if it were directed toward another religion—something holy from Islam or Judaism being used as a sex toy—and that was made fun of in The New York Times? To me, it seemed unnecessarily mocking...
when now–Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett was in her hearing for the Circuit Court of Appeals, Democratic senators questioned her about how her Catholic faith would affect her rulings on issues like abortion. Senator Dianne Feinstein famously told her, “The dogma lives loudly within you.”  A lot of people thought that was open anti-Catholic bigotry—a U.S. senator expressing fear that an accomplished legal scholar couldn’t be a fair judge because of her faith"
The left hate Christianity, so; it's notable that no other Christian denomination is referenced for comparison. Though he does make a good point about the rules on sex - left wingers love sex, after all

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