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Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Links - 3rd July 2024 (2 - Hamas Attack Oct 2023)

Protesters try to topple Queen Victoria statue near pro-Palestinian encampment in Montreal - "This comes days after demonstrators set up a pro-Palestinian encampment in the area, a first in a public space in Montreal. According to Montreal police spokesperson Jean-Pierre Brabant, officers patrolled the area and stopped the people trying to demolish the statue, but there were no attempts to dismantle the encampment."
Protesters try to topple Queen Victoria statue near pro-Palestinian encampment in Montreal : r/montreal - "Funny how that statue, since 1869, lived through the 2 referendums on separation, a number of separatist governments and over 150 St-Jean Baptiste/Fete Nationale parades unscathed, but was almost taken down by a bunch of Pro-Palestine protesters...  Showing you with whom decency really resides in this province..."

Protesters try to topple Queen Victoria statue near pro-Palestinian encampment in Montreal : r/montreal - ""Peace is the white man's word"  "Fuck kkkanada"  "Intifada now"  "Escalation for palestine"  These among other vile slogans written on the walls of the encampment in letters big enough to see from across the street. Just disgusting."
"Is peace... bad?"
"Peace has an obvious positive connotation. Dude just wants to use the word 'Liberation' because it's more rebellious sounding...        'Liberation' can also be a bad thing. It's the rare revolution that ends well."

Opinion | Amid the Gaza war and Hezbollah’s threat, gloom settles over Israel - The Washington Post - "I’ve never seen Israelis as gloomy as they are now — not even during the second intifada in the early 2000s, when Palestinian terrorists were regularly blowing up public buses. “There is a sadness and lack of hope that permeates everyone,” one Israeli journalist told a group of visiting American scholars organized by the nonpartisan group Academic Exchange. Said a member of an Israeli think tank: “We are in dire straits. We are facing the worst threats since the [1948] War of Independence.” An archaeologist confessed: “I’ve never been as pessimistic as I am now about Israel’s future. … It’s depressing. It’s scary.” These are not isolated voices: In a May poll, only 37 percent of Israeli Jews said they were very optimistic about Israel’s future, down from 48 percent in March.  Numerous analysts have noted how traumatized Israelis remain by the horrific Hamas attack of Oct. 7. And no wonder. In my lifetime, the United States has experienced two major national traumas, separated by two decades: the 1979-1981 Iranian hostage crisis and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on Washington and New York. Israel experienced a combination of catastrophes on the same day, when Hamas killed more than 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped approximately 250 others. It was the worst disaster to befall the Jewish people since the Holocaust... Israel has undertaken the most extensive mobilization of reserves in its history, and the citizen-soldiers are getting exhausted from the constant call-ups... That burden might grow because Israel is facing the prospect of a major war against Hezbollah, an Iranian-backed militia in Lebanon, whose military capabilities dwarf those of Hamas. Ever since Oct. 7, Hezbollah has been shelling northern Israel, driving 60,000 Israelis from their homes. Israel has retaliated with airstrikes against Hezbollah leaders and positions. Now, the Israeli public is demanding that the military push Hezbollah away from the border so that Israel’s internal refugees can return to their homes in time for the start of the school year in the fall. But that risks throwing the already-exhausted Israel Defense Forces into another deadly quagmire while Hezbollah potentially fires its arsenal of 150,000 missiles at targets all over Israel. Last week, Shaul Goldstein, the executive in charge of Israel’s power grid, made news by saying that Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah could “take down Israel’s power grid” anytime he wants. “After 72 hours without electricity in Israel, living here will be impossible,” Goldstein warned. “We are not in a good state and unprepared for a real war.”  Despite Israel’s wartime travails, few international observers extend much sympathy to the Jewish state. The world’s focus is almost entirely on the undoubted suffering of Palestinians in Gaza, with Hamas getting a pass for hiding behind civilians in violation of the laws of war. As one former Israeli government official noted to us, the Hamas strategy places Israel in a no-win situation: “If you defend yourself you’ll be a pariah, and if you don’t defend yourself you’ll disappear.” Few Israelis express much sympathy for Palestinian suffering; they are focused on their own grief. Many of the Israelis we spoke to thanked us for coming at a time when Israel feels abandoned by much of the world. The feeling of being under siege was particularly evident at Hebrew University, which is dealing with boycotts from European and U.S. universities even though it is a melting-pot institution that educates Israeli Jews and Arabs side by side. The incessant international criticism of Israel might be backfiring by leading more Israelis to embrace the right-wing government...  Israeli generals are starting to complain that the destruction of Hamas is not a realistic goal and that, with no political endgame in Gaza, their troops will be consigned to perpetual war... Many even suspect that Netanyahu is prolonging the war so that he can hold on to power...  “I still believe in peace. If we want a normal life five or 10 or 15 years from now, we must start to talk to the Palestinians. When you talk, you don’t fight. … They shoot at us, we shoot at them. We’ve tried that for 100 years. It’s enough. Let’s try something else. Let’s try to make peace.”  Granted, few Israelis share his hopes of peace. But as I left Israel, Shnorman’s resiliency and optimism amid grief and suffering gave me a small sliver of hope for the future."
When you know that peace will never be possible because your neighbours will never stop wanting to kill you, and much of the world supports them.
Weird how that guy doesn't know about the decades of failed peace attempts. Of course the writer is similarly naive

Ok real talk though. Does the lady on the right knows that if she is in Palestine itself she would be beaten and raped for wearing the keffiyeh in such a manner? Why does she still support them? : r/SingaporeRaw - "100,000 people including civilians died in ONE night of firebombing over Tokyo on 10 March 1945.  Do you condemn the Allies for this? Bear in mind the atrocities the Japanese committed on us. Sook Ching, the Kempeitai torture chambers, things that Hamas would not hesitate to do to Jews given the chance.  There are parallels to the state of Japan in 1945 and Hamas today. Both hide behind a high-indoctinated and fanatical local population. Both lack the military power to form a capable defence of their people (Japanese anti-aircraft guns couldn't reach the altitude of the B29s, and they had no more planes to spare after the kamikaze attacks in Okinawa). Both refuse to capitulate despite facing a situation that they cannot win militarily. Both required a significant event to give up - either 2 atomic bombs causing mass destruction, or surgical strikes plus a ground invasion.  I wonder if Israel has ever contemplated nuking Gaza into the world's biggest car park. It would have saved a lot of IDF lives. The planned Allied invasion of the Japanese homelands was expected to cost more than 1 million Allied lives and millions more Japanese civilians.  If a bunch of terrorists invade Singapore and kill more than a thousand of us, plus kidnap our women and children, I would fully support my government doing everything in its disposal to:
1. Get the hostages back
2. Hunt down the people who did it
3. Dismantle the organisation behind the attack on our country"

Ok real talk though. Does the lady on the right knows that if she is in Palestine itself she would be beaten and raped for wearing the keffiyeh in such a manner? Why does she still support them? : r/SingaporeRaw - "Who elected Hamas to govern over their country? The Palestinian civilians.  The statement should be flipped. Why should Palestinian civilians not be conflated with Hamas when it is the Palestinian civilians who support Hamas, voted for Hamas, and who continue to work for Hamas? Do you really think Hamas can maintain power for 20 years over the Palestinians if they didn't receive widespread support from them?... So basically you have no standards for the Palestinian government because they aren't civilized? And rather than getting upset at the uncivilized government aka Hamas for being completely incompetent at governing their people, you decide that somehow the poor decisions made by the Palestinian government should be blamed once again on the only Jewish state in the world?"

Ok real talk though. Does the lady on the right knows that if she is in Palestine itself she would be beaten and raped for wearing the keffiyeh in such a manner? Why does she still support them? : r/SingaporeRaw - "And again, my main point still stands which literally no one, no pro-Palestine dumbass supporter, can answer.  Want the war to end?  WHY. ISN'T. HAMAS. SURRENDERING. THEN???  They started this shit. Yet they bargain on terms like they're the victors of the war. Meanwhile their leaders are over in Qatar eating tacos and lying on their billionaire sofas watching Al Jazeera cover their own Gazans spilling blood for their cause while dumbasses all over the world rally to them from all the Tiktok propaganda"
Ok real talk though. Does the lady on the right knows that if she is in Palestine itself she would be beaten and raped for wearing the keffiyeh in such a manner? Why does she still support them? : r/SingaporeRaw - "Also for your good info, Hamas just recently rejected the most ultimate ceasefire proposal. MSM not even reporting on this as usual  The same proposal that they THEMSELVES had agreed to before and Israel also agreed to. Hamas doesnt want the fucking war to end. They just want the war to go on forever so they can rally as much hatred to Israel for as long as possible. Gazans dying? Who cares. They'll just have the Gazans pump out more babies for future Hamas soldiers who dont know any better but more blind vengeance  How can you beat an enemy when the enemy doesnt even live in Gaza? Fucking stupid right"
Ok real talk though. Does the lady on the right knows that if she is in Palestine itself she would be beaten and raped for wearing the keffiyeh in such a manner? Why does she still support them? : r/SingaporeRaw - "Israel has rejected past deals because the proposals Hamas made are absolutely bonkers stupid. They couldn't provide any evidence of hostages being alive, couldn't even provide any list of hostages left, and still had the cheek to offer to exchange DEAD hostages for Israel's Palestinian prisoners. Also the hostage deals are usually like 1:200, meaning 1 Israeli for 200 Palestinians, which is absolutely stupid in itself. Did you know throughout history Israel has had to trade THOUSANDS of Arab prisoners for only a hand few less than a dozen of their own hostages? They once exchanged 4000+ Palestinians for just 6 Israeli hostages. They also once exchanged dozens of live Palestinians for 1 dead Israeli hostage.  Also Hamas still insisting to be in power and to have Israel just leave Gaza completely like they deserve to take back Gaza is just selfish AF.  These Arabs can't be reasoned with whatsoever. Israel had to give up the entire Sinai Peninsular back to Egypt just to be in good graces from a war Egypt fucking started themselves"
I keep seeing the "anti-Zionists" condemn Israel for rejecting ceasefires, but they never condemn Hamas for doing the same. Much less condemn them for breaking the ceasefire that existed on October 6th. Because to them a ceasefire is a chance for the terrorists to regroup and try to kill the Jews again later, and if the Jews fight back they are the villains

3 women charged with public order offences for allegedly organising procession outside Istana - "Three women who were allegedly involved in organising a procession without a permit along the perimeter of the Istana, which is a prohibited area, were charged in court on June 27.  Mossammad Sobikun Nahar, 25, Siti Amirah Mohamed Asrori, 29, and Annamalai Kokila Parvathi, 35, had purportedly organised the procession to show their support for the Palestinian cause, including soliciting attendance online...   The police, in a statement on June 27, said that a group of about 70 people had gathered outside a shopping mall in Orchard Road before walking as a group to the Istana while holding open umbrellas that were painted with a watermelon graphic."

North American pride parades disrupted by pro-Palestinian activists - "Anti-Israel activists disrupted pride parades in New York City, St. Louis, and Toronto on Sunday, while pro-Palestinian LGBTQ groups boycotted the London and San Francisco marches.  Activists stormed onto the parade route in Manhattan on Sunday waving Palestinian flags and anti-Israel banners, according to Writers Against the War on Gaza (WAWOG). Video published by the anti-Israel group showed the activists throwing red paint onto one of the parade floats before blocking the road and bringing the march to a halt... They explained that they believed the US and NGOs had presented a false dichotomy of being gay or Muslim, Palestinian or Arab, and they rejected the idea of clashes between intersecting identities and ideologies... The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department arrested 19 people on Sunday after they blockaded the city’s pride parade. Parade organizers had requested the SLMPD give dispersal orders for the protesters who had created a human wall by connecting their arms with chains and PVC pipes... Resist St. Louis reported that even after the activists’ arrest, the crowd continued to support their cause by chanting anti-war slogans.  St. Louis Activists, St. Louis Palestine Solidarity Committee, Resist Washington University, and St. Louis Jewish Voice for Peace joined the group to protest Boeing’s corporate sponsorship of the parade,  “[The 1969] Stonewall [riot] was an Intifada,” the groups said on Instagram. “We will never accept merchants of death at Pride.”... HonestReporting Canada mocked Pride Toronto on social media for its supposed “pro-Hamas” positions vs LGBTQ-friendly Israel, only for “pro-Hamas thugs” to shut down the celebration... Thirty anti-Israel activists had planned to  disrupt the London Pride parade, but the Metropolitan Police arrested them on Saturday in a preemptive operation against the conspiracy... On June 5, the San Francisco Pride parade caused controversy when it issued a statement saying that there would be no Israeli float but welcomed pro-Palestinian groups.  The Pride organization clarified on June 7 that no groups were denied entry and that “ absolutely all LGBTQ+ people and allies are welcome at San Francisco Pride, and that includes Israelis and Jewish people just as it does Palestinians and Muslims.”"
It's only homophobic when Christians do it
The power of intersectionality. Even if the people you support literally want to kill you, there's no clash there
I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone blame white people or "Zionists" yet. Though there's the usual cope about "pinkwashing", misinformation about gay marriage being banned in Israel, pretending that it's fine to be gay in Palestine etc
Given how left wingers claim that empathy for others is the decent thing to do (which is why Queers for Palestine supports people who will murder them for being queer), it's ironic that they always mock poor people for voting against their interests, simping for billionaires or boot-licking. Of course, it only counts as empathy or the right/decent thing to do if it pushes the left wing agenda
Looks like "pro-Palestinian" protests only potentially lead to arrests when they come up against another "marginalised" group

Jonathan Kay on X - "Imagine if the 20 watermelon-emoji nutjobs who shut down pride had instead been shouting nonsense about, oh gee I dunno, Diagolon. Or they were pro-life. Or one of them had a confederate-flag belt buckle. Or an anti-vaxxer banner. Imagine how bonkers the media would go"
Pasha Khan on X - "Police said they had “adequate resources to address the protest,” but were respecting Pride Toronto’s request that officers not interfere if protesters disrupted the parade. So let them enjoy getting cancelled every year."

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "When are you planning on protesting in front of the Russian embassy?...   See, this right here is Exhibit A of the massive ignorance of the anti-Israel crowd who try to apply their buzzwords to every context.  Maybe you aren't aware, but Russian exports billions in gas to Western countries and has been doing so since the start of the full scale invasion? Maybe you aren't aware, but Russian Redut PMC and Wagner PMC directly trained Hamas terrorists who launched the war in Southern Israel last year? (Why do you think they knew how to drone-drop grenades onto ambulance workers?)  The far-left who keep trying to disrupt society should maybe spend some time volunteering for displaced Ukrainians and set up some tents in front of the Russian Embassy. Then maybe you might actually start to care about victims of Genocide."

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "The activist side of the LGBT community in the city is very aggressively in support of Palestine right now, there's no way anyone from Fierte would risk anything that may be perceived as anti-palestinian. Every queer rights protest I've been to this year has had a significant Palestinian voice there.  Fierte won't do shit. If they tried they'd be immediately branded zionists or something."
"Toronto Pride did that with BLM a few years ago, gave them the lead spot and then they shut down the parade in the middle of it to protest. You can't win with these types of radical protestors who want to tear everything down as a way to solve problems."
"I first saw queers 4 Palestine about fifteen years ago at pride. I legitimately looked for a Borat style camera crew!"
"That "or something" alone tells a lot about the state of social politics nowadays. Who knows, maybe someone will create a new label for queers who don't want to be associated with the 'Free Palestine' movement and make the mental gymnastics to make them seem "not really queer" and shunned from the community. Actually I'm 95% certain that label already exists, lol"
"PERQ (Palestinian-Exclusionary Radical Queer).  I just made it up, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone somewhere already unironically used this."
Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "It's all they (the pro pallies/pro-hamas folk) want to do. If they can't kill Jews or Israelis then they can, at least, ruin public society & order here in the west.  They did it during the Christmas holidays when they would harass Santa in shopping malls and the little children who were visiting them, and they've done it during Pride."
Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Les manifestants palistinien sont intouchable considé la parade annulé"
Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Honestly I just assumed it'd turn into another proPal protest and was gonna skip it. Everything turns i to one of those."

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "As long as Palestinian protesters are not charged for disturbing peace and order (which they’ve been doing unabashedly for a month all over the country) yes they will interrupt the Montreal Pride parade in August."
"At this point, I don't think they should even bother organizing it. The left will throw pride under the bus, and the right will just laugh at the left eating itself."
"Pretty much what's happening now. A lot of people are really enjoying this. It's a fucking shame what all that work and suffering by the gay rights movement of the 70s and 80s is squandered by kids who don't really give a fuck about Palestine and are there more for entertainment value and to feel like they belong to a greater movement"
Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Curious to see what hard action is gonna be taken rather than discourse on Reddit when the pride parade actually happens, from either group. My guess is apologies and verbal gymnastics will soothe the situation no matter the outcome. Having grown up in a staunchly Muslim country, which treated Palestinians as third class citizens, and knowing what I know about perceptions of gay culture by my Palestinian friends, I'm gonna enjoy this."
Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "No politicians should attend, no corporations should attend.  This would give them no grounds to protest the parade itself and they could even take part in the parade and get as many eyes on them."

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Honestly at this point, people don’t care about their protest. They are doing way too much and it’s coming in one ear and leaving the other! It’s literally become invasive they need to leave people alone. Why haven’t Ukraine people done this to us ? They were never aggressive when there is a FULL on war in their country too. ALSO other countries are at war are they bothering people?? They need to stop because this war is not worse than the others going on."
"This. As a lesbian myself I do not understand how we are supporting folks who believe it's best to have us dead. Before you go rambling about Leviticus and whatever passage in the Christian book, I haven't heard of most Christian countries enforcing said passages. Most Islamic countries will have made it illegal for us to exist or at the very least force us to hide. Pride is and has always been a protest. I wouldn't be surprised if the Toronto Pride had accepted and included Pro-Palestinian groups to be part of the Parade. That didn't even matter as those groups seem to love disrupting other causes rallies, they don't realize they're shooting their own feet. I get the spirit of LGBTQ folks wanting to help and empathize with other minorities. We ought to realize some of those groups aren't going to reciprocate our good will. Did folks forget there were a lot of Muslim participants who were at the protest against trans folks in 2023? All of it comes out as virtue signaling and is getting us all to be ridiculed. I'm sure Hamas isn't going to change their minds about killing us all."

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "But you don't understand! Open air prison, 2000 pound bombs, genocide, crushing babies!!  They have main character syndrome, but can't accept that over 90% of people don't care about their exaggerated victim complex (when let us not forget, THEY initiated the war)"
"I find it funny how no one talks about genocidal wars that have been going on in Africa for years …"
"That's what really baffles me. There are so many other genocidal conflicts going on... People will say, "Well, I care about that, too."  Ya sure? Because the only one I'm hearing about is Palestine.   Not the Rohingya. Nothing about Yemen. I don't see any protests about about the 6.7 million people displaced in the Congo. Or the conflict in Ethiopia. Etc. Etc."
"Why is discussing others "shifting attention" but it's not shifting attention when LGBT people, whose rights and safety in their country, can't even have a parade without attention being shifted from them?"
It's interesting how people insist Western (i.e. white) countries need to be held to a higher standard. But differential standards in other contexts are often considered racist, sexist etc. Power relations means never having to say you're sorry.

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "most ordinary Gazans, who are currently experiencing the worst disaster on earth."
"Yemen and Sudan in Shambles"

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "You know there are gay Palestinians, right? Do we just ignore them? Pretend they don’t exist?  Pride is about fighting for the freedom of ALL LGBTQ+ people EVERYWHERE. Including Palestine."
"Then why are the pro Palestinians shutting down pride then? Lol."
"Nowadays we call it main character syndrome"
"Run this scenario to its logical conclusion. Israel, the country where gay Palestinians curretly receive refuge, is somehow destroyed. Palestine is established with either Hamas or the PLO at the helm. What happens to LGBTQ Palestinians?"
"You should go to Palestine and fight for those people. I’ll even pay for your plane ticket. Your funeral however is on your own dime."
Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Stop supporting these terrorists. They started a war, and these same protestors today begging for the war to end were also the same people who were celebrating in the streets of Montreal when Oct 7 happened. There’s a reason why no other country wants them, they are disruptive and overall shitty guests."
Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Hamas’ most powerful weapon is the young western liberal."

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "I didn't know r/montreal was so right wing, half of what i see here is ragebait, Islamophobia and just rage against immigrants, yet i didn't see anything when truckers were literally flying nazi flags, and pissing on ww2 memorials"
"So basically being against a far-right terrorist group in Palestine now makes us right wing? Would hating on the Nazis or on North Korea make us right wing as well? Or are you just calling people right wing because they actually understand the geopolitical situation?"
Naturally, OP had some spiel about domestic "Nazis"

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Fredericton Pride is embracing it and has made the local Palestine solidarity group their grand marshals this year. They’ve also banned any organizations listed on the Canada BDS Coalition website from marching in the parade. I love their approach and wish other cities would follow suit."
"That smells like capitulation and fear to me. Every Palestinian I know and almost every single Arab (other than two gay Lebanese friends) hate the LGBTq community and want anything and everything gay friendly removed from view."
"Imagine feeling proud they bullied a marginalized group into complying."

Gad Saad on X - "Many Western countries are being invaded and their cultures, religions, and women are being raped en masse.  What do those Western countries do?  They march against Zionism.  It's good to see that the West is finally waking up to the real dangers of Zionism.  Ahmad is not the problem.  Mordechai is."

Clashes break out involving pro-Palestinians protesters in front of synagogue in LA's Pico-Robertson district - "Violent clashes broke out in the Pico-Robertson area as pro-Palestinian protesters encountered counter-protesters, prompting L.A. Mayor Karen Bass to call for beefed up security at places of worship throughout the city. The violence happened outside the Adas Torah synagogue on Pico Boulevard Sunday morning. Police in riot gear showed up in an attempt to restore order. What started as heated verbal confrontations escalated into physical fighting. Videos posted to social media showed punches being thrown, people wrestled to the ground and kicked. Some social media posts indicated it started when pro-Palestinian protesters tried to prevent people from entering the synagogue. The synagogue's rabbi called the violence a provocation and a violation. "People were scared to come in, people were prevented from coming in. We had to sneak our members inside for prayers... Protesting like that is really a violation of a holy space," said Rabbi Dovid Revah. Police are investigating two reported batteries and say one person was arrested for possession of a prohibited item: a "spiked flag.""
Clearly, just anti-Zionism, and condemning this is censoring pro-Palestinian speech. Time to condemn Islamophobia and make anti-Palestinian racism a hate crime

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