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Saturday, July 06, 2024

Links - 6th July 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

The Link Between “Transgenderism” and Violence - "It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Audrey Hale, the woman who “identified” as a man and killed six at a Nashville Christian school Monday, was under care for an unnamed “emotional disorder.” It’s par for the course. In fact, ex-pediatric “transgender”-clinic worker and whistleblower Jamie Reed pointed out in February that the girls visiting her ex-employer for “treatment” had many psychological comorbidities, ranging from depression to anxiety to ADHD to eating disorders to obesity; autism diagnoses were common, too. (Nonetheless, all the youth were recommended for “gender transition.”)  As to the latter, there’s an unconfirmed report that Hale was “autistic but high-functioning.”  She’s also not alone in being a MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status) individual who commits violence. So said reporter Andy Ngo, who’s famous for covering Antifa riots, while appearing on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight Tuesday evening. In fact, he stated that sometimes MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka anomalous-“gender”) individuals would constitute as much as 20 percent of the rioters at a given locale. This is, of course, far above MUSS individuals’ percentage of the wider population.  What’s more, Ngo echoed Reed. There are “mountains of evidence,” he said, that people “who suffer from ‘gender dysphoria’ also suffer from very high rates of mental health comorbidities.” This is not surprising. After all, if a mind is unwell — especially to the extent where a person believes he’s something he’s not — what are the chances it will be unwell in only one dimension?... MUSS individuals are buying firearms because demagogues have convinced them they’re imperiled by conservatives. In fact, NPR quoted a member of a group called “Rainbow Reload” as saying, “If the world is dangerous, then you have to be dangerous back, and that very much has pushed me into where I am now.”  And just three days later, on Monday, MUSS woman Hale was dangerous at the Tennessee school — but not “back.” There is no back, and not just because the Christian school had done Hale no harm... Ngo further told Carlson that in his “reporting on left-wing extremism,” he has documented and tracked “for months now” a “surge in violent rhetoric by self-identified trans militant activists, particularly on Twitter, in response to various states restricting or banning the medical transitioning of minors.”  While much of this MUSS violent ideation and action is no doubt organic, consider a relevant flashback: In 2016, a Democratic operative named Scott Foval was caught on hidden video admitting that he and his fellow agitators would purposely incite violence at Trump rallies. And one thing he said was, “We have mentally ill people that we pay to do s**t, make no mistake.”  Also note that convicted child molester Joseph Rosenbaum, one of the men who attacked then-teen Kyle Rittenhouse during the 2020 Kenosha riots, had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and had that very day been released from a hospital he was being treated at after a suicide attempt.  The point is that whether grassroots action or “astroturfing” or both, the psychologically unwell figure prominently in left-wing demonstrating and rioting... As for MUSS individuals, the bottom line may be this: Convincing yourself violence is justified to advance a cause requires far less rationalization than does believing you can switch sexes at will."

How some US media reports are trying to link Nashville shooting to so-called 'radical transgender activists' - "the shooting carried out by 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a transgender person, took place days ahead of the so-called 'Trans Day of Vengeance', which was purported to be held on March 31-April 1.  The reports are referring to websites and Twitter posts of a so-called Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN), which appears to have made a call-to-action to 'end trans genocide'. Tsukuru Fors, the co-founder of TRAN in an interview stated that this year, the 'Trans Day of Visibility' had been given an altered moniker of 'Trans Day of Vengeance' because 'visibility' alone was no longer enough... Some reports also claimed that the group was raising money for firearms training for the group members. The Twitter handle of the account has been locked with tweets only visible to the followers."
When it suits the left, everything innocuous is a "dog whistle", but all calls for violence are to be ignored

The carefully planned Nashville shooting coincides with a so-called ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ - "Because the Daily Wire (especially Matt Walsh) has been playing such a large role in challenging the myth of “transgenderism,” the group specifically targeted Nashville... it’s certainly true that anger is integral to transgenderism. The way I think of these people, especially if they’re taking hormones, is that they have the aggression of men and the emotionalism of women, which is a very dangerous combination. That’s why I found it disturbing to know there’s a movement among transgender people to be armed. While I believe in every individual’s right to bear arms, I find it unnerving that people who wear their mental illness as a badge of honor are planning to arm themselves en masse"

FBI Stats On 2021 Anti-Trans Hate Crimes Don’t Support Claims Of ‘Genocide’ - "Americans who claim to be transgender were the victims of 271 hate crimes in 2021, with few of the crimes being serious, undercutting claims that the community is facing “genocide,” according to FBI data released this week. Of the 177 cases where the offender’s race was known, 81 offenders were black, about 60 were white, 20 were Hispanic, and one was Asian. Still, even that data could be misleading as FBI statistics inflate the number of “white” hate crime perpetrators by counting most Hispanics and Arabs as “white.” To a limited extent, the data can be adjusted to treat Hispanic as a race separate from black and white, which The Daily Wire did in the above numbers, but in many cases the “ethnicity” was not even recorded, forcing them to be treated as white. Although Arab is counted as a separate category when it comes to the victim, there is no such category for perpetrators, leaving them to generally be counted as white. People of Arab descent have been behind some anti-Jewish crimes and their inclusion in statistics could change the anti-transgender breakdown as well... Of the 271 crimes against transgenders, the FBI data reported two slayings and two rapes. Of the remainder, 70 were incidents of “intimidation.” There were 48 aggravated assaults, 87 simple assaults, eight robberies, 14 thefts, and 37 instances of vandalism or damage... There were 869 victims of anti-Jewish crimes, by far the largest example of religious bigotry. That vastly outnumbered the 278 victims of anti-trans crimes, as well as the 190 victims of anti-Muslim incidents, despite an effort by groups like CAIR to suggest persistent “Islamophobia” puts Muslims at risk.  When it comes to all forms of hate crimes, blacks made up 27% of known-race offenders, while making up 13% of the U.S. population. Based on the FBI data, a black person’s chance of being the victim of a hate crime in a given year is 98 in a million, a Jewish person stands a 109 in a million chance, and Muslims and transgenders’ chance is less than half of that."
Trans "genocide" doesn't actually mean genocide, of course.

Testosterone Therapy Increases Anger Expression And Control In Transgender Men, Especially If Their Periods Persist - "People undergoing female to male gender-affirming testosterone treatment are likely to experience increased aggression -- which may be worse if their periods persist."

Campaign to boycott nightclubs changes its name from Girls Night In - "A campaign to boycott nightclubs to raise awareness of how women’s drinks are being spiked by men has changed its name and apologised for not being ‘inclusive enough’.  Organisers of Girls Night In have been accused of a ‘cowardly capitulation’ to woke warriors, with activists saying the removal of the word ‘girls’ will undermine its focus.  The group was set up last week following a string of reports of women blacking out in clubs, believing their drinks were tampered with... A statement released by the group has been attacked by women’s rights activists and likened to a ‘parody’ by critics.  In unashamedly woke language, it refers to ‘intersectionality’ – the overlap of a person’s prejudices towards such things as race, disability, nationality and gender, and to being ‘anti-carceral’, stating: ‘We want to assure you that the Night In campaign is working towards achieving intersectionality, and we accept we have not been explicitly intersectional so far. ‘We are anti-racist, anti-misogyny, gender inclusive, pro-LGBT+, pro-trans people, pro-disabled people, pro-sex worker, anti-carceral and pro-community support movement. These are not just words, we will be changing our approach. We are sorry for any harm our campaign has caused. We are working to do better.’  One critic tweeted: ‘Women & girls are overwhelmingly victims of these crimes, men perpetrators.’  Feminist author Julie Bindel said: ‘It is a cowardly capitulation to bullies which the feminist movement should be campaigning against.’"
Feminists are bullies anyway, so this is fitting

Meme - baps @mushroomsnack: "im sick of ppl saying "biologically male/female referring to trans people if anyone calls me biologically female they're gonna get a biologically broken bone"
Why are trans people so violent and why do they hate biology?

Meme - "Transgirls explaining why women love them: "Because I am better than you
CisMales: At what?
Transgirls: Everything."
Why are trans people so narcissistic?

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas out of Olympics after losing legal battle - "While it is understood that World Aquatics was prepared to argue the merits of the scientific evidence at Cas, the hearing solely focused on whether Thomas, who is no longer a member of USA swimming, was allowed to challenge its rules."

Meme - J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "Say what you like about gender identity ideology, you can't deny it's attracted some of the world's greatest thinkers."
The Amazing Atheist @amazingatheist: "Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks Pregnant men Girl dicks"
Frances Weetman @francesweetman: "I scrolled back on his likes earlier this evening. Big mistake."
J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "People keep telling me about the banana. I had no need or wish to know about the banana."

Libs of TikTok on X - "BREAKING: California Senate just banned schools from notifying parents if their child changes their gender identity or pronouns. This is complete madness! Parents, get your kids out of CA schools!"

DOJ Indicts Whistleblowing Surgeon for Exposing Transgender Procedures at Texas Children's Hospital - "The Department of Justice has indicted Dr. Eithan Haim, a little-known surgeon who exposed Texas Children’s Hospital for secretly conducting transgender surgeries and treatments on minors, on four felony counts related to his alleged violation of a medical-records law... Texas Children’s Hospital had continued running its transgender program, despite announcing that the program had been discontinued in accordance with Governor Greg Abbott’s 2022 directive equating such medical interventions with child abuse.  The Houston-based hospital was ultimately forced to stop its trans-medical practices after a state law took effect in September 2023, prohibiting drug and surgical “gender-affirming” interventions for minors... the documents disclosed were not patient charts, were redacted to protect sensitive patient information, and complied with HIPAA, which permits anonymized information to be disclosed generally, and even protected information can be publicized if it’s used to stop egregious medical misconduct."
Whistleblowing is only good when it pushes the left wing agenda. Left wingers are especially upset because this sort of thing makes it even harder for them to continue to lie that minors don't get surgery

DOJ Indicts Doctor Who Exposed the Barbarism of “Gender-Affirming Care” - "A few years ago, Texas Children’s Hospital made no secret of its support for transgender medicine. Its doctors proudly administered puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and other medical interventions to children who self-identified as “trans.”  Then the tone shifted. In the face of public pressure, CEO Mark Wallace announced that he was shutting down the child gender clinic. But doctors at the hospital, including Richard Ogden Roberts, David Paul, and Kristy Rialon, never stopped.   The public would not have known if not for a courageous surgeon, Eithan Haim, who felt morally obligated to expose the subterfuge. He contacted me about how the hospital had lied about terminating the transgender medicine program, and that doctors were, in fact, continuing to perform sex-change procedures on children as young as 11.   The story rocketed across the world. The hospital immediately went on the defensive. Within a week, Texas legislators passed a bill confirming that transgender medical procedures for minors were illegal.   But the story also attracted attention from another powerful source: federal prosecutors. The Department of Justice has not shied from targeting political opponents of the Biden administration: former President Trump; conservative school board protesters; persons praying outside of abortion clinics; and now, doctors who dissent from transgender ideology."

Meme - r/MtF
"my vagina is broken and no one can fucking help me.
i’m 22 and 2 years post op. i’m still getting pain dilating and it’s just not getting better. i’m literally lying in bed crying while i dilate bc i can barely get the fucking purple, which is the smallest one i have, in more than like 4 fucking inches and it feels like my skin is tearing or something it’s horrible. i’m nowhere near being able to have sex and it’s making me so miserable. i really thought i’d be living my best life as a girl by now lol. i just don’t know where to turn. i’ve been given 2 opinions, 1 of them from my surgeon, and they both said everything looks fine and healthy and just to use more lube and relax. I’M USING TONNES OF FUCKING LUBE AND I AM RELAXING UNTIL IT BECOMES PAINFUL. AAAAA. i want to fucking scream. i’m honestly just so close to giving up on ever being able to have sex and have a relationship. maybe i’m just unfixable lol."

Meme -  r/Transgender_Surgeries
"my vagina is broken and no one can fucking help me.  i’m in my 20s and 2 years post op. i’m still getting pain dilating and it’s just not getting better. i’m literally lying in bed crying while i dilate bc i can barely get the fucking purple, which is the smallest one i have, in more than like 4 fucking inches and it feels like my skin is tearing or something it’s horrible. i’m nowhere near being able to have sex and it’s making me so miserable. i really thought i’d be living my best life as a girl by now lol. i just don’t know where to turn. i’ve been given 2 opinions, 1 of them from my surgeon, and they both said everything looks fine and healthy and just to use more lube and relax. I’M USING TONNES OF FUCKING LUBE AND I AM RELAXING UNTIL IT BECOMES PAINFUL. AAAAA. i want to fucking scream. i’m honestly just so close to giving up on ever being able to have sex and have a relationship. maybe i’m just unfixable lol."

Colin Wright on X - "This person just got her nursing PhD by interviewing just 4 transgender men about their experiences with cervical cancer screening and "adopting a narrative inquiry...research methodology" and "a relational approach guided by the three-dimensional inquiry space" to learn how to "attend to people in a better, more holistic, and inclusive way.""
A Narrative Inquiry into the Experiences of Cervical Cancer Screening for Transgender Men

It's Time for 'LGB' and 'T' to Go Their Separate Ways - "After the U.S. Supreme Court legalized gay marriage nationwide in the landmark 2015 decision Obergefell v. Hodges, many believed the fight for gay rights would begin to wind down. Yet that didn’t happen. Instead, the LGBT-advocacy sector simply redirected its available staff, fundraising and rhetoric to other projects. I know this because I saw this happen, both as a university student, gay man and equal-rights advocate. In a relatively short period of time, the gay-rights movement fused with more radical campus-based gender and identity-politics movements, to become the compound movement now known as “LGBTQ+”—lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, “queer” and more. Even many people within the movement now have trouble keeping up with all the new subcategories contained within that plus sign. One version of the rainbow flag unveiled last year has 11 different colors on it. The creator, Daniel Quasar, identifies as a “queer non-binary demiguy” whose pronouns are “xe/xem/xyr.” None of these bizarre neologisms have any resonance to those of us who joined the gay-rights movement simply to affirm and protect the basic rights of people to be who they are and love who they choose without stigma or legal sanction. We’ve been forced to watch the simple moral logic of non-discrimination be transformed into a self-parodic alphabet soup of invented identities. Over the last few months, a Democratic presidential debate focused on LGBT issues was highjacked by a rogue transgender woman who shouted slogans about trans rights while the candidates and moderators nodded along robotically. Presidential candidate Joe Biden has called for unisex prisons, a policy that, if implemented, would lead to the rape of female prisoners. Senator Kamala Harris, another Democrat running for president, even came under fire for daring to suggest that pregnancy is a “women’s” issue—since it is now fashionable to highlight the fact that trans men and the “non-binary” also can bear children... Gays, lesbians and bisexuals all have something obvious in common: same-sex attraction. This is an alternative sexual orientation that, to some extent at least, shapes our experiences and alters our life outcomes. We typically identify with our biological sex—and in fact, sometimes have spent many years feeling trapped by it. To be gay is to understand that sex is set at birth. My sexual attraction, likewise, is based on hard-wired factors beyond my control.  Transgenderism is a separate concept. While homosexuality leads to obvious differences in real-life behavior, transgenderism offers a categorial redefinition of what it means to be a man or a woman. As Joyce describes it, a “gender identity” is a quasi-spiritual concept—almost like a soul—that is “something between an internal essence, knowable only to its possessor, and stereotypically masculine or feminine appearance and behavior.” Gay rights activists simply want society to accept their different ways of living and loving—since gay men and lesbians pursue romantic interests and build families in ways that are at odds with conventional heterosexual expectations. Followers of radical gender theory, on the other hand, demand that we all reject our basic understanding of biological sex in favor of a recently conceptualized abstract notion of human identity. Of course, the idea of transgenderism per se isn’t new—nor is the (perfectly valid and just) demand that people with gender dysphoria be treated with decency and respect. But the original form of this demand was based on the far more reasonable idea that gender is a social construct distinct from biological sex. It was not disputed that a transgender woman is a biologically male human who identifies with the social norms traditionally associated with woman. But in recent years, transgender activists have demanded that sex and gender be conflated, and that the very idea of innate biological differences be pushed into the background. At the most absurd extreme, there are now athletes and scholars who seriously suggest that being male offers no competitive physical advantages over being female, a proposition that even small children know to be unhinged. One of the unsettling elements embedded within this advocacy is the demand that women—lesbians, more specifically—make themselves sexually available to trans women, on the far-fetched theory that gender identity, not sex, is the real source of human attraction...  I’ve seen trans activists compare non-trans inclusive gay desire to racism and describe gay sexuality as ‘genital hang-ups.’”... Many progressive news outlets were aghast when new polling showed that “young people are growing less tolerant of LGBTQ individuals.” But a closer look into the survey’s methodology revealed that on most questions, they were asked about “LGBTQ people,” not gay people. Support for “equal rights” remained steady, but comfort around “LGBTQ” people has declined. Notably, the survey found that comfort levels around “a same-sex couple holding hands” remain virtually unchanged. Although it’s fashionable to pretend otherwise, it’s the T that’s the issue... The idea of biological sex is at the core to the gay identity—of my gay identity—and the stereotypical definitions of gender expression that the transgender movement peddles ignores the existence of men and women who happen to express their gender in unorthodox ways without actually being transgender. Most of these people simply grow up to be gay. To demand that these children be instead labeled gender dysphoric is essentially a form of woke conversion therapy. We gays experienced quite enough of that phobic behavior from the socially conservative right. We have no interest in getting force-fed another serving from the progressive left."
From 2019. Yet more evidence of the slippery slope from gay marriage to trans mania

Meme - "r/MtF
Kids made fun of me and my girlfriend
Me and my girlfriend were going to a party and did our makeup the best we could, we kept convincing each other that we pass and we felt really good about it. Whilst on the street, some kids that seemed to be 5 looked at us and said "look at those boys!" and began dying laughing. I will never pass, fuck me."

Meme - "Your profile pic *anime girls with trans flag*
You in real life *ugly, non-passing MTFs*"

Meme - "House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft
Forrest Gump: and just like that I everybody knew the difference between male & female again"

Meme - "United States gets confused by Miss Poland contestants being healthy and all females. *32 attractive white girls*"
Not to mention white and beautiful

Trans-Identified Male Who Exposed His Breasts At The White House Now Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Another Transgender Person - "The trans activist who received criticism for exposing his augmented breasts at the White House during a Pride event last June has now been accused of sexual assault. The alleged victim is a biological female who identifies as a “man.”  Rose Montoya, 28, was subsequently banned from attending any future events at the White House after a video went viral showing him groping his fake breasts while topless on the South Lawn. Montoya shared the video to his own TikTok account, and it quickly gathered attention...   Montoya later uploaded a video to TikTok defending his actions. In the video, captioned “free the nipple,” he said, “I was simply living my joy and my truth and existing in my body.”  However, he ended up backtracking and released an apology video after other trans activists began criticizing his actions, accusing him of “embarrassing the trans community” and “setting the community back” during an important event...   Just one year after the backlash, Montoya has now been accused of sexual assault by his ex-girlfriend, Jesse Diamond, a female who identifies as a “transgender man” and uses the name “transmusclebear” on social media."

Thread by @SwipeWright on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "🚨A new study explored the most effective way to brainwash children into accepting gender ideology.  Researchers had kids watch either a story video of Jazz Jennings, who is said to have "a girl brain but boy body," or of a marker named Blue who has "a blue inside but a red outside."  They found that "a direct, realistic story was the only effective means of teaching children about transgender identities and reducing the belief in gender immutability." These are some excerpts from the scripts of the story videos with screenshots. The stories are nearly identical except for "boy" and "girl" in Jazz's story being replaced with "red" and "blue" for Blue's the marker's story. The videos were stopped periodically to ask the children 3 questions about the video they were watching:
▫️What is different about Jazz/Blue?
▫️Why is Jazz/Blue sad?
▫️Why is Jazz/Blue happy?
Regardless of the child's response, the researchers responded with set answers ⬇️ The researchers acknowledge that their "findings were generally modest," but claim that "a more powerful manipulation," such as "a longer story" and "repeated readings of the story"—especially by someone familiar to the child—"may show stronger effects." They are literally testing how to most effectively indoctrinate young children into the gender cult. Don't be surprised if we see these tactics implemented in public schools.  This paper was published in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology. Also, this study is part of the first author's PhD dissertation. Yes, people are literally getting PhDs in how to indoctrinate your kids into gender ideology."
Transformative tales: The role of story videos on children's reasoning about transgender identities "This is not happening, and it's good that it is"
The left are only indoctrination when it hinders the left wing agenda. If you oppose left wing indoctrination, this is "hate"

Meme - Samantha or Samuel #FreePal... @Sam _Borley: "Trans men can develop prostates by taking Testosterone. It's incredible.
My mistake. This is something I was told a few years back and I found some sources but I think I misunderstood some of the material. Doesn't change the fact that you're all bigots though."

Trans woman kills 'parents' in Utah double murder: police - "A transgender woman allegedly gunned down her parents inside their Utah home Tuesday night, according to police and reports.  Mia Bailey — whom police said wears wigs and changes her appearance frequently — was cornered and arrested Wednesday after an extensive manhunt that spanned several hours.  Cops warned she was to be considered “armed and dangerous” while she was still on the loose."
Mike Lee on X - "Referring to a man as a woman can dangerously undermine public safety—especially when that man is a violent murderer on the run."

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