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Friday, April 11, 2014

Looking for Extras in Late April, Early May

A message I received:

"Hello! Can help me spread a message!! :) We're looking for background extras for the upcoming 20th Century Fox hollywood production, an action-thriller movie "Agent 47" shoot!

Full day shoot, $150

28th April, Monday
Role: Tourists & Staff
6 - 60 yrs old
Asians, Pan-Asians & Caucasians
- required to bring [Not too bright colours] backpacks and handbags.

29th April, Tuesday
Role: Passerbys
6 - 60 yrs old
Asians, Pan-Asians & Caucasians

30th April, Wednesday
Role: Hotel Guests & Hotel Security
20 - 50 yrs old
Asians, Pan-Asians & Caucasians

3rd May, Saturday
Role: Working Adults
20 - 50 yrs old
Asians, Pan-Asians & Caucasians
- required to come in work attire

4th May, Sunday
Role: Working Adult & Tourists
Age: 20 - 50 yrs old
Asians, Pan-Asians & Caucasians
- required to come in work attire

6th & 7th May (overnight shoot)
Role: Travelers
6 - 60 yrs old
Asians, Pan-Asians & Caucasians
- required to bring [Not too bright colours] large suitcase, carry on case (can be wheels), normal handbag / backpack, passport so basically as if you're going to be travelling abroad.

If interested, email to audition@hellocreatives.sg and title your email (Agent 47, Background Extras). Include your name, age, recent photo, contact details, availability and for which roles. You may apply for more than one role.

Thank you!!
Thank you! Full day shoot, $150 :)
Agent 47 (2014) - IMDb
This is d IMDB of d movie if you're curious. ^^;;
Can earn money and be famous! ^^;;
Just helping to spread a message."
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