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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Links - 20th July 2024 (2 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Ok real talk though. Does the lady on the right knows that if she is in Palestine itself she would be beaten and raped for wearing the keffiyeh in such a manner? Why does she still support them? : r/SingaporeRaw - "The difference is the Israelis never fucking ATTACKED Palestinians first.  Guess who started the 1921 Jaffa Riots?  Guess who started the 1948 war?  Guess who started the Suez Canal blockade leading to the Six Day War?  Guess who started the Yom Kippur War?  Guess who started the Hamas War?  All questions have the same answer pointing to the same party. Here's the funny thing you notice?  Israel has NEVER EVER STARTED any of the wars AT ALL throughout their 75-year history.  Every single fucking pro-Palestinian supporter I speak to seems absolutely clueless on this very fact. The IDF is actually indeed aptly named. Israel has only ever retaliated, not started the bang bang shit"

Ok real talk though. Does the lady on the right knows that if she is in Palestine itself she would be beaten and raped for wearing the keffiyeh in such a manner? Why does she still support them? : r/SingaporeRaw - "Actually no need to look so far to Palestine. Just try to dress like that while in the more backwards states of Malaysia and Indonesia like Kelantan and Acheh, and she will also receive the same kind of treatment. Imagine living in a secular society where you can freely dress like that with no harassment, while protesting for a backwards society that will harm you as soon as they see you like this."

Ok real talk though. Does the lady on the right knows that if she is in Palestine itself she would be beaten and raped for wearing the keffiyeh in such a manner? Why does she still support them? : r/SingaporeRaw - "Your justification can likewise be used to defend the rise of the Nazis.  Just because they suffered unfairly from WW1, doesn't justify their actions in WW2. This is why pro- people like you cant think logically."
"i am all against israel bombing palestine, but some extreme pro palestine exactly have this train of thought. They selectively pick and omit historical events to justify their vengeance or grievances.  Maybe we should all go back to the historical Roman empire to start nitpicking and account for all the war crimes they did during their hey days and demand italy to pay for all reparations. Yeah that is how ridiculous it sounds."
"The funny thing is these idiots dont even know the history they supposedly claim they know. All these, "Oh it started 75 years ago not on Oct 7th.." are braindead ignorant.  The Palestinians and Arabs were the ones to invade Israel first in 1948. They literally started the first bloodshed and brought all this to themselves  Whenever I tell these idiots on social media, they'd rather just straight up deny than look into it themselves."

Thread by @RichardHanania on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App -"The time Israel sent a commando team into downtown Beirut that assassinated three high-ranking members of the PLO and got out. The team was led by Ehud Barak.  Westerners hate Israel because it fills them with a sense of inferiority by showing that heroism is still possible. Stop and read about the Entebbe Raid, after a plane was hijacked and taken to Uganda. The Israelis secretly flew a team from Suez to Uganda, slaughtered the Palestinian terrorists, their German allies, and Idi Amin’s soldiers, bringing almost all of the hostages home alive. What were the Palestinians doing during this time? They had their own version of heroism. They were blowing up synagogues, killing random Jews all over the world, massacring flight crews, and getting the Gulf Arabs to pay them ransom money.
See Benny Morris, Righteous Victims."

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Do you understand that your backing the creation of ANOTHER STATE THAT WILL MURDER EVERY GAY PERSON IN ITS TERRITORY?  You know this right? You understand that Hamas, The PA, and PLO murder gays right? It's official policy.  I understand you want to back the side that seem like the underdogs. The only reason Palestinians are underdogs is because they got themselves In a shit spot after failing to commit genocide on the Jews.... Twice..."
Left wingers like to claim that even though the Palestinians persecute and murder queers, what Israel is doing is worse to queers because it's supposedly murdering queer Palestinians as part of their "genocide". But they still support the formation of a Palestinian state which will do what OP points out. Presumably the best way to protect queers would be a one state solution

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Fucking hell.  Yes the Israeli state pays me to argue with you on Reddit. Been making me rich.....  Has Israel been found guilty of Genocide at the ICC?  No they have not been.  Have the Palestinian/Arab nationalist openly stated that they wish to eradicate the Jews? Yes, yes they have.  So you have one group that has been making real attempts at peace deals, and cooperation over the past 75 years, and the other has done nothing but get in the way of peace, launch terror attacks, and call for the extermination of an entire people for the past 75 years.  The people fighting for the preservation of their state, or the people fighting for the extermination of an entire people based on religious grounds?  Who are the genocidal ones?...  There have been no "Charges" to be clear. The ICC said that they are awaiting evidence from SA. They also acknowledged that the Palestinians people are in the type of situation where a genocide could happen (War).  That's all that has happened. Furthermore I would add that the government of South Africa is currently run by crazy people, not sure how informed you are of the current situation over there.  Enough is enough though. You're not moral. You're just doing the thing that makes you believe that other people will think you're moral. You clearly have no fucking clue what is happening, and what this is about.  Muslims are waging a holy war against Jews. If you back Islam's quest to dominate the world (This is Codified doctrine in Islam btw) and destroy the jews, you will back Palestine. If you think that's a fucking insane goal, you will not...  Ahh yes, the Nakba. The "Catastrophe". Do you know why, and how those people were displaced?  Did it maybe have something to do with 5 armies, united under the cause of Pan-Arab Nationalism invading a sovereign state?  Did it maybe have something to do with the leaders of those 5 nations telling Arab Muslims to leave their homes so they wouldn't be caught in the cross-fire, while they tried to throw the Jews into the sea?  None of these are good things by the way. Displaced peoples, death, destruction, political violence, ethnic violence, religious violence. I don't like any of these things you know.  But I also cannot, get behind the Free Palestine movement simply because of what a "Free Palestine" would look like. Let me ask a few questions to see if we can find common ground. You seem to believe I harbor some sort of racial hatred...
How do you feel about Authoritarianism?
How do you feel about Theocratic dictatorship?
Do you think Homosexuals should be put to death?
Do you think Women should be subject to the will of their husbands and Male relatives?
Do you believe that it is your duty to spread Islam to the entire world?
Do you think Jews and Christians need to convert to Islam, pay a "You get to live" tax, or die?
Do you think Atheists should be put to death?
If your answer is "FUCK NO" or simply no, to all of these things. Then you don't actually want a "Free" Palestine. This is what a "Free" Palestine would look like. Their government, and unfortunately, because of the brainwashing of their youth for the past 75 years. Many of the people of Palestine would say yes, to all of these things.  Do you see why allowing the creation of a state that believes in these things is not a good idea?  Can we agree on this basic premise at least?"

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Israel wants to kill every Palestinian. Even the gay ones."
"A ridiculous statement that is easily debunked through any look at reality. I'll focus on the gay part though... What a weird way of killing every Palestinian (even the gay ones). First they rescued him from Palestine since he was in danger of being killed for being gay... and then he was captured by Palestinians, taken back to Hebron, and beheaded. What a roundabout way for Israel to kill him!... And yet they continue to grant asylum to queer Palestinians in danger...
300,000 Palestinians stayed in Israel after the war of 1948 and were granted citizenship, and now they make up 20% of Israel's population today. Countries that continue to deny citizenship to Palestinians within their borders include Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Egypt.  You have some valid criticisms of Israel in your response, but some others are really untethered from reality. Israel clearly doesn't want to kill every Palestinian. The death toll of every single war/conflict/battle between any Jew and a Palestinian since 1948 ( less than 100K) PALES in comparison to nearby wars happening right now, like Syria (>500K) and Yemen (>300,000). How does that say "total annihilation?" Why wouldn't they just kill in those numbers happening right next door? It reads a lot more like an ongoing conflict for territory with a growing number of tragic deaths. Still, Israel has met with Palestinian leaders to work for peace with an independent Palestine (how, if they want to kill every single Palestinian, like you said). Any time spent there, and you'd see many many Israelis who absolutely want to live next to an independent Palestinian state."
"It's so pointless sometimes.  How do you even argue with people who absolutely refuse to do the basic research into these things.  We're just arguing against raw, misplaced emotional outrage. From people who very clearly don't know what the fuck they are talking about.  There's plenty of criticism that can placed at Israel's feet in their handling of certain events. Ultimately though Israel's government has made real attempts at negotiation. Nobody on the "Palestinian" side has done so."

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "Hamas doesn't throw people off of roofs. That's ISIS you're thinking of"
Palestinian Islamic Scholar: Throw Gays Off Roofs, Stone Them - "In a Friday sermon that was posted to the Al-Aqsa Call YouTube channel on June 26, 2022, Palestinian Islamic scholar Sheikh Yousef Abu Islam criticized Gay Pride Month and said that Allah has commanded that homosexuals should be thrown head first off the highest rooftops and then stoned. Abu Islam added that if Muslims do not stand up against the "abomination" of homosexuality, Allah will send the Angel Gabriel to "punish" them like he did Sodom."
Gaza foes tossed from buildings | The Seattle Times - "Rival Palestinian forces clashed in Gaza on Sunday, killing two militants by throwing them out of high-rise buildings"

Montreal Pride & Palestinian Protest? : r/montreal - "That being said, I agree with being against shifting attention if the intent is simply to dismiss the issue...  My intent is not to dismiss the issue. I have always been against sending Israel billions in "military aid."  But why shouldn't we talk about things that matter? Why shouldn't our conversations highlight the imbalance of attention paid to one conflict when a quarter of all people live in conflict-affected areas? That's 2 billion people living in who-knows what kind of reprehensible conditions.  Why aren't we talking about how over 400,000 women experience "gang rapes, genital mutilation, and sexual violence committed by armed groups, gangs, and government and police forces" in the Congo each year?  We might not support it, but couldn't the general public be doing more by rallying behind transparent and accountable NGOs? Couldn't we be protesting for policy changes that more proactively address corruption, support peacekeeping, and legally enforce companies to practice 'ethical consumerism' rather than relying on the general people?  Is it desensitization to African crises? Is it that they don't have the cute watermelon branding and the tiktok videos? Is it lack of a shared identity? Or an easily delineated and historic common enemy?  My frustration is that we put disproportionate attention on the hot item of the moment (Ukraine while completely ignoring that Indigenous kids in Australia are still going blind from an infectious disease that has long since been eradicated in much less wealthy countries.  Why are we not putting more pressure on Australia?  With Uyghers and Yemeni being under conditions of genocide for decades, why are we not protesting and putting more pressure on their governments?   Both of whom we are deeply invested in and the general public could do more.   The fact is, most people don't give a shit as much as they want to pretend by buying watermelon shirts from China, resharing images (the heartbreakingly real and the obviously fake), and putting emojis on Instagram.   Yes, we don't praise Saudi Arabia, but we don't protest for the divestment of their billions of dollars from our country.  I've been following various conflicts and their aftermath for over 20 years... And I just don't see this kind of thing helping.   Mind you, I say all this as someone who, truthfully and shamefully, is embittered and hasn't seen either protests or slacktivism do much good.  I wish it did.  But the global economy is too deeply militarized. And international banks profit too much on lending billions to these countries in the aftermath. While that money gets handed right back out to multinational companies to rebuild critical infrastructure and key sectors, while others buy up the resources being sold off... It's all very intertwined.   If resignations and actions from people like Volker Turk in 2023 and Dennis Halliday, 25 years before him, can't truly made a dent in the indirect casualties of war... I'm not convinced of the power of the general public.   Particularly when our attentions and sympathies are so temporary and changeable."

Turkish Archives on X - "Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry & Turkish-American scientist Prof. Aziz Sancar calls for the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Turkish Cypriots exist. They’re sick & tired of being discriminated & heritage, identity & rights denied."
Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼 on X - "Here's an actual ethno-state that very few in the West care about or condemn. Turkey ethnically cleansed the entire northern half of a European Union member state and set up their own settler colonial regime there. Where are the protests?"
Terrorism supporters don't even get to claim that Turkey isn't a Western ally or supported by the West, since it's in NATO

Meme - Drew Pavlou @DrewPavlou: "A reminder that Turkey ethnically cleansed Greek communities with thousands of years of history and no university lefties care"
Ares @Archaexplorer: "All towns founded by Greeks in todays Turkey"

Brianna Wu on X - "Free Palestine is not a peace movement. It is an anti-Jew pro-war movement. Just look at the slogans.    “Globalize the Intifada” means people all around the world must support efforts to destroy Israel, including violence.   “By any means necessary” means if Israeli civilians are killed, that is fine.   “Resistance until return” means the violence will continue until Palestinians control Israel. There is no scenario of that happening where 7 million Jews in Israel are not slaughtered and ethnicly cleansed.   I want peace. That is why I oppose the Free Palestine movement. If you don’t believe in a two state solution, you believe in endless war."
Alternatively, there could be a one state solution with only Israel


Meme - Hamas Atrocities @HamasAtrocities: "The whole Gazan "concentration camp / open air prison" narrative was a hoax  Here's a mega supermarket in Nuseirat before the war. I can guarantee you that it looked better than 99% of Tel Aviv supermarkets.  Can you believe that Nuseirat is defined as a "refugee camp"?"

An Israeli mother on X - " What are the ultimate goals of the "Palestinian liberation movements?  It's not about Israel.  In November 23, a month after the #October7massacre,  Mashni, the head of Australia's pro-Palestine movement, met with Foreign Minister Penny Wong as well as Labor MP Ged Kearney, and found there open ears apparently.  Mashni also opposed the Australian government’s listing of Hamas as a terrorist group .  But listen:  On his radio show in July last year, Mashni said: “The power structures  that exist in the world all focus upon Zionism.  “Israel is the domino. Israel falls over, not just the Middle East – South America, the Africans, the world is a far better place once we destroy Western imperialist control of the world.”  “The liberation of Earth starts with the first domino, and that’s the overcoming and the decolonisation of Palestine and the ending of Zionism.”"

Meme - Isaac Choua @ChouaIsaac: "This is what one may call Tokenization.  There are around 100,000 Jews in Australia.  The "Jewish Council of Australia" sounds like a significant name, but in reality, it's a small group with about 670 supporters (over 100 listed as anonymous - link in the thread), which is just 0.67% of the total Jewish population in Australia.  This organization was formed after the start of the war in opposition to official local Australian Jewish organizations, such as the @ECAJewry , an affiliate of the @WorldJewishCong , which represents 104 Jewish communities globally.  Each organization within the World Jewish Congress represents national communities and votes on larger policies regarding where the Jewish world stands on pressing issues."
Bassem Youssef: "The number one threat to Jewish people in the world is Zionism."
Adam Houda: "The Jewish Council of Australia
It cannot be ignored that the State of Israel and its military have misappropriated the Star of David in grotesque ways which makes it difficult for people to distinguish between the Israeli State and Jewish symbols. Israel's soldiers have been documented emblazoning the Star of David on Palestinian prisoners, graffitiing it on the walls of houses they loot in Gaza, and using tanks to sear it into the rubble of what used to be recreation parks for families, These actions place all Jewish people at risk by tarnishing us with these egregious human rights abuses. It is important for all of us who are advocating for Palestinian freedom, justice and liberation to continue to distinguish between the State of Israel and Jewish people as a whole."

Khaled Hassan on X - "I want to share something deeply personal today. When I tell you that I was taught to hate Jews, like the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the Muslim world, I mean every word. My father died in 2016. I didn't attend his funeral or burial in Cairo. I felt awful, so I asked my family for some belongings to remind me of him. I was given quite a few things, including a book that bought us in 2000 and often read for me and my brother.  The book is called "stories of animals in the Quran". The publisher is based in downtown Cairo and the book can be found anywhere.  Today, I will share some of the quotes from this book (cover page attached in this post and other photos in first comment).
- The Golden Calf: the house of Israel are idol worshippers who are not true to faith.
- Elephant: there was once a man who was king in Yemen, his name was "Zu Nawas", he was a tyrant. Two Jewish men lured him to embrace Judaism and to leave Christianity and force Judaism on the people, but the people didn't abandon Christianity. So, they [the men] suggested that he dig a deep pit and fill it with fire and offer the people an ultimatum, embrace Judaism or be thrown in the fire.
- Donkey: better than Jews who were burdened with the Torah and rather than keep it, they forged it and altered it.
- Apes: the ape Saturday people, Allah never transfigured a nation to the most degenerate animal as he did to the house of Israel. Allah obliged them to Friday, they deviated from it and accepted Saturday.
I was 10 in 2000, my brother was 7. This is what we were told about Jews. This is what kids are taught in Muslim countries.
But, of course, go ahead. Tell yourself that Israel is to blame. Scream, "free Palestine", and fall for the lie that the antisemitism we see on our streets has nothing to do with MUSLIM ANTISEMITISM and a campaign of GLOBAL JIHAD waged by millions of Muslims across the world. Go on, fall for the lies. Be a useful idiot. But, don't you ever dare gaslight me and tell me that what I was taught and experienced, and that the evidence I show you TODAY, is not true!!!
I will speak out against Muslim antisemitism until the last day of my life. I have a favour to ask: please share this with all the loud Muslim activists who argue there's no antisemitism within Muslim communities, especially Mehdi Hasan who blocked me, and the loud broadcasters involved in this conflict, such as Piers Morgan!"
Zionism is Racism

Meme - Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼 @DrewPavlou: "“It didn’t start on October 7” yes unfortunately the massacres have been taking place for almost a century now"
"1929 Hebron massacre. Part of the 1929 Palestine riots"
Terrorism supporters like to claim that you need to go back to 1948, but even if you do that, history shows how dishonest they are, since the "Nakba" was a failed attempt to massacre all the Jews, and that's a "tragedy"

Visegrád 24 on X - "Bobby Kennedy also known as RFK was murdered in June 1968 by Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Jordanian-Palestinian.  Sirhan opened fire on him with a .22-calibre revolver, hitting Kennedy three times, and wounding five other people.  In 1989, Sirhan told British journalist David Frost: "My only connection with Robert Kennedy was his sole support of Israel and his deliberate attempt to send those 50 fighter jets to Israel to obviously do harm to the Palestinians.""
💙🇮🇱Am Yisrael Chai! on X - "Just goes to show you how anti American these pro Palestinians in the US really are. And yeah, this probably has something to do with Trump’s Israel stance too. 💙🇮🇱💙🇮🇱"

Meme - 𝗡𝗶𝗼𝗵 𝗕𝗲𝗿𝗴 ♛ ✡︎ @NiohBerg: "1934, Algeria.  Jewish girls had their breasts cut off, families burned to death inside their houses in a massacre by Arab muslims.  There was no Israel, IDF or Mossad. It took place over 1000 miles away from "Palestine".  But sure, "muslims and Jews lived in peace"."
"Girls Mutilated, Many Burned, Report Shows
List of Dead and Injured Runs Into Hundreds, Correspondent Says (Jewish Telegraphic Agency)
CONSTANTINE, Algeria, Aug. 7.- A scene of utter desolation an\d horror, of Jewish girls with their breasts cut off, of little chil- dren with numerous knife wounds and of whole families locked in their homes and burned to death, was described by a Jewish Tele- graphic Agency correspondent, who succeeded in reaching this city today. "It will take days before the world will obtain a true picture of all the atrocities committed by the Arabs during the pogrom on 'I the Jewish quarter," the correspondent wired. "The only comparison I can think of is the Palestine riots of 1929. I found Jewish girls with their breasts cut off, greybearded Jews stabbed to death, little Jewish children dead of numerous .I knife wounds and whole families locked in their homes and burned to death by the rioters."
Clearly, the existence of the State of Israel explains all anti-Semitism around today

Meme - Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 @MarinaMedvin: "Palestinian activist:  “Burning the American flag… it’s a beautiful sight, but it’s not enough.”
“We need to burn the US government… down to the f*cking ground!”
“Thank you and free Palestine!”"
"Just kidding... D3@th to the us emprie"
Left wing beliefs often come in a package

Meme - Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼 @DrewPavlou: "“The war didn’t start on October 7, Palestine has been occupied for 76 years.”   A Palestinian state could have celebrated its 76th year of existence this year had the Palestinian national leadership accepted the original UN Partition Plan.   Israel accepted the UN Partition Plan; the Palestinian national leadership rejected it and five surrounding Arab nations invaded Israel the second the British Mandate ended in an effort to strangle the Jewish state in its crib. Arab military leaders who had collaborated with Hitler in World War II openly gloated that they would drive the Jews into the sea in another Holocaust.  The root cause of the conflict is the fundamental refusal to recognise Jewish national self-determination alongside Palestinian national self-determination, a refusal to accept that Jews have a real connection to the land and have a right to live there. If the Palestinian political leadership and people can simply accept the existence of Israel alongside a Palestinian state, I truly believe that peace will come.   This requires the renunciation of violence and terrorism and the dismantling of paramilitary organisations like Hamas. The renunciation of maximalist, eliminationist dreams of total ethnic cleansing on both sides. Both the Kahanists and the Hamasniks must step back from the brink. Peaceful co-existence and a two state solution. The world will be so much better for it"
"Palestine Plan of Partition with Economic Union. Proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee on the Palestinian Question"

Meme - Cheryl E 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🎗️ @CherylWroteIt: "There’s one thing that has NOT been tried yet that could resolve the issue in the Middle East that’s been raging for a hundred years:
🚨The original total land set to be shared between the Jews and the Arabs in the British Mandate of Palestine included all of Gaza, Israel, Samaria, Judea and Jordan.
🚨The Arabs lobbied and pushed and pressured and were given the entire land that is now Jordan. That is 80% of the land that was due to be shared between the Jews and the Arabs.
🚨So now what should happen is that ALL of Gaza, Israel, Samaria and Judea should be given exclusively to the Jewish State of Israel. No ifs. No buts. No maybes. That is NOT ethnic cleansing. That is the true fair solution that was always intended and should have been implemented in the 1929’s when Trans-Jordan was given to the Arabs exclusively.
🚨Denying this solution is denying facts, history and truth.
It doesn’t matter how one wants to spin things, the very fact that the Arabs were already given exclusive rights to the entire land of Trans-Jordan which makes up 80% of the total land meant to be shared means that the only fair solution to resolve the conflict is for all the Palestinian Arabs to move to Jordan which is legally their rightful home. Gaza, Samaria and Judea belong to Israel and should be completely annexed and all Arabs relocated to Jordan where they can finally stop being refugees, can stop moaning about fake Nakbas and Fake genocide and fake famine, and stop starting wars against the Jewish people.   If the world truly wants peace and stability, that is the only solution. The two state solution already exists.   Now it’s time the world tells the United Nations and the Arabs on our land (excluding the Israeli Arabs who are Israeli) to FVCK OFF!!!"
"LEBANON (French Mandate). IRAQ (British Mandate). SYRIA (French Mandate). MANDATE for PALESTINE (British Mandate)  120,466 Sq. Km
Mandate for Palestine, April 24 1920. Showing the boundaries of the land in which the Jewish National Home was to be reconstituted."

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