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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Links - 16th July 2024 (1 - Star Wars)

Disney ‘Star Wars’ Box-Office Profits Fail To Cover Cost Of Buying Lucasfilm - "Box office profits generated by Disney's Star Wars movies have fallen $2.8 billion short of covering the media giant's purchase of the sci-fi saga’s creator, Lucasfilm, according to analysis of recently-filed financial statements... as the series continued there was a disturbance in the force due an over-reliance on computer generated effects and a lack of the gritty quirky characters who made the original movies smash hits...   The presentation gives the impression that Disney's Star Wars trilogy generated a 2.9 times return on the purchase of Lucasfilm as that figure is presented next to a timeline of key events in the production company's history. They include the release of the Disney movies and its acquisition of Lucasfilm which is the only milestone marked with a star. Adding to this impression is the fact that at the other end of the timeline is the Star Wars logo and a photo of the Mandalorian with his little green friend.  However, buried in the fine print is the revelation that the purchase price of Lucasfilm isn't even included in the ROI calculation. Instead, it is purely based on the box office performance of Disney's Star Wars trilogy, its two spinoff movies, merchandise, DVD and Blu Ray sales.  As revealed, the methodology is questionable as Disney based the ROI on the revenue generated by the movies, merchandise, DVDs and Blu Rays rather than the profit they made as it should have done. Using the revenue rather than the profit artificially inflates the result as it doesn't factor in the costs that Disney had to pay out.  Even this wasn't enough for the media giant so it also forecast the revenue that it expected the Star Wars movies, merchandise, DVDs and Blu Rays to generate over a ten-year period and based the calculation on that too. In other words, Disney hasn't actually received the revenue that it used to calculate the return on its investment."
Weird. We keep being told Disney Star Wars is a huge success

Meme - Young Gamorra: "You did it? You went to the darkside to save Padme ?"
Thanos: "Yes"
Young Gamorra: "What did it cost?"
Thanos: "Padme"

Star Wars Meg on X - "Do you think the sequels will get the prequel treatment in a decade or two? Where the generation who grew up with them will make them more popular than when they released?"
Fr. Brendon Laroche on X - "The Prequels are bad movies that love Star Wars. The Sequels are bad movies that hate Star Wars."

Liam Neeson's Height Cost Star Wars $150,000 - "all the sets built for The Phantom Menace had to be raised to accommodate the 6’4″ Tales of the Jedi actor. The door frames specifically had to be rebuilt so that the Irish giant didn’t bump his head... The communicator Liam Neeson used to contact Ewan McGregor’s Obi-Wan Kenobi in Episode I was a Gillette Ladies Sensor Excell Razor with a couple of extra doodads glued on"

The Last Jedi Is Terrible, But Not For The Reasons You Think - YouTube - "The Last Jedi is the only Star Wars film to open with a Your mom joke... and we can only assume that's because every every other Star Wars director realized that it's a bad fit tonally for the Universe... Star Wars has always had humor and some of the jokes have been dumb. Jar Jar stepping in bantha poodoo for instance was pretty dumb. The difference here though, is that poop, for good or ill, is a part of any Universe with livestock. But a universal gag like heh, heh, your mom, goes beyond dumb. It feels decided 21st century Earth, and that pulls you right out of the film which is supposed to be happening long ago in a galaxy far away. Then there's Luke's reaction to getting his lightsaber back. Does he get all solemn and thrust it back at Rey saying: that's not who I am now, or something similarly somber? No. He does this. He tosses it over his shoulder like it's a Looney Tunes gag... Then there's Maz Kanata making a joke about the Codebreaker being able to do everything. Are we laughing yet?... Johnson pushes The Narrative that both sides of the war are profiting from it and that bad guy and good guy are relative terms that are all almost interchangeable...  but this is Star Wars. The whole point of the entire franchise is that one side has actual quantifiable evil on its side... We have Rian Johnson's stated purpose to subvert your expectations. The Last Jedi is one big gotcha as far as Johnson is concerned... Perhaps Johnson's biggest sin with the Last Jedi was not making good on his promises. Let the past die, kill it if you have to... Rian Johnson made a movie specifically to troll fans. He filled it with ill-fitting humor that clashes with the established Star Wars aesthetic and acted like he was shaking things up. Only to end the film exactly where Star Wars always ends up"

Meme Tusken Raider: "Your father slaughtered our village"
Luke Skywalker: "What?"
Tusken Raider: "DIIIIEEEE!!"

Meme - "Disneys two Wars projects
*Rogue One* *Andor*
Both have a straight white male in the a leading role

George Lucas on 'Star Wars' Critics Who Say Films Are 'All White Men' - "  “They would say, ‘It’s all white men,'” Lucas said of the films’ critics. “Most of the people are aliens! The idea is you’re supposed to accept people for what they are, whether they’re big and furry or whether they’re green or whatever. The idea is all people are equal.”  Lucas went on to say that the only beings in the “Star Wars” universe who were discriminated against were the robots... “I mean, we’re already starting with AI, saying, ‘Well, we can’t trust those robots.'”   As for the issue of race, Lucas said, “In the first one, there were a few Tunisians who were dark, and in the second one I had Billy Williams, and the [prequels], which they were also criticizing, I had Sam Jackson. He wasn’t a scoundrel like Lando. He was one of the top jedi.”   Lucas also responded to criticism about the depiction of women in the “Star Wars” films, saying: “Who do you think the heroes are in these stories? What do you think Princess Leia was? She’s the head of the rebellion. She’s the one that’s taking this young kid who doesn’t know anything and this boisterous, I-know-everything guy who can’t do anything and trying to save the rebellion with these clowns … And it’s the same thing with Queen Amidala.”   He continued, “You can’t just put a woman in pants and expect her to be a hero. They can wear dresses, they can wear whatever they want. It’s their brains and their ability to think and plan and be logistical. That’s what the hero is.”"
Left wingers hate white men, so

George Lucas Honored at Cannes, Talks Post-Disney Star Wars Films - "Discussing the Star Wars sequels made after he sold Lucasfilm to Disney in 2012 (for $4.05 billion), Lucas said the new corporate bosses got a lot wrong.  “I was the one who really knew what Star Wars was … who actually knew this world, because there’s a lot to it. The Force, for example, nobody understood the Force,” he said. “When they started other ones after I sold the company, a lot of the ideas that were in [the original] sort of got lost. But that’s the way it is. You give it up, you give it up.”"

Meme - "Obi-Wan at 57 *old*
Dooku at 71 *young*"

Meme - Star Wars Cloud City: "When Mark tweeted this...."
Mark Hamill @HamillHimself: "#MissedOpportunities *Sequel Trilogy era Lando, Leia, Han and Luke all in the MIllennium Falcon*"
Clearly, Mark Hamil fully supported The Last Jedi and the Sequel Trilogy, as Sequel Trilogy Defenders keep insisting

The Prequel Zone | Facebook - "#TPM25 #PadmeTuesday
Something small I noticed about The Phantom Menace. When we're introduced to the planet Naboo, it looks like a nice place, pretty architecture, swamps, locals with strange accents. But when Qui-gon and Obi-wan go beneath the surface, they encounter an entire food chain of terrifying monsters. So Naboo isn't the picture-perfect paradise it looks like. The Queen of Naboo is just like her planet. She has an ostentatious wardrobe, she is a ruler of a small planet that surrendered to an invasion without a fight. Darth Sidious tells the Trade Federation leaders that she is "young and naïve" and will be easy to control. But then she stages an assault on her own capital city, retakes her palace, and captures the Federation Viceroy to force him and his army off her planet. It is a reiteration of a common theme in the Star Wars saga: 'Your eyes deceive you; don't trust them." ~Padawan Yzil"

Why Disney Should Add Fox’s Fanfare Back to ‘Star Wars’ - "Since 1977 first introduced moviegoers worldwide to George Lucas’ galaxy far, far away, the Fox studios title card and accompanying score has set the mood for the latest entry in the Skywalker space opera. The connection was finally severed in December 2015, three years and two months after Disney purchased Lucasfilm for $4 billion. The familiar drum roll and roving spotlights of Fox’s opener were, for the first time, absent from a Star Wars title.  Not only was the disappearance of the Fox theme a blow to the opening of films in the Star Wars universe, but the studio’s absorption by Disney raises questions about whether the fanfare will live on at all. The door is technically now even reopened for Disney to add the fanfare back in ahead of Star Wars films if and when Fox returns to the fold.  The theme, originally composed in 1933 by Fox music director Alfred Newman, may have very well faded into obscurity by the 1970s had Lucas not taken a particularly liking to it. The filmmaker insisted it be played before his first Star Wars film, and a renaissance of sorts began for the fanfare.  To truly understand just how deep the connection between the two pieces is, one need only look to Oscar-winning composer John Williams, the man responsible for the Star Wars score.  When Williams was hired to compose the music for 1977’s A New Hope, one of his first courses of action was writing a main theme in the same key as Newman’s fanfare. The combination struck a chord (pun intended) with audiences and fans of the series so deeply that the fanfare was included on releases of the Star Wars special edition re-release in the late 1990s and the Ultimate Edition score to 1999’s The Phantom Menace... 20th Century Fox may have accomplished that most elusive of corporate branding goals: Connecting with a fan’s heart, not just their wallet."

Meme - Star Wars: Gamers: "Initial Audience Reactions to 'The Phantom Menace' (Summer 1999 Gallup Polling)
PRIOR TO RELEASE. Do you expect "The Phantom Menace" to be better, about the same or worse than the original "Star Wars" movie?
RELEASE. How would you describe your reaction to the movie - one of the greatest; excellent, good, fair, or poor?
One of the greatest - 5%
Excellent - 38%
Good - 36%
Fair - 17%
Poor - 4%
One of the greatest - 18%
Excellent - 33%
Good - 39%
Fair - 8%
Poor - 1%
Favorite Characters
QUI-GON - 18%
ANAKIN - 16%
JAR JAR - 13%
OBl-WAN - 11%
QUEEN  - 8%
So the audience reaction to The Phantom Menace was not as bad as the media tells us in trying to shit on "toxic fans"

Meme - "When you dislike Anakin so much, you don't bother to attend his knighting: *no purple lightsaber (Mace Windu)*"

Meme - "The end of Return of the Jedi when Vader/Anakin saves Luke I've only come to fully appreciate that that's him realizing he now has the power to save his son, as a father, whereas before he couldn't stop his mother or Padme from dieing.  Not only does he bring peace to the galaxy by killing the emperor, he gets to save someone he loves from certain death, simply as a man, as a father. And in that moment he not only embraced the light side, but also truly being a father, when he had no father.  (Qui Gon was supposed to be his in effect step father, but in Duel of the fates, was killed, with Obi Wan becoming a brother, hence why they bicker in AOTC, but not a father to him, as Obi Wan didn't want him in the first place, that's why it's called Duel of the fates, because it's a Duel to decide who will take care of the chosen one and thus decide his fate).  Maybe all of this is obvious, but I'm only now fully appreciating all the layers to it, thanks to Filoni! MINDBLOWN!"

Meme - "This sums up the cultural relevance of Star Wars in 2024."
"Star Wars toys, 80s, 90s and today"
*Full shelves* *whole aisle* *small section*

*Luke ignites green lightsaber*
*Yoda ignites red lightsaber*

Meme - "Leia, Padme, Ahsoka, Jyn, Zorii, Fennec, Qi'ra, Cara, Bo, Paige *real life hot photos*"

Meme - Luke Skywalker: "My father didn't fight in the wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter"
*Anakin as Dune navigator floating brain*

Meme - George Lucas to JRR Tolkien: "You write that Arwen died of a broken heart, people consider it brilliant writing. I write that Padme died of a broken heart, people consider it bad writing. That doesn't seem fair"

Meme - MaceAhWindu @MaceAhWindu: "I will never forgive hard right wingers for infiltrating Star Wars and poisoning the community."
Norm Cruise X @normposter: "Are the right wingers in the room with us now? *the force is female*"
Tebow on X - "Yup. That was me. Infiltrating it my entire childhood before the Prequels came out."
George Sears 🇺🇸🐍 on X - "Yeah I remember when I infiltrated Star Wars when I was 3 years old. I’ve been playing the long game."
Elmo Ceretti on X- "Funny how toxicity actually started when Hard-Left “infiltrated” into Star Wars/Disney…"
Jack on X - "Every time anyone too into the Empire or dressing up as a stormtroopers that's an immediate red flag. Also, if you don't like that, it changed to be more inclusive and allow minorities; don't watch it. No one is making you. The rest of us are just enjoying the ride."
Scavage on X - "Marketing demographics, identity politics, and access to Larry Fink's ESG bond markets > storytelling and compelling characters"
Typical projection and deflecting to excuse their failures

Meme - Rey to Ben Solo: "You killed your father"
Ben Solo: "Yes! And I tried to kill my mother, my uncle, you and all your friends!"
*Rey kisses him*

Did You Know Admiral Ackbar From 'Star Wars' Was Ugly on Purpose? - "Many people working on the movie believed that the Star Wars character was going to be too ugly for the screen. Or worse, become a big joke. The movie’s director, Richard Marquand, stated that having a seemingly “ugly” character was a good idea. This was his logic:      “I think it’s good to tell kids that good people aren’t necessarily good-looking people and that bad people aren’t necessarily ugly people.”"


Meme - *Ki-Adi-Mundi*
"Impossible. The Sith have been extinct for a millennium."
"He is a Political Idealist Not a Murderer"

Meme - Rebel: "YOUR HIGHNESS"
Princess Leia: "OMG, THAT'S DISGUSTING."

Revenge Of The Sith's Padme Deleted Scene Is Officially The Birth Of The Rebellion - "Padmé was initially wary of what was being proposed behind closed doors. After all, Palpatine had been one of her most trusted advisors when she was Naboo's queen. However, she was eventually convinced that Palaptine's power and the Senate's corruption had grown out of control, beyond the scope of the Republic as it should be. As a result, Padmé herself helped lead the Delegation as seen in one of the deleted scenes from Revenge of the Sith, presenting the petition to Palpatine himself who claimed that he appreciated their concerns... Additionally, the initial secrecy of the Delegation became another tool Palpatine used to push Anakin to the dark side. As seen in the deleted scenes, Palpatine helped generate the paranoia that Padmé was hiding something from Anakin."

Meme - "When you come back to check on The Chosen One and he's putting midichlorians into a Senator: *Annoyed Qui-Gon Jinn*"

Meme - T J Burnside Clapp: "Hi! I'm TJ, the one in the photo. There were no magazines with images of the rebel pilot costume in October 1977. The movie was still in theaters. The action figures did not appear for almost a year. I did indeed take notes in the theater (midnight shows, where my friends and I were the only ones there, so I didn' bother anyone with a flashlight). The only photo reference I had was this trading card of Luke. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk"
Regarding the meme that strawmans objections to bad, forced diversity in Star Wars
Where she refutes the claim that she had nothing to go off of.
Comment (elsewhere): "Great. So Star Wars can go back to being what it was back then and girls can still relate to it if that's their thing. Nothing was broken. Nothing needed to be "fixed". Is that the point of this? 100% agreed. Somebody tag Kathleen."

Sexism and racism negatively predict preference for diverse characters in Star Wars fans.
I can't find the full version of this study, but as expected, they use the "hostile sexism" and "symbolic racism" scales, which are trash and just measure one's acceptance of grievance mongering. It's obvious that if you accept grievance mongering (i.e. you're low in "hostile sexism" and "symbolic racism"), you will accept bad "diverse" characters, because if you don't, you're a racist and a sexist. Contrariwise, those high in "hostile sexism" and "symbolic racism" are not afraid to admit that bad characters are bad

Why Luke's Exile Was NONSENSE But Yoda's Was Not - YouTube - "I think Luke's Exile was absolutely stupid and went completely against his character but a lot of people who love the sequels bring up the fact that Yoda also went into exile. I think when you do that it's extremely reductive of the actual situation and you're taking away all the context... Yoda and Obi-Wan didn't run and hide. They went and took the fight to the Sith... Remember Yoda doesn't lose this fight and then just immediately run away and go into hiding. There's a specific reason he goes into hiding and he tells everyone else to go hide. Yoda and Obi-Wan were both present for the birth of Luke and Leia. This gave Yoda hope. Not only that, him speaking to Qui-Gon Jinn... gave him a lot of hope as well. So because they were born and he spoke to Qui-Gon through the Force, the best option they had was to go into hiding to preserve the Jedi by going into hiding... to say Luke's exile was the same as that, that's kind of wild to me... Darth Vader had killed millions of people by this point and Luke didn't give up... Why would Luke give up on his nephew who he felt was falling to the dark side and had a bad dream about?... Hey I'll just kill him while he's sleeping. You know what probably could have fixed that? A simple conversation with him. Luke even had an idea that  Palpatine was still alive. If you didn't know that this was shown in Shadows of the Sith. If you try to convince me that that one dream and the fact that he felt like his nephew was falling to the dark side completely changed his character around, a complete 180 from who he was and who he was supposed to be... None of what Luke had gone through even compares to Yoda's situation with Order 66. The Jedi ruled for hundreds of years and then out of nowhere the people they called brothers and they loved turned on them and killed them. Thousands of Jedi instantly killed in a galactic war that spanned several years. Not only that if the Jedi did survive they were hunted by Vader and the inquisitors for many years... Yoda didn't really have a bad dream, he lived through a nightmare... Him trying to kill his nephew in the sleep led to Ben noticing this and then for some reason wanting to kill all Jedi and not just his uncle. Pretty much what it boils down to is that Luke's exile was done out of fear... the sequels ruined the character of Luke to prop up their new characters. This was a pretty common theme throughout the sequels. They turned Luke Skywalker into the exact opposite of what he was. He became a coward rather than brave"

Meme - The Star Wars Nerd: "Gordon Ramsay as Darth Vader - This made me lose my shit"

"EPISODE 7, 8, 9"

Meme - "STAR WARS: DISNEY KILLS HAN SOLO *The Force Awakens Logo*

The Visual Evolution of Mandalorian Armor Design

The Psychology of Darth Vader Revealed - "Anakin Skywalker's eventual transformation into Darth Vader might have more to do with psychological issues than the Force, researchers hint.  The tragic hero of the "Star Wars" prequels displays patterns of instability and impulsivity in the second and third films that make him an obvious candidate for borderline personality disorder (BPD), according to French psychiatrists and psychologists.  The researchers also suspect the traits exhibited by Skywalker might make him more appealing and relatable to teen fans, given that teens may also display certain characteristics of borderline personality disorder.  "I had watched the two prequel movies ["Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith"], and it was during my residency in psychiatry while trying to explain borderline personality disorder to medical students that I thought of Anakin," said Eric Bui, a psychiatrist at Toulouse University Hospital in France.  Bui and his colleagues first presented their diagnosis at the annual convention of the American Psychiatric Association in 2007. Now, their letter to the editor titled "Is Anakin Skywalker suffering from borderline personality disorder?" is slated to appear in an upcoming issue of the journal Psychiatry Research. Skywalker hit six out of the nine borderline personality disorder criteria as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition (DSM-IV). He only needed to meet five criteria to qualify as suffering from the disorder... "I believe that psychotherapy would have helped Anakin and might have prevented him from turning to the dark side," Bui said. "Using the dark side of the Force could be considered as similar to drug use: It feels really good when you use it, it alters your consciousness and you know you shouldn’t do it.""

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