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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Links - 18th July 2024 (2 - Trans Mania)

Meme - "What an odd thing to say."
SNOFIELF: "Oh cool, so because I'm trans I can't even visit family anymore (not that I'd want to) because I will get arrested and killed for it."
Leading Report @LeadingReport: "BREAKING: Florida Senate committee has unanimously passed a bill that would give the death penalty to those who commit sexual crimes against children."
Left wingers love perpetuating transphobic/homophobic/racist/sexist stereotypes (or are they admissions?)

Gender ideology and child abuse apologism: the undeniable links - "emerging pro-paedophile groups are also involved in campaigning to normalise gender reassignment for children. The starkest example is that of a German sociologist and gay rights advocate, Rüdiger Lautmann, who has argued that children from the age of seven should be able to live as the opposite sex without parental knowledge or consent. He has also written a notorious book, which advocates for paedophilia to be recognised as a “sexual orientation like any other”. And most shockingly of all, until last year, he was involved in creating a number of daycare centres for children in Berlin as part of a “queer education” project. Following a public outcry, he was kicked out of the organisation, but it seems clear that Lautmann is not the only individual that advocates for the transgendering of children who is also a paedophile apologist.  The transgender and so-called ‘queer’ ideology currently invading political parties, universities and the workplace can be a handy smokescreen for the acceptance and normalisation of the sexual abuse of children.  For those that think the bad old days of the Paedophile Information Exchange, the vile lobby group that infiltrated the National Council for Civil Liberties in the 1970s are over, think again.  There is a new resurgence of campaigners on behalf of paedophiles, and there are even moves to include them in the ‘rainbow coalition’ that began as Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual, and now takes up half of the alphabet. And paedophiles have been given a new makeover by their apologists, with some academics teaching ‘queer studies’ rebranding them as MAPS (Minor Attracted Persons). Just look at Jacob Breslow, a former trustee at Mermaids, the organisation that campaigns for access to puberty blockers for ‘gender dysphoric’ kids. Breslow resigned from his position at Mermaids and took a leave of absence from his academic post when it was discovered he was a sympathetic advocate for paedophiles.  During a presentation he gave in 2011 to a US organisation which was co-founded in 2003 by a convicted child sex offender, Breslow argued that ‘Minor Attracted Persons’, should be better understood, and hinted that paedophilia should be categorised as a sexual minority. Rüdiger Lautmann is a sociologist based in Berlin, Germany. He is the author of “The Lust for Children: Portrait of a Paedophile” (1994)... [Rüdiger Lautmann] is on the board of directors of SDPqueer which both promotes the use of puberty blockers for young people with gender dysphoria and lobbies for children to have a legal right to self-identify as the opposite sex, unfettered by any medical or other professional gatekeeping... Like many other pro-trans, ‘queer’ organisations, SPDqueer started out as a group advocating for lesbian and gay rights, changing its name in 2016 in order to incorporate a number of other sexual minorities.  It is also lobbying for the criminalisation of what is known as ‘deadnaming’. This is the public or private use to a transgender person of their original name, and would become punishable by a fine of up to €10,000. SDPqueer wants every German citizen to have the right to change the gender on their legal papers once a year. Lautmann has repeatedly advocated for paedophilia to be recognised as “a sexual orientation, like any other“, and has been involved with SDPqueer in Berlin ever since the group was first formed in 2011. His book is based on interviews with 60 men who openly admit to sexually abusing young children. Most of the victims were boys, though there were also some girls. According to Lautmann, these men “love the children“, buying them toys and other treats. Lautmann claims that the children are free to leave their “lover“ whenever they choose. Paedophile apologists in the UK put forward very similar ideas, often that children can consent to, and benefit from, sexual abuse by adults. Both of these men think that even a four-year-old can consent to sex with an adult. Lautmann claims that the paedophiles he wrote about never forced children, allowing them only to “lead sexual activity“, and says that the vast majority of encounters are consensual. Again, like sexual libertarians in the UK such as Peter Tatchell, he claims that to prevent adult men from having sex with very young children is to deny the children pleasure, and that the child has a right to make a choice.  He also insists that paedophilia is a sexual orientation rather than a perversion, which is precisely how paedophiles have ended up being included in the rainbow flag – just as “Minor-Attracted People” (“MAPs”) have in the UK. Lautmann has been calling for an end to the age of consent since 1979. One of his close associates is Helmut Kentler, a paedophile and sexologist. He claimed that paedophiles’ “lust for children” leads them to have a strong desire to take care of them. Wanting to see whether they would make good foster parents, he ran a project that actually placed foster children with paedophiles, in order to test out his theory... It seems that those who support ‘transitioning’ children often work hand-in-hand with those wishing to gain sexual access to children. One person, posting on a paedophile forum as Krumme-13, states: “Gender and sexual identity do not only begin on the 14th birthday, when the so-called protection age limit ends. Children can, and want to, experience their childhood sexuality self-determined beforehand.”  But not everyone is shocked at the pro-paedophile, pro-transgender movement. Some mainstream German newspaper coverage of the protests against the daycare centre claimed that objections came only from anti-LGBTQ, extreme right-wing campaigners. Whilst there is one group that certainly does fit this description, much of the protest was from parents, child protection experts, and feminists. Anyone protesting extreme transgender ideology and paedophilia apologism is accused of being bigoted and on the extreme right. The German Green Party put out a statement about the rally that said there was no place for “right-wing hatred and anti-queer agitation” or “the slander of rainbow daycare” in the Tempelhof Schonberg borough of Berlin, where the multigenerational house for gays, bisexuals, transsexuals and intersex people was to have room for 93 children at its daycare centre. Back in October 2022, more than 300 people opposed the right-wing demonstration, standing up for “diversity” and against “homophobic hate speech”. These new day-care centres are part of a pilot project initiated by the Berlin counselling service, which insists that “the queer way of life should be accessible to children” via the provision of books about same-sex relationships, as opposed to the usual mainstream offerings... it is clear that both paedophile apologism and being in favour of transitioning children are part and parcel of the project ethos.  Although Lautmann denies that he is a paedophile apologist, he was a member of the board of trustees of a Human Sexuality Working Group, which, at that time took the position that children can consent to sex with adults. The evidence speaks for itself. Protecting children from transgender ideology could well protect them from sexual abuse."
On the links between trans mania and pedophilia. Julie Bindel ensures that she is persona non grata among the left

‘Trans’ paedophiles are laughing at Britain - "The clearest example of how self-identification, where men can simply declare that they are women, is an unmitigated disaster is when sex offenders declare that they are suddenly female following the offence. We have all seen it: Isla Bryson in Scotland, Karen White in England, and many other cases where alleged rapists decide, prior to trial or sentencing, that they are female... As feminists have long pointed out, the arguments put forward by these men, that they really are women, is deeply offensive to actual women. These characters often seem to favour stereotypical “female” attire – pink dresses, long hair, and painted nails. We are not a costume, and do not wish to be defined as female based on feminine frippery and sexist stereotypes. We are biologically female and have been socialised as such. Trans-identified men are neither.  Transwomen exhibit a pattern of criminality which is no different from other males. Indeed, figures released by the Ministry of Justice in 2018 showed that half of all trans prisoners have been sentenced with more than one sexual offence, almost all against women and children. Therefore, declaring oneself a “transwoman” certainly does not make you any safer. In fact, it puts women and girls in more danger, because they can be lulled into a false sense of security.   Trans activists insist that women should be worried about “men” and “not trans women”. Please tell me what the difference is? Women have had enough. Fewer people are now being duped into believing that so-called transwomen are different from natal males. It seems probable that some men facing trial go down the transition route in order to be treated more leniently in court, or to access potential victims in single sex spaces.   It is outrageous that crime statistics are being skewed by police and courts recording men such as Dominic Carter as women when they commit sex crimes. Let’s close this loophole now. Men that perpetrate acts of sexual violence and abuse must never be allowed to hide behind a gender-identity smokescreen.   Using a transgender identity in court as a mitigation in sex crime cases is the very opposite of what should happen. There should be an assumption that any man charged with sex offences who subsequently self-identifies as a woman should be questioned about his ulterior motives."

Biden Officials Pressed Trans Medical Group to Change Guidelines for Minors, Court Filings Show - The New York Times - "Age minimums, officials feared, could fuel growing political opposition to such treatments. Email excerpts from members of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health recount how staff for Adm. Rachel Levine, assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services and herself a transgender woman, urged them to drop the proposed limits from the group’s guidelines and apparently succeeded... In the United States, setting age limits was controversial from the start.  The draft guidelines, released in late 2021, recommended lowering the age minimums to 14 for hormonal treatments, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation or facial surgeries, and 17 for genital surgeries or hysterectomies.  The proposed age limits were eliminated in the final guidelines outlining standards of care, spurring concerns within the international group and with outside experts as to why the age proposals had vanished... The excerpts were filed by James Cantor, a psychologist and longstanding critic of gender treatments for minors, who used them as evidence that the international advisory group, referred to as WPATH, was making decisions based on politics, not science, in developing the guidelines.  The emails were part of a report he submitted in support of Alabama’s ban on transgender medical care for minors. No emails from Admiral Levine’s staff were released. Plaintiffs are seeking to bar Dr. Cantor from giving testimony in the case, claiming that he lacks expertise and that his opinions are irrelevant... “What’s being told to the public is totally different from WPATH’s discussions in private,” he said...  some WPATH members voiced their disagreement with the proposed changes. “If our concern is with legislation (which I don’t think it should be — we should be basing this on science and expert consensus if we’re being ethical) wouldn’t including the ages be helpful?” one member wrote. “I need someone to explain to me how taking out the ages will help in the fight against the conservative anti-trans agenda.”... the American Academy of Pediatrics also warned WPATH that it would not endorse the group’s recommendations if the guidelines set the new age minimums... The numbers for all gender-related medical interventions for adolescents have been steadily rising as more young people seek such care. A Reuters analysis of insurance data estimated that 4,200 American adolescents started estrogen or testosterone therapy in 2021, more than double the number from four years earlier. Surgeries are more rare, and the vast majority are mastectomies. or top surgeries. In 2021, Reuters estimated that 282 teenagers underwent top surgery that was paid for by insurance. Gender-related surgeries for minors have been a focal point for some politicians. Gov. Ron DeSantis, Republican of Florida, has argued that surgeons should be sued for “disfiguring” children. In Texas, where parents of transgender children have been investigated for child abuse, Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, has called genital surgeries in adolescents “genital mutilation.”"
This won't stop the TRA gaslighting about how minors are only being socially transitioned, and minors never get surgery (though we have tons of evidence that they are)
If you don't Trust the Science, you are a paranoid far right conspiracy theorist who has fallen to misinformation

Thread by @Artofhunger75 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Ok so I looked into this and I’m definitely 🚨 breaking a huge part of this story 🚨 You heard the full story here first. Over the weekend a car accident led first responding officers to discover the body of a trans identified male in the backseat of his own car.  Local news source ABC 6, wrote that Margot Lewis (pictured left), 32, from Iowa and Massachusetts, flew to Minnesota and was found to be driving the car of Liara Tsai (pictured right) when Lewis got into an accident on I-90. In the backseat covered in cushions and tarps was the body of Tsai, showing injuries inconsistent with a car accident. In fact Tsai’s throat was cut. In the first article I read Tsai is referred to as a “female” and Lewis a “woman.” Interesting though on the local television broadcast they identify the victim, Liari Tsai as transgender but his alleged murderer, now charged, is a women named Margot Lewis. Tsai was very active in the trans community and DJ scene. Margot Lewis not so much was known about. In fact most socials were already deactivated. No offense to the dead but Tsai was posting pornographic images on here. So the news, local to global, and social media has treated this as female-on-female violence or against Trans women at the hands of a woman! When I perused the web I found this half convincing empty profile that Margot Lewis, alleged murder of a trans women, was in fact a woman. But I don’t know, something about my evolution snake brain reminded me of filters, aging and sex filters, so I dug and found this under a different name, different profile hidden from searches. Watch this magic of snake brain evolutionary biology against media cathedral propaganda. Look at Margot through the years (going backwards) did a woman kill a transwoman or did a Man kill a man. Margot Lewis, the trans identified male charged with the alleged murder of trans identified male Liars Tsai, was a full on Trantifa BLM ACAB activist. Why would a good guy leftist revolutionary murder an innocent TiM DJ? I thought it was stochastic far right terrorism? Is it not a mental health crisis under it all exacerbated by affirmation only therapy and porn? My thread will guarantee this trans genocide narrative will vanish bc of the trans perpetrator. Facts. WHICH is why the news doesn’t tell you. We do. It’s all a lie. As always let me say I hope Tsai’s family finds peace w/their loss.I hope Lewis rots in jail, suffering for his crime. But we’re adults in a free society right? We deserve the truth, the right to make up our mind based on the facts. These are not women’s crimes. #NotOurCrimes"
Damn trans genocide! Women are literally killing trans people!

Colin Wright on X - "This article in the obstetrics and gynecology journal Birth argues that "sexed language" in midwifery "causes harm to all who birth" because it "reflects an ideology of unchangeable sex binary" and perpetuates "colonialist, heteropatriarchal, and universalist" notions of "sex and gender essentialism."  The authors argue that midwifery has a "duty to uphold reproductive justice," and should become "a leader in the decolonization of childbirth and in defending the rights of all childbearing people.""
Gender‐inclusive language in midwifery and perinatal services: A guide and argument for justice

Meme - r/truscum
"All my trans friends have detransitioned
 The first trans person I (17m) ever knew started socially transitioning in 2019. We’re the same age. I thought it was just a phase, but I respected “his” pronouns and new name. Then time went by and “he” was still trans and I realised this wasn’t a phase but some of the adults around still thought it could be a phase and I was appalled when I heard this. I considered them to be transphobic for suggesting that.  I started questioning my gender in 2020 and by the end of the year I had a new name and he/him pronouns. Over the years I acquired three trans friends who all used he/him pronouns, one of them being that first trans person I knew. There were two others who used they/them pronouns and I wasn’t directly friends with. I’ve never had a problem with nonbinary people, I just wasn’t close with these guys. So I knew five “transmascs”.  Now it’s 2024 and I’ve been on T for a year and I’m stealth. All the nonbinary and trans people I was friends with have gone back to dressing feminine and using she/her pronouns and I’m still friends with one of them. The “transphobic” adults I knew were right. It was just a phase. None of them ever got close to actually starting T. Now I have zero trans friends.  I should add that I’ve never called myself truscum. I’ve always just accepted everybody because even if I didn’t understand it, that didn’t mean it wasn’t real. I don’t even know anymore."

Rachael Wong on X - "The @VicGovAu's new taxpayer funded campaign is gaslighting in the extreme. According to this ad women should put the feelings of men above our own instincts/comfort/safety & be 'inclusive' & 'kind' to men invading our spaces/sports. Enough. cc: @JacintaAllanMP @VictorianLabor"
B52Ed on X - ""The unsaid says a lot, so think ..." Translation: Those unauthorized facial expressions will get you into trouble."
Naturally, if women are afraid of cis men being in the same lift as them, it's men's fault and they need to do better

Meme - J.K. Rowling @jk_rowling: "I am, yes. My husband called a priest last year and found out the exorcism would cost around £500. I'm not saying Neil's tight, but he chose to buy a bottle of holy water and do it himself, which is why I'm still possessed of a demon that refuses to believe women have dicks."
"You're actually radicalised past the point of salvation aren't you?"
Throwaway account for reading the Tweator on X - "Using religious language kind of gives you away. Gender belief is like any other faith. Like a Muslim saying "I declare there is no God but God and Mohammad is his prophet", or a Catholic saying the Nicene Creed, a thing becomes true of you merely claim to believe it."
She's "radicalised" for believing what almost everyone throughout history, even today, believes

Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "Just received this from a mom who first reached out to me a few years ago. Her daughter wanted to transition and had adopted a boy’s name. The school counselor intervened behind her mom’s back and told the pre-teen girl where to get chest-binders without her mom knowing. The counselor even called CPS!  Look at this girl now.
“Wanted to let you know, my daughter came to me a couple weeks ago and thanked me for not going along with the trans thing.
“She said she was feeling depressed and confused about life and felt this was the solution to her problems. She apologized to me and said she felt bad for what she put me through.
“We are 100% officially out of this. 4.5 long years.
“She has now swung a little in the opposite direction and seems to have very little tolerance for all the pride stuff around town.”"

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "A group of gay and lesbian people @CollectifEros who are critical of trans ideology were violently gay bashed and robbed by leftists and Antifa at the Pride event in Paris."

Meme - Hazel Appleyard @HazelAppleyard_: "I’ve posted this one before but it’s really just so funny that I wanted to share it again.   He goes to the ER and the doctor looks at his 🐱 and the doctor asks if something happened down there 😂 like an accident or something.   He tells the doctor he’s having period cramps (LMAO) and the doctor can’t take it anymore, leaves, and a nurse tells him he has to go to a GI doctor because he’s not actually having a period LOL"
Horrible cramps, what do I do? Went to emergency room, bad experience
Trigger Warning
I've been on estrogen nine years. I've never experienced cramps until the last few months. They come every 24-31 days and feel like a deep throbbing pain in my pelvis. I get moody, constipated, intense cravings, and somewhat suicidal. I know we can experience periods without the blood, but the cramps weren't letting up. I went to the emergency room and told them I was having extreme cramps and it was bad. I didn't want to tell them I'm trans because I live stealth. So, when they asked to take a look at my vagina (thankfully, I'm post op) so I decided I'd let them look. Immediately, the doctor takes one look at my puss and asks what happened. I tell him I don't know what he's talking about. He asks if something happened to me down there? I told him nothing. He says he's going to attempt an ultrasound to look at my ovaries. I tell him I don't have any and, unhappily, explain that I'm trans. He says, but you're here for cramps. I say that I'm having a period. The doctor leaves and in comes a nurse who discharges me. On my paper it says I need to consult a gi doctor for intestinal issues because that's where the cramps are coming from. Anyway, the cramps are still hurting and I've been crying all day over what the stupid doctor said, asking me what happened to my vagina. What do you mean, my vagina is like everyone elses. I don't even want to get out of bed. I hate myself."
Clearly, transphobia is leading to substandard medical care

James Lindsay, full varsity on X - ""LMAO this seems super legit. "In Indonesia, trans women face unique challenges due to climate change: it's hard for them to make money." WHAT?"
Winsome Smith on X - "In Indonesia, all the trans women are prostitutes called something like beycha. The left has seized on it as though it’s well tolerated in the 4th most populous Muslim country on earth, but that wasn’t the impression we had when we visited Bandung.  It exists, but it is dangerous."

Billboard Chris 🇨🇦🇺🇸 on X - "Doctors at the American Academy of Pediatrics — who want to turn children into maimed and sterilized, anorgasmic, lifelong pharmaceutical patients — discussed ways to “circumvent” red states’ bans on sex change procedures and drugs for children.   Internal AAP communications from July 2023 show members strategizing ways to provide sex change interventions to children living in states that have banned the procedures, including using telehealth to access hormones from out of state providers.  They may call themselves pediatricians, but in reality they are cult members and child abusers.  More lawsuits, please!"
EXCLUSIVE: Major Pediatric Medical Org Plotted Ways To ‘Circumvent’ Child Sex Change Bans, Emails Show
You only need to follow the law if you are pushing the left wing agenda

Meme - Drag Queen with Purple Wig & a lot of makeup: *(normal)*
Ella Maulding: *(alt right terrorist)*

Meme - "Pride Orientation Identity"
*Trans Pride Flag* *Gender Queer on table*
Normal woman with normal man: "Uh... Pat is our son!"

Female nurses vow to keep fighting over hospital trans policy: Won't be 'ignored' or 'threatened' - "The group of nurses, who shared their story with the media anonymously in May, filed a suit against the County Durham and Darlington Memorial Hospital Trust that month. In the suit, they allege they have been harassed by the biological male colleague who often walks around the female changing room undressed and stares at and initiates conversations with colleagues as they are dressing... One of the nurses in the suit who had been sexually assaulted as a child described how on one occasion, she was allegedly approached by the transgender colleague while alone in the dressing room and was repeatedly asked to undress while the colleague was only wearing boxer shorts with genitalia visible.  Lockey said a Muslim colleague had also been terrified to encounter the biological male colleague in the changing area while she was half-dressed... The trans worker also wears men's clothes, has facial hair and has told colleagues about trying to get a female girlfriend pregnant, the suit claims. After raising concerns about having to get undressed around the colleague to management last year, over two dozen female nurses at Darlington Memorial Hospital signed a letter to the hospital system in April, saying they were uncomfortable over the issue.   Shortly afterward, the suit alleges the head of HR lectured a manager that the female nurses needed to be more "inclusive" and to get "educated" on the issue. Darlington Memorial nurse Bethany Hutchison, who also spoke with Fox News Digital, called HR's reaction to their concerns "absolutely insulting."  She said the policies have left female colleagues fearful and having to find alternative places to change their clothes, which they are required to do at least once per shift... The eight nurses in the suit say the hospital has prioritized the single transgender employee over the female staff. They are suing the NHS trust on the basis of sexual harassment and sex discrimination... "We're thrilled," Lockey said, while holding up a stack of cards they received in the mail. Both nurses said they've been touched by these messages because, in their workplace, they've been made to feel like "bigots" and "bullies" for standing up for their rights. "All we want to do is just defend our right to a female-only space. We don't want to attack trans people. We know that there's a lot of really good trans people out there that wouldn't mean any harm to anybody," Lockey continued.  "And ultimately, we want the policy changed. It's about policy change and safety," Hutchison added."

Meme - "'She's too old for this!' Queen Letizia's look divides fans as she wears short Zara dress"
"Eddie Izzard gives off perfect summer vibes in *that* Zara printed mini dress as she holidays in Malaga"

Meme - Superstraight kid: "I'm a super kid"
Superphobe (trans colours): "You're-"
Offscreen: "HEY"
Superstraight adults with bat: "Protect Super Kids"
This is a parody of a "protect trans kids" comic

Angela Jones on X - "My endocrinologist wants me to go back on HRT for hot flashes but there is a world wide shortage. This is why
- Menopausal woman - 0.6 -1.25mcg a day
Trans identifying male - 6-8mcg a day.
Mens demands take precedence over women’s needs yet again."
Weird. We're told that rights are not like cake - more for one person doesn't mean less for another. But of course, even if you have a "right" to hormones, that doesn't mean hormones are unlimited. This is yet another problem with positive rights

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