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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Links - 14th July 2024 (1 - General Wokeness)

Eric Kaufmann: Creating a post-woke society - "“The Third Awokening” revolves around the left-liberal anti-racism taboo of the mid-1960s. Like the big bang, this was a cosmic event; its logic has been progressively expanding, defining our social universe. It has introduced a zone of unbounded identitarian sacredness around race — a form of social kryptonite which irradiated anyone standing in its way. This powerful magic was borrowed by the feminist and later LGBTQ+ movements, weaponized by the revolutionary left and stretched to new frontiers of microscopic and confected emotional grievance. Along the way, it has eroded freedom, truth and excellence while vandalizing cherished national identities and undermining social cohesion. Until the taboo is reformed into a proportionate norm like any other, cultural socialism will remain a dominant force in polite society. While there is no question that the energy behind cancel culture has peaked, my view is that, far from disappearing, the underlying ideology is likely to maintain or increase its power in the years ahead. Its wings have been clipped, but the core myths and symbols from which it springs remain intact. This seedbed stands ready to nourish another moral panic the next time a white policeman kills an unarmed Black man or a whistleblower exposes a high-profile sexual predator. Young people, especially young women, are much less tolerant of speech which offends historically disadvantaged race, gender and sexual identity groups than older generations. This is especially true of gen Z (zoomers) and millennials educated at the best universities. As they become the median employee in elite institutions and attain positions of power, they are likely to upend the country’s classical liberal and patriotic creed. The senior liberals who are behind the modest anti-woke correction in the mainstream media will have left the scene as part of the inevitable generational turnover of institutional leadership. While radical ideas like critical race theory or gender ideology have gained ground, they only succeeded because they resonated with an established left-liberal hypersensitivity around identity issues. This attention to the demand side, or consumption, of ideas, is missing from many books which focus only on the radicals and the ideas they produce. Left-liberals, not revolutionary radicals, were also responsible for a number of woke innovations. Like water gradually heating to boiling point, their sensibility evolved incrementally from the ’70s through a process of therapeutic “concept creep” in which ever-finer microaggressions came to be declared traumatic. This is how we evolved from “crippled” to “handicapped” to “disabled” to “differently abled.” It also accounts for the ratcheting extremism of a series of U.S. Supreme Court decisions between the ’60s and ’80s. Throughout the book, I show how the left-liberal majority in cultural institutions like universities is ambivalent about cancel culture but attracted to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies such as diversity statements or broad definitions of harassment, which drive cancel culture. While fear is an important aspect of conformity — as it was during the McCarthy era — left-liberals today, like radicals, worship the totems of equal outcomes and harm protection for minorities. They accept that this is the north star toward which morality must orient. This renders modern liberals powerless in the face of radicals to their left. Like pious Muslims trying to argue against Islamic fundamentalists who point to passages in the Qur’an to authorize their violent global jihad, left-liberals are tied into a common moral framework with the fundamentalists, making it nearly impossible to resist their claims. While Patrick Deneen, Yoram Hazony and other post-liberals believe that the entire philosophy of liberalism is to blame, I believe liberal ideas can be salvaged if today’s left-liberals come to understand, question and control their “minorities good, majorities threatening” emotional reflex... I urge conservatives to use legislation and executive action at federal and state levels to intervene in public bodies and schools. The goal is to enforce political neutrality and introduce new conditions on public funding that require recipients to uphold political nondiscrimination and free speech. Legislation and executive orders are needed to proactively dismantle the DEI apparatus and ethos of the public sector and school system. While the battle of ideas is the only way to ultimately prevail, it will take decades to change public attitudes among younger generations. And while lawfare can protect dissenters’ speech rights in some contexts, this is expensive, stressful and can be gamed by organizations. Ultimately, most will want to avoid the hassle, choosing instead to self-censor. Conservatives must upgrade the back end of their operation, relying not just on election victories, but also on mobilizing and organizing between elections. Regardless of what you think of the National Rifle Association, pro-life movement, Straussians or the Federalist Society, they show that conservatives can be focused and effective. Nurturing a pipeline of elite talent, even where the right is vastly outnumbered — as in Ivy League law schools — is a vital task. For at present, Republican administrations (or conservative ones in other western countries) lack the cadres of qualified appointees necessary to repopulate the bureaucracy and public bodies that have drifted left over time. Politicians lack the grounding in conservative and classical liberal ideas to help them resist the inevitable allure of acceding to progressives in institutions... Changing the flag flying over public buildings from the Stars and Stripes to the Chinese star is, at one level, a trivial act, but none of us question its importance. Why, then, is it so difficult for many to grasp why flying the Progress Pride or Black Lives Matter flag is so subversive? Reform of public schools must be the highest priority. Studies show that school indoctrination really works... As the example of Twitter/X in relation to would-be alternatives like Gab and Parler shows, reforming the mainstream is more effective than starting separate institutions... [Most conservatives] are primarily oriented against government power and have been only too willing to submit to cultural left speech policing and affirmative action in order to placate liberals in the media and well-heeled donors. As a result, conservative politicians have heretofore provided little resistance to equity-diversity (read: discrimination to achieve equal outcomes) or inclusion (read: control over freedom of speech)... So long as our value system is based around the “minorities good, majority bad” reflex, a catastrophizing “fascist scare” approach to cultural conservatism, and race, sex and LGBTQ+ taboos, nothing will change. We must return to where it all began, planing our totalizing taboos down to proportional norms like any other."

Lesbian couple beaten up by gang in homophobic attack during birthday night out - "One of them made a sexually degrading comment towards Emma so Tori stood up for her saying ‘hey, that’s my girlfriend.’... She said the group appeared to be of Middle Eastern descent, possibly from Syria, and estimated they were aged 18-25.  Screaming can be heard in the distressing footage as the group of men surrounded the couple, who were lying on the ground... Several people were filmed standing and watching the assault and not intervening. A bystander called police but the fight had ended by the time officers arrived.  They spoke with one of the men involved, who blamed the fight on the two women, while the rest of the men refused to cooperate or show their IDs to police"
Lesbian couple beaten up by gang (middle eastern) in homophobic attack during birthday night out : r/atheism - "Imagine a gay or ex-muslim asylum seeker defying all odds and fleeing their muslim country to get bashed or murdered by muslims in the liberal secular country. What a circle we've come to."
Lesbian couple beaten up by gang (middle eastern) in homophobic attack during birthday night out : r/atheism - "It's insane. The Halifax and Canada sub mods have been deleting this all day a few minutes after posted"
Damn colonialism and white supremacy! Time to jail the lesbians for racism and provoking minorities

Moment lesbian couple are beaten by mob in 'homophobic attack' on night out : r/halifax - "Me, my future kids, family friends have to live in today’s society. It’s important to be aware of history, however currently I am not fearful of Christians raping or beating me or my loved ones. Theres only one group that shows that blatant disrespect out on the open"
Naturally, there were people in the thread insisting that Christians were the biggest threat to LGBTQ+s today

Moment lesbian couple are beaten by mob in 'homophobic attack' on night out : r/halifax - "Wait…are the broad strokes suggestions here that: A) the motherfucking sun is a totally legitimate and upstanding publication? And B) …homophobic attacks, ESPECIALLY against women are like…new? And something you all…give a fuck about?  It’s giving women’s sports when trans issues are brought up. Stop pretending you give a shit about us so you can shit on someone else. Thank you."
"I don't think anyone's shocked by a homophobic attack occurring in Canada in 2024 (not anyone who isn't ignorant anyway).  It's more so the brazenness... If 10 people can shout homophobic slurs at you and then curb-stomp you on ARGYLE STREET at like 11 pm on a Saturday night with the police present/nearby and face no immediate repercussions, then where the hell won't they do it? Where the hell are you safe?"
"  This cuts to the heart of the matter. Not that I am trying to minimize this attack on members of the LGBTQ+ community, but it could have just as easily have been an interracial couple, a person with a kippa, a sikh person, a woman who did not want to be aproached by a strange man (men?) that night, a person in a soldier's uniform, anybody that this gang of hoodlums believed that they had the right to put the boots to for no other reason than because they could.  While I can understand the need for the police to proceed in a deliberate manner to make sure all these guys face justice, I also worry in the back of my mind that there is an unofficial policy from the top of avoiding the possibility of pissing off the perpetual activist classtm like what happened during homeless encampment situation."
"if police don't do their job because they don't want to aggravate "activists" then they're simply using that as cover to not do their job -- because they regularly have absolutely no fucking problem pissing off activists."
If the Sun says the earth is round, that means it's flat
Just because activists are perpetually pissed off doesn't mean the police put on kid gloves to try not to piss them off

Moment lesbian couple are beaten by mob in 'homophobic attack' on night out : r/halifax - "What do you mean? They're integrating into the local culture..."
"And look at the response to that case compared to this one."
"  12 years ago... A single horrible act in a small town.  Now you have gangs of immigrants causing problems. We have our own problems here and have worked pretty hard to bring tolerance and understanding (pretty successfully). Now we are bringing in immigrants who, let's not dance around it in general are not fans of lgbt people.  It's also putting incredible strain on our resources like housing, health care, infrastructure and other services."
Pearl clutching and digging up of ancient history to justify minimising violence, in order not to threaten the left wing agenda. Brilliant

Moment lesbian couple are beaten by mob in 'homophobic attack' on night out : r/halifax - "It says a lot about our political/cultural climate when it takes a foreign journalist to provide a more robust account that doesn't intend to blur important details about the demographics of the perpetrators."
"  I am having my concerns about anti-LGBT sentiment that I experience on a daily basis minimized by "liberals" and "leftists" because it is all coming from recent immigrants.  They tell me I'm a token and that supporting right-wing politics is going to get me put on a first class traincar to the death camp.  Well, I've been trans in Canada for a long time, and was well-versed in good ole Canadian bigotry. It is increasing, sure, but it PALES to how people who are not pre-adjusted to Canada behave.  We really need to understand that anti-gay attitudes here - where there is beginning to be some cultural backlash over how vocal and prominent social issues are - is completely different from the kind of anti-gay attitudes in places where there NEVER was any acceptance to begin with."

Moment lesbian couple are beaten by mob in 'homophobic attack' on night out : r/halifax - "Yes, a British tabloid is looking anywhere they can in the world for things that will fire up their base.  Bet they didn't report on Raymond Taavals murder"
"In fairness this heinous act was a hate crime done by a mob, which is more attention grabbing than , “violent mental patient becomes violent again”"
Moment lesbian couple are beaten by mob in 'homophobic attack' on night out : r/halifax - "assaults aren't common - but they're far more common than the rare post like this would have you believe. the reason this one gets gas is because they're white girls who went to the cops, and we're coming off the heels of pride month. basically - per THE SUN - these two are amicable westerners practicing the freedoms granted them by liberalism, until they were attacked by "probably not very good words."  don't believe for a second that THE SUN wasn't salivating all over this story. if it had been some white boys beating another white boy, it wouldn't even be listed. black kids beating a black kid? you'd never hear of it.  this article is Kiiind of despicable."
"Black on black , white on white, just gonna gloss over the hate crime part are we?"
"If you think the motherfucking Sun cares about queer people then I have a bridge to sell you."
"You advocating for censoring journalism based on perpetrators religion?"

Moment lesbian couple are beaten by mob in 'homophobic attack' on night out : r/halifax - "The far right are the ones doing this. Who do you think is intolerant to LGBTQ lifestyle?"
"Not all far rights are created the same. Islam is the most extremely conservative religion but it is championed by leftist causes in the West."
So much cope

Sajjan instructed special forces to rescue Afghan Sikhs during fall of Kabul - The Globe and Mail - "Then-defence minister Harjit Sajjan instructed Canadian special forces to rescue about 225 Afghan Sikhs after the Taliban takeover in August, 2021, in an operation that three military sources say took resources away from getting Canadian citizens and Afghans linked to Canada on final evacuation flights out of Kabul.  Mr. Sajjan also relayed location information and other details about the Sikhs to the military as special operation forces worked to meet up with the group. The information was passed to him from a Canadian Sikh group that was in contact with these Afghan Sikhs.  Military sources who were in Ottawa and on the ground in Kabul painted a picture of the final chaotic, dangerous and desperate hours as evacuation flights were ending and Canada and other Western countries scrambled to get their citizens safely out of Afghanistan by the U.S. withdrawal deadline at the end of August.  The sources said Afghan Sikhs were not considered an operational priority for the Canadian military as they had no link to Canada. Mr. Sajjan’s intervention, the sources say, impacted the rescue of Canadians and other Afghans on Canada’s priority list... “The way it was presented to us at first was: If we can do this and pay attention to it, great, but not stopping doing everything else,” said one source, a special forces officer. “But a day or so later, it came back to us as a firm order. Our leadership was furious. They were very upset.” “There was such furious anger that the last 24 hours were solely dedicated to getting the Sikhs out. We were unsuccessful.”... Vulnerable groups, such as feminists, human-rights activists, minorities and LGBTQ people, were third on the priority list... The Taliban’s swift takeover also came in the early weeks of a federal election campaign. Sikh Canadians were viewed as a key voting bloc for the governing Liberals in several ridings in the Greater Toronto Area and Lower Mainland of British Columbia... The military sources say they feel Mr. Sajjan was out of line in pressing Canadian special forces to rescue the Afghan Sikhs. The operation involved intense planning and it meant fewer soldiers were available to screen people awaiting the last flights out of Kabul.  One of the sources said the change of mission to rescue these Sikhs became a logistical nightmare at the same time that “we are still trying to hurry and process people through who have Canadian passports.”  “Finding them; and getting them through the Taliban checkpoints; linking up – it turned into a telephone game,” the source said... one of the sources, a senior commander in Ottawa, told The Globe that a directive or even suggestion from the defence minister is effectively considered an order. “What is the difference?” the officer said... Retired lieutenant-general Mike Day, who once headed JTF-2 and Canadian Special Operations Forces Command, said he found it difficult to “understand or see a rational explanation why this group of Sikhs would have been of sufficient priority at the cost of other groups who likely had a greater claim on Canadian support.” “There is no analytical process that says ‘Yeah, there are 225 Sikhs there, let’s go get them.’ The only way this gets onto the task list is if we are operating on behalf of another state or somebody inside government inserted this on to the task list and asked for it to be considered,” Mr. Day added. Canadian Sikh leaders who had urged Mr. Sajjan to help the Afghan Sikhs said the defence minister had not shown any favouritism. He was acting to help one of many vulnerable groups, they say... Retired major-general David Fraser, who led more than 2,000 NATO coalition troops in southern Afghanistan and played a key role in private efforts to evacuate Afghan military interpreters in 2021, expressed disapproval of Mr. Sajjan’s directive.  “In a humanitarian crisis, we have a responsibility to get Canadians out first and we get Afghans out who helped us out next. Once you get all those people out, you can start to look at the rest.”... Mr. Sajjan said in his statement that he is saddened to have to answer questions about a matter that reflected government policy to support and assist vulnerable Afghans. “I can only surmise that if I did not wear a turban no one would question whether my actions were appropriate.”"
Damn racist whistleblowers! Their identities must be exposed and their lives must be ruined, or White Supremacy will have won. Only straight white cis mens' identities can be relevant - for everyone else, it's a dog whistle

Sajjan's office cites privacy, won't say if he intervened for other Afghan groups

Treason??? : r/Canada_sub - "Imagine the backlash if it was the situation was, say, a white Christian Defence Minister who diverted National resources to prioritize protecting a handful of other white Christian citizens of another country?"

India’s Afghan Sikh 2021 evacuation plan was nixed by Canadian antics - "A Canadian media report that the country’s former defence minister, Harjit Sajjan, put the Afghan Sikh community on a priority evacuation list ahead of other Canadian nationals and Afghans linked to Canada after the fall of Kabul have evoked interest on Raisina Hill. The reason is that explains some of the unexpected last-minute hurdles that the Indian evacuation mission faced in August 2021, exposing the Hindu and Sikh minorities to peril at the Kabul airport, according to people aware of the matter. It was ostensibly due to the unanticipated instructions of the Canadian Sikh minister, whose father was said to be on board of the World Sikh Organisation, that the Indian evacuation flight was delayed from Kabul airport... With landing slots at a highest premium at the Kabul airport and a worsening security situation, the Indian missions in Delhi and Kabul were worried about the security of the Afghan Sikh group as it had not made it to the airport at the scheduled time and was incommunicado for over two hours. When Indian officials at airport enquired about the whereabouts of the Karte Parwan group, they were told that the Justin Trudeau government had given assurances to the Afghan-Sikh community that they would be evacuated to Canada from Kabul. This led to delay in the departure of the scheduled evacuation flight to Delhi as Indians awaited the arrival of the Karte Parwan group, putting the lives of other evacuees at high risk at a time when bullets, missiles and bombs were flying in Kabul."

Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan's 'mistake' was a lie - "Who can tell what possessed Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan to “embellish” — a too kind a word — his role in the 2006 assault on the Taliban in Afghanistan codenamed Operation Medusa.  After all, he arrived on the political scene already a bona fide stud with no need for the hyping of credentials and, when sworn in as a member of Justin Trudeau’s cabinet, was lauded in the media as Canada’s “bad ass” defence minister.  And he fit the bill.  In fact, he appeared to be “bad ass” to the core, and in the best way possible. He had served Canadians on two fronts, both where the call of duty involved putting one’s life on the line.  Before politics, Sajjan worked as a detective in the Vancouver Police Department, investigating violent street gangs and drug traffickers, and was then a regimental commander in the Canadian Armed Forces reserves, a decorated war hero carrying the rank of lieutenant colonel — having served in Bosnia and later three tours in Afghanistan.  During Operation Medusa, the largest Canadian battlefield action since the Korean War, four Canadian soldiers under Sajjan’s command were killed, according to his Wikipedia page but, when the dust finally settled more than 1,500 Taliban fighters caught up in the battle had been given a one-way ticket to paradise.  During one on-the-record speech, however, Sajjan not only talked of being a participant in Operation Medusa, he also claimed to be the “architect” of the operation.  He loved the story so much, in fact, that he told it a second time in another speech overseas, again on the record.  But he wasn’t the “architect.” Far from it.  Once caught in a valour grab loathed universally by all military personnel, Sajjan apologized.  He said on his Facebook page that it was a “mistake.”  But it wasn’t a mistake. It was a lie. In the House of Commons on Monday, Harjit Sajjan took his seat in the Trudeau benches to face furious and unfriendly fire from the opposition parties, but dodged all calls for his resignation by repeating his apology over and over again as if engaging a loop tape."
From 2017

Idris Elba launches new campaign to tackle knife crime - "The new campaign was launched by Elba in a symbolic display outside Parliament Square in central London and it featured an installation of over 200 items of clothing placed in rows, representing the lives of those lost to knife crime in the U.K. last year. “In 2023, serious youth violence rose across the country. That means hundreds more promising lives cut short over an argument or a fleeting emotion,” said Elba. “Every day, the feeling of helplessness in us parents grows bigger and bigger. If you have kids of a certain age, then you know – that feeling is relentless. Every walk to school. Every hug goodbye. You can’t help but wonder if that’s it; that’s the last one.”"

Tories tell police: Bring back stop and search - "Police must increase their use of stop and search to tackle knife crime rather than “appease” campaign groups who claim it is discriminatory, the policing minister has said. Writing in The Telegraph, Chris Philp says stop and search is a “vital tool” in taking knives off the streets but warns it is “not used nearly often enough” by police. It comes after use of the tactic became a major political issue a decade ago, when Theresa May, as home secretary, curbed the powers amid claims by campaigners that black people were being disproportionately targeted by police. The move resulted in the number of stop and searches falling dramatically, from a high of 1.2 million in 2010-11 down to 279,728 in 2017-18... Stop and searches have declined as knife crime soars in England and Wales... The public think that crime is one of the most important issues facing the country... Knife crime nationally has risen by 7.2 per cent to nearly 50,000 offences, close to the past record high of 51,200, according to the Office for National Statistics... Although stops and searches have increased from a low of 280,000 in 2017 after successive home secretaries reversed the restrictions, they have continued to drop in the Metropolitan Police to 137,059 in 2023-24, the second lowest on record... The latest government figures show black people were five times as likely to be stopped as white people, with 27.2 stops per 1,000 black people against 5.6 per 1,000 white people. But official data also show that black men were nine times more likely to be murdered and five times more likely to require hospital treatment. Government sources pointed to data showing stop and search “success” rates – where drugs, knives or stolen goods are found – were about the same at 25 per cent to 30 per cent for all ethnicities, showing that particular ethnic groups were not being unfairly targeted... As home secretary, Mrs May introduced the “best use of stop and search scheme” which required police chiefs to open up the tactic to public security and placed stringent safeguards on the use of “no-suspicion” searches. Within two years, stops and searches fell by two-thirds."

End Wokeness on X - "BREAKING: Former Somali Prime Minister Hassan Khaire rallies for Rep. Ilhan Omar (Minneapolis, USA): "This is not a Minnesota issue. It's not an American issue. It's an issue of Somalis." Not a single American flag. Zero English."
Ted Cruz on X - "This is a sitting Member of Congress campaigning that her interests: “are NOT the interests of Minnesota” and “NOT the interests of the American people.” Stunning. And her supporters cheer."
Damn racist Khaire! How dare he talk about dual loyalty?!

Meme - alex @washdovrurgrave: "racism against white people exists but it's not even an issue imo. if someone yelled at me for being a cracker on the street i'd laugh about it. i don't have to live my life in fear that i'll be the victim of an anti-white crime. they are NOT the..."
Hex3D @DoomerCoomer: "the police in my country helped cover up, aid and abet, the systematic rape of thousands of native British children because their rapists were not white"

Hugh Riminton on X - "Greens deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi says she would like to get rid of the Lord’s Prayer, which starts each day of Parliament. #insiders"
Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼 on X - "As a Pakistani Australian with a passionate interest in global human rights issues I’m just wondering has Mehreen Faruqi ever once criticised the brutal persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in Pakistan - a solely Muslim state which discriminates against non-Muslims in its Constitution. Mehreen Faruqi wants Israel to be abolished but Pakistan is allowed to exist as an explicitly Islamic state that discriminates against non Muslims in its Constitution.   Israel and Pakistan were founded at roughly the same time in history, both came into existence partly as a result of failed British colonial partitions, Pakistan’s Constitution sets out that it is an Islamic state, non Muslims are banned from running for President or Prime Minister, there are strict blasphemy laws that are often weaponised against religious minorities. Mehreen only criticises Israel though "

Meme - Elwansyah Risman: "Wow didnt know that... Probably because hes not flaunting about it, begging for acceptance and just focusing on his gig?? Gee who wouldve guess?? RIP legend.."
Eamo does Art @EamoArt: "Remember this Pride Month that the man who brought Batman to life more times than anyone else, Batman's most iconic voice, was Kevin Conroy, a proud gay man. May he rest in peace, and may his legacy last forever in the hearts of all Batman fans."

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "My dad was from the US, where the Beastie Boys once fought for my right to party."
"Kamala Harris's dad was from Jamaica, where a fierce woman warrior once fought slavery"

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