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Sunday, July 21, 2024

Links - 21st July 2024 (1 - Black-on-Asian Violence)

Seasonal Clickfarm Worker on X - "“Stop Asian Hate” was preposterous. Has there ever been so blatant an attempt to meme nonexistent bigotry into existence in order to shore up a fracturing political coalition"
Seasonal Clickfarm Worker on X - "This post has been mostly well received but what the negative responses show is that under conditions of ethnonarcissism people CRAVE the feeling being hated; when you tell people "meh, Americans generally like asians" they feel something is being TAKEN AWAY"
Kangmin Lee | 이강민 on X - "Stop Asian Hate died overnight because people started asking “Wait who’s attacking Asians?” and they didn’t like having to answer that
I remember they tried "white supremacy is making blacks attack Asians" but somehow that didn't gain traction.  Curious"
RGS on X - "I also remember when Asians won the affirmative Action scotus case and they tried the "Asians just opened the door for more white supremacy and this decision will only benefit white women.""
Wait... what🤦 : r/facepalm - "Yes, I’m not even fully Asian but I’ve encountered sufficient hostility from certain communities that it was one of several reasons I moved to the UK.  Black British people and East Asian British people seem to get along just fine. I have spent time in several African neighbourhoods in London and experienced NO hostility. I wouldn’t risk that in America, sadly.  I’ve found there to be a lot of similarities in terms of work ethic between African and Asian immigrants, for better or for worse. In the sense of making their kids work REALLY HARD IN SCHOOL to the point where their social lives can be neglected. Or saying “you have to be a doctor, lawyer, or engineer.”"

Meme - "LA riots epitomizes the problem. Blacks pillaged the Asian town, then LA's police cordoned off both the Asian and black districts to burn. Then the white media and police had the audacity to victim shame the Asians. It took decades for a lot of Asian stores to recover from billions in damages, their wonderful neighbors."
"That was some crazy shit"
"Isn't that where the roof Koreans with guns started?"
Meme - "Yep. Cue the oppression Olympics. The arguments would follow this exact formula:
between Blacks and Asians, Asians are more privileged
it is impossible to be racist towards someone more privileged
Black-on-Asian hate/violence is therefore not racist and therefore cannot be mentioned in the same sentence as "racism"
Cue the language policing: the perceived mislabeling of it as a racism issue is itself considered anti-Black racism, so the conversation must be redirected to that, as if it's a bigger problem than the original complaint of Black-on-Asian hate/violence"
"Had a friendship fall apart because they thought exactly like this, and treated people who disagreed like total bastards. It's a shame, really."
"Every time I hear the argument that you can't be racist against a more privileged race, eyes roll back so hard I can see my brain dying."

Meme - "As an Asian living in Bay Area and have my whole life. It's mostly black people who fucks with us. I'm not saying white, Latinos or even other Asian don't mess with us, they do too."
"Yeah I'm black and the casual Asian racism my family throws around is insane. Grew up being told not to date Asians because of their food and some other stuff. Food just stood out to me because my family also loves Asian food??? Like what???"
"Nah for real I absolutely love my dad but I have to call him out sometimes. He LOVES Asian historical dramas tho and Jackie Chan, we grew up watching Jackie but he does NOT like Asian people and I'm just disappointed. And my mom mimics a stereotypical Asian accent and I just call her out and leave the room, I understand different generations but like fuck."

Garry Tan on X - "Oakland had 30 brutal attacks & robberies at Westlake Christian Terrace Senior Living in a week 85 year old Asian grandmas getting beaten/robbed so bad they're sent to the ER every few hours. And yet it is still not being investigated as a hate crime"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "The reality of inner-city, and mostly (from the ID'd suspects) Black crime is insane. 31 grand-parents were attacked in 7-8 days. Any sane society would track down and arrest - if not hang or crucify - the perps during prime time. Our current claim is that "systemic racism" or some similar boogey-man caused this. That's a level of bullshit that's just not sustainable."
Damn anti-blackness!

Meme - "Black on Asian crime in NYC is so normal that people just assume that's what happened when it's on the news. Took the Q from Flatbush through Chinatown into midtown for work for years and I'll tell you I've seen it in person on the train and platforms"
"I was staying in NYC for a school rotation in January 2020 right before the COVID lockdowns happened and it was starting to ramp up back then because of the virus' association with China, lots of homeless panhandling and a few of them would jump to slurs if I refused."
"Yea honestly same I've been taking the Q from sheepshead ever since I was born and I can confirm ts"

Wait... what🤦 : r/facepalm - "Back in 2019 right before covid. My family's restaurant was robbed at gunpoint. The group of guys broke in from the back and held me at gun point as I gave them money and listening to them for 15min about how he was going to kill me and my family if I don't give him more money.  Turns out we were number 7 out of 13 asian restaurants (in total) that got robbed by this group. The fbi even got involved and eventually all 3 got caught and all 3 are in jail now. Had to testify twice.  All 3 of them were black and I still remember before the trial talking with the prosecutor and while I truly believe he is a good person and wanted justice for all of us. When he sat me down and the first thing he said to me was "I want you to know first this isn't big enough to be on the news nor is it considered a hate crime because they didn't state anything about being hateful towards asians".  In my mind I was so angry because I was thinking. 13 asian families were robbed, one old asian woman was pistol whipped so hard she got brain damage, and you're telling me this wasn't a hate crime just cuz they didn't say it was?"  And it wasnt "important" enough to be on the news or anything. If the local news or authorities wouldve said something after the 3rd asian restaurant robbery, we mightve been more prepared but no, we weren't that important enough and even though they only targeted asian restaurants. It's not a hate crime....got it 👍"

Meme - :) @999kassh: "why are you only holding black people accountable when someone debunked ur whole take w statistics ?????"
Kangmin Lee @kangminjlee: "Ok show me videos or cases of white people ganging up on Asian women and punching Asian grandmas in the regular and I'll be happy to denounce it"
:) @999kassh: "like ur going off of REDDIT COMMENTS. u cant be serious"
Kangmin Lee @kangminjlee: "Still waiting."
:) @999kassh: "wait all day"
Kangmin Lee @kangminjlee: "You have proven my point. Have a great day!" Kangmin Lee | 이강민 on X - "30 targeted black on Asian violent attacks in 7 days. Oakland police captain says the attacks on Asian elderly are not hate crimes because there is "no evidence to suggest it was race based." Every single one of the 30 victims was Asian. Yeah, ok." Kangmin Lee | 이강민 on X - "Black on Asian violence, esp against the elderly, has exploded in cities like Oakland, but Asians aren’t allowed to complain about it because then we’re RAYCIST or “complicit in yt supremacy”  If black people denounce the violence, they’re shunned by their own community as “coons” or bludgeoned over the head by liberals for “upholding harmful stereotypes”  What a great culture lmao"
rekhan on X - "Black people have more immunity than the president" Wait... what🤦 : r/facepalm - "I'm Chinese and I went to predominantly black/Hispanic middle and high schools (through magnet programs) in those years, and the only overt racism I really ever experienced came from black students--mostly slurs in middle school to mostly targeted property theft in high school. Thankfully, it was pretty mild in the grand scheme of things, clearly perpetrated a few shitty kids, and we also had incredible black teachers who taught us how to be kind (and not racist) through example.  Honestly the worst lasting impact was that it made my parents more racist, which I had to actively work to fix. But I can totally see how COVID could make this kind of resentment worse on both sides." Wait... what🤦 : r/ facepalm - "I taught high school in NYC between 2000-2007. One of my Chinese students came to me asking for help because a group of African Americans students roamed the cafeteria mugging Asian students. They had talked to the administration and as usual, nothing was done, except having the Asian students read a story from James Baldwin's The Fire Next Time. They asked me to open my classroom to them for lunch. I did, but also talked to the principal. He admitted that he couldn't do anything because African American parents were going to get really angry. I'm Hispanic and became really close to my Asian students. In April an Asian student got his iPod stolen and was punched by a student in our school. I broke the rules, woke to the police station in our building, and reported the crime. The iPod was found and returned, the victim was given a safety transfer and was removed from school. I went to teach the next year to a school in Brooklyn that was another hellhole, with Yemeni students forming a moral police and harassing and assaulting students for eating during Ramadan or girls for not wearing hijabs.  TL;DR: Don't become a teacher...
 A bunch of boys harassing other Muslim kids for eating lunch during Ramadan. They were supposed to go to a classroom so they didn't have to be around other people during lunchtime, but when they realized some Muslim kids were eating they went down to the cafeteria to take their food and throw in the trash, most kids couldn't afford to buy more food or had only one lunch ticket for their free meal. They hit girls for not wearing hijabs. I heard that a girl was threaten with sexual violence. We had a young Pakistani girl who didn't wear a hijab and after some kid slapped her in the face her father came to complain.  Not related to the moral police, but we had another Muslim boy who was dating a Mexican girl, some Pakistani boys assaulted him and told his father. They boy was removed from the house and sent to foster care because the father threaten to kill him because he was engaged to marry a girl in Pakistan and his relation with a Mexican girl was a dishonor to the family." Wait... what🤦 : r/facepalm - "I recall an interview on NPR I heard a couple of years ago. The interviewee, some activist on anti-Asian violence said explicitly that the reason she does not focus on black on Asian violence is because she does not want to damage black-Asian relations.   My jaw hit the floor at her honesty."
"And it’s still very sugarcoated lol.  A real honest answer would be “the PR gymnastics I would need to do on these eggshells to address this topic, is not at all worth just how easily someone can accuse me of racism and turn public opinion against me for saying any single negative thing about the black population.”"
"I remember an NPR interview during the antisemitic attacks in New York a few years back where the guest was talking about the Black Hebrew Israelites and other know antisemitic groups carrying out the attacks and how we needed to find ways to combat the hate. The NPR reporter interviewing her grilled her on this and all but flat out called her a bigot asking why she was focusing on this small problem when Trump exists and why she wasn't going after white supremacists (she was as well) instead of focusing on this. Basically any amount of attention was too much attention on this particular issue for some reason. You're only allowed to call out white racism (maybe Jews are up for grabs now too?) any other group and you're a bigot for focusing on a non-issue." Kangmin Lee | 이강민 on X - "A common complaint I get is: "But Asians are racist against black people!" Man, you’re right. It really breaks my heart when Chinese men pulverize black grandmas and gangs of Korean men stomp on black women’s heads against concrete regularly. Oh wait. That doesn’t happen.
But we know what does happen. We know who’s committing violence against vulnerable Asians in cities regularly.  Race hustling liberals and low-IQ nuts who don’t understand per capita squeal about the "anti-blackness" in the Asian community, and it’ll just be a microaggression, calling the cops, or AT WORST refusing business. Yet they’ll act like it’s the end of the world and are allowed to throw a tantrum. Meanwhile black people brutalize and terrorize Asians weekly and we have to shut up about it or else we’re smeared as "anti-black" and "racist". Why are we not allowed to talk about the anti-Asianness in the black community? There really is no comparison.  Every time we try raise awareness or call for measures of safety for vulnerable Asians it’s always either "but Asians are mean too!" or "what about white people?" Are you allergic to accountability like toddlers? Is it really that hard to denounce when blacks violently hurt and kill Asians and not want violence against innocents? You lot will bend over backwards to deflect the blame on something meaningless like white supremacy or anti-blackness among Asians to justify & ignore blacks violently murdering Asians.  If you’re tired of the stereotyping, clean up your act and stop giving people a reason to stereotype."

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