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Monday, July 15, 2024

Links - 15th July 2024 (2 - Trump Assassination Attempt)

Trump assassination attempt after gross 'democracy in peril' claims - "The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump is a chilling reminder of how far political rhetoric has strayed from civility and reason. Even before we get the details about who is behind the attempted assassination, we can’t be shocked that it’s gotten to this point given what Trump has endured.  For years, Democrat opponents of Trump have resorted to extreme language, labeling him as “Hitler”, “a fascist,” or an “existential threat to democracy.” Democrats claim women will live as if they’re in “A Handmaid’s Tale” under Trump. Others scream that Trump in office endangers us all — that he will become a tyrant and we’ll never have elections again.  Such hyperbolic accusations have always been unproductive. Now, Trump is lucky to have lived through the consequences of the dangerously inflammatory language from too many. As he’s on a campaign trajectory to be elected president, it’s worth asking those responsible for the nastiest claims about Trump: is this worth the demonizing? After the attempted assassination, Democrats that have engaged in the very hyperbolic language demonizing Trump put out statements condemning political violence. But you can’t keep calling someone Hitler or an existential threat to democracy and then just merely say political violence is unacceptable.  Seattle Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Seattle) said she is “horrified” by the unacceptable political violence. Yet she’s told her angry, aggressive progressive base to “take to the streets” to “fight tooth and nail” against a Supreme Court she said was a “direct threat to our rights and our democracy.” Similarly, Governor Jay Inslee said political violence is unacceptable (while not mentioning Donald Trump by name), yet just days ago posted on X that Trump is a “threat to the basic functioning of democracy.”... And, of course, you have comments condemning political violence from politicians who stayed silent or egged on Antifa violence during the Black Lives Matter riots in 2020.  This dichotomy between incendiary rhetoric and calls for nonviolence is not only hypocritical but also undermines the foundations of our democratic discourse... When public figures and media outlets consistently dehumanize and vilify political opponents as existential threats to our very democracy and future as a nation, they create an environment where violent actions can be seen as justified by lunatics. Just look at the previous Antifa violence, or are Democrats still pretending it’s just an idea? Look at the violence and dehumanizing antisemitic language at college campuses, including the University of Washington. A professor was physically assaulted by an antisemite for being a “Zionist.” KTTH was one of the only (if not the only) media outlet to cover the story.  Consider the constant barrage of extreme language used against Trump. Words like “dictator,” “fascist,” and “tyrant” are thrown around casually, stripping them of their true, horrific historical meanings and applying them to contemporary political disagreements. This not only dilutes the significance of these terms but also creates a narrative that Trump is not just a political adversary but an enemy of humanity itself.   Even when Trump very obviously and clearly jokingly said he would become a “dictator” by building a border fence, Democrats claimed he was serious. When Trump condemned white supremacists, Democrats claimed he called them “very fine people.” Is an attempt on his life worth the lies?... The media and political leaders bear a significant responsibility in shaping public discourse. It is crucial for them to recognize the power of their words and the impact they can have on their audience. Fearmongering and demonizing opponents might win elections, or even given MSNBC some ratings, but it comes at the cost of social cohesion and public safety."

Fake News Media Downplays Trump Assassination Attempt, Claims He Fell Over After Being 'Startled' By 'Loud Noises' - "After witnessing what was blatantly an attempt on the former president’s life with the sound of gunshots, many media outlets began by framing the attack as a mere “incident” in which even the most basic details were unclear.  USA Today claimed that Trump had been “startled” by “loud noises”...   CNN went with a similar line, suggesting that Trump had merely fallen over...   The New York Times went as far as saying that the spraying of bullets “sounded” like gunfire... The Washington Post also used the “loud noises” line... Axios reporter Juliegrace Brufke claimed a “source” told her that Trump was actually hit by glass fragments rather than bullets... One of the Post‘s reporters said that Trump was merely “grazed” by gunfire."
Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 on X - "You read these headlines and you tell me how leftist media is not the enemy of the people."
Proof that we need to ban The Daily Mail and Fox News for spreading misinformation!

TheFamousArtistBirdyRose on X - "It’s absolutely preposterious how we can watch something as mental as an attempted murder happen ON VIDEO, and then immediately afterwards read the mainstream media try to gaslight everybody about what we all just saw. If this was the other way around and it was Biden being shot at, the media reaction would be very different. “The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command” - George Orwell."

Matt Ridley on X - "I followed the Trump shooting near-live on https://t.co/HVxungE2PK while sitting in a weather-delayed plane. Every now and then I checked to see what the BBC was saying. Long after it was very clear from videos what had happened, they said he had been "rushed off the stage". Last straw for mainstream media."
Chris Walker on X - "The framing they use is telling. Trump "says he was shot" -- really? It's just like, his personal opinion?"

Tucker Carlson stokes conspiracies, claims U.S. is 'speeding towards' assassination of Trump
From September 2023. Clearly if you disagree, you are a victim of misinformation

Ashley St. Clair on X - "If you are on 𝕏, you witnessed an assassination attempt on President Trump in real time If you are reading regime Media like CNN + Washington Post, you believe Trump fell on stage because of loud noises And you wonder why they hate Elon…"

Aokiji クザン 🇵🇸 on X - "That was the worst staged attack ive ever seen but the average IQ of his cult is in the double digits so it’ll work"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "These people simply refuse to believe in consensus reality, if it contradicts their odd new faith.
October 7 - staged
Trump shooting - staged
Biden - not not not senile
BLM riots - peaceful protests
Jan. 6 riot - coup-level threat
 "White supremacist patriarchy" in affirmative-action America - ABSOLUTE REALITY!"
TheVesuvian on X - "If they can convince themselves that a man can magically become a woman all of this is just downstream"
I saw so many people claiming it was fake. Blueanon steams ahead

Charlie Kirk on X - "Just moments after someone tried to murder President Trump, a CNN analyst says the following: “Donald Trump and the people around him perceive themselves to be under threat...and that is not legitimate” You do not hate these people enough."

DC_Draino on X - "Scoop from a trained sniper:  “That whole thing was a fucking failure.   The Secret Service got there slow, the swat team got there slow. And Why the fuck did they keep him on the stage?   He should’ve been off of there in two seconds!!  yet they stand him up !!! For what ??? to give the shooter another shot?   Look at the old Reagan assassination attempt. He was out of there in point two seconds.  Why didn’t a drone pick him up? Why didn’t another Sniper pick him up. That’s fucking bullshit.   We cover the Boston Marathon fucking better than our they cover our own fucking president   I’m so bullshit !! If anyone says how great of a job the secret service or  swat team did .. they are full of shit. They sucked! They should be ashamed of themselves and all fucking fired.”"

End Wokeness on X - "BREAKING: Eyewitness tells BBC that he informed police, Secret Service about a suspicious man on a roof with a rifle. He was ignored."
Elon Musk on X - "The head of the Secret Service and the leader of this security detail should resign"
Donald Trump rally shooting investigated as assassination attempt

Meme - "Possibly the hardest picture captured in the last 50 years"
Lulu Cheng Meservey on X - "There have been many politically gifted presidents, but I don't think Obama or even Clinton could've pulled off the rapid composure, fist raise, and creation of an absolutely iconic moment. You'd have to go back to Reagan"
Trung Phan on X - "Two months after he was shot in an attempted assassination, Reagan was giving a speech in West Berlin and a balloon popped, sounding like a gunshot. Without a hitch, he goes “missed me”."

Lomez on X - "Trump yelling “Fight. Fight,” after getting grazed by a bullet in the ear, an inch from ending his life. No panic. No crawling on his knees to safety. The man stands up, faces the crowd, and yells “Fight.” Historic footage. Just incredible."

Wilfred Reilly on X - "If we're going to talk seriously about "stochastic terrorism"......what miiiiight be the effect of all non-FOX national media telling a population with a 29-46% rate of mental illness (the actual M and F figures for young leftists) that the leading contender for the Presidency is Hitler, daily for months?"
Florida Man V- Rogan 2024 on X - "@wil_da_beast630 Russian collusion didn’t work. Taking him off the ballot didn’t work. ginning up bogus court cases didn’t work. This is the natural consequence of the rhetoric"

Meme - Reddit Lies @reddit_lies: "This is insane"
"Explain the dead bystander and person in critical condition."
"Trump had them shot for accuracy. The fucker literally denied COVID supplies to blue states to help him in the 2020 election."
Based Memes on X - "No wonder they’re so scared of guns. They think you can purposely hit the tip of someone’s ear from 125 yards."

Wilfred Reilly on X - ""They" charged him with 94 made-up crimes and then tried to kill him, while babbling the entire time about "our sacred democratic norms." I'm legitimately pretty heated right now."

Meme - Christopher J. Scalia @cjscalia: "Of course he didn’t mean this literally. And of course this language is not to blame for what happened. But we all know what the press would be saying if the roles were reversed."
"“I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” Biden said."

Meme - Inez Stepman ⚪️🔴⚪️ @InezFeltscher: "There it is, the worst “Republicans pounce” headline of all time"
Newsweek: "MAGA responds with outrage after Donald Trump injured at Pennsylvania rally"

FischerKing on X - "Trump keeps his cool even in an assassination attempt on live TV. Prayers of course, but respect for this real motherfucker. Also - all the people who have been saying they would stop at nothing, even kill him. Those people were called paranoid. Really they just read the room."

Zaid Jilani on X - "Pleas everyone stop pretending your political opponents are evil and the country will be destroyed if they win. Not only is it juvenile but there are nuts out there who take the rhetoric too seriously."

Patrick Bet-David on X - "Shots fired at Trump rally. Character assassination, failed. Attempt to deplete savings, failed. Attempt to silence, failed. Only option left, actual assassination attempt, FAILED. I’ve been saying repeatedly, double down on private security!"

RazörFist on X - "Just a helpful reminder that Joe Biden was and is attempting to take Trump's Secret Service agents away."

Bonchie on X - "The incitement of violence against Trump and the GOP by claiming "democracy" will end if Biden loses the election must stop. This isn't a joke anymore. When you constantly compare someone to Hitler, you are giving the green light for people to do *anything* to stop them."

Wilfred Reilly on X - "I'll just be real - as someone who spent a fair amount of time in Latin America, and studies the 3rd World, my first thought was: "Everything else has failed, and they're going to kill him."
I...do not think the US political left is prepared for what the response to that would be.   Many citizens - after George Floyd, COVID-19 lockdowns, 12M illegals, etc - are already pretty close to black-flag levels of "had enough.""

Meme - David Sacks @DavidSacks: "This is the vile hyperbolic hysterical rhetoric -- endlessly amplified by the mainstream media -- that invited every lunatic in the country to take matters into their own hands."
Joe Biden @JoeBiden: "Americans want a president, not a dictator."

Meme - "Trump's fist pump is being used as evidence of the staging, because human courage is completely unfamiliar to the left"
A To The Z @A_tothe_Z_Amber: "I'm not going lie this is a very weird after reaction. Why would you open yourself up to more potential harm after thinking you were almost assassinated and yelling, "fight, fight, fight!""
When you bear in mind what the left considers brave and stunning, it's no surprise that true courage is unthinkable

Wilfred Reilly on X - "Good to know Orange Man has courage, actually. There are nine virtues, among which the first is bravery, the ancients said. Empathy, mostly a vice, did not make the list."
The left doesn't understand guns or courage, which is why many think it's fake, because it's easy to get your bullet to deliberately miss by a few mm

Christopher Bouzy (spoutible.com/cbouzy) @cbouzy: "Y'all can ratio me all you want, but people who are shot don't immediately think to do a fist pump for the cameras. There is something terribly wrong with Trump."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "The left has discovered "bravery.""
Chris McKeever @chrismckeever: "“My intuition tells me that not being a coward is unnatural and therefore this must be fake.”   I was surprised by how poised Trump. I’m equally surprised at how many influential commenters don’t seem to believe ‘courage’ is real or possible just because they don’t have any."

Jarvis on X - "You kids don’t remember this, but a long time ago there was a political commentator named “Jonah Goldberg.” In the wake of the Gabby Giffords shooting, he wrote about how the journos treat “violent rhetoric” differently depending on who it comes from."
To Hell with You People | National Review
Everyberg. Singlestein. Timeowitz!
The alt-right always pretend conservative Jews do not exist

Matt Bilinsky on X - "Only prediction I’m making at this moment - the social taboo around expressing support for Trump, which was already dissipating, is officially gone."

Meme - Reddit Lies @reddit_lies: "Trump: gets shot
Reddit: "This is about me, actually""
Regarding Trump's "Assassination Attempt"
Whether it was staged or not.... This was the maga crowd's golden ticket. Expect them to ramp up retaliatory violence. For the love of your friends, family, and everyone these people will target. KEEP YOUR HEAD ON A SWIVEL, STAY AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. DO NOT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN. I don't know what will follow after this, but we cannot undermine an already violent party's potential plans for "revenge" after this. AND STAY IN DEFENCE MODE! If this really was an attempt, we cannot afford another loose cannon acting out and screwing us all over."

Ian Miles Cheong on X - "The complete incompetence of the ladies of the Secret Service are on full display. One of the agents can’t properly holster her sidearm while another fiddles around with her sunglasses trying to look cool for the crowd. Absolutely pathetic."

Meme - End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "What was Biden's Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle busy with?   Her goal of 30% female agents by 2030.  No, this is not satire."

Meme - Savanah Hernandez @sav_says_: "Trump says "wait" and pumps his fist toward the crowd in a show of strength as blood pours down his face after being shot at"
pagliacci the hated 🌝 @Slatzism: “this has been one of worst the assassination attempts in the history of assassination attempts, maybe ever. I would have never missed like that. I’ve shot many, many things successfully, some have said I’m the best at it. sleepy joe probably doesn’t even remember what a gun is.”

Matt Walsh on X - "All of the talk about Trump being a fascist dictator was meant to lead to this. This is why they say it. This is the point."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Probably.  In the wake of the one-day J6 riot - which directly killed no one - we listened to months of crocodile-tears babble about "stochastic terrorism" and "white rural rage."   Meanwhile, total lies about 'police genocide' and 'white-on-Black inter-race crime' led to TEN YEARS of sporadic left-wing rioting - Mike Brown was killed in 2014 - and perhaps 100 total deaths. Someone just tried to kill the probable next President!  Enough of this bullshit. Everything SJWs say is a lie, and we need to start treating entire social institutions accordingly."

Mike Baggz on X - "The number of Black people who attempted to assasinate a president: 0
The number of white people who attempted to assasinate a president: 36
Per capita white people account for 100% of assassination attempts on presidents in the United States."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "A shocking disparity somehow due to racism."

Cheri Jacobus on X - "My gut says this was staged. Also, my long experience with Trump and being targeted by him and his thugs. And knowing how far he will go. This. Isn't. Real."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Yep. They're going with this. 7 October didn't happen, the BLM riots were "peaceful protests," and we didn't all just see that Biden is senile and someone tried to kill Big Naranja. You know what IS real? WHITE SUPREMACIST PATRIARCHY!!!"

Barack Obama on X - "There is absolutely no place for political violence in our democracy. Although we don’t yet know exactly what happened, we should all be relieved that former President Trump wasn’t seriously hurt, and use this moment to recommit ourselves to civility and respect in our politics."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "Quite right, actually. No one is "Hitler." Very few people are "racists," "rapists," "pedophiles," "Nazis," etc - at least offline. Less of this crap on the national stage (which is 93% controlled by your party, Barry)."
Marjorie Taylor Greene Press Release (Parody) on X - "Barack Obama making a statement before Joe Biden speaks volumes Barack Obama should endorse Donald Trump"

Party That Called Trump 'Hitler' For 8 Years Shocked As Someone Tries To Assassinate Him | Babylon Bee

Abolish the Equality Act (2010) on X - "Memory Hole: Trump survived an assassination attempt in 2016. It was downgraded to an 'incident' by the Wikipedia censors."

gr 🏴‍☠️ on X - "Wikipedia: Okay, so someone tried to shoot the president, but until a Reliable Source (tm) says it was an assassination, we have no way of knowing this wasn't a ha-ha funny prank gone wrong."
Of course, this is why they try to proclaim non-left wing media sources are not reliable

Breaking GNN on X - "GNN: A Wikipedia Editor took it upon themself to edit the entry for President Donald Trump’s assassination attempt to instruct readers how to carry it out properly, condoning the political violence.  An archive still exists:"
"Shooting presidents isn't hard!  The Secret Service can't protect presidents[1] at close range, and they don't want you to know. Five out of five people to shoot from pointblank range have hit their target.[2] The two to shoot from mid-range have only barely missed.[3] Handguns are the Secret Service's kryptonite.  If you're thinking, but you can't get a handgun near the president,[1] wrong! Presidents[1] walk ropelines and go out to meals with many people nearby not getting frisked. They enter and exit motorcades with only the surrounding block secured. Besides, it's easy to get a working gun through a magnetometer.  The president's[1] main line of defense against close-up attacks is security theater. After that, it's just a matter of good luck and bad aim."

Meme - The Mark Green Experience @markgreen1978: "wikipedia editors were preventing people from naming the article "trump assassination attempt" because no reliable sources called it such. heres how they treated the Kiwi Farms"
"The consensus Says it's true, and the purpose of Wikipedia is to maintain the consensus. It doesn't matter whether it's factually true or false."

Meme - Eve Keneinan 𝛗☦️ن @EveKeneinan: "Wikipedia thinks it isn't reliable to call it an assassination attempt, because, they reason, the shooter may have only been trying to wound Trump."
"Or he may have been trying to just wound Trump, rather than kill him. Stick with reliable information for now."

Bennie Thompson, Who Moved To Strip Trump's Security, Faces Backlash - Newsweek - "A U.S. representative who introduced legislation that would have taken away Donald Trump's Secret Service protection is facing criticism from the former president's allies after Saturday's attempted assassination of the presumptive Republican pick for November's elections.  In mid-April, Mississippi congressman and ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Representative Bennie Thompson, introduced legislation designed to strip convicted felons sentenced to prison of Secret Service protection. It was co-sponsored by several other Democrat lawmakers."

Meme - Jonathan Choe @choeshow: "Trump was nearly assassinated today. Then one Seattle reporter posted this. 🤦🏽‍♂️"
Ashley Nerbovig @AshleyNerbovig: "make america aim again"
It's only inciting/praising violence if it impedes the left wing agenda

Meme - saila @sailaunderscore: "Remember this?"
Viviennui @vivienigma: "there's gotta be at least one white guy willing to throw his life away to commit the act that will save this country from the impending fascist takeover, make the fucking news white boy"

Meme - i/o @eyeslasho: "Let's check in with the radical left, shall we?"
evan loves worf @esjesjesj: "This is absolutely Reichstag fire stuff."

Meme - Crémieux @cremieuxrecueil: "Norm Macdonald @normmacdonald: What terrifies me is if a Democrat were to shoot Trump and ensure his election. Imagine the backlash against peaceful assassins?""
RIP Norm Macdonald

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