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Friday, October 25, 2024

Links - 25th October 2024 (2 - George Floyd Unrest)

Taibbi: Why Policing Is Broken - "Time Works Against Victims.  Even in the most appalling cases of police abuse or police homicide, media attention eventually dies down. After initial policy concessions or any number of other promises made in the heat of public anger, the system from there always reverts to form... The victim had a clear case for a federal civil-rights lawsuit, but those legal battles are difficult to win if the victim is convicted of a crime stemming from the original problem arrest.  So police tend to hit those suspects with litanies of charges...
Abuse Records Are Secret
‘Juking the Stats’...   Police really do conduct tons of minor stops, searches, and misdemeanor busts — what cops I spoke with for I Can’t Breathe euphemistically called “activity.”...   Conversely, felonies were often downgraded to misdemeanors to create the appearance of progress against the more serious stuff...   This sent a two-pronged message to neighborhoods everywhere that the police were not there to address the citizens’ most serious problems and were only there to hassle them endlessly over minor issues...
‘Law and Order’ Wins Votes... Even after the Floyd killing, an Ipsos poll showed 69 percent of Americans said they trust the police"
There should be a name for a twisted version of broken windows where the police aggressively police minor offences but ignore medium ones. Traffic stops are another example

What’s wrong with Sankofa Square? (aka "Lynn McDonald: Toronto's costly push to trade Yonge-Dundas for a name more closely associated with slavery") - "There is a lot wrong both with the name that Toronto city council chose to replace Yonge-Dundas Square and the burden that the name change will place on taxpayers. Originally budgeted at $335,000, the new estimate is $860,000 — and who is to say it won’t go higher? That would be a lot of money even for a desirable name, but the name the city chose, Sankofa Square, is problematic... The Christian Guardian was strong on social justice issues, and Ryerson himself contributed articles on slavery and its abolition. Under his leadership, it also gave considerable coverage to Indigenous issues, including many stories written by Indigenous people... The basic fact, ignored by Toronto’s mayor and city councillors, is that the Gold Coast, the earlier name for Ghana, was a notorious slave society. Leading Ghanaians were prominent in the slave trade and were themselves slave owners. For years after slavery was abolished elsewhere, they fought its abolition in Ghana. It wasn’t until 1874 that the slave trade in Ghana was abolished — nearly a century after Britain. Compare Ghana’s record with that of Ontario, where a process of gradual abolition was started in 1793, 81 years before Ghana. That, notably, was thanks to the efforts of Upper Canada’s first lieutenant governor, John Graves Simcoe, an appointee of Henry Dundas, no less. So Dundas was not only instrumental in getting slavery abolished in Scotland, acting as a lawyer in the appeal of a case dealing with a runaway slave, he also sent a dedicated abolitionist to Upper Canada to take the top post. He deserves a better square than Yonge-Dundas! Yonge-Dundas Square should remain under its current name. That name has the great demerit of linking a committed abolitionist, Dundas, with a man who made money off the slave trade, Sir George Yonge. Simcoe can be blamed for naming Yonge Street, but it was not until later, when Yonge was appointed governor of Cape Colony, South Africa, that he set out, and succeeded, in making money off slavery in that area. Then again — and more praise to Dundas — it was Henry Dundas who helped get Yonge sent back to England, never to be given another colonial post. Despicable as Yonge was, however, the name of Yonge Street should not be changed. Not only due to the cost of renaming such a long street, but because so much Ontario history passed along it, including the 1837 rebels who marched down it from Eglinton, to be stopped by the militia at Maitland Street. The money for changing the name of Yonge-Dundas Square would be better spent on improving the site and making it more attractive to residents and visitors."
It's like left wing cognitive dissonance and gaslighting is a feature, not a bug

Wilfred Reilly on X - "Re Kimberle Crenshaw's viral tweet claiming that 1/3 of those shot by police are Black women: I actually looked up the real figures for an upcoming article.   Per the Washington Post's police shootings data-base, the total number of Black women shot by cops between 2015 and today is 84 (.9% of all those shot). The total number of unarmed Black women shot is NINE. The total number of unarmed women of all races shot, ever, is well under 100. 95+% of the <10,000 suspects shot, all time, are male. Image from @DelanoSquires , btw, who got it first.  There's a deeper point here, as well. We talk a lot about "femicide" and "what THEY do to us," but violence against women is seen as so notable specifically because it is very abberational. In a typical recent year - attached - the total number of known offender/known victim murders of women, across 340,000,000 Americans, was 1,857. Men were about 300% as likely to be murdered, by other men and by women domestically. The same rule holds for pretty much every felony non-sex crime - shooting, knifing, attempted murder, brawling, etc.   It's perfectly fine to call attention to any real social problem, no matter how actually limited in scope - including police brutality and VAWG. But, it is...bad to use completely and obviously made-up statistics to try to terrify people into agreeing with you politically - and the second is at least as common. #so_theres_that"
Baxter Bentley on X - "Twitter appears to have performed a more rigorous review of what Professor Crenshaw teaches than her students, her colleagues at Columbia Law School, or any peer-reviewed journal. This is why it's important for academics to be active on social media."
Jeff Nelson on X - "Yes. But Crenshaw, her colleagues, and the journals knew exactly what she was doing and, in fact, believe lies told to enrage and divide are good."
Michael Nayna on X - "The Intersectional movement Crenshaw leads gains power by mimicking expertise. Their conclusions are fixed, & they twist data to justify their expansion. Almost nothing they claim is true. Hard to believe, given their influence. But it’s true. Here’s a statistician’s experience."
Mankosmash on X- "This is why liberals hate accurate data collection & statistics, by the way, and why Republicans need to make it a priority to ensure comprehensive, high trust data collection in all areas, but especially ones liberals like to lie about."
Quaran-Tina on X- "That's why their favorite new statistic is 'crime is dropping all over our country." Really? When thousands of jurisdictions have simply quite reporting crime statistics, arresting criminals, indicting, jailing, or taking them to trial?"

Meme - Nina Turner @ninaturner: "A decade ago, a police officer shot and killed Michael Brown Jr., an unarmed Black teenager with his hands up in Ferguson, Missouri.  Michael’s life matters. Black Lives Matter, and we will continue to say it until it becomes the truth in this nation’s eyes."
Readers added context they thought people might want to know: "The DOJ investigation confirmed that Michael Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot. Michael Brown tried to take the police officers gun and assaulted Wilson. Brown was shot while he was running at Wilson. Witness Dorian Johnson fabricated the hands up narrative."
i/o @eyeslasho: "Here's the "gentle giant" exchanging pleasantries with a convenience store employee minutes before he charged at a police officer and got blasted into civil rights martyrdom. And of course Brown did not have his hands up. Nina Turner gets a well-deserved Community Note."

Man charged with assaulting Ferguson cop at Michael Brown anniversary protest identified, 4 others in custody - "A man has been charged for the suspected assault of Ferguson police officer Travis Brown after a protest outside the Ferguson police station in Missouri turned violent on Friday night. Four other protesters were arrested during the protest.   According to the St. Louis Post Dispatch, Elijah Gantt, 28, of East St. Louis, has been charged with two counts of fourth-degree assault, first-degree assault, as well as property damage. He is being held on a $500,000 cash-only bond. Gantt has been accused of knocking over Officer Brown, causing him to fall and hit his head on the pavement. Brown is currently hospitalized with a severe brain injury, according to police. The other four arrested were Emily R. Davis, Phillip H. March, Keith W. Rose, and Derrick Robinson, per KFVS 12. Davis has been charged with third-degree assault as well as resisting arrest. Rose, March, and Robinson were arrested and all charged for first-degree property damage...   Prior to being arrested, Gantt had told the Dispatch, “It only takes one person to touch other people when you believe in something big.""

Meme - BLAIRE WHITE @MsBlaireWhi...: "Chicago businesses are boarding up because of the DNC. Isn't it funny how the party of tolerance and joy comes to town and everyone has to brace for violence?"

Ben Wexler on X - "The fact that Jan. 6th happened, and we all saw it with our own eyes, and still Donald Trump wasn’t shunned from society forever… it will never not be insane to me"
Wilfred Reilly on X - "This isn't going to work. Mass riots, almost all left-wing, burned off and on FOR A DECADE, killing 30+ people and doing $3 BILLION dollars in damage. The Capitol is photogenic, but so are the Old Third Precinct (an ACTIVE POLICE STATION burned to the ground with the officers initially inside), the Chicago Magnificent Mile, the Lake Street District of Minneapolis and whole city of Kenosha, the federal district of Portland (taken under seige for 120 days), and the part of Central Seattle that was made into a city-state led by a loc'd up warlord...where seven people were murdered inside a few weeks. Had these events happened in reverse - the left broke into one building, the right did the rest - we might still be living under a police state. Just STOP it with the "Can you even IMAGINE..." bull-shite."

BIPOC Doing Racism on X - "Harvard Professor Roland Fryer published a 2016 study showing no racial bias in police shootings He was discouraged from publishing it because it didn’t fit the narrative. The backlash got so intense his life was threatensd and he needed police protection @FrankDeScushin"

San Francisco Chronicle on X - "San Francisco is about to embark on evaluating its nearly 100 statues and monuments to figure out which ones no longer represent the city’s values and should be removed from view, relocated or re-interpreted with explanatory plaques."
i/o on X - "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street and building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. — George Orwell"
Frank DeScushin on X - ""... no longer represent the city’s values and should be removed from view." Coincidentally, removing from view is also what San Francisco did with mug shots so people don't get the "wrong" (read: right) ideas. San Fran's values seem to be erasing history and hiding reality."

Video shows officers dragged Tyreek Hill out of his car after he put his window back up - "“Don’t knock on my window like that,” Hill told the officer repeatedly. “I have to knock to let you know I am here,” the officer told Hill while repeatedly asking why the player didn’t have his seatbelt on. “Just give me my ticket, bro, so I can go. I am going to be late. Do what you gotta do,” Hill told the officer while putting his darkly tinted window back up. “Keep your window down,” the officer told him, again tapping on the glass. Hill can still be seen inside. Hill rolled the window down slightly and said, “Don’t tell me what to do.” He put the window back up. Hill told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins he did roll his window back up, citing concern about drawing unwanted attention to himself. “If I let my window down, people walking by, driving by, they’re going to notice that it’s me,” Hill said. “And they’re going to start taking pictures, and I didn’t want to create a scene at all. Like, I just really wanted to get the ticket and then go on about my way.” The officer again told Hill to put his window back down or “I am going to get you out of the car. As a matter of fact, get out of the car.” The officer then demanded Hill open the door... “I wasn’t moving fast because I’ve got injuries,” said Hill, who started his ninth NFL season. “I got things that I go through. I play a physical sport.”... This isn’t the first off-field incident involving Hill. He was accused of punching his girlfriend in college and got kicked off the team at Oklahoma State, later pleading guilty to domestic assault and battery by strangulation. In 2019, prosecutors in suburban Kansas City declined to charge Hill after an alleged domestic violence incident involving his fiancée and their 3-year-old child."
If he can't move fast, how can he play football?

Tyreek Hill's traffic stop shows interactions with police can be about survival for Black men - "Hill’s traffic stop reflects a national law enforcement survey that shows that “driving while Black” is likelier to include the threat or use of force than it is for other Americans... Less than a quarter of Americans age 16 and older reported having any contact with police, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ most recent police-public contact survey. In its special report released in 2022, Black people and Hispanic people were more likely than white people to experience the threat or use of force in 2020. Black people were also more likely to be shouted at by police than white people. As for drivers, Black people were more likely than white people to experience no enforcement action during their most recent traffic stop, according to the survey results. But among those who did experience an enforcement action, white drivers were more likely to be let off with a warning than drivers of any other race or Hispanic origin."
Clearly, if you refuse to keep your window rolled down, the police are racist if they threaten or use force. And obviously, even though blacks are more likely to experience no enforcement action, the fact that whites are more likely to get a warning if they experience an enforcement action is evidence of white supremacy and structural racism

Common Sense Extremists on X - "I don’t know why people are angry over Tyreek Hill doing 105 in a 55mph zone and mouthing off to cops. He could have done something really dangerous and detrimental to the NFL’s image like tell women that becoming a mother is beautiful."

Wilfred Reilly on X - "Something "role model" figures in Black and working-class communities could easily do, which would have an enormous real-world impact, is just teach young men to comply with the damn police.   Unless you are already being badly physically abused, just...do what the guy in the hat says. Hand over your license and insurance (also HAVE those things). Got some minor beef? Tell it to the judge."
JayMan on X - "Chris Rock did once"
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police! - YouTube

Meme - "r/MapPorn
Chicago shootings from 2014-2022 in comparison to Police involved shootings.
All Shootings: *all over Chicago*
Officer Involved Shootings: *very very few*"
"Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/MapPorn."

Pro-police coffee shop owner wins $4 million in free speech suit against university officials - "Boise State University administrators owe a coffee shop owner $4 million after a jury unanimously ruled the school officials violated the woman's First Amendment rights in a conflict over her public support of law enforcement. The jury awarded Big City Coffee owner Sarah Fendley $3 million for lost business, reputational damage, mental and emotional distress and personal humiliation, in a decision reached Sept. 13. Jurors awarded her an additional $1 million in punitive damages from the school's former vice president of student affairs. Fendley originally sued the university for $10 million after she closed her campus shop in October 2020, according to local reports, arguing administrators conspired to retaliate against her for expressing pro-police views on social media... Fendley claimed the university terminated her contract because of her support for police, a move her lawyer said clearly violated her free speech rights. Hours before the meeting started, administrators were working on a press release about the business leaving campus, Fendley's attorney Michael Roe said, making it clear they had a single outcome in mind. "Senior administration at BSU caved to a very small number of student activists""

Meme - Authoritarian Right: "Get the Police out of black neighborhoods."
Libertarian Left: "Get the Police out of black neighborhoods."

MuhSocioFactors on X - "Let’s check in on the sub-sаһаrаn who forfeіted іts ӏіfe after brandіshіng a knіfе on the NYC metro following a fare evasion."
Cleon Cosen on X - "Lmao @ the black who starts recording at the end “I’m filming, they shot him!” They all think they’re getting the next St. George Floydicus on camera"
jimbowimbo on X - "Fare hopper: doesn't put knife down, gets aggressive and violates the 21 foot rule.
Cops: shoot.
Leftists: Police brutality!"

Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Just in: Leftist rioters in NYC are trying to shut down the subway as revenge for a knife-wielding black man being shot by police."
The Fighting Liberty Girl 🥊 on X - "Has anyone noticed MAGA rioters across the nation seeking revenge for 2 attempted as*as*inations on President Trump? No. The NYC rioters are looking for any reason to cause trouble."
Kathleen P on X - "If NYC was tough on crime, this wouldn’t be an issue. How many lives are endangered by trying to shut down the subway system on a Friday during rush hour?"
And left wingers complain people don't want to use public transport

Amiri King on X - "Pop Smoke murdered. Nothing. Young Dolph murdered. Nothing. King Von murdered. Nothing. 10,000 blacks murdered annually by other blacks. Nothing. Cops yeet a knife wielding psycho terrorizing passengers on the subway? ReeeeRRrReeeeEEEErrrrEEee!"

Jeremy Kauffman 🦔 on X - "Partial list of black thugs exalted by the media in my lifetime:
- Rodney King (1991)
- O.J. Simpson (1995)
- Timothy Thomas (2001)
- Sean Bell (2006)
- Trayvon Martin (2012)
- Michael Brown (2014)
- George Floyd (2020)
- Ahmaud Arbery (2020)
- Marcellus Williams (2025)
Even Walter Scott, which was an illegitimate shooting, was a deadbeat dad on alcohol and cocaine when he chose to run from a cop.  It used to shock me how often the left chooses to deify and rally around reprehensible people. Now I just see it as part of their nature."
Wilfred Reilly on X - "He leaves off Jacob Blake, Rayshard Brooks, etc. I might cut Arbery from this list. But, genuinely interesting thing about this: there have been 8-10 normal Black (Philando Castile) and Caucasian (Dylan Noble) taxpayers killed by cops or the state during this same period. Why the intentional focus on what would logically be the LEAST sympathetic cases?"
Paul Klein 🏎️🇺🇸🇳🇴🏎️ on X - "@wil_da_beast630 Let's never forget that Valerie Jarrett (CEO of the Obama Foundation) and Bree Newsome, thought knife fights amongst the youths is just an age-old tradition that the police shouldn't intervene in."
R. Walt Fabi on X - "Because then the right might agree with them, and there’d be less profit In it for the politicians and activists."
🇮🇱 Mrs. Sunrise 💚🤍💜 on X - "Daniel Shaver deserves justice. Instead, the cop has a fully paid retirement with extra disability pay for his "PTSD". Bummer about this young father being White, I guess?"

Thread by @DocNetyoutube on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "I finally watched the documentary of George Floyd. The Fall of Minneapolis. What I want to know is:  Who was the person who ordered that the body cams of police dealing with George Floyd in 2020 be withheld from the media and the public for months? Including this still frame of George Floyd swallowing his dope before he died of a drug overdose. Had the body cams of those officers been shown to the public immediately, the Minnesota riots probably would not have taken place.

Meme - Black Insurrectionist--I FOLLOW BACK TRUE PATRIOTS @DocNetyoutube: "I finally watched the documentary of George Floyd. The Fall of Minneapolis. What I want to know is:  Who was the person who ordered that the body cams of police dealing with George Floyd in 2020 be withheld from the media and the public for months? Including this still frame of George Floyd swallowing his dope before he died of a drug overdose. Had the body cams of those officers been shown to the public immediately, the Minnesota riots probably would not have taken place.
Black Insurrectionist--I FOLLOW BACK TRUE PATRIOTS @DocNetyoutube · Sep 26 I finally watched the documentary of George Floyd. The Fall of Minneapolis. What I want to know is:  Who was the person who ordered that the body cams of police dealing with George Floyd in 2020 be withheld from the media and the public for months? Including this still frame of Show more Image E 🇺🇸 @Simply4Truth_ 🚨 "After the arrest in 2020, pills containing methamphetamine and fentanyl were recovered from [George Floyd's] vehicle. More pills, with Mr. Floyd's saliva and DNA were also recovered from the back of the police squad car."  GEORGE FLOYD DIED FROM AN OVERDOSE."

Meme - Rhonda Pattelena: Jayme Johnson: "Saying "All Lives Matter" as a response to "Black Lives Matter" is like saying the fire department should spray down all houses in a neighborhood even though only one house is on fire...because all houses matter. Yes, your house matters too, BUT YOUR HOUSE IS NOT ON FIRE???"
"Mass. man gets 40 years in prison for fatal attack on domestic partner on Maine beach. Jeffrey Buchannan told police he blacked out before the 2021 attack on Rhonda Pattelena"
And this is before we get into all the lies about police killings

Meme - "WHY THE LEFT HATES KYLE RITTENHOUSE: Kyle made their invincible hate mob bleed. That's it. That's all it took. Their ideology is simple: They inflict the suffering and you endure it. Kyle upended this paradigm, exposing them for how fragile they really are. This is why they routinely talk about him years later. Why they obsess over him. and why they will never forgive him. One right wing teenage boy with three perfect shots forever boxed two and a half of their most devoted Antifa goons. For once consequences were inflicted upon them and they have been shrieking about it ever since. Had Kyle been beaten to death that night we would've never even known his name. They have neither compassion, nor humanity, nor remorse. They're incapable of it. Remember that. They were ready and willing to bea a seventeen year old boy to death "for the cause" and when he didn't die the way it was scripted they spent years doing everything they could to destroy him."

Andy Ngo 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "London, Sept. 25 — Poorly trained and weak @metpoliceuk officers struggle to arrest a violent suspect in Fulham. The people around try to interfere, thinking it’s another BLM moment. The suspect bites an officer."

Meme - Ryan James Girdusky @RyanGirdusky: "I mentioned the Ferguson and Floyd Effect on CNN... surprisingly, none of the Democrats on the panel had ever heard of it."
Crémieux @cremieuxrecueil: "These journalists may not know it, but the Floyd Effect is real.  You can see the causal impact of George Floyd's death on homicide rates extremely clearly using data provided by the CDC.
Q: How?
A: Probably a lot of things, including police 'backing off' from criminal enforcement.
Q: Isn't this just COVID?
A: No. The increase occurs in the month Floyd died, not the month COVID set in or lockdowns were called. Moreover, this does not appear outside of the U.S.
We can see the CDC's estimates replicated in FBI NIBRS data, but we have to caveat this because the data is lower-quality.  For one, the Decembers include full-year reports for many agencies, so we'll toss them. Same prob. other mo's🤷‍♀️. For two, much of the 2021 data is missing. And yet, despite its issues, the FBI data confirms the picture provided by the high-quality CDC data.  It's fair play to debate why George Floyd's death caused such a massive increase in homicides, but not so much that it did."

Meme - Carlos That Notices Things @QuetzalPhoenix: "Monthly reminder that black people have killed and raped more White people in Chicago and more Latinos in LA than were ever Lynched in the entirety of the South between 1880 and 1970."
"The Tuskegee Institute has recorded the lynchings of 3,446 blacks and the lynchings of 1,297 whites, all of which occurred between 1882 and 1968, with the peak occurring in the 1890s, at a time of economic stress in the South and increasing political suppression of blacks."
"History of Lynching in America. How Many People were lynched? From 1882 to 1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the U.S., according to records maintained by NAACP."

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