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Thursday, October 24, 2024

Links - 24th October 2024 (1)

MPs wittingly helped foreign agents, Liberals slow to respond: NSICOP - "Some MPs were “wittingly assisting” foreign state actors after being elected, and Canada could feel the consequences of the Liberal government’s slow response to foreign interference for years to come, according to a new report from a high-level panel of MPs focusing on intelligence."

Meme - "Still laughing about the time a computer scientist who had his bike stolen tried to explain binary search to a cop"
"Afterwards I found a chatroom thread among Cambridge computer scientists, one of whom had also been told that unless he could pin down the moment of theft no one would look at the footage. He said he had tried to explain sorting algorithms to police - he was a computer scientist, after all. You don't watch the whole thing, he said. You use a binary search. You fast forward to halfway, see if the bike is there and, if it is, zoom to three quarters of the way through. But if it wasn't there at the halfway mark, you rewind to a quarter of the way through. It's very quick. In fact, he had pointed out, if the CCTV footage stretched back to the dawn of humanity it would probably have only taken an hour to find the moment of theft. This argument didn't go down well."

Roko 🌊🧊🏙️ on X - "Modern Leftism has Will to Power in a way that the vast majority of The Right (even the far right) doesn't   Far-rightists just want things to be good and fair again. Radical ethno-nationalists just want to get back to white people having their own countries again. Lame. Radical libertarians just want to not have to pay taxes on unrealized gains(!). And the more you go towards the center, the more cucked it gets. Neoconservatives are happy to jump on the Kamala Train.   The modern left wants to rule over the planet with an iron fist and eviscerate anyone who gets in their way.   What's changed about leftism is that they got good at applying just the right amount of moral camouflage to their Will-To-Power so that centrists can't form a coalition against them.   The optimal metapolitical strategy isn't to argue for the good and fair in an honest way. It's to strive for complete domination over your enemies by any means necessary, and then apply a thick layer of moral camouflage to make it hard to actually attack you effectively."

Police: Oregon panhandlers raking in the green - "A police survey says panhandlers outside Wal-Mart in Coos Bay can make $300 a day. Inside, it takes a clerk a week to make that much.  Police say people who have a problem with that needn't look to the law - asking for money is considered protected free speech.  Coos Bay authorities say most panhandlers are not criminals.  Coos Bay Police Captain Rodger Craddock says most have lived in the city a long time and they actually have homes. Craddock says, "This is just their chosen profession."  He says most are docile, and that people should report those who are not.  Bob More, director of housing and emergency services at South Coast Community Action, says many panhandlers are there for the money - to feed their addictions.  He suggested a voucher system involving tickets people could give that are good for a meal or bed in a shelter."

18 drivers ticketed $615 each for using cellphone at highway crash scene - "Police say 18 drivers were ticketed for allegedly using their phones to video a serious crash on Highway 401 on Saturday morning.  Lennox and Addington County Provincial Police say they were called to a crash involving a transport truck and a tanker on the westbound portion of the highway at Shannonville Road, east of Belleville.  Aside from dealing with the crash, officers were also kept busy handing out tickets to motorists who they say used their cellphones to take video as they passed through the scene."

'This is your last chance': Young man gets reformative training for raping 14-year-old girl - "A 20-year-old man was on Monday (Jan 22) sentenced to reformative training with a minimum detention period of a year for raping a 14-year-old girl when he was 16.  The offence, which took place in a public toilet in late June 2020, was allegedly aided by the girl's then boyfriend, who held her down while the rape went on...   "He minimised his responsibility and resorted to blaming not only the co-accused but also the victim for the offence," said Ms Poon.  "He factually stated that he was asked repeatedly by his co-accused to do it, and characterised it as being forced to rape the victim."  Ms Poon said the offender had an electric scooter with him at the time and was "absolutely free to leave the scene if he had indeed felt afraid"."

Parents in Reading Competition Awards Ceremony Reportedly Booed Other Children & Gave Thumbs-Down - "Parents are supposed to be role models for their kids, but some parents probably didn’t get the memo.  At the awards ceremony of a national creative reading competition for preschoolers and primary school students, the National Chinese Creative Reading Competition 2024, some parents in the audience booed, stood up showing thumbs-down gestures, waved their hands disapprovingly, and were even accused of flipping the middle finger for up to a minute, frightening the children present. The National Chinese Creative Reading Competition 2024, organized by Popular Bookstore and co-hosted with the National Library Board, held its finals and awards ceremony on Friday afternoon (6 September) at the Woodlands Regional Library."

Couple Goes Viral for Olive Garden Engagement Photos: ‘Italy Vibes' - "Tennessee-based photographer Shea Cravens posted a TikTok of fiancés Carlsey Bibb and Caden Mills, a couple getting married this October... Cravens convinced them to stage an Italy-esque photoshoot at dawn, but didn’t board a private jet to Lake Como to do so. Instead, they agreed to a 6 a.m. photoshoot in front of Olive Garden."

State Department skirted mandate funding 'censorship' groups: GOP - "An office housed within the State Department is faulted in a new congressional report with flouting its mandate to thwart foreign disinformation through its funding of groups engaged in “censorship” against small businesses in the United States.  “This interim report outlines how government agencies are working with the private sector to ensure that certain businesses do not have a fair chance to compete online,” said Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX), who chairs the House Small Business Committee. “Even worse, this report uncovers how taxpayer dollars contributed to the censorship that picks winners and losers in the online marketplace.”  The 66-page report was prepared by investigators on the Republican-led House Small Business Committee. For over a year, the panel has sought sprawling funding records from the State Department’s Global Engagement Center on its programs fighting alleged disinformation and misinformation. That investigation began due to a series of Washington Examiner reports on the office bankrolling the Global Disinformation Index — a British group pressuring advertisers to defund right-of-center media outlets in the U.S...   Titled “Instruments and Casualties of the Censorship-Industrial Complex,” the House report argues the GEC promoted “tech start-ups and other small businesses in the disinformation detection space to private sector entities with domestic censorship capabilities.” Moreover, the report argues the National Endowment for Democracy, a State Department-funded nonprofit group that awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars to GDI, “violated its international restrictions by collaborating with fact-checking entities in assessing domestic press businesses’ admission to a credibility organization.”... One such initiative was a secret group chat targeting conservatives over alleged “fake news”... The GEC, according to documents cited in the report, recently awarded taxpayer dollars to the Institute for War and Peace Reporting, a London-based entity that delivered a subaward to the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. But the subaward “was used to convince international news outlets to join Poynter’s International Fact-Checking Network’s (IFCN) Code of Principles, which is a group of news and information organizations that abide by a certain set of qualities denoting journalistic standards,” the report found.  To implement this award, the GEC was apparently added to a private email list in which apparent censorship activists “critiqued applicants, including domestic businesses such as the Daily Caller and its fact-checking organization,” according to the House report and documents obtained by the Washington Examiner through public records requests.  Internal documents show that in the email list titled “#FakeNewsSci,” participants were also affiliated with the National Endowment for Democracy, Snopes, Poynter, Clemson University, and other entities. Kate Starbird, a professor at the University of Washington, has also participated in the listserv, according to documents obtained by the Washington Examiner through a public records request... An email signature for the Google group said, “All exchanges are to be treated as ‘off the record’ unless the member(s) in question explicitly agree otherwise.” Members, according to the email signature, “must be recommended by two other group members to be added to the group.”...   In the congressional report, the House Small Business Committee said it’s “not appropriate” for the GEC or the NED to “belong to a cohort that gatekeeps domestic press companies from belonging to a private credibility organization.”"

Aaron Maté on X - "Hillary Clinton calls for criminal charges and civil penalties against Americans "engaged" in spreading "propaganda." To make her argument against free speechj, she invokes the Russiagate scam that itself was the product of her campaign's own propaganda. Speaking of which, the case that she invokes here -- Mueller charging some Russians for social media activity -- led to Mueller dropping the case after the Russian company showed up to fight the case in court."
Violating the constitution is only wrong and dangerous when it doesn't push the left wing agenda

Thread by @wanyeburkett on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - [On the Central Park Five] "Just in the first 10 minutes of this he puts the video interviews of suspects in the park that night up against footage from the Netflix show. In the show, the kids are playful and laughing. They are a little aggressive with some cyclists, patting them on the back as they bike past. They come upon some older guys robbing someone and stand back, mouths agape, surprised and perhaps even horrified by what they're seeing.  Meanwhile, in the real life interviews they all admit that they entered the park to do violence -- to beat on people and rob them -- and, further, that this was a favorite pastime, something they'd done many times before.  It's shameful. In the show, they stumble upon other people doing a robbery and are horrified. In their testimony they admit that they entered the park to rob and beat people.  It's just so completely shameful. How do you make such straightforward propaganda and live with yourself?
He cuts to an interview with the director who says that she wanted to humanize the boys, to ask the viewer to "interrogate" all that they think they know about supposed criminals like them.  I mean, sure; you can just lie about what happened. It's true that they're more sympathetic characters if you lie about what they did.
Now at 24:15 they show the suspects describing the attack on Jogger #3. Antron McCray and Yusef Salaam -- now a New York City Councilman -- are described as hitting the jogger with a pipe. Multiple of the suspects independently corroborate this story.  There is some inconsistency here, it should be mentioned. It's unclear who had the pipe when. One of the boys clarifies that Yusef originally had the pipe, but at some point Antron had it and was seen returning it to Yusef.  That there was a pipe and that the boys were using it to hit a jogger seems pretty clear. We're not even yet to the rape.
Anyway, I'm not going to live tweet the rest of it; it's getting late. You should watch it yourself.  I'll just say this: they incriminate themselves over and over again.
Obviously, I haven't watched all the hours and hours of interview footage. Whatever you see in a documentary is selected to tell a story. But in these clips there is no evidence of coercion. They volunteer themselves and each other at the scene. The stories do have inconsistencies, but it's fairly clear that they're each recreating the story on the fly to make it seem like didn't participate much. (They seem to believe that if they just held the girl down and watched that that's not so serious.)  One of the suspects gets in the police car after he's first picked up and starts crying and saying that he knows who did it. The police have already picked up Jogger #3, so they assume he's talking about him. But he means the woman they raped. Police don't even know about her yet.  Two of the suspects who are put at the scene by multiple of the other suspects keep their mouth shut and avoid the rape charge. It's really hard to watch all this footage and conclude that they had *nothing* to do with the assault on that woman.
(At least) one more thing: multiple of the suspects have blood and semen on them. DNA/blood tests are inconclusive. As an ordinary thinking person you are allowed to pause here and find it suspicious that they have blood and semen on their clothes."

Covfefe Anon on X - "A common exchange with progs looking to assert the innocence of the *extremely obviously* guilty Central Park Five is that "DNA evidence exonerated them" (which is false to begin with - at most it points to another perpetrator that wasn't caught) - which demonstrates a failure to understand that evidence has to be *collected* and *preserved* for forensic testing and the collection and preservation methods will depend on the tests  An under-appreciated bit of the now famous 4chan greentext that gave us the breakfast meme is that lower intelligence people struggle to understand and process anachronisms  Having a working mental model of the world is hard enough, also holding a counterfactual one with historical knowledge not about events but about how things operated is far harder"

Thread by @wanyeburkett on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "My wife and I were just talking about the Rodney Reed case in the car the other day, about how the Innocence Project wants to test the belt that was used in the crime 30 years ago on the basis that if they test the belt and Rodney Reed’s DNA is not found on it, then that would be exculpatory. You can repeat this logic out loud only so many times before you end up just sitting there in silence, shaking your head, wondering how you’re supposed to share a society with people who reason this way.  You are all smart people who don’t need this explained to you, but a lack of Reed’s 30 year old DNA on the murder weapon doesn’t actually demonstrate anything except that his DNA is not on the murder weapon. It might be lightly suggestive, but it certainly doesn’t prove anything and it most certainly doesn’t rule him out as the perpetrator to a standard that would justify overturning a 30-year-old conviction. The arguments for the innocence of the Central Park 5 have a very similar nature. Matching the semen at the crime scene to a known suspect does not exonerate the others who were accused of participating. Police always knew the rape to involve multiple assailants. The fact that they figured out who the mysterious semen belonged to cannot logically exonerate the other participants.  This is like a logic question from a standardized test for grade schoolers and very large shares of the population are tripped up by it. You see this in a lot of these cases. Were the central Park five involved in that rape? The only people who know that with complete certainty are the five of them, but what the public does know with total certainty, because it is a matter of pure logic, is that the existence of a sixth person‘s DNA at the scene does not — cannot! — prove they weren’t.  Maybe I look at all the evidence and I think they probably did it, maybe you look at all the evidence and think maybe they didn’t, but if you find yourself saying the words, “they can’t be guilty because they were proved innocent by DNA evidence,” you’ve stepped off the reservation. You are now in the realm of things that are trivially demonstrated to be false. It cannot even in principle be true that the DNA evidence exonerates them."

Meme - "My father is mad you took my virginity."
"Tell him it won't happen again."


"Bus Abuser Gets Schooled By Life" / "Bus Abuser Confronted by Life's Lessons" / "Life Lessons for been a creep."

Actual Fact Bot: Revived | Facebook - "All mammals, from mice to whales, have roughly the same number of heartbeats in a lifetime: 1 billion."

Vlado Taneski - Wikipedia - "Vlado Taneski (Macedonian: Владо Танески; 1952 – June 23, 2008) was a Macedonian journalist and serial killer. He was arrested in June 2008 in Kičevo, his hometown, for the murders of two women on whose deaths he had also written freelance articles; when arrested he was also being investigated over the death of an additional woman. These articles had aroused the suspicion of the police as they contained information which had not been released to the public. After DNA tests connected Taneski to the murders, he was arrested and imprisoned... According to police, Taneski's articles contained information which had not been released to the public"

Meme - "Condoms That Change Color In Contact with STD Win Tech Award"
Evil Skeletor: "That explains why the gay pride symbol is a rainbow."

Meme - *Scary old woman*
"That's my grandmother... She passed away 4 months ago"
"thank god"

Meme - "Fucking lies. *Timeline of Fruit of the Loom logo from 1893 to 1927 to 1936 to 1951 to 1962 to 1978 to Current*
*Socks with Fruit of the Loom Cornucopia logo*

Meme - "BRO: Yo this girl said she likes me what do I do?
ME: send d pic
BRO: Hold to replay or save
BRO: Oh shi mb bro"

Titan sub hearing latest: Titan an 'abomination of a sub'; OceanGate chief 'threw controller at director's head after crash'

A key employee who called the Titan unsafe testifies the company only wanted to make money - "David Lochridge, OceanGate’s former operations director, is one of the most anticipated witnesses to appear before a commission trying to determine what caused the Titan to implode en route to the wreckage of the Titanic last year, killing all five on board. His testimony echoed that of other former employees Monday, one of whom described OceanGate head Stockton Rush as volatile and difficult to work with.   “The whole idea behind the company was to make money,” Lochridge said. “There was very little in the way of science.”... Lochridge joined the company in the mid-2010s as a veteran engineer and submersible pilot and said he quickly came to feel he was being used to lend the company scientific credibility. He said he felt the company was selling him as part of the project “for people to come up and pay money,” and that did not sit well with him.  “I was, I felt, a show pony,” he said. “I was made by the company to stand up there and do talks. It was difficult. I had to go up and do presentations. All of it.”... OceanGate's former engineering director, Tony Nissen, kicked off Monday's testimony, telling investigators he felt pressured to get the vessel ready to dive and refused to pilot it for a journey several years before Titan's last trip. Nissen worked on a prototype hull that predated the Titanic expeditions.  “‘I’m not getting in it,’” Nissen said he told Rush.  When asked if there was pressure to get Titan into the water, Nissen responded, “100%.”  But asked if he felt that the pressure compromised safety decisions and testing, Nissen paused, then replied, “No. And that’s a difficult question to answer, because given infinite time and infinite budget, you could do infinite testing.”   OceanGate's former finance and human resources director, Bonnie Carl, testified Monday that Lochridge had characterized the Titan as “unsafe.”  Coast Guard officials noted at the start of the hearing that the submersible had not been independently reviewed, as is standard practice. That and Titan's unusual design subjected it to scrutiny in the undersea exploration community."

Authorities Release Photo of Titan Sub Wreckage After Implosion - "Authorities have released the first photo of what remained of the Titan on the floor of the North Atlantic Ocean after the submersible imploded last summer while on its way to see the Titanic wreck.  The image, which features the vessel's tail cone embedded into the seabed more than 12,000 feet below the surface, was presented by U.S. Coast Guard officials on Monday, Sept. 16, as part of what is expected to be a two-week hearing into the tragedy...  The final messages from the doomed vehicle were also revealed.  After more than 40 minutes of communication, the Polar Prince informed the submersible, “I need better comms from you,” to which the Titan responded “yes” and said they temporarily “lost system oand [sic] chat settings.”   Nargeolet is believed to have sent the messages, according to the Coast Guard.  The Polar Prince again asked, “Status? do you see polar prince on your display?” And soon after, the Titan responded “yes” and “all good here” at 10:15 a.m.  Then at 10:47 a.m., the Titan sent another message that it had "dropped two wts,” referring to its weights, but lost contact with the surface seconds after."

A final, tragic text from doomed Titan sub revealed at Coast Guard hearing - "Coast Guard officials said the Titan was left exposed to weather and elements while in storage for seven months in 2022 and 2023... The hearing’s first witness, OceanGate’s former engineering director, Tony Nissen, testified Monday that Rush could be difficult to work for and was often very concerned with costs and project schedules, among other issues. Nissen also said that initially, he had “no idea they wanted to go to the Titanic.”"

US Navy commander relieved of duty after backward rifle scope photo flap - "The commander of a Navy destroyer that’s helping protect the San Diego-based aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Middle East has been relieved of duty about four months after he was seen in a photo firing a rifle with a scope mounted backward.  The image brought the Navy considerable ridicule on social media. The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that Cameron Yaste, commanding officer of the destroyer USS John McCain, was removed on Friday... The Navy said Yaste was relieved of duty “due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command the guided-missile destroyer” that’s currently deployed in the Gulf of Oman. The statement didn’t elaborate about why Yaste was replaced. In April, a photo posted on the Navy’s social media showed Yaste in a firing stance gripping the rifle with a backward scope.  The military news outlet Stars and Stripes reported that the Marine Corps took a dig at the Navy, sharing a photo on its social media of a Marine firing a weapon aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Boxer. The caption read: “Clear Sight Picture.”"
The wrong-way scope wasn't the only problem with the photo either

Thieves fry Kenya's power grid to cook fast food - "The morning scene is increasingly routine for Kenyans. When it's time to start the day, the power is already out. Somewhere nearby, the shell of a wrecked electrical transformer lies on its side underneath the pole where it had been fixed 20 feet off the ground. The culprit is an unusual one: A vandal who is selling the toxic oil, drawn from the transformer, to chefs who use it for  frying food in roadside stalls. Five liters of the viscous, PCB-laden liquid sells for $60. It looks like cooking oil, but lasts much longer, users say. Kenyans' appetite for fried food and cheap frying oil is stalling the country's urgent efforts to build a modern electrical grid, even as it sews the seeds of a public health crisis, experts say. And with utility companies reporting similar vandalism across East Africa and as far away as South Africa and Nigeria, the crime spree is becoming another thorn in ambitious plans to electrify Africa. Sudden blackouts darken businesses and communities across Africa. In a continent where 70 percent of Africans are not yet connected to grid electricity, the World Bank says even those manufacturers who do have a connection lose 56 days a year, on average, to blackouts. Such power losses can cut revenues as much as 20 percent for businesses that can't easily use or afford back-up generators, World Bank said... One big problem is that the oil that cools electrical transformers is also great for frying cassava, chips and fish. Thieves tout it as well as fuel, a "remedy" for wounds, and even to make cosmetics, said Tom Muhumuza, a senior project manager for Ferdsult Engineering Services, a Ugandan firm that deals with energy projects. The copper wire from transformers is sold to fix motors and as scrap metal, which enters the global market and can end up as far away as India and China, Muhumuza said... Within hours of the power going out, transformer oil can end up on the street, where it creates another health and environmental problem because it contains highly toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The United States banned PCBs in 1979. "Consumption of PCB-laden chips poses a health risk to Kenyans in a country where health services are already underfunded and doctors are in short supply," said Dr. Esther Maina a biochemist at the University of Nairobi. But use of the oil is so widespread that she, herself, got sick from it when she bought chips at a roadside stand. Kenya Power, the firm that distributes power in Kenya, is now thinking about building transformers that don't use oil. Such transformers are not widely used and cost about half again as much as ones that do use oil."
From 2014. Damn colonialism!

Meme - "DON'T YOU HATE IT WHEN Someone's wearing the same outfit as you! *Woman in red top showing a bit of cleavage* *Man in red t-shirt showing butt crack*"

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