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Friday, October 25, 2024

Links - 25th October 2024 (1 - Women)

Meme - "If you pick the bear you deserve the mauling. Women pick the bear the same way they pick woman beaters & cheaters, over & over, & give them chance after chance once its happened. Don't pick tatted up felons with no job & a violent history if you don't want what a tatted up felon with no job & a violent history does to ppl. If you pick the bear you DEESSSSERRRRVVVEEE the mauling. I can't communicate enough derision behind that. Why pick them?"

Meme - "Shoulda never went through my h03 phase. That shit stays on ur record like a felony"


Meme - "Lily 22
Here are my non negotiable dealbreakers so don't swipe right if you:
Are short (less than 5'11 or 180cm)
Live with your parents (or have within the last 5 years)
Have roommates
Have never been out of country
Do not go on 2+ vacations a year
Watch MMA or Boxing
Like anime
Don't have a clean home
Work less than 30 hours a week
Will need to work past the age of 65
Have ever cheated
Have kids
Have a cat/ cats
Don't love Mexican food
Are awkward in person
Do not take initiative"

Meme - "My friend uses me for Sexual content and Im secretly the customer that keeps paying her to do it
My (M22) best friend (F22) is a girl who I'm insanely attracted to. She only sees me as a friend though since she is a lesbian and would never be in a relationship with a man. She confided in me that she started making sexual content online for extra money. Its not that big but enough to pay her rent each month ontop of her normal job. She has a full on secret insta, twitter, onlyfans etc. It came as a shock and I asked her so many questions about it and she briefly showed me her account while we talked about it. She then dropped the bombshell on me that she wanted me to help her with a video someone paid for, aparently they were tired of the solo content. I wont get into specifics cause im not sure the rules here but she wouldnt do full on sex since she doesnt like guys, it was more of a fetish thing. She made it very clear she just needed a dick for the vid and she trusted me but she was doing it for the money not cause she liked me and shed give me some of the profit if i helped her. We did it but I also memorized her username and waited a couple days and subscribed to her anonymously. Ever since then Ive been doing the same thing, paying her anonymously for videos that would include a guy just so that she keeps using me IRL.  I feel bad deceiving her, especially since shes giving me back some of my own money but I feel like this is the only way I'd have this opportunity"

Meme - Remssx✨ @Remzsx: "My husband is a silent type that doesn't keep friends. He never stayed past 7PM, he doesn't visit anyone and no one visits him. We are married for 4 years and we never had a reason to quarrel or argue, most times I bring up baseless argument so we could just raise our voice yet he will find a way to avoid it. I know issues makes marriage stronger but I have never had any reason to at least act upset and have him beg and pet me. It's seriously eating me up, this man is too peaceful and quiet for my liking and I on the other hand is stubborn Please, how do I spice up my marriage and how do I get this man to at least raise his voice at me a little. I want him to at least get angry once. This sound funny buts it's really bothering me. I am bored in this marriage."

Kouri Richins: Woman who wrote book about grief after husband’s death to be tried for his murder - "A Utah mother of three who published a children’s book about grief after her husband’s death and was later accused of fatally poisoning him will stand trial, a judge has ruled.  Utah state judge Richard Mrazik ruled on the second day of Kouri Richins’ preliminary hearing that prosecutors had presented enough evidence against her to proceed with a jury trial. She faces a slew of criminal charges for allegedly killing her husband with a lethal dose of fentanyl in March 2022 at their home in a small mountain town near Park City. Prosecutors say Kouri Richins, 34, slipped five times the lethal dose of the synthetic opioid into a Moscow mule cocktail that Eric Richins, 39, drank... The second day of her preliminary hearing centred on an additional attempted murder charge filed earlier this year that accused her of slipping fentanyl into her husband’s sandwich on Valentine’s Day 2022, causing a severe but nonfatal reaction.  Summit County prosecutor Brad Bloodworth defended the charge by describing how he thinks Kouri Richins learnt lessons during the first unsuccessful attempt on her husband’s life that helped her carry out the killing 17 days later. One bite of his favourite sandwich – left with a note in the front seat of his truck on Valentine’s Day – made Eric Richins break out in hives and black out, prosecutors allege. His wife had bought the sandwich from a local diner in the city of Kamas two days after she purchased fentanyl pills from the family’s housekeeper, according to witness statements, and deleted text messages that were recovered by police.  Text messages and location data indicated Kouri Richins might have brought the sandwich home, then left to spend Valentine’s Day with another man with whom she was having an affair, Bloodworth said. A day after Valentine’s Day, she texted her lover, “If he could just go away ... life would be so perfect.” In written testimony, two friends of Eric Richins recounted phone conversations from the day prosecutors say he was first poisoned by his wife of nine years. After injecting himself with his son’s EpiPen and chugging a bottle of Benadryl, he awoke from a deep sleep and told a friend, “I think my wife tried to poison me,” charging documents allege.  Housekeeper Carmen Lauber told police that Kouri Richins subsequently asked her to procure stronger fentanyl, Detective Jeff O’Driscoll said on the first day of the hearing on Monday... In the months before her arrest in May 2023, the Utah mother self-published the children’s book Are You with Me? about a father with angel wings watching over his young son after passing away. The book could eventually play a key role for prosecutors in framing Eric Richins’ death as a calculated killing with an elaborate cover-up attempt."

Meme - "I called my girlfriend ungrateful.
My girlfriend and I have been together for almost two years now. Recently, she underwent an incredibly invasive medical procedure that would have been very expensive. Thankfully, my parents, who are incredibly loving and generous, paid for the entire procedure out of pocket. The procedure went extremely well, and after four weeks, she was walking and out of the hospital. Given everything my parents had done, I asked her to send them a thank you card in the mail. I understood she might not be feeling 100% right after leaving the hospital, so I was patient, I told her to take her time. However, as months went by, nothing was sent. I continued to remind her about it Eventually, she told me that the reason she hadn't sent the card was because of how I had been behaving. When I called her ungrateful for not thanking my parents with more than a over the phone "thank you", she responded that neither they nor I were entitled to anything from her. She said it was unreasonable for me to expect her to do anything in return, as it would make the gesture seem transactional. She is now upset, and so I am."

Meme - "AGE VERIFICATION. Play the best porn games online on nutaku.net"
"Did y'all know that women moaning during sex means that they want other nearby males to fight or join in? The sound of women moaning is supposed to attract nearby males to fight the guy having sex or join in. It's an unconscious biological reaction and maybe sometimes conscious. The woman evolutionarily wants to be impregnated by the best sperm from the most genetically fit superior warrior available. That's the evolutionary purpose women moaning during sex anyways. If you watch porn on mute, it doesn't nearly effect you as much if you are desensitized to nudity or not an emotionally immature puritan. If you look at sex realistically and in an objective scientific detached manner, it is just people mashing their body parts together. It's not that deep. If you are psychologically advanced and enough, it doesn't effect your brain, give you dopamine, or change your mental state or physiological state."
Why We Scream and Moan During Sex - "Gayle Brewer and Colin Hendrie in their study of why women make noises during sex found that 66 percent of the respondents moan just to speed up their partner’s orgasm, while 87 percent moan to pretend they are reaching their peak. Brewer and Hendrie show a dissociation of the timing of women experiencing orgasm and making copulatory vocalizations, indicating that these vocalizations are at least partly under control, thus providing women with an opportunity to manipulate male behavior to their advantage. The study also shows that women moan whenever they are getting bored, tired, or uncomfortable during sex, just so the man gets turned on and climaxes faster. Thus, while female orgasms were most commonly experienced during foreplay, copulatory vocalizations were reported to be made most often before and simultaneously with male ejaculation (Brewer & Hendrie, 2011)... People agree concerning the destructive value of faking. Nevertheless, in the above study, 87 percent of women admit that they moan in order to pretend they reach their peak. How can we make sense of this puzzle?  One explanation may be that it is difficult to distinguish between faked and genuine moans—it is somewhat easier in the case of extreme screams (and moans). If we combine this idea with the greater value of noise over silence in the sexual sphere, it seems that faking (moderate) moans can be quite beneficial. Moreover, such moans and screams not only increase the excitement of the partner; they can also increase that of the moaner/screamer. In this sense, they are valuable self-fulfilling prophecies."

My vagina has a hungry appetite, it’s not my fault she's chosen awful men - "How could I possibly be attracted to such an awful man?  This wasn’t the only time I chose a sexual partner poorly. I once had a brief fling with someone who hit on my friend just hours after sleeping with me.   But somehow, I blamed myself. I told myself I was too horny, too slutty (I’ve since reclaimed this word) or had somehow brought this on myself.  Almost every person I’ve talked to about sex and dating has told me similar tales – it always comes back to an obsession with guilt-tripping ourselves for our sexual and romantic experiences and urges, even though there is no benefit to it."

Meme - "when you're depressed af but you’re not a girl so nobody cares"

Trishita on X - "I had sex with everybody I wanted to now it’s time to get married😓"

slim on X - "as women we should start sending random men pussy pics so they can see how it feels !"

Meme - "Girl Who Lost Her Memory Falls In Love With The Same Boyfriend. Talk about a story of true love!"
"Babe you used to love anal, you just don't remember."

Meme - "Girls when they try OnlyFans and only make $12.54 in a months and now everyone in town knows what their pepperoni nipples look like"

Meme - "When a girl asks me to subscribe to her OnlyFans so I use my imagination to picture her naked for free *Professor X trying to use his telepathy*"

Garry Gray on X - "My wife turned to me and said “I was talking to you and you yawned six times am I boring you?” I said “those were not yawns. Those were six unsuccessful attempts to speak.” And then it went dark…"

The Suffragist Peace - "Preferences for conflict and cooperation are systematically different for men and women: across a variety of contexts, women generally prefer more peaceful options and are less supportive of making threats and initiating conflict. But how do these preferences affect states’ decisions for war and patterns of conflict at the international level, such as the democratic peace? Women have increasingly participated in political decision making over the last century because of suffragist movements. But although there is a large body of research on the democratic peace, the role of women's suffrage has gone unexplored. Drawing on theory, a meta-analysis of survey experiments in international relations, and analysis of crossnational conflict data, we show how features of women's preferences about the use of force translate into specific patterns of international conflict. When empowered by democratic institutions and suffrage, women's more pacific preferences generate a dyadic democratic peace (i.e., between democracies), as well as a monadic peace. Our analysis supports the view that the enfranchisement of women is essential for the democratic peace."
Why democracies are becoming less and less able to win wars. This also explains why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is becoming harder and harder to resolve

Meme - "When I see three women arguing on my post, I comment "The fat one's right", just to confuse them."

Meme - Harrison H. Smith: "This is a misreading of the chart, which ironically proves the actual point of the chart, which is that most women are midwits."
Aimee Terese @aimeeterese: Aly Drummond: "Your average chick is smarter than your average dude. Which is fine because there are no female Elon Musks or Nikola Teslas. This is a basic truth, midwits."
*Bell curves of IQ vs % of population, with women and men having the same mean IQ*

Meme - Woman in bed: "YOU'RE BIG, BUT I'VE HAD BIGGER."
Man in bed: "Really? Well... YOU'RE TIGHT, BUT I'VE HAD TIGHTER"

Meme - "Her- talk dirty to me
Him- no I can't
Her- try it, it's so sexy
Him- okay, you fat-ass cum-thirsty. ball sucking, sweat licking, ass-eating hoe, I'm gonna kill you tonight and then have sex with your corpse
Her- *woman in standing doggy position looking back* Take it easy, James"

Allie on X - "This is why women tend to trend socially liberal outwardly, regardless of what they believe deep down There’s a right answer, and there’s the answer you’re allowed to say in front of other girls But both of these women will reliably vote red once they’re married"
*2 white women being asked how many genders there are and one saying there're 2 but the other telling the first to shut up and spout the TRA line even though she agrees*

hoe_math on X - "I have met too many attractive, intelligent, quality women who struggle to find and maintain relationships because they aren't prepared for anything to be required of them.  They're not raising kids, paying bills, or doing much of anything else, but they feel entitled to a high-performing man who can provide a top-10% lifestyle.  My own last relationship went in this direction. She contributed... not very much (she tried on most days I guess), but considered her presence to be equal to the extra effort I put in. (To be fair, she felt ripped off too, even though I warned her about me.)  A lot of women have forgotten that there was NEVER a time in history when it was the woman's job to relax and be fawned over. They were constantly pregnant, gathering food, weaving cloth, churning butter... they brought something to the table."

Meme - sumar @myntheak: "So a rapper came to my city and my friend fucked him backstage while her bf was at the concert am I bad friend if I snitch ? Her legs were shaking the whole car ride home she had to cover with her sweater. he asked if she was cold"

Meme - "When she knows it stinks and looks back to confirm. *doggy with woman looking back*"

Meme - ">generation of men die in WWI
>women get vote
>women become majority electorate
>women institute welfare state
>men pay most taxes over lifetime
>mens taxes support welfare state
>welfare state supports single mothers
>single mothers raise criminals and drug addicts
>spike in crime and druggies
>men die in WWII
>feminism kicks in
>women demand no fault divorce
>state becomes husband
>divorce rates rise
>Men still pay most taxes
>Women receive most tax benefits
>men taxes supporting single mothers and nanny state
>women demand more
>women vote open borders
>women vote diversiy quotas
>women vote antimale pro women legislation
>all supported by mans taxes
>women can't stop themseves
>infrastructure decays
>education decays
>healthcare decays
>economy decays
>relationshps decay
>women double down on feminism
>men lose incentive to support system
>men say fuck off to society
>women shame/blame men for this
>men don't care
>shit society bums out
>men rebuild
>lessons learned"

Meme - "Hannah, 19
Midway Community Covenant Church
I have blue eye. I hate boy who are Jerks and i only like boy who like me for me."
"Is that your baby?"
"Yes why"
"I guess you went black and can't come back, lol"
"Hahaha your cute. You dont know anything about me or my son okay."
"I know you have a black son, you are white, and your on a website for hooking up, so I guess yo baby daddy is out of the picture."
"His dad died! So back the fuck up. And this website or app isnt just for hookup."
"I'm so sorry to hear that, gang violence is so unfortunate"
"Wasnt in a fucking gang"
"Drug overdose?"
"Cop killed him?"
"Your an asshole! Bye"
"Wait. I'm sorry."
"I have shit sense of humor, I was just nervous cuz your so pretty."
"Mmm okay."
"Ok so tell me a bit about you."
"No. You insulated me and my son for no reason and basically were rasict."
"Ya, I'm sorry about that to, really I am."
"I was just kinda wondering where the dad was in the picture."
"And when you said he was dead I didn't know how to respond"
"He is dead to us"
"Oh he's not actually dead? Arnt you kinda afraid he will try to take your child or something?"
"Lol actually that probably wouldn't happen"
"Being that he is black and all"

Meme - "girlhood is a spectrum
injured baby deer
cannibal cult leader"

Meme - "16-year-old yt girls when they grow up in an upper- middle class household, have a loving supportive family with both their parents, and pretty much have all luxuries provided to them their whole lives:
I have depression."

Meme - vae @vaeredd: "i hate being a girl pooping and peeing from the same hole fucking sucks"
Heem @heemlmao: "Vae I follow you for boobs not whatever this is"
"i'm a package deal. sometimes u get boobies n sometimes u get this"

Possum Reviews on X - "The girls calling your hobbies unattractive think OnlyFans is empowering."

Preteen skincare fetish is harming our girls — body and soul - "In my daughter’s bunk at summer camp this year, she was one of the only girls without a skincare routine. My daughter isn’t a teenager: She’s only 10. Her experience was an eye-opening lesson for me about the degree to which the skincare trend has infiltrated the pre-teen female experience. It turns out so many girls age 12 and under have their own Sephora rewards accounts that there’s a term for them among brand aficionados: “Sephora kids.” The aggressive marketing toward young girls happens mainly on social media, as influencers showcase their daily skincare regimens and brand preferences on TikTok, YouTube and Instagram. But the fad is perpetuated by cosmetics companies eager to cash in on a new generation of customers. It’s a lucrative market: Young consumers age 14 and under “drove 49% of drug store skin sales” in 2023, the Associated Press has reported, and by some estimates about a third of “prestige” sales at Sephora and similar outlets are now made to households with tweens and teens... Recently a mother on a parenting listserv I’m on solicited mother’s-helper jobs for her 11-year-old to fund the girl’s Sephora skincare shopping trips. “There are much worse things for her to be obsessed with, so this isn’t a battle I am fighting,” the mom wrote. Her daughter was too young to independently babysit, but not too young to have an expensive skincare routine... The routines being promoted aren’t put together by dermatologists or experts; many of these products are not meant for young, sensitive skin. As a result, doctors are reporting that girls as young as 8 years old are showing up at their offices with face rashes, chemical burns and other allergic reactions. Worse, though, is what this new mania represents: a social-media-fueled hyper-fixation on literally every pore of a girl’s skin. A preoccupation with physical appearance warps a healthy self-image — and is often a precursor to anxiety, depression and eating disorders... The phenomenon has all the red flags: Social media algorithms are feeding content to emotionally vulnerable young girls about achieving the perfect physical appearance, and corporations are all too happy to cash in. Grown adults have trouble finding peace when they constantly compare themselves to others on social media; how can children possibly discern what is real and what is Internet-created to ensnare them? Nobody comes away from spending hours in front of a mirror criticizing her flaws and imperfections feeling more confident, or more pleased with her appearance. Certainly not a pre-teen girl; that’s for sure. The message we’re sending to young girls is that in order to be a beautiful woman, they must spend hundreds of dollars and many hours researching and applying the latest dermatological concoctions. Is it any wonder that an increasing number of them, when they’re also told it’s possible to completely opt out of being female, decide they’d like to do so? When being a woman involves this expense and this physical and emotional toll, perhaps it’s logical that so many girls are coming to the conclusion that this hyper-feminine version of womanhood isn’t for them. The teen skincare obsession is a perfect storm of social-media-fueled narcissism and consumerism."

I Cheated on My Boyfriend; He Couldn't Forgive Me - Business Insider (aka "I spent 3 years trying to gain my boyfriend's trust after I cheated on him. What I really needed to do was forgive myself.")

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